// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package build import ( "log" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" ) type Config struct{ *configImpl } type configImpl struct { // From the environment arguments []string goma bool environ *Environment // From the arguments parallel int keepGoing int verbose bool dist bool // From the product config katiArgs []string ninjaArgs []string katiSuffix string targetDevice string } const srcDirFileCheck = "build/soong/root.bp" func NewConfig(ctx Context, args ...string) Config { ret := &configImpl{ environ: OsEnvironment(), } // Make sure OUT_DIR is set appropriately if outDir, ok := ret.environ.Get("OUT_DIR"); ok { ret.environ.Set("OUT_DIR", filepath.Clean(outDir)) } else { outDir := "out" if baseDir, ok := ret.environ.Get("OUT_DIR_COMMON_BASE"); ok { if wd, err := os.Getwd(); err != nil { ctx.Fatalln("Failed to get working directory:", err) } else { outDir = filepath.Join(baseDir, filepath.Base(wd)) } } else { outDir = filepath.Join(os.Getenv("TOP"), outDir) } ret.environ.Set("OUT_DIR", outDir) } ret.environ.Unset( // We're already using it "USE_SOONG_UI", // We should never use GOROOT/GOPATH from the shell environment "GOROOT", "GOPATH", // These should only come from Soong, not the environment. "CLANG", "CLANG_CXX", "CCC_CC", "CCC_CXX", // Used by the goma compiler wrapper, but should only be set by // gomacc "GOMACC_PATH", // We handle this above "OUT_DIR_COMMON_BASE", // Variables that have caused problems in the past "DISPLAY", "GREP_OPTIONS", ) // Tell python not to spam the source tree with .pyc files. ret.environ.Set("PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE", "1") // Sane default matching ninja ret.parallel = runtime.NumCPU() + 2 ret.keepGoing = 1 // Precondition: the current directory is the top of the source tree if _, err := os.Stat(srcDirFileCheck); err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { log.Fatalf("Current working directory must be the source tree. %q not found", srcDirFileCheck) } log.Fatalln("Error verifying tree state:", err) } if srcDir, err := filepath.Abs("."); err == nil { if strings.ContainsRune(srcDir, ' ') { log.Println("You are building in a directory whose absolute path contains a space character:") log.Println() log.Printf("%q\n", srcDir) log.Println() log.Fatalln("Directory names containing spaces are not supported") } } if outDir := ret.OutDir(); strings.ContainsRune(outDir, ' ') { log.Println("The absolute path of your output directory ($OUT_DIR) contains a space character:") log.Println() log.Printf("%q\n", outDir) log.Println() log.Fatalln("Directory names containing spaces are not supported") } if distDir := ret.DistDir(); strings.ContainsRune(distDir, ' ') { log.Println("The absolute path of your dist directory ($DIST_DIR) contains a space character:") log.Println() log.Printf("%q\n", distDir) log.Println() log.Fatalln("Directory names containing spaces are not supported") } for _, arg := range args { arg = strings.TrimSpace(arg) if arg == "--make-mode" { continue } else if arg == "showcommands" { ret.verbose = true continue } else if arg == "dist" { ret.dist = true } if arg[0] == '-' { var err error if arg[1] == 'j' { // TODO: handle space between j and number // Unnecessary if used with makeparallel ret.parallel, err = strconv.Atoi(arg[2:]) } else if arg[1] == 'k' { // TODO: handle space between k and number // Unnecessary if used with makeparallel ret.keepGoing, err = strconv.Atoi(arg[2:]) } else { ctx.Fatalln("Unknown option:", arg) } if err != nil { ctx.Fatalln("Argument error:", err, arg) } } else { ret.arguments = append(ret.arguments, arg) } } return Config{ret} } // Lunch configures the environment for a specific product similarly to the // `lunch` bash function. func (c *configImpl) Lunch(ctx Context, product, variant string) { if variant != "eng" && variant != "userdebug" && variant != "user" { ctx.Fatalf("Invalid variant %q. Must be one of 'user', 'userdebug' or 'eng'", variant) } c.environ.Set("TARGET_PRODUCT", product) c.environ.Set("TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT", variant) c.environ.Set("TARGET_BUILD_TYPE", "release") c.environ.Unset("TARGET_BUILD_APPS") } // Tapas configures the environment to build one or more unbundled apps, // similarly to the `tapas` bash function. func (c *configImpl) Tapas(ctx Context, apps []string, arch, variant string) { if len(apps) == 0 { apps = []string{"all"} } if variant == "" { variant = "eng" } if variant != "eng" && variant != "userdebug" && variant != "user" { ctx.Fatalf("Invalid variant %q. Must be one of 'user', 'userdebug' or 'eng'", variant) } var product string switch arch { case "armv5": product = "generic_armv5" case "arm", "": product = "aosp_arm" case "arm64": product = "aosm_arm64" case "mips": product = "aosp_mips" case "mips64": product = "aosp_mips64" case "x86": product = "aosp_x86" case "x86_64": product = "aosp_x86_64" default: ctx.Fatalf("Invalid architecture: %q", arch) } c.environ.Set("TARGET_PRODUCT", product) c.environ.Set("TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT", variant) c.environ.Set("TARGET_BUILD_TYPE", "release") c.environ.Set("TARGET_BUILD_APPS", strings.Join(apps, " ")) } func (c *configImpl) Environment() *Environment { return c.environ } func (c *configImpl) Arguments() []string { return c.arguments } func (c *configImpl) OutDir() string { if outDir, ok := c.environ.Get("OUT_DIR"); ok { return outDir } return "out" } func (c *configImpl) DistDir() string { if distDir, ok := c.environ.Get("DIST_DIR"); ok { return distDir } return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "dist") } func (c *configImpl) NinjaArgs() []string { return c.ninjaArgs } func (c *configImpl) SoongOutDir() string { return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "soong") } func (c *configImpl) KatiSuffix() string { if c.katiSuffix != "" { return c.katiSuffix } panic("SetKatiSuffix has not been called") } func (c *configImpl) Dist() bool { return c.dist } func (c *configImpl) IsVerbose() bool { return c.verbose } func (c *configImpl) TargetProduct() string { if v, ok := c.environ.Get("TARGET_PRODUCT"); ok { return v } panic("TARGET_PRODUCT is not defined") } func (c *configImpl) TargetDevice() string { return c.targetDevice } func (c *configImpl) SetTargetDevice(device string) { c.targetDevice = device } func (c *configImpl) TargetBuildVariant() string { if v, ok := c.environ.Get("TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT"); ok { return v } panic("TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT is not defined") } func (c *configImpl) KatiArgs() []string { return c.katiArgs } func (c *configImpl) Parallel() int { return c.parallel } func (c *configImpl) UseGoma() bool { if v, ok := c.environ.Get("USE_GOMA"); ok { v = strings.TrimSpace(v) if v != "" && v != "false" { return true } } return false } // RemoteParallel controls how many remote jobs (i.e., commands which contain // gomacc) are run in parallel. Note the paralleism of all other jobs is // still limited by Parallel() func (c *configImpl) RemoteParallel() int { if v, ok := c.environ.Get("NINJA_REMOTE_NUM_JOBS"); ok { if i, err := strconv.Atoi(v); err == nil { return i } } return 500 } func (c *configImpl) SetKatiArgs(args []string) { c.katiArgs = args } func (c *configImpl) SetNinjaArgs(args []string) { c.ninjaArgs = args } func (c *configImpl) SetKatiSuffix(suffix string) { c.katiSuffix = suffix } func (c *configImpl) KatiEnvFile() string { return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "env"+c.KatiSuffix()+".sh") } func (c *configImpl) KatiNinjaFile() string { return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "build"+c.KatiSuffix()+".ninja") } func (c *configImpl) SoongNinjaFile() string { return filepath.Join(c.SoongOutDir(), "build.ninja") } func (c *configImpl) CombinedNinjaFile() string { return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "combined"+c.KatiSuffix()+".ninja") } func (c *configImpl) SoongAndroidMk() string { return filepath.Join(c.SoongOutDir(), "Android-"+c.TargetProduct()+".mk") } func (c *configImpl) SoongMakeVarsMk() string { return filepath.Join(c.SoongOutDir(), "make_vars-"+c.TargetProduct()+".mk") } func (c *configImpl) ProductOut() string { if buildType, ok := c.environ.Get("TARGET_BUILD_TYPE"); ok && buildType == "debug" { return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "debug", "target", "product", c.TargetDevice()) } else { return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "target", "product", c.TargetDevice()) } } func (c *configImpl) DevicePreviousProductConfig() string { return filepath.Join(c.ProductOut(), "previous_build_config.mk") } func (c *configImpl) hostOutRoot() string { if buildType, ok := c.environ.Get("HOST_BUILD_TYPE"); ok && buildType == "debug" { return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "debug", "host") } else { return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "host") } } func (c *configImpl) HostOut() string { return filepath.Join(c.hostOutRoot(), c.HostPrebuiltTag()) } // This probably needs to be multi-valued, so not exporting it for now func (c *configImpl) hostCrossOut() string { if runtime.GOOS == "linux" { return filepath.Join(c.hostOutRoot(), "windows-x86") } else { return "" } } func (c *configImpl) HostPrebuiltTag() string { if runtime.GOOS == "linux" { return "linux-x86" } else if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" { return "darwin-x86" } else { panic("Unsupported OS") } } func (c *configImpl) HostAsan() bool { if v, ok := c.environ.Get("SANITIZE_HOST"); ok { if sanitize := strings.Fields(v); inList("address", sanitize) { return true } } return false } func (c *configImpl) PrebuiltBuildTool(name string) string { // (b/36182021) We're seeing rare ckati crashes, so always enable asan kati on the build servers. if c.HostAsan() || (c.Dist() && name == "ckati") { asan := filepath.Join("prebuilts/build-tools", c.HostPrebuiltTag(), "asan/bin", name) if _, err := os.Stat(asan); err == nil { return asan } } return filepath.Join("prebuilts/build-tools", c.HostPrebuiltTag(), "bin", name) }