/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "storaged" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "storaged.h" #include "storaged_info.h" using namespace std; using namespace chrono; using namespace android::base; using namespace storaged_proto; using android::hardware::health::V2_0::IHealth; using android::hardware::health::V2_0::Result; using android::hardware::health::V2_0::StorageInfo; const string emmc_info_t::emmc_sysfs = "/sys/bus/mmc/devices/mmc0:0001/"; const string emmc_info_t::emmc_debugfs = "/d/mmc0/mmc0:0001/ext_csd"; const char* emmc_info_t::emmc_ver_str[9] = { "4.0", "4.1", "4.2", "4.3", "Obsolete", "4.41", "4.5", "5.0", "5.1" }; const string ufs_info_t::health_file = "/sys/devices/soc/624000.ufshc/health"; namespace { bool FileExists(const std::string& filename) { struct stat buffer; return stat(filename.c_str(), &buffer) == 0; } } // namespace storage_info_t* storage_info_t::get_storage_info(const sp& healthService) { if (healthService != nullptr) { return new health_storage_info_t(healthService); } if (FileExists(emmc_info_t::emmc_sysfs) || FileExists(emmc_info_t::emmc_debugfs)) { return new emmc_info_t; } if (FileExists(ufs_info_t::health_file)) { return new ufs_info_t; } return new storage_info_t; } void storage_info_t::load_perf_history_proto(const IOPerfHistory& perf_history) { Mutex::Autolock _l(si_mutex); if (!perf_history.has_day_start_sec() || perf_history.daily_perf_size() > (int)daily_perf.size() || perf_history.weekly_perf_size() > (int)weekly_perf.size()) { LOG_TO(SYSTEM, ERROR) << "Invalid IOPerfHistory proto"; return; } day_start_tp = {}; day_start_tp += chrono::seconds(perf_history.day_start_sec()); nr_samples = perf_history.nr_samples(); for (auto bw : perf_history.recent_perf()) { recent_perf.push_back(bw); } nr_days = perf_history.nr_days(); int i = 0; for (auto bw : perf_history.daily_perf()) { daily_perf[i++] = bw; } nr_weeks = perf_history.nr_weeks(); i = 0; for (auto bw : perf_history.weekly_perf()) { weekly_perf[i++] = bw; } } void storage_info_t::refresh(IOPerfHistory* perf_history) { struct statvfs buf; if (statvfs(userdata_path.c_str(), &buf) != 0) { PLOG_TO(SYSTEM, WARNING) << "Failed to get userdata info"; return; } userdata_total_kb = buf.f_bsize * buf.f_blocks >> 10; userdata_free_kb = buf.f_bfree * buf.f_blocks >> 10; Mutex::Autolock _l(si_mutex); perf_history->Clear(); perf_history->set_day_start_sec( duration_cast(day_start_tp.time_since_epoch()).count()); for (const uint32_t& bw : recent_perf) { perf_history->add_recent_perf(bw); } perf_history->set_nr_samples(nr_samples); for (const uint32_t& bw : daily_perf) { perf_history->add_daily_perf(bw); } perf_history->set_nr_days(nr_days); for (const uint32_t& bw : weekly_perf) { perf_history->add_weekly_perf(bw); } perf_history->set_nr_weeks(nr_weeks); } void storage_info_t::publish() { android_log_event_list(EVENTLOGTAG_EMMCINFO) << version << eol << lifetime_a << lifetime_b << LOG_ID_EVENTS; } void storage_info_t::update_perf_history(uint32_t bw, const time_point& tp) { Mutex::Autolock _l(si_mutex); if (tp > day_start_tp && duration_cast(tp - day_start_tp).count() < DAY_TO_SEC) { if (nr_samples >= recent_perf.size()) { recent_perf.push_back(bw); } else { recent_perf[nr_samples] = bw; } nr_samples++; return; } if (nr_samples < recent_perf.size()) { recent_perf.erase(recent_perf.begin() + nr_samples, recent_perf.end()); } uint32_t daily_avg_bw = 0; if (!recent_perf.empty()) { daily_avg_bw = accumulate(recent_perf.begin(), recent_perf.end(), 0) / recent_perf.size(); } day_start_tp = tp - chrono::seconds(duration_cast( tp.time_since_epoch()).count() % DAY_TO_SEC); nr_samples = 0; if (recent_perf.empty()) recent_perf.resize(1); recent_perf[nr_samples++] = bw; if (nr_days < WEEK_TO_DAYS) { daily_perf[nr_days++] = daily_avg_bw; return; } DCHECK(nr_days > 0); uint32_t week_avg_bw = accumulate(daily_perf.begin(), daily_perf.begin() + nr_days, 0) / nr_days; nr_days = 0; daily_perf[nr_days++] = daily_avg_bw; if (nr_weeks >= YEAR_TO_WEEKS) { nr_weeks = 0; } weekly_perf[nr_weeks++] = week_avg_bw; } vector storage_info_t::get_perf_history() { Mutex::Autolock _l(si_mutex); vector ret(3 + recent_perf.size() + daily_perf.size() + weekly_perf.size()); ret[0] = recent_perf.size(); ret[1] = daily_perf.size(); ret[2] = weekly_perf.size(); int start = 3; for (size_t i = 0; i < recent_perf.size(); i++) { int idx = (recent_perf.size() + nr_samples - 1 - i) % recent_perf.size(); ret[start + i] = recent_perf[idx]; } start += recent_perf.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < daily_perf.size(); i++) { int idx = (daily_perf.size() + nr_days - 1 - i) % daily_perf.size(); ret[start + i] = daily_perf[idx]; } start += daily_perf.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < weekly_perf.size(); i++) { int idx = (weekly_perf.size() + nr_weeks - 1 - i) % weekly_perf.size(); ret[start + i] = weekly_perf[idx]; } return ret; } uint32_t storage_info_t::get_recent_perf() { Mutex::Autolock _l(si_mutex); if (recent_perf.size() == 0) return 0; return accumulate(recent_perf.begin(), recent_perf.end(), recent_perf.size() / 2) / recent_perf.size(); } void emmc_info_t::report() { if (!report_sysfs() && !report_debugfs()) return; publish(); } bool emmc_info_t::report_sysfs() { string buffer; uint16_t rev = 0; if (!ReadFileToString(emmc_sysfs + "rev", &buffer)) { return false; } if (sscanf(buffer.c_str(), "0x%hx", &rev) < 1 || rev < 7 || rev > ARRAY_SIZE(emmc_ver_str)) { return false; } version = "emmc "; version += emmc_ver_str[rev]; if (!ReadFileToString(emmc_sysfs + "pre_eol_info", &buffer)) { return false; } if (sscanf(buffer.c_str(), "%hx", &eol) < 1 || eol == 0) { return false; } if (!ReadFileToString(emmc_sysfs + "life_time", &buffer)) { return false; } if (sscanf(buffer.c_str(), "0x%hx 0x%hx", &lifetime_a, &lifetime_b) < 2 || (lifetime_a == 0 && lifetime_b == 0)) { return false; } return true; } namespace { const size_t EXT_CSD_FILE_MIN_SIZE = 1024; /* 2 characters in string for each byte */ const size_t EXT_CSD_REV_IDX = 192 * 2; const size_t EXT_PRE_EOL_INFO_IDX = 267 * 2; const size_t EXT_DEVICE_LIFE_TIME_EST_A_IDX = 268 * 2; const size_t EXT_DEVICE_LIFE_TIME_EST_B_IDX = 269 * 2; } // namespace bool emmc_info_t::report_debugfs() { string buffer; uint16_t rev = 0; if (!ReadFileToString(emmc_debugfs, &buffer) || buffer.length() < (size_t)EXT_CSD_FILE_MIN_SIZE) { return false; } string str = buffer.substr(EXT_CSD_REV_IDX, 2); if (!ParseUint(str, &rev) || rev < 7 || rev > ARRAY_SIZE(emmc_ver_str)) { return false; } version = "emmc "; version += emmc_ver_str[rev]; str = buffer.substr(EXT_PRE_EOL_INFO_IDX, 2); if (!ParseUint(str, &eol)) { return false; } str = buffer.substr(EXT_DEVICE_LIFE_TIME_EST_A_IDX, 2); if (!ParseUint(str, &lifetime_a)) { return false; } str = buffer.substr(EXT_DEVICE_LIFE_TIME_EST_B_IDX, 2); if (!ParseUint(str, &lifetime_b)) { return false; } return true; } void ufs_info_t::report() { string buffer; if (!ReadFileToString(health_file, &buffer)) { return; } vector lines = Split(buffer, "\n"); if (lines.empty()) { return; } char rev[8]; if (sscanf(lines[0].c_str(), "ufs version: 0x%7s\n", rev) < 1) { return; } version = "ufs " + string(rev); for (size_t i = 1; i < lines.size(); i++) { char token[32]; uint16_t val; int ret; if ((ret = sscanf(lines[i].c_str(), "Health Descriptor[Byte offset 0x%*d]: %31s = 0x%hx", token, &val)) < 2) { continue; } if (string(token) == "bPreEOLInfo") { eol = val; } else if (string(token) == "bDeviceLifeTimeEstA") { lifetime_a = val; } else if (string(token) == "bDeviceLifeTimeEstB") { lifetime_b = val; } } if (eol == 0 || (lifetime_a == 0 && lifetime_b == 0)) { return; } publish(); } void health_storage_info_t::report() { auto ret = mHealth->getStorageInfo([this](auto result, const auto& halInfos) { if (result != Result::SUCCESS || halInfos.size() == 0) { LOG_TO(SYSTEM, DEBUG) << "getStorageInfo failed with result " << toString(result) << " and size " << halInfos.size(); return; } set_values_from_hal_storage_info(halInfos[0]); publish(); }); if (!ret.isOk()) { LOG_TO(SYSTEM, DEBUG) << "getStorageInfo failed with " << ret.description(); } } void health_storage_info_t::set_values_from_hal_storage_info(const StorageInfo& halInfo) { eol = halInfo.eol; lifetime_a = halInfo.lifetimeA; lifetime_b = halInfo.lifetimeB; version = halInfo.version; }