import contextlib import os import re import unittest from mako import compat from mako.cache import CacheImpl from mako.cache import register_plugin from mako.compat import py33 from mako.compat import py3k from mako.template import Template from mako.util import update_wrapper try: # unitttest has a SkipTest also but pytest doesn't # honor it unless nose is imported too... from nose import SkipTest except ImportError: from _pytest.runner import Skipped as SkipTest template_base = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates") module_base = os.path.join(template_base, "modules") class TemplateTest(unittest.TestCase): def _file_template(self, filename, **kw): filepath = self._file_path(filename) return Template( uri=filename, filename=filepath, module_directory=module_base, **kw ) def _file_path(self, filename): name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if py3k: py3k_path = os.path.join(template_base, name + "_py3k" + ext) if os.path.exists(py3k_path): return py3k_path return os.path.join(template_base, filename) def _do_file_test( self, filename, expected, filters=None, unicode_=True, template_args=None, **kw ): t1 = self._file_template(filename, **kw) self._do_test( t1, expected, filters=filters, unicode_=unicode_, template_args=template_args, ) def _do_memory_test( self, source, expected, filters=None, unicode_=True, template_args=None, **kw ): t1 = Template(text=source, **kw) self._do_test( t1, expected, filters=filters, unicode_=unicode_, template_args=template_args, ) def _do_test( self, template, expected, filters=None, template_args=None, unicode_=True, ): if template_args is None: template_args = {} if unicode_: output = template.render_unicode(**template_args) else: output = template.render(**template_args) if filters: output = filters(output) eq_(output, expected) def eq_(a, b, msg=None): """Assert a == b, with repr messaging on failure.""" assert a == b, msg or "%r != %r" % (a, b) def teardown(): import shutil shutil.rmtree(module_base, True) if py33: from unittest import mock # noqa else: import mock # noqa @contextlib.contextmanager def raises(except_cls, message=None): try: yield success = False except except_cls as e: if message: assert message, compat.text_type(e), re.UNICODE ), "%r !~ %s" % (message, e) print(compat.text_type(e).encode("utf-8")) success = True # assert outside the block so it works for AssertionError too ! assert success, "Callable did not raise an exception" def assert_raises(except_cls, callable_, *args, **kw): with raises(except_cls): return callable_(*args, **kw) def assert_raises_message(except_cls, msg, callable_, *args, **kwargs): with raises(except_cls, msg): return callable_(*args, **kwargs) def skip_if(predicate, reason=None): """Skip a test if predicate is true.""" reason = reason or predicate.__name__ def decorate(fn): fn_name = fn.__name__ def maybe(*args, **kw): if predicate(): msg = "'%s' skipped: %s" % (fn_name, reason) raise SkipTest(msg) else: return fn(*args, **kw) return update_wrapper(maybe, fn) return decorate def requires_python_3(fn): return skip_if(lambda: not py3k, "Requires Python 3.xx")(fn) def requires_python_2(fn): return skip_if(lambda: py3k, "Requires Python 2.xx")(fn) def requires_pygments_14(fn): try: import pygments version = pygments.__version__ except: version = "0" return skip_if( lambda: version < "1.4", "Requires pygments 1.4 or greater" )(fn) def requires_no_pygments_exceptions(fn): def go(*arg, **kw): from mako import exceptions exceptions._install_fallback() try: return fn(*arg, **kw) finally: exceptions._install_highlighting() return update_wrapper(go, fn) class PlainCacheImpl(CacheImpl): """Simple memory cache impl so that tests which use caching can run without beaker. """ def __init__(self, cache): self.cache = cache = {} def get_or_create(self, key, creation_function, **kw): if key in return[key] else:[key] = data = creation_function(**kw) return data def put(self, key, value, **kw):[key] = value def get(self, key, **kw): return[key] def invalidate(self, key, **kw): del[key] register_plugin("plain", __name__, "PlainCacheImpl")