/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "android-base/logging.h" static const char* TZDATA_FILENAME = "/tzdata"; // tzdata file header (as much as we need for the version): // byte[11] tzdata_version -- e.g. "tzdata2012f" static const int TZ_HEADER_LENGTH = 11; static void usage() { std::cerr << "Usage: tzdatacheck SYSTEM_TZ_DIR DATA_TZ_DIR\n" "\n" "Compares the headers of two tzdata files. If the one in SYSTEM_TZ_DIR is the\n" "same or a higher version than the one in DATA_TZ_DIR the DATA_TZ_DIR is renamed\n" "and then deleted.\n"; exit(1); } /* * Opens a file and fills headerBytes with the first byteCount bytes from the file. It is a fatal * error if the file is too small or cannot be opened. If the file does not exist false is returned. * If the bytes were read successfully then true is returned. */ static bool readHeader(const std::string& tzDataFileName, char* headerBytes, size_t byteCount) { FILE* tzDataFile = fopen(tzDataFileName.c_str(), "r"); if (tzDataFile == nullptr) { if (errno == ENOENT) { return false; } else { PLOG(FATAL) << "Error opening tzdata file " << tzDataFileName; } } size_t bytesRead = fread(headerBytes, 1, byteCount, tzDataFile); if (bytesRead != byteCount) { LOG(FATAL) << tzDataFileName << " is too small. " << byteCount << " bytes required"; } fclose(tzDataFile); return true; } /* Checks the contents of headerBytes. It is a fatal error if it not a tzdata header. */ static void checkValidHeader(const std::string& fileName, char* headerBytes) { if (strncmp("tzdata", headerBytes, 6) != 0) { LOG(FATAL) << fileName << " does not start with the expected bytes (tzdata)"; } } /* Return the parent directory of dirName. */ static std::string getParentDir(const std::string& dirName) { std::unique_ptr mutable_dirname(strdup(dirName.c_str())); return dirname(mutable_dirname.get()); } /* Deletes a single file, symlink or directory. Called from nftw(). */ static int deleteFn(const char* fpath, const struct stat*, int typeflag, struct FTW*) { LOG(DEBUG) << "Inspecting " << fpath; switch (typeflag) { case FTW_F: case FTW_SL: LOG(DEBUG) << "Unlinking " << fpath; if (unlink(fpath)) { PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to unlink file/symlink " << fpath; } break; case FTW_D: case FTW_DP: LOG(DEBUG) << "Removing dir " << fpath; if (rmdir(fpath)) { PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to remove dir " << fpath; } break; default: LOG(WARNING) << "Unsupported file type " << fpath << ": " << typeflag; break; } return 0; } /* * Deletes dirToDelete and returns true if it is successful in removing or moving the directory out * of the way. If dirToDelete does not exist this function does nothing and returns true. * * During deletion, this function first renames the directory to a temporary name. If the temporary * directory cannot be created, or the directory cannot be renamed, false is returned. After the * rename, deletion of files and subdirs beneath the directory is performed on a "best effort" * basis. Symlinks beneath the directory are not followed. */ static bool deleteDir(const std::string& dirToDelete) { // Check whether the dir exists. struct stat buf; if (stat(dirToDelete.c_str(), &buf) == 0) { if (!S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) { LOG(WARNING) << dirToDelete << " is not a directory"; return false; } } else { if (errno == ENOENT) { PLOG(INFO) << "Directory does not exist: " << dirToDelete; return true; } else { PLOG(WARNING) << "Unable to stat " << dirToDelete; return false; } } // First, rename dirToDelete. std::string tempDirNameTemplate = getParentDir(dirToDelete); tempDirNameTemplate += "/tempXXXXXX"; // Create an empty directory with the temporary name. For this we need a non-const char*. std::vector tempDirName(tempDirNameTemplate.length() + 1); strcpy(&tempDirName[0], tempDirNameTemplate.c_str()); if (mkdtemp(&tempDirName[0]) == nullptr) { PLOG(WARNING) << "Unable to create a temporary directory: " << tempDirNameTemplate; return false; } // Rename dirToDelete to tempDirName. int rc = rename(dirToDelete.c_str(), &tempDirName[0]); if (rc == -1) { PLOG(WARNING) << "Unable to rename directory from " << dirToDelete << " to " << &tempDirName[0]; return false; } // Recursively delete contents of tempDirName. rc = nftw(&tempDirName[0], deleteFn, 10 /* openFiles */, FTW_DEPTH | FTW_MOUNT | FTW_PHYS); if (rc == -1) { LOG(INFO) << "Could not delete directory: " << &tempDirName[0]; } return true; } /* * After a platform update it is likely that timezone data found on the system partition will be * newer than the version found in the data partition. This tool detects this case and removes the * version in /data along with any update metadata. * * Note: This code is related to code in com.android.server.updates.TzDataInstallReceiver. The * paths for the metadata and current timezone data must match. * * Typically on device the two args will be: * /system/usr/share/zoneinfo /data/misc/zoneinfo * * See usage() for usage notes. */ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 3) { usage(); } const char* systemZoneInfoDir = argv[1]; const char* dataZoneInfoDir = argv[2]; std::string dataCurrentDirName(dataZoneInfoDir); dataCurrentDirName += "/current"; std::string dataTzDataFileName(dataCurrentDirName); dataTzDataFileName += TZDATA_FILENAME; std::vector dataTzDataHeader; dataTzDataHeader.reserve(TZ_HEADER_LENGTH); bool dataFileExists = readHeader(dataTzDataFileName, dataTzDataHeader.data(), TZ_HEADER_LENGTH); if (!dataFileExists) { LOG(INFO) << "tzdata file " << dataTzDataFileName << " does not exist. No action required."; return 0; } checkValidHeader(dataTzDataFileName, dataTzDataHeader.data()); std::string systemTzDataFileName(systemZoneInfoDir); systemTzDataFileName += TZDATA_FILENAME; std::vector systemTzDataHeader; systemTzDataHeader.reserve(TZ_HEADER_LENGTH); bool systemFileExists = readHeader(systemTzDataFileName, systemTzDataHeader.data(), TZ_HEADER_LENGTH); if (!systemFileExists) { LOG(FATAL) << systemTzDataFileName << " does not exist or could not be opened"; } checkValidHeader(systemTzDataFileName, systemTzDataHeader.data()); if (strncmp(&systemTzDataHeader[0], &dataTzDataHeader[0], TZ_HEADER_LENGTH) < 0) { LOG(INFO) << "tzdata file " << dataTzDataFileName << " is the newer than " << systemTzDataFileName << ". No action required."; } else { // We have detected the case this tool is intended to prevent. Go fix it. LOG(INFO) << "tzdata file " << dataTzDataFileName << " is the same as or older than " << systemTzDataFileName << "; fixing..."; // Delete the update metadata std::string dataUpdatesDirName(dataZoneInfoDir); dataUpdatesDirName += "/updates"; LOG(INFO) << "Removing: " << dataUpdatesDirName; bool deleted = deleteDir(dataUpdatesDirName); if (!deleted) { LOG(WARNING) << "Deletion of install metadata " << dataUpdatesDirName << " was not successful"; } // Delete the TZ data LOG(INFO) << "Removing: " << dataCurrentDirName; deleted = deleteDir(dataCurrentDirName); if (!deleted) { LOG(WARNING) << "Deletion of tzdata " << dataCurrentDirName << " was not successful"; } } return 0; }