# This file is the LOCAL_INIT_RC file for the bootstat command. # Mirror bootloader boot reason to system boot reason # ro.boot.bootreason should be set by init already # before post-fs trigger on post-fs && property:ro.boot.bootreason=* setprop sys.boot.reason ${ro.boot.bootreason} on post-fs-data mkdir /data/misc/bootstat 0700 system log # To deal with ota transition resulting from a change in DAC from # root.root to system.log, may be deleted after ota has settled. chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/absolute_boot_time chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boot_complete chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boot_complete_no_encryption chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boot_reason chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boottime.bootloader.1BLE chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boottime.bootloader.1BLL chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boottime.bootloader.2BLE chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boottime.bootloader.2BLL chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boottime.bootloader.AVB chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boottime.bootloader.KD chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boottime.bootloader.KL chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boottime.bootloader.ODT chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boottime.bootloader.SW chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boottime.bootloader.total chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/build_date chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/factory_reset chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/factory_reset_boot_complete chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/factory_reset_boot_complete_no_encryption chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/factory_reset_current_time chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/factory_reset_record_value chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/last_boot_time_utc chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/ota_boot_complete chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/ota_boot_complete_no_encryption chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/post_decrypt_time_elapsed chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/ro.boottime.init chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/ro.boottime.init.cold_boot_wait chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/ro.boottime.init.selinux chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/time_since_factory_reset chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/time_since_last_boot # end ota transitional support # Record the time at which the user has successfully entered the pin to decrypt # the device, /data is decrypted, and the system is entering the main boot phase. # # post-fs-data: /data is writable # property:init.svc.bootanim=running: The boot animation is running # property:ro.crypto.type=block: FDE device on post-fs-data && property:init.svc.bootanim=running && property:ro.crypto.type=block exec_background - system log -- /system/bin/bootstat -r post_decrypt_time_elapsed # sys.logbootcomplete is a signal to enable the bootstat logging mechanism. # This signaling is necessary to prevent logging boot metrics after a runtime # restart (e.g., adb shell stop && adb shell start). /proc/uptime is not reset # during a runtime restart, which leads to false boot time metrics being reported. # # The 'on boot' event occurs once per hard boot (device power on), which # switches the flag on. If the device performs a runtime restart, the flag is # switched off and cannot be switched on until the device hard boots again. # Enable bootstat logging on boot. on boot setprop sys.logbootcomplete 1 # Disable further bootstat logging on a runtime restart. A runtime restart is # signaled by the zygote stopping. on property:init.svc.zygote=stopping setprop sys.logbootcomplete 0 # Set boot reason on zygote-start # Converts bootloader boot reason and persist.sys.boot.reason to system boot reason # Need go after persist peroperties are loaded which is right before zygote-start trigger exec_background - system log -- /system/bin/bootstat --set_system_boot_reason # Record boot complete metrics. on property:sys.boot_completed=1 && property:sys.logbootcomplete=1 # Record boot_complete and related stats (decryption, etc). # Record the boot reason. # Record time since factory reset. # Log all boot events. exec_background - system log -- /system/bin/bootstat --record_boot_complete --record_boot_reason --record_time_since_factory_reset -l