/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "android-base/test_utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(_WIN32) #include #include #define OS_PATH_SEPARATOR '\\' #else #define OS_PATH_SEPARATOR '/' #endif #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 int mkstemp(char* template_name) { if (_mktemp(template_name) == nullptr) { return -1; } // Use open() to match the close() that TemporaryFile's destructor does. // Use O_BINARY to match base file APIs. return open(template_name, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR | O_BINARY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); } char* mkdtemp(char* template_name) { if (_mktemp(template_name) == nullptr) { return nullptr; } if (_mkdir(template_name) == -1) { return nullptr; } return template_name; } #endif static std::string GetSystemTempDir() { #if defined(__ANDROID__) const char* tmpdir = "/data/local/tmp"; if (access(tmpdir, R_OK | W_OK | X_OK) == 0) { return tmpdir; } // Tests running in app context can't access /data/local/tmp, // so try current directory if /data/local/tmp is not accessible. return "."; #elif defined(_WIN32) char tmp_dir[MAX_PATH]; DWORD result = GetTempPathA(sizeof(tmp_dir), tmp_dir); CHECK_NE(result, 0ul) << "GetTempPathA failed, error: " << GetLastError(); CHECK_LT(result, sizeof(tmp_dir)) << "path truncated to: " << result; // GetTempPath() returns a path with a trailing slash, but init() // does not expect that, so remove it. CHECK_EQ(tmp_dir[result - 1], '\\'); tmp_dir[result - 1] = '\0'; return tmp_dir; #else return "/tmp"; #endif } TemporaryFile::TemporaryFile() { init(GetSystemTempDir()); } TemporaryFile::TemporaryFile(const std::string& tmp_dir) { init(tmp_dir); } TemporaryFile::~TemporaryFile() { if (fd != -1) { close(fd); } if (remove_file_) { unlink(path); } } int TemporaryFile::release() { int result = fd; fd = -1; return result; } void TemporaryFile::init(const std::string& tmp_dir) { snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%cTemporaryFile-XXXXXX", tmp_dir.c_str(), OS_PATH_SEPARATOR); fd = mkstemp(path); } TemporaryDir::TemporaryDir() { init(GetSystemTempDir()); } TemporaryDir::~TemporaryDir() { rmdir(path); } bool TemporaryDir::init(const std::string& tmp_dir) { snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%cTemporaryDir-XXXXXX", tmp_dir.c_str(), OS_PATH_SEPARATOR); return (mkdtemp(path) != nullptr); } CapturedStdFd::CapturedStdFd(int std_fd) : std_fd_(std_fd), old_fd_(-1) { Start(); } CapturedStdFd::~CapturedStdFd() { if (old_fd_ != -1) { Stop(); } } int CapturedStdFd::fd() const { return temp_file_.fd; } std::string CapturedStdFd::str() { std::string result; CHECK_EQ(0, TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(lseek(fd(), 0, SEEK_SET))); android::base::ReadFdToString(fd(), &result); return result; } void CapturedStdFd::Reset() { // Do not reset while capturing. CHECK_EQ(-1, old_fd_); CHECK_EQ(0, TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(lseek(fd(), 0, SEEK_SET))); CHECK_EQ(0, ftruncate(fd(), 0)); } void CapturedStdFd::Start() { #if defined(_WIN32) // On Windows, stderr is often buffered, so make sure it is unbuffered so // that we can immediately read back what was written to stderr. if (std_fd_ == STDERR_FILENO) CHECK_EQ(0, setvbuf(stderr, nullptr, _IONBF, 0)); #endif old_fd_ = dup(std_fd_); CHECK_NE(-1, old_fd_); CHECK_NE(-1, dup2(fd(), std_fd_)); } void CapturedStdFd::Stop() { CHECK_NE(-1, old_fd_); CHECK_NE(-1, dup2(old_fd_, std_fd_)); close(old_fd_); old_fd_ = -1; // Note: cannot restore prior setvbuf() setting. }