// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package status import ( "testing" ) type lastOutput struct { counterOutput action *Action result ActionResult msgLevel MsgLevel msg string } func (l *lastOutput) StartAction(a *Action, c Counts) { l.action = a l.counterOutput.StartAction(a, c) } func (l *lastOutput) FinishAction(r ActionResult, c Counts) { l.result = r l.counterOutput.FinishAction(r, c) } func (l *lastOutput) Message(level MsgLevel, msg string) { l.msgLevel = level l.msg = msg } func (l *lastOutput) Flush() {} func TestKatiNormalCase(t *testing.T) { status := &Status{} output := &lastOutput{} status.AddOutput(output) parser := &katiOutputParser{ st: status.StartTool(), } msg := "*kati*: verbose msg" parser.parseLine(msg) output.Expect(t, Counts{}) if output.msgLevel != VerboseLvl { t.Errorf("Expected verbose message, but got %d", output.msgLevel) } if output.msg != msg { t.Errorf("unexpected message contents:\nwant: %q\n got: %q\n", msg, output.msg) } parser.parseLine("out/build-aosp_arm.ninja is missing, regenerating...") output.Expect(t, Counts{}) parser.parseLine("[1/1] initializing build system ...") output.Expect(t, Counts{ TotalActions: 1, RunningActions: 1, StartedActions: 1, FinishedActions: 0, }) parser.parseLine("[2/5] including out/soong/Android-aosp_arm.mk ...") output.Expect(t, Counts{ TotalActions: 5, RunningActions: 1, StartedActions: 2, FinishedActions: 1, }) parser.parseLine("[3/5] including a ...") msg = "a random message" parser.parseLine(msg) // Start the next line to flush the previous result parser.parseLine("[4/5] finishing build rules ...") msg += "\n" if output.result.Output != msg { t.Errorf("output for action did not match:\nwant: %q\n got: %q\n", msg, output.result.Output) } parser.parseLine("[5/5] writing build rules ...") parser.parseLine("*kati*: verbose msg") parser.flushAction() if output.result.Output != "" { t.Errorf("expected no output for last action, but got %q", output.result.Output) } output.Expect(t, Counts{ TotalActions: 5, RunningActions: 0, StartedActions: 5, FinishedActions: 5, }) } func TestKatiExtraIncludes(t *testing.T) { status := &Status{} output := &lastOutput{} status.AddOutput(output) parser := &katiOutputParser{ st: status.StartTool(), } parser.parseLine("[1/1] initializing build system ...") parser.parseLine("[2/5] including out/soong/Android-aosp_arm.mk ...") output.Expect(t, Counts{ TotalActions: 5, RunningActions: 1, StartedActions: 2, FinishedActions: 1, }) parser.parseLine("including a ...") output.Expect(t, Counts{ TotalActions: 6, RunningActions: 1, StartedActions: 3, FinishedActions: 2, }) parser.parseLine("including b ...") output.Expect(t, Counts{ TotalActions: 7, RunningActions: 1, StartedActions: 4, FinishedActions: 3, }) parser.parseLine("[3/5] finishing build rules ...") output.Expect(t, Counts{ TotalActions: 7, RunningActions: 1, StartedActions: 5, FinishedActions: 4, }) } func TestKatiFailOnError(t *testing.T) { status := &Status{} output := &lastOutput{} status.AddOutput(output) parser := &katiOutputParser{ st: status.StartTool(), } parser.parseLine("[1/1] initializing build system ...") parser.parseLine("[2/5] inclduing out/soong/Android-aosp_arm.mk ...") parser.parseLine("build/make/tools/Android.mk:19: error: testing") parser.flushAction() if output.result.Error == nil { t.Errorf("Expected the last action to be marked as an error") } }