/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fs_mgr_priv.h" using namespace std::literals; using namespace android::dm; using namespace android::fs_mgr; #if ALLOW_ADBD_DISABLE_VERITY == 0 // If we are a user build, provide stubs bool fs_mgr_overlayfs_mount_all(const fstab*) { return false; } std::vector fs_mgr_overlayfs_required_devices(const fstab*) { return {}; } bool fs_mgr_overlayfs_setup(const char*, const char*, bool* change) { if (change) *change = false; return false; } bool fs_mgr_overlayfs_teardown(const char*, bool* change) { if (change) *change = false; return false; } #else // ALLOW_ADBD_DISABLE_VERITY == 0 namespace { // list of acceptable overlayfs backing storage const auto kScratchMountPoint = "/mnt/scratch"s; const auto kCacheMountPoint = "/cache"s; const std::vector kOverlayMountPoints = {kScratchMountPoint, kCacheMountPoint}; // Return true if everything is mounted, but before adb is started. Right // after 'trigger load_persist_props_action' is done. bool fs_mgr_boot_completed() { return android::base::GetBoolProperty("ro.persistent_properties.ready", false); } bool fs_mgr_is_dir(const std::string& path) { struct stat st; return !stat(path.c_str(), &st) && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode); } // Similar test as overlayfs workdir= validation in the kernel for read-write // validation, except we use fs_mgr_work. Covers space and storage issues. bool fs_mgr_dir_is_writable(const std::string& path) { auto test_directory = path + "/fs_mgr_work"; rmdir(test_directory.c_str()); auto ret = !mkdir(test_directory.c_str(), 0700); return ret | !rmdir(test_directory.c_str()); } std::string fs_mgr_get_context(const std::string& mount_point) { char* ctx = nullptr; auto len = getfilecon(mount_point.c_str(), &ctx); if ((len > 0) && ctx) { std::string context(ctx, len); free(ctx); return context; } return ""; } // At less than 1% free space return value of false, // means we will try to wrap with overlayfs. bool fs_mgr_filesystem_has_space(const char* mount_point) { // If we have access issues to find out space remaining, return true // to prevent us trying to override with overlayfs. struct statvfs vst; if (statvfs(mount_point, &vst)) return true; static constexpr int kPercentThreshold = 1; // 1% return (vst.f_bfree >= (vst.f_blocks * kPercentThreshold / 100)); } bool fs_mgr_overlayfs_enabled(const struct fstab_rec* fsrec) { // readonly filesystem, can not be mount -o remount,rw // if squashfs or if free space is (near) zero making such a remount // virtually useless, or if there are shared blocks that prevent remount,rw return ("squashfs"s == fsrec->fs_type) || fs_mgr_has_shared_blocks(fsrec->mount_point, fsrec->blk_device) || !fs_mgr_filesystem_has_space(fsrec->mount_point); } const auto kUpperName = "upper"s; const auto kWorkName = "work"s; const auto kOverlayTopDir = "/overlay"s; std::string fs_mgr_get_overlayfs_candidate(const std::string& mount_point) { if (!fs_mgr_is_dir(mount_point)) return ""; const auto base = android::base::Basename(mount_point) + "/"; for (const auto& overlay_mount_point : kOverlayMountPoints) { auto dir = overlay_mount_point + kOverlayTopDir + "/" + base; auto upper = dir + kUpperName; if (!fs_mgr_is_dir(upper)) continue; auto work = dir + kWorkName; if (!fs_mgr_is_dir(work)) continue; if (!fs_mgr_dir_is_writable(work)) continue; return dir; } return ""; } const auto kLowerdirOption = "lowerdir="s; const auto kUpperdirOption = "upperdir="s; // default options for mount_point, returns empty string for none available. std::string fs_mgr_get_overlayfs_options(const std::string& mount_point) { auto candidate = fs_mgr_get_overlayfs_candidate(mount_point); if (candidate.empty()) return ""; return "override_creds=off," + kLowerdirOption + mount_point + "," + kUpperdirOption + candidate + kUpperName + ",workdir=" + candidate + kWorkName; } const char* fs_mgr_mount_point(const char* mount_point) { if (!mount_point) return mount_point; if ("/"s != mount_point) return mount_point; return "/system"; } bool fs_mgr_access(const std::string& path) { auto save_errno = errno; auto ret = access(path.c_str(), F_OK) == 0; errno = save_errno; return ret; } bool fs_mgr_rw_access(const std::string& path) { if (path.empty()) return false; auto save_errno = errno; auto ret = access(path.c_str(), R_OK | W_OK) == 0; errno = save_errno; return ret; } // return true if system supports overlayfs bool fs_mgr_wants_overlayfs() { // Properties will return empty on init first_stage_mount, so speculative // determination, empty (unset) _or_ "1" is true which differs from the // official ro.debuggable policy. ALLOW_ADBD_DISABLE_VERITY == 0 should // protect us from false in any case, so this is insurance. auto debuggable = android::base::GetProperty("ro.debuggable", "1"); if (debuggable != "1") return false; // Overlayfs available in the kernel, and patched for override_creds? return fs_mgr_access("/sys/module/overlay/parameters/override_creds"); } bool fs_mgr_overlayfs_already_mounted(const std::string& mount_point, bool overlay_only = true) { std::unique_ptr fstab(fs_mgr_read_fstab("/proc/mounts"), fs_mgr_free_fstab); if (!fstab) return false; const auto lowerdir = kLowerdirOption + mount_point; for (auto i = 0; i < fstab->num_entries; ++i) { const auto fsrec = &fstab->recs[i]; const auto fs_type = fsrec->fs_type; if (!fs_type) continue; if (overlay_only && ("overlay"s != fs_type) && ("overlayfs"s != fs_type)) continue; auto fsrec_mount_point = fsrec->mount_point; if (!fsrec_mount_point) continue; if (mount_point != fsrec_mount_point) continue; if (!overlay_only) return true; const auto fs_options = fsrec->fs_options; if (!fs_options) continue; const auto options = android::base::Split(fs_options, ","); for (const auto& opt : options) { if (opt == lowerdir) { return true; } } } return false; } std::vector fs_mgr_overlayfs_verity_enabled_list() { std::vector ret; fs_mgr_update_verity_state([&ret](fstab_rec*, const char* mount_point, int, int) { ret.emplace_back(mount_point); }); return ret; } bool fs_mgr_wants_overlayfs(const fstab_rec* fsrec) { if (!fsrec) return false; auto fsrec_mount_point = fsrec->mount_point; if (!fsrec_mount_point || !fsrec_mount_point[0]) return false; if (!fsrec->blk_device) return false; if (!fsrec->fs_type) return false; // Don't check entries that are managed by vold. if (fsrec->fs_mgr_flags & (MF_VOLDMANAGED | MF_RECOVERYONLY)) return false; // Only concerned with readonly partitions. if (!(fsrec->flags & MS_RDONLY)) return false; // If unbindable, do not allow overlayfs as this could expose us to // security issues. On Android, this could also be used to turn off // the ability to overlay an otherwise acceptable filesystem since // /system and /vendor are never bound(sic) to. if (fsrec->flags & MS_UNBINDABLE) return false; if (!fs_mgr_overlayfs_enabled(fsrec)) return false; return true; } bool fs_mgr_rm_all(const std::string& path, bool* change = nullptr, int level = 0) { auto save_errno = errno; std::unique_ptr dir(opendir(path.c_str()), closedir); if (!dir) { if (errno == ENOENT) { errno = save_errno; return true; } PERROR << "opendir " << path << " depth=" << level; if ((errno == EPERM) && (level != 0)) { errno = save_errno; return true; } return false; } dirent* entry; auto ret = true; while ((entry = readdir(dir.get()))) { if (("."s == entry->d_name) || (".."s == entry->d_name)) continue; auto file = path + "/" + entry->d_name; if (entry->d_type == DT_UNKNOWN) { struct stat st; save_errno = errno; if (!lstat(file.c_str(), &st) && (st.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) entry->d_type = DT_DIR; errno = save_errno; } if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR) { ret &= fs_mgr_rm_all(file, change, level + 1); if (!rmdir(file.c_str())) { if (change) *change = true; } else { if (errno != ENOENT) ret = false; PERROR << "rmdir " << file << " depth=" << level; } continue; } if (!unlink(file.c_str())) { if (change) *change = true; } else { if (errno != ENOENT) ret = false; PERROR << "rm " << file << " depth=" << level; } } return ret; } constexpr char kOverlayfsFileContext[] = "u:object_r:overlayfs_file:s0"; bool fs_mgr_overlayfs_setup_dir(const std::string& dir, std::string* overlay, bool* change) { auto ret = true; auto top = dir + kOverlayTopDir; if (setfscreatecon(kOverlayfsFileContext)) { ret = false; PERROR << "setfscreatecon " << kOverlayfsFileContext; } auto save_errno = errno; if (!mkdir(top.c_str(), 0755)) { if (change) *change = true; } else if (errno != EEXIST) { ret = false; PERROR << "mkdir " << top; } else { errno = save_errno; } setfscreatecon(nullptr); if (overlay) *overlay = std::move(top); return ret; } bool fs_mgr_overlayfs_setup_one(const std::string& overlay, const std::string& mount_point, bool* change) { auto ret = true; auto fsrec_mount_point = overlay + "/" + android::base::Basename(mount_point) + "/"; if (setfscreatecon(kOverlayfsFileContext)) { ret = false; PERROR << "setfscreatecon " << kOverlayfsFileContext; } auto save_errno = errno; if (!mkdir(fsrec_mount_point.c_str(), 0755)) { if (change) *change = true; } else if (errno != EEXIST) { ret = false; PERROR << "mkdir " << fsrec_mount_point; } else { errno = save_errno; } save_errno = errno; if (!mkdir((fsrec_mount_point + kWorkName).c_str(), 0755)) { if (change) *change = true; } else if (errno != EEXIST) { ret = false; PERROR << "mkdir " << fsrec_mount_point << kWorkName; } else { errno = save_errno; } setfscreatecon(nullptr); auto new_context = fs_mgr_get_context(mount_point); if (!new_context.empty() && setfscreatecon(new_context.c_str())) { ret = false; PERROR << "setfscreatecon " << new_context; } auto upper = fsrec_mount_point + kUpperName; save_errno = errno; if (!mkdir(upper.c_str(), 0755)) { if (change) *change = true; } else if (errno != EEXIST) { ret = false; PERROR << "mkdir " << upper; } else { errno = save_errno; } if (!new_context.empty()) setfscreatecon(nullptr); return ret; } uint32_t fs_mgr_overlayfs_slot_number() { return SlotNumberForSlotSuffix(fs_mgr_get_slot_suffix()); } std::string fs_mgr_overlayfs_super_device(uint32_t slot_number) { return "/dev/block/by-name/" + fs_mgr_get_super_partition_name(slot_number); } bool fs_mgr_overlayfs_has_logical(const fstab* fstab) { if (!fstab) return false; for (auto i = 0; i < fstab->num_entries; i++) { const auto fsrec = &fstab->recs[i]; if (fs_mgr_is_logical(fsrec)) return true; } return false; } // reduce 'DM_DEV_STATUS failed for scratch: No such device or address' noise std::string scratch_device_cache; bool fs_mgr_overlayfs_teardown_scratch(const std::string& overlay, bool* change) { // umount and delete kScratchMountPoint storage if we have logical partitions if (overlay != kScratchMountPoint) return true; scratch_device_cache.erase(); auto slot_number = fs_mgr_overlayfs_slot_number(); auto super_device = fs_mgr_overlayfs_super_device(slot_number); if (!fs_mgr_rw_access(super_device)) return true; auto save_errno = errno; if (fs_mgr_overlayfs_already_mounted(kScratchMountPoint, false)) { // Lazy umount will allow us to move on and possibly later // establish a new fresh mount without requiring a reboot should // the developer wish to restart. Old references should melt // away or have no data. Main goal is to shut the door on the // current overrides with an expectation of a subsequent reboot, // thus any errors here are ignored. umount2(kScratchMountPoint.c_str(), MNT_DETACH); } auto builder = MetadataBuilder::New(super_device, slot_number); if (!builder) { errno = save_errno; return true; } const auto partition_name = android::base::Basename(kScratchMountPoint); if (builder->FindPartition(partition_name) == nullptr) { errno = save_errno; return true; } builder->RemovePartition(partition_name); auto metadata = builder->Export(); if (metadata && UpdatePartitionTable(super_device, *metadata.get(), slot_number)) { if (change) *change = true; if (!DestroyLogicalPartition(partition_name, 0s)) return false; } else { PERROR << "delete partition " << overlay; return false; } errno = save_errno; return true; } bool fs_mgr_overlayfs_teardown_one(const std::string& overlay, const std::string& mount_point, bool* change) { const auto top = overlay + kOverlayTopDir; if (!fs_mgr_access(top)) return fs_mgr_overlayfs_teardown_scratch(overlay, change); auto cleanup_all = mount_point.empty(); const auto partition_name = android::base::Basename(mount_point); const auto oldpath = top + (cleanup_all ? "" : ("/" + partition_name)); const auto newpath = cleanup_all ? overlay + "/." + kOverlayTopDir.substr(1) + ".teardown" : top + "/." + partition_name + ".teardown"; auto ret = fs_mgr_rm_all(newpath); auto save_errno = errno; if (!rename(oldpath.c_str(), newpath.c_str())) { if (change) *change = true; } else if (errno != ENOENT) { ret = false; PERROR << "mv " << oldpath << " " << newpath; } else { errno = save_errno; } ret &= fs_mgr_rm_all(newpath, change); save_errno = errno; if (!rmdir(newpath.c_str())) { if (change) *change = true; } else if (errno != ENOENT) { ret = false; PERROR << "rmdir " << newpath; } else { errno = save_errno; } if (!cleanup_all) { save_errno = errno; if (!rmdir(top.c_str())) { if (change) *change = true; cleanup_all = true; } else if (errno == ENOTEMPTY) { cleanup_all = true; // cleanup all if the content is all hidden (leading .) std::unique_ptr dir(opendir(top.c_str()), closedir); if (!dir) { PERROR << "opendir " << top; } else { dirent* entry; while ((entry = readdir(dir.get()))) { if (entry->d_name[0] != '.') { cleanup_all = false; break; } } } errno = save_errno; } else if (errno == ENOENT) { cleanup_all = true; errno = save_errno; } else { ret = false; PERROR << "rmdir " << top; } } if (cleanup_all) ret &= fs_mgr_overlayfs_teardown_scratch(overlay, change); return ret; } bool fs_mgr_overlayfs_mount(const std::string& mount_point) { auto options = fs_mgr_get_overlayfs_options(mount_point); if (options.empty()) return false; // hijack __mount() report format to help triage auto report = "__mount(source=overlay,target="s + mount_point + ",type=overlay"; const auto opt_list = android::base::Split(options, ","); for (const auto opt : opt_list) { if (android::base::StartsWith(opt, kUpperdirOption)) { report = report + "," + opt; break; } } report = report + ")="; auto ret = mount("overlay", mount_point.c_str(), "overlay", MS_RDONLY | MS_RELATIME, options.c_str()); if (ret) { PERROR << report << ret; return false; } else { LINFO << report << ret; return true; } } std::vector fs_mgr_candidate_list(const fstab* fstab, const char* mount_point = nullptr) { std::vector mounts; if (!fstab) return mounts; auto verity = fs_mgr_overlayfs_verity_enabled_list(); for (auto i = 0; i < fstab->num_entries; i++) { const auto fsrec = &fstab->recs[i]; if (!fs_mgr_wants_overlayfs(fsrec)) continue; std::string new_mount_point(fs_mgr_mount_point(fsrec->mount_point)); if (mount_point && (new_mount_point != mount_point)) continue; if (std::find(verity.begin(), verity.end(), android::base::Basename(new_mount_point)) != verity.end()) { continue; } auto duplicate_or_more_specific = false; for (auto it = mounts.begin(); it != mounts.end();) { if ((*it == new_mount_point) || (android::base::StartsWith(new_mount_point, *it + "/"))) { duplicate_or_more_specific = true; break; } if (android::base::StartsWith(*it, new_mount_point + "/")) { it = mounts.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } if (!duplicate_or_more_specific) mounts.emplace_back(new_mount_point); } // if not itemized /system or /, system as root, fake one up? // do we want or need to? if (mount_point && ("/system"s != mount_point)) return mounts; if (std::find(mounts.begin(), mounts.end(), "/system") != mounts.end()) return mounts; // fs_mgr_overlayfs_verity_enabled_list says not to? if (std::find(verity.begin(), verity.end(), "system") != verity.end()) return mounts; // confirm that fstab is missing system if (fs_mgr_get_entry_for_mount_point(const_cast(fstab), "/")) { return mounts; } if (fs_mgr_get_entry_for_mount_point(const_cast(fstab), "/system")) { return mounts; } // We have a stunted fstab (w/o system or / ) passed in by the caller, // verity claims are assumed accurate because they are collected internally // from fs_mgr_fstab_default() from within fs_mgr_update_verity_state(), // Can (re)evaluate /system with impunity since we know it is ever-present. mounts.emplace_back("/system"); return mounts; } // Mount kScratchMountPoint bool fs_mgr_overlayfs_mount_scratch(const std::string& device_path, const std::string mnt_type) { if (!fs_mgr_rw_access(device_path)) return false; if (setfscreatecon(kOverlayfsFileContext)) { PERROR << "setfscreatecon " << kOverlayfsFileContext; } if (mkdir(kScratchMountPoint.c_str(), 0755) && (errno != EEXIST)) { PERROR << "create " << kScratchMountPoint; } std::unique_ptr local_fstab( static_cast(calloc(1, sizeof(fstab))), fs_mgr_free_fstab); auto fsrec = static_cast(calloc(1, sizeof(fstab_rec))); local_fstab->num_entries = 1; local_fstab->recs = fsrec; fsrec->blk_device = strdup(device_path.c_str()); fsrec->mount_point = strdup(kScratchMountPoint.c_str()); fsrec->fs_type = strdup(mnt_type.c_str()); fsrec->flags = MS_RELATIME; fsrec->fs_options = strdup(""); auto save_errno = errno; auto mounted = fs_mgr_do_mount_one(fsrec) == 0; if (!mounted) { free(fsrec->fs_type); if (mnt_type == "f2fs") { fsrec->fs_type = strdup("ext4"); } else { fsrec->fs_type = strdup("f2fs"); } mounted = fs_mgr_do_mount_one(fsrec) == 0; if (!mounted) save_errno = errno; } setfscreatecon(nullptr); if (!mounted) rmdir(kScratchMountPoint.c_str()); errno = save_errno; return mounted; } const std::string kMkF2fs("/system/bin/make_f2fs"); const std::string kMkExt4("/system/bin/mke2fs"); // Only a suggestion for _first_ try during mounting std::string fs_mgr_overlayfs_scratch_mount_type() { if (!access(kMkF2fs.c_str(), X_OK)) return "f2fs"; if (!access(kMkExt4.c_str(), X_OK)) return "ext4"; return "auto"; } std::string fs_mgr_overlayfs_scratch_device() { if (!scratch_device_cache.empty()) return scratch_device_cache; auto& dm = DeviceMapper::Instance(); const auto partition_name = android::base::Basename(kScratchMountPoint); std::string path; if (!dm.GetDmDevicePathByName(partition_name, &path)) return ""; return scratch_device_cache = path; } // Create and mount kScratchMountPoint storage if we have logical partitions bool fs_mgr_overlayfs_setup_scratch(const fstab* fstab, bool* change) { if (fs_mgr_overlayfs_already_mounted(kScratchMountPoint, false)) return true; auto mnt_type = fs_mgr_overlayfs_scratch_mount_type(); auto scratch_device = fs_mgr_overlayfs_scratch_device(); auto partition_exists = fs_mgr_rw_access(scratch_device); if (!partition_exists) { auto slot_number = fs_mgr_overlayfs_slot_number(); auto super_device = fs_mgr_overlayfs_super_device(slot_number); if (!fs_mgr_rw_access(super_device)) return false; if (!fs_mgr_overlayfs_has_logical(fstab)) return false; auto builder = MetadataBuilder::New(super_device, slot_number); if (!builder) { PERROR << "open " << super_device << " metadata"; return false; } const auto partition_name = android::base::Basename(kScratchMountPoint); partition_exists = builder->FindPartition(partition_name) != nullptr; if (!partition_exists) { auto partition = builder->AddPartition(partition_name, LP_PARTITION_ATTR_NONE); if (!partition) { PERROR << "create " << partition_name; return false; } auto partition_size = builder->AllocatableSpace() - builder->UsedSpace(); // 512MB or half the remaining available space, whichever is greater. partition_size = std::max(uint64_t(512 * 1024 * 1024), partition_size / 2); if (!builder->ResizePartition(partition, partition_size)) { PERROR << "resize " << partition_name; return false; } auto metadata = builder->Export(); if (!metadata) { LERROR << "generate new metadata " << partition_name; return false; } if (!UpdatePartitionTable(super_device, *metadata.get(), slot_number)) { LERROR << "update " << partition_name; return false; } if (change) *change = true; } if (!CreateLogicalPartition(super_device, slot_number, partition_name, true, 0s, &scratch_device)) return false; } if (partition_exists) { if (fs_mgr_overlayfs_mount_scratch(scratch_device, mnt_type)) { if (change) *change = true; return true; } // partition existed, but was not initialized; errno = 0; } auto ret = system((mnt_type == "f2fs") ? ((kMkF2fs + " -d1 " + scratch_device).c_str()) : ((kMkExt4 + " -b 4096 -t ext4 -m 0 -M " + kScratchMountPoint + " -O has_journal " + scratch_device) .c_str())); if (ret) { LERROR << "make " << mnt_type << " filesystem on " << scratch_device << " error=" << ret; return false; } if (change) *change = true; return fs_mgr_overlayfs_mount_scratch(scratch_device, mnt_type); } bool fs_mgr_overlayfs_scratch_can_be_mounted(const std::string& scratch_device) { if (scratch_device.empty()) return false; if (fs_mgr_overlayfs_already_mounted(kScratchMountPoint, false)) return false; if (fs_mgr_rw_access(scratch_device)) return true; auto slot_number = fs_mgr_overlayfs_slot_number(); auto super_device = fs_mgr_overlayfs_super_device(slot_number); if (!fs_mgr_rw_access(super_device)) return false; auto builder = MetadataBuilder::New(super_device, slot_number); if (!builder) return false; return builder->FindPartition(android::base::Basename(kScratchMountPoint)) != nullptr; } } // namespace bool fs_mgr_overlayfs_mount_all(const fstab* fstab) { auto ret = false; if (!fs_mgr_wants_overlayfs()) return ret; if (!fstab) return ret; auto scratch_can_be_mounted = true; for (const auto& mount_point : fs_mgr_candidate_list(fstab)) { if (fs_mgr_overlayfs_already_mounted(mount_point)) continue; if (scratch_can_be_mounted) { scratch_can_be_mounted = false; auto scratch_device = fs_mgr_overlayfs_scratch_device(); if (fs_mgr_overlayfs_scratch_can_be_mounted(scratch_device) && fs_mgr_wait_for_file(scratch_device, 10s) && fs_mgr_overlayfs_mount_scratch(scratch_device, fs_mgr_overlayfs_scratch_mount_type()) && !fs_mgr_access(kScratchMountPoint + kOverlayTopDir)) { umount2(kScratchMountPoint.c_str(), MNT_DETACH); rmdir(kScratchMountPoint.c_str()); } } if (fs_mgr_overlayfs_mount(mount_point)) ret = true; } return ret; } std::vector fs_mgr_overlayfs_required_devices(const fstab* fstab) { if (fs_mgr_get_entry_for_mount_point(const_cast(fstab), kScratchMountPoint)) { return {}; } for (const auto& mount_point : fs_mgr_candidate_list(fstab)) { if (fs_mgr_overlayfs_already_mounted(mount_point)) continue; auto device = fs_mgr_overlayfs_scratch_device(); if (!fs_mgr_overlayfs_scratch_can_be_mounted(device)) break; return {device}; } return {}; } // Returns false if setup not permitted, errno set to last error. // If something is altered, set *change. bool fs_mgr_overlayfs_setup(const char* backing, const char* mount_point, bool* change) { if (change) *change = false; auto ret = false; if (!fs_mgr_wants_overlayfs()) return ret; if (!fs_mgr_boot_completed()) { errno = EBUSY; PERROR << "setup"; return ret; } std::unique_ptr fstab(fs_mgr_read_fstab_default(), fs_mgr_free_fstab); if (!fstab) return ret; auto mounts = fs_mgr_candidate_list(fstab.get(), fs_mgr_mount_point(mount_point)); if (mounts.empty()) return ret; std::string dir; for (const auto& overlay_mount_point : kOverlayMountPoints) { if (backing && backing[0] && (overlay_mount_point != backing)) continue; if (overlay_mount_point == kScratchMountPoint) { if (!fs_mgr_rw_access(fs_mgr_overlayfs_super_device(fs_mgr_overlayfs_slot_number())) || !fs_mgr_overlayfs_has_logical(fstab.get())) { continue; } if (!fs_mgr_overlayfs_setup_scratch(fstab.get(), change)) continue; } else { if (!fs_mgr_get_entry_for_mount_point(fstab.get(), overlay_mount_point)) continue; } dir = overlay_mount_point; break; } if (dir.empty()) { errno = ESRCH; return ret; } std::string overlay; ret |= fs_mgr_overlayfs_setup_dir(dir, &overlay, change); for (const auto& fsrec_mount_point : mounts) { ret |= fs_mgr_overlayfs_setup_one(overlay, fsrec_mount_point, change); } return ret; } // Returns false if teardown not permitted, errno set to last error. // If something is altered, set *change. bool fs_mgr_overlayfs_teardown(const char* mount_point, bool* change) { if (change) *change = false; mount_point = fs_mgr_mount_point(mount_point); auto ret = true; // If scratch exists, but is not mounted, lets gain access to clean // specific override entries. if ((mount_point != nullptr) && !fs_mgr_overlayfs_already_mounted(kScratchMountPoint, false)) { auto scratch_device = fs_mgr_overlayfs_scratch_device(); if (scratch_device.empty()) { auto slot_number = fs_mgr_overlayfs_slot_number(); auto super_device = fs_mgr_overlayfs_super_device(slot_number); const auto partition_name = android::base::Basename(kScratchMountPoint); CreateLogicalPartition(super_device, slot_number, partition_name, true, 0s, &scratch_device); } fs_mgr_overlayfs_mount_scratch(scratch_device, fs_mgr_overlayfs_scratch_mount_type()); } for (const auto& overlay_mount_point : kOverlayMountPoints) { ret &= fs_mgr_overlayfs_teardown_one(overlay_mount_point, mount_point ?: "", change); } if (!fs_mgr_wants_overlayfs()) { // After obligatory teardown to make sure everything is clean, but if // we didn't want overlayfs in the the first place, we do not want to // waste time on a reboot (or reboot request message). if (change) *change = false; } // And now that we did what we could, lets inform // caller that there may still be more to do. if (!fs_mgr_boot_completed()) { errno = EBUSY; PERROR << "teardown"; ret = false; } return ret; } #endif // ALLOW_ADBD_DISABLE_VERITY != 0 bool fs_mgr_has_shared_blocks(const std::string& mount_point, const std::string& dev) { struct statfs fs; if ((statfs((mount_point + "/lost+found").c_str(), &fs) == -1) || (fs.f_type != EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC)) { return false; } android::base::unique_fd fd(open(dev.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC)); if (fd < 0) return false; struct ext4_super_block sb; if ((TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(lseek64(fd, 1024, SEEK_SET)) < 0) || (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(fd, &sb, sizeof(sb))) < 0)) { return false; } struct fs_info info; if (ext4_parse_sb(&sb, &info) < 0) return false; return (info.feat_ro_compat & EXT4_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_SHARED_BLOCKS) != 0; }