path: root/libcrypto_utils
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Convert more modules to Android.bpDan Willemsen2018-10-312-24/+29
* Build adbd for recoveryJiyong Park2018-05-241-0/+1
* Mark the modules as VNDK in Android.bpJustin Yun2017-09-141-0/+3
* Add vendor_available:true to libcrypto_utilsVijay Venkatraman2017-05-161-0/+1
* Rely on the platform -std default.Elliott Hughes2016-10-102-2/+1
* libcrypto_utils: convert to Soong.Josh Gao2016-08-052-56/+37
* Rename lib{crypto,ssl}-host to lib{crypto,ssl}Dan Willemsen2016-07-212-3/+3
* Fix include-what-you-use problem in android-pubkey.c.David Benjamin2016-04-151-0/+2
* Add libcrypto_utils.Mattias Nissler2016-04-125-0/+437