/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "action.h" #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" using android::base::Join; using android::base::StartsWith; namespace android { namespace init { Result RunBuiltinFunction(const BuiltinFunction& function, const std::vector& args, const std::string& context) { auto builtin_arguments = BuiltinArguments(context); builtin_arguments.args.resize(args.size()); builtin_arguments.args[0] = args[0]; for (std::size_t i = 1; i < args.size(); ++i) { if (!expand_props(args[i], &builtin_arguments.args[i])) { return Error() << "cannot expand '" << args[i] << "'"; } } return function(builtin_arguments); } Command::Command(BuiltinFunction f, bool execute_in_subcontext, const std::vector& args, int line) : func_(std::move(f)), execute_in_subcontext_(execute_in_subcontext), args_(args), line_(line) {} Result Command::InvokeFunc(Subcontext* subcontext) const { if (execute_in_subcontext_ && subcontext) { return subcontext->Execute(args_); } else { const std::string& context = subcontext ? subcontext->context() : kInitContext; return RunBuiltinFunction(func_, args_, context); } } std::string Command::BuildCommandString() const { return Join(args_, ' '); } Action::Action(bool oneshot, Subcontext* subcontext, const std::string& filename, int line) : oneshot_(oneshot), subcontext_(subcontext), filename_(filename), line_(line) {} const KeywordFunctionMap* Action::function_map_ = nullptr; Result Action::AddCommand(const std::vector& args, int line) { if (!function_map_) { return Error() << "no function map available"; } auto function = function_map_->FindFunction(args); if (!function) return Error() << function.error(); commands_.emplace_back(function->second, function->first, args, line); return Success(); } void Action::AddCommand(BuiltinFunction f, const std::vector& args, int line) { commands_.emplace_back(f, false, args, line); } std::size_t Action::NumCommands() const { return commands_.size(); } void Action::ExecuteOneCommand(std::size_t command) const { // We need a copy here since some Command execution may result in // changing commands_ vector by importing .rc files through parser Command cmd = commands_[command]; ExecuteCommand(cmd); } void Action::ExecuteAllCommands() const { for (const auto& c : commands_) { ExecuteCommand(c); } } void Action::ExecuteCommand(const Command& command) const { android::base::Timer t; auto result = command.InvokeFunc(subcontext_); auto duration = t.duration(); // There are many legacy paths in rootdir/init.rc that will virtually never exist on a new // device, such as '/sys/class/leds/jogball-backlight/brightness'. As of this writing, there // are 198 such failures on bullhead. Instead of spamming the log reporting them, we do not // report such failures unless we're running at the DEBUG log level. bool report_failure = !result.has_value(); if (report_failure && android::base::GetMinimumLogSeverity() > android::base::DEBUG && result.error_errno() == ENOENT) { report_failure = false; } // Any action longer than 50ms will be warned to user as slow operation if (report_failure || duration > 50ms || android::base::GetMinimumLogSeverity() <= android::base::DEBUG) { std::string trigger_name = BuildTriggersString(); std::string cmd_str = command.BuildCommandString(); LOG(INFO) << "Command '" << cmd_str << "' action=" << trigger_name << " (" << filename_ << ":" << command.line() << ") took " << duration.count() << "ms and " << (result ? "succeeded" : "failed: " + result.error_string()); } } Result Action::ParsePropertyTrigger(const std::string& trigger) { const static std::string prop_str("property:"); std::string prop_name(trigger.substr(prop_str.length())); size_t equal_pos = prop_name.find('='); if (equal_pos == std::string::npos) { return Error() << "property trigger found without matching '='"; } std::string prop_value(prop_name.substr(equal_pos + 1)); prop_name.erase(equal_pos); if (auto [it, inserted] = property_triggers_.emplace(prop_name, prop_value); !inserted) { return Error() << "multiple property triggers found for same property"; } return Success(); } Result Action::InitTriggers(const std::vector& args) { const static std::string prop_str("property:"); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) { if (args[i].empty()) { return Error() << "empty trigger is not valid"; } if (i % 2) { if (args[i] != "&&") { return Error() << "&& is the only symbol allowed to concatenate actions"; } else { continue; } } if (!args[i].compare(0, prop_str.length(), prop_str)) { if (auto result = ParsePropertyTrigger(args[i]); !result) { return result; } } else { if (!event_trigger_.empty()) { return Error() << "multiple event triggers are not allowed"; } event_trigger_ = args[i]; } } return Success(); } Result Action::InitSingleTrigger(const std::string& trigger) { std::vector name_vector{trigger}; if (auto result = InitTriggers(name_vector); !result) { return Error() << "InitTriggers() failed: " << result.error(); } return Success(); } // This function checks that all property triggers are satisfied, that is // for each (name, value) in property_triggers_, check that the current // value of the property 'name' == value. // // It takes an optional (name, value) pair, which if provided must // be present in property_triggers_; it skips the check of the current // property value for this pair. bool Action::CheckPropertyTriggers(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) const { if (property_triggers_.empty()) { return true; } bool found = name.empty(); for (const auto& [trigger_name, trigger_value] : property_triggers_) { if (trigger_name == name) { if (trigger_value != "*" && trigger_value != value) { return false; } else { found = true; } } else { std::string prop_val = android::base::GetProperty(trigger_name, ""); if (prop_val.empty() || (trigger_value != "*" && trigger_value != prop_val)) { return false; } } } return found; } bool Action::CheckEvent(const EventTrigger& event_trigger) const { return event_trigger == event_trigger_ && CheckPropertyTriggers(); } bool Action::CheckEvent(const PropertyChange& property_change) const { const auto& [name, value] = property_change; return event_trigger_.empty() && CheckPropertyTriggers(name, value); } bool Action::CheckEvent(const BuiltinAction& builtin_action) const { return this == builtin_action; } std::string Action::BuildTriggersString() const { std::vector triggers; for (const auto& [trigger_name, trigger_value] : property_triggers_) { triggers.emplace_back(trigger_name + '=' + trigger_value); } if (!event_trigger_.empty()) { triggers.emplace_back(event_trigger_); } return Join(triggers, " && "); } void Action::DumpState() const { std::string trigger_name = BuildTriggersString(); LOG(INFO) << "on " << trigger_name; for (const auto& c : commands_) { std::string cmd_str = c.BuildCommandString(); LOG(INFO) << " " << cmd_str; } } ActionManager::ActionManager() : current_command_(0) { } ActionManager& ActionManager::GetInstance() { static ActionManager instance; return instance; } void ActionManager::AddAction(std::unique_ptr action) { actions_.emplace_back(std::move(action)); } void ActionManager::QueueEventTrigger(const std::string& trigger) { event_queue_.emplace(trigger); } void ActionManager::QueuePropertyChange(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { event_queue_.emplace(std::make_pair(name, value)); } void ActionManager::QueueAllPropertyActions() { QueuePropertyChange("", ""); } void ActionManager::QueueBuiltinAction(BuiltinFunction func, const std::string& name) { auto action = std::make_unique(true, nullptr, "", 0); std::vector name_vector{name}; if (auto result = action->InitSingleTrigger(name); !result) { LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot queue BuiltinAction for " << name << ": " << result.error(); return; } action->AddCommand(func, name_vector, 0); event_queue_.emplace(action.get()); actions_.emplace_back(std::move(action)); } void ActionManager::ExecuteOneCommand() { // Loop through the event queue until we have an action to execute while (current_executing_actions_.empty() && !event_queue_.empty()) { for (const auto& action : actions_) { if (std::visit([&action](const auto& event) { return action->CheckEvent(event); }, event_queue_.front())) { current_executing_actions_.emplace(action.get()); } } event_queue_.pop(); } if (current_executing_actions_.empty()) { return; } auto action = current_executing_actions_.front(); if (current_command_ == 0) { std::string trigger_name = action->BuildTriggersString(); LOG(INFO) << "processing action (" << trigger_name << ") from (" << action->filename() << ":" << action->line() << ")"; } action->ExecuteOneCommand(current_command_); // If this was the last command in the current action, then remove // the action from the executing list. // If this action was oneshot, then also remove it from actions_. ++current_command_; if (current_command_ == action->NumCommands()) { current_executing_actions_.pop(); current_command_ = 0; if (action->oneshot()) { auto eraser = [&action] (std::unique_ptr& a) { return a.get() == action; }; actions_.erase(std::remove_if(actions_.begin(), actions_.end(), eraser)); } } } bool ActionManager::HasMoreCommands() const { return !current_executing_actions_.empty() || !event_queue_.empty(); } void ActionManager::DumpState() const { for (const auto& a : actions_) { a->DumpState(); } } void ActionManager::ClearQueue() { // We are shutting down so don't claim the oneshot builtin actions back current_executing_actions_ = {}; event_queue_ = {}; current_command_ = 0; } Result ActionParser::ParseSection(std::vector&& args, const std::string& filename, int line) { std::vector triggers(args.begin() + 1, args.end()); if (triggers.size() < 1) { return Error() << "Actions must have a trigger"; } Subcontext* action_subcontext = nullptr; if (subcontexts_) { for (auto& subcontext : *subcontexts_) { if (StartsWith(filename, subcontext.path_prefix())) { action_subcontext = &subcontext; break; } } } auto action = std::make_unique(false, action_subcontext, filename, line); if (auto result = action->InitTriggers(triggers); !result) { return Error() << "InitTriggers() failed: " << result.error(); } action_ = std::move(action); return Success(); } Result ActionParser::ParseLineSection(std::vector&& args, int line) { return action_ ? action_->AddCommand(std::move(args), line) : Success(); } Result ActionParser::EndSection() { if (action_ && action_->NumCommands() > 0) { action_manager_->AddAction(std::move(action_)); } return Success(); } } // namespace init } // namespace android