// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package java import ( "android/soong/android" "android/soong/genrule" "fmt" "io" "path" "sort" "strings" "sync" "github.com/google/blueprint" "github.com/google/blueprint/proptools" ) var ( sdkStubsLibrarySuffix = ".stubs" sdkSystemApiSuffix = ".system" sdkTestApiSuffix = ".test" sdkDocsSuffix = ".docs" sdkImplLibrarySuffix = ".impl" sdkXmlFileSuffix = ".xml" ) type stubsLibraryDependencyTag struct { blueprint.BaseDependencyTag name string } var ( publicApiStubsTag = dependencyTag{name: "public"} systemApiStubsTag = dependencyTag{name: "system"} testApiStubsTag = dependencyTag{name: "test"} ) type apiScope int const ( apiScopePublic apiScope = iota apiScopeSystem apiScopeTest ) var ( javaSdkLibrariesLock sync.Mutex ) // java_sdk_library is to make a Java library that implements optional platform APIs to apps. // It is actually a wrapper of several modules: 1) stubs library that clients are linked against // to, 2) droiddoc module that internally generates API stubs source files, 3) the real runtime // shared library that implements the APIs, and 4) XML file for adding the runtime lib to the // classpath at runtime if requested via . // // TODO: these are big features that are currently missing // 1) check for API consistency // 2) ensuring that apps have appropriate tag // 3) disallowing linking to the runtime shared lib // 4) HTML generation func init() { android.RegisterModuleType("java_sdk_library", sdkLibraryFactory) android.PreArchMutators(func(ctx android.RegisterMutatorsContext) { ctx.TopDown("java_sdk_library", sdkLibraryMutator).Parallel() }) android.RegisterMakeVarsProvider(pctx, func(ctx android.MakeVarsContext) { javaSdkLibraries := javaSdkLibraries(ctx.Config()) sort.Strings(*javaSdkLibraries) ctx.Strict("JAVA_SDK_LIBRARIES", strings.Join(*javaSdkLibraries, " ")) }) } type sdkLibraryProperties struct { // list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .logtags, .proto, // or .aidl files. Srcs []string `android:"arch_variant"` // list of optional source files that are part of API but not part of runtime library. Api_srcs []string `android:"arch_variant"` // list of of java libraries that will be in the classpath Libs []string `android:"arch_variant"` // list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting runtime jar. // These libraries are not compiled into the stubs jar. Static_libs []string `android:"arch_variant"` // list of package names that will be documented and publicized as API Api_packages []string // list of package names that must be hidden from the API Hidden_api_packages []string // TODO: determines whether to create HTML doc or not //Html_doc *bool } type sdkLibrary struct { android.ModuleBase android.DefaultableModuleBase properties sdkLibraryProperties deviceProperties CompilerDeviceProperties publicApiStubsPath android.Paths systemApiStubsPath android.Paths testApiStubsPath android.Paths } func (module *sdkLibrary) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) { // Add dependencies to the stubs library ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), publicApiStubsTag, module.stubsName(apiScopePublic)) ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), systemApiStubsTag, module.stubsName(apiScopeSystem)) ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), testApiStubsTag, module.stubsName(apiScopeTest)) } func (module *sdkLibrary) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) { // Record the paths to the header jars of the stubs library. // When this java_sdk_library is dependened from others via "libs" property, // the recorded paths will be returned depending on the link type of the caller. ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(to android.Module) { otherName := ctx.OtherModuleName(to) tag := ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(to) if stubs, ok := to.(Dependency); ok { switch tag { case publicApiStubsTag: module.publicApiStubsPath = stubs.HeaderJars() case systemApiStubsTag: module.systemApiStubsPath = stubs.HeaderJars() case testApiStubsTag: module.testApiStubsPath = stubs.HeaderJars() default: ctx.ModuleErrorf("depends on module %q of unknown tag %q", otherName, tag) } } }) } func (module *sdkLibrary) AndroidMk() android.AndroidMkData { return android.AndroidMkData{ Custom: func(w io.Writer, name, prefix, moduleDir string, data android.AndroidMkData) { // Create a phony module that installs the impl library, for the case when this lib is // in PRODUCT_PACKAGES. fmt.Fprintln(w, "\ninclude $(CLEAR_VARS)") fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_PATH :=", moduleDir) fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_MODULE :=", name) fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES := "+module.implName()) fmt.Fprintln(w, "include $(BUILD_PHONY_PACKAGE)") // Create dist rules to install the stubs libs to the dist dir if len(module.publicApiStubsPath) == 1 { fmt.Fprintln(w, "$(call dist-for-goals,sdk win_sdk,"+ module.publicApiStubsPath.Strings()[0]+ ":"+path.Join("apistubs", "public", module.BaseModuleName()+".jar")+")") } if len(module.systemApiStubsPath) == 1 { fmt.Fprintln(w, "$(call dist-for-goals,sdk win_sdk,"+ module.systemApiStubsPath.Strings()[0]+ ":"+path.Join("apistubs", "system", module.BaseModuleName()+".jar")+")") } if len(module.testApiStubsPath) == 1 { fmt.Fprintln(w, "$(call dist-for-goals,sdk win_sdk,"+ module.testApiStubsPath.Strings()[0]+ ":"+path.Join("apistubs", "test", module.BaseModuleName()+".jar")+")") } }, } } // Module name of the stubs library func (module *sdkLibrary) stubsName(apiScope apiScope) string { stubsName := module.BaseModuleName() + sdkStubsLibrarySuffix switch apiScope { case apiScopeSystem: stubsName = stubsName + sdkSystemApiSuffix case apiScopeTest: stubsName = stubsName + sdkTestApiSuffix } return stubsName } // Module name of the docs func (module *sdkLibrary) docsName(apiScope apiScope) string { docsName := module.BaseModuleName() + sdkDocsSuffix switch apiScope { case apiScopeSystem: docsName = docsName + sdkSystemApiSuffix case apiScopeTest: docsName = docsName + sdkTestApiSuffix } return docsName } // Module name of the runtime implementation library func (module *sdkLibrary) implName() string { return module.BaseModuleName() + sdkImplLibrarySuffix } // File path to the runtime implementation library func (module *sdkLibrary) implPath() string { partition := "system" if module.SocSpecific() { partition = "vendor" } else if module.DeviceSpecific() { partition = "odm" } else if module.ProductSpecific() { partition = "product" } return "/" + partition + "/framework/" + module.implName() + ".jar" } // Module name of the XML file for the lib func (module *sdkLibrary) xmlFileName() string { return module.BaseModuleName() + sdkXmlFileSuffix } // SDK version that the stubs library is built against. Note that this is always // *current. Older stubs library built with a numberd SDK version is created from // the prebuilt jar. func (module *sdkLibrary) sdkVersion(apiScope apiScope) string { switch apiScope { case apiScopePublic: return "current" case apiScopeSystem: return "system_current" case apiScopeTest: return "test_current" default: return "current" } } // $(INTERNAL_PLATFORM__API_FILE) points to the generated // api file for the current source // TODO: remove this when apicheck is done in soong func (module *sdkLibrary) apiTagName(apiScope apiScope) string { apiTagName := strings.Replace(strings.ToUpper(module.BaseModuleName()), ".", "_", -1) switch apiScope { case apiScopeSystem: apiTagName = apiTagName + "_SYSTEM" case apiScopeTest: apiTagName = apiTagName + "_TEST" } return apiTagName } // returns the path (relative to this module) to the API txt file. Files are located // .//.txt where is either current, system-current, removed, // or system-removed. func (module *sdkLibrary) apiFilePath(apiLevel string, apiScope apiScope) string { apiDir := "api" apiFile := apiLevel switch apiScope { case apiScopeSystem: apiFile = "system-" + apiFile case apiScopeTest: apiFile = "test-" + apiFile } apiFile = apiFile + ".txt" return path.Join(apiDir, apiFile) } // Creates a static java library that has API stubs func (module *sdkLibrary) createStubsLibrary(mctx android.TopDownMutatorContext, apiScope apiScope) { props := struct { Name *string Srcs []string Sdk_version *string Soc_specific *bool Device_specific *bool Product_specific *bool Product_variables struct { Unbundled_build struct { Enabled *bool } Pdk struct { Enabled *bool } } }{} props.Name = proptools.StringPtr(module.stubsName(apiScope)) // sources are generated from the droiddoc props.Srcs = []string{":" + module.docsName(apiScope)} props.Sdk_version = proptools.StringPtr(module.sdkVersion(apiScope)) // Unbundled apps will use the prebult one from /prebuilts/sdk props.Product_variables.Unbundled_build.Enabled = proptools.BoolPtr(false) props.Product_variables.Pdk.Enabled = proptools.BoolPtr(false) if module.SocSpecific() { props.Soc_specific = proptools.BoolPtr(true) } else if module.DeviceSpecific() { props.Device_specific = proptools.BoolPtr(true) } else if module.ProductSpecific() { props.Product_specific = proptools.BoolPtr(true) } mctx.CreateModule(android.ModuleFactoryAdaptor(LibraryFactory(false)), &props) } // Creates a droiddoc module that creates stubs source files from the given full source // files func (module *sdkLibrary) createDocs(mctx android.TopDownMutatorContext, apiScope apiScope) { props := struct { Name *string Srcs []string Custom_template *string Installable *bool Srcs_lib *string Srcs_lib_whitelist_dirs []string Srcs_lib_whitelist_pkgs []string Libs []string Args *string Api_tag_name *string Api_filename *string Removed_api_filename *string }{} props.Name = proptools.StringPtr(module.docsName(apiScope)) props.Srcs = append(props.Srcs, module.properties.Srcs...) props.Srcs = append(props.Srcs, module.properties.Api_srcs...) props.Custom_template = proptools.StringPtr("droiddoc-templates-sdk") props.Installable = proptools.BoolPtr(false) props.Libs = module.properties.Libs droiddocArgs := " -hide 110 -hide 111 -hide 113 -hide 121 -hide 125 -hide 126 -hide 127 -hide 128" + " -stubpackages " + strings.Join(module.properties.Api_packages, ":") + " " + android.JoinWithPrefix(module.properties.Hidden_api_packages, "-hidePackage ") + " -nodocs" switch apiScope { case apiScopeSystem: droiddocArgs = droiddocArgs + " -showAnnotation android.annotation.SystemApi" case apiScopeTest: droiddocArgs = droiddocArgs + " -showAnnotation android.annotation.TestApi" } props.Args = proptools.StringPtr(droiddocArgs) // List of APIs identified from the provided source files are created. They are later // compared against to the not-yet-released (a.k.a current) list of APIs and to the // last-released (a.k.a numbered) list of API. // TODO: If any incompatible change is detected, break the build currentApiFileName := "current.txt" removedApiFileName := "removed.txt" switch apiScope { case apiScopeSystem: currentApiFileName = "system-" + currentApiFileName removedApiFileName = "system-" + removedApiFileName case apiScopeTest: currentApiFileName = "test-" + currentApiFileName removedApiFileName = "test-" + removedApiFileName } currentApiFileName = path.Join("api", currentApiFileName) removedApiFileName = path.Join("api", removedApiFileName) props.Api_tag_name = proptools.StringPtr(module.apiTagName(apiScope)) // Note: the exact names of these two are not important because they are always // referenced by the make variable $(INTERNAL_PLATFORM__API_FILE) props.Api_filename = proptools.StringPtr(currentApiFileName) props.Removed_api_filename = proptools.StringPtr(removedApiFileName) // Include the part of the framework source. This is required for the case when // API class is extending from the framework class. In that case, doclava needs // to know whether the base class is hidden or not. Since that information is // encoded as @hide string in the comment, we need source files for the classes, // not the compiled ones. props.Srcs_lib = proptools.StringPtr("framework") props.Srcs_lib_whitelist_dirs = []string{"core/java"} // Add android.annotation package to give access to the framework-defined // annotations such as SystemApi, NonNull, etc. props.Srcs_lib_whitelist_pkgs = []string{"android.annotation"} // These libs are required by doclava to parse the framework sources add via // Src_lib and Src_lib_whitelist_* properties just above. // If we don't add them to the classpath, errors messages are generated by doclava, // though they don't break the build. props.Libs = append(props.Libs, "conscrypt", "bouncycastle", "okhttp", "framework") mctx.CreateModule(android.ModuleFactoryAdaptor(DroiddocFactory), &props) } // Creates the runtime library. This is not directly linkable from other modules. func (module *sdkLibrary) createImplLibrary(mctx android.TopDownMutatorContext) { props := struct { Name *string Srcs []string Libs []string Static_libs []string Soc_specific *bool Device_specific *bool Product_specific *bool Required []string }{} props.Name = proptools.StringPtr(module.implName()) props.Srcs = module.properties.Srcs props.Libs = module.properties.Libs props.Static_libs = module.properties.Static_libs // XML file is installed along with the impl lib props.Required = []string{module.xmlFileName()} if module.SocSpecific() { props.Soc_specific = proptools.BoolPtr(true) } else if module.DeviceSpecific() { props.Device_specific = proptools.BoolPtr(true) } else if module.ProductSpecific() { props.Product_specific = proptools.BoolPtr(true) } mctx.CreateModule(android.ModuleFactoryAdaptor(LibraryFactory(true)), &props, &module.deviceProperties) } // Creates the xml file that publicizes the runtime library func (module *sdkLibrary) createXmlFile(mctx android.TopDownMutatorContext) { template := ` ` // genrule to generate the xml file content from the template above // TODO: preserve newlines in the generate xml file. Newlines are being squashed // in the ninja file. Do we need to have an external tool for this? xmlContent := fmt.Sprintf(template, module.BaseModuleName(), module.implPath()) genruleProps := struct { Name *string Cmd *string Out []string }{} genruleProps.Name = proptools.StringPtr(module.xmlFileName() + "-gen") genruleProps.Cmd = proptools.StringPtr("echo '" + xmlContent + "' > $(out)") genruleProps.Out = []string{module.xmlFileName()} mctx.CreateModule(android.ModuleFactoryAdaptor(genrule.GenRuleFactory), &genruleProps) // creates a prebuilt_etc module to actually place the xml file under // /etc/permissions etcProps := struct { Name *string Src *string Sub_dir *string Soc_specific *bool Device_specific *bool Product_specific *bool }{} etcProps.Name = proptools.StringPtr(module.xmlFileName()) etcProps.Src = proptools.StringPtr(":" + module.xmlFileName() + "-gen") etcProps.Sub_dir = proptools.StringPtr("permissions") if module.SocSpecific() { etcProps.Soc_specific = proptools.BoolPtr(true) } else if module.DeviceSpecific() { etcProps.Device_specific = proptools.BoolPtr(true) } else if module.ProductSpecific() { etcProps.Product_specific = proptools.BoolPtr(true) } mctx.CreateModule(android.ModuleFactoryAdaptor(android.PrebuiltEtcFactory), &etcProps) } // to satisfy SdkLibraryDependency interface func (module *sdkLibrary) HeaderJars(linkType linkType) android.Paths { // This module is just a wrapper for the stubs. if linkType == javaSystem || linkType == javaPlatform { return module.systemApiStubsPath } else { return module.publicApiStubsPath } } func javaSdkLibraries(config android.Config) *[]string { return config.Once("javaSdkLibraries", func() interface{} { return &[]string{} }).(*[]string) } // For a java_sdk_library module, create internal modules for stubs, docs, // runtime libs and xml file. If requested, the stubs and docs are created twice // once for public API level and once for system API level func sdkLibraryMutator(mctx android.TopDownMutatorContext) { if module, ok := mctx.Module().(*sdkLibrary); ok { if module.properties.Srcs == nil { mctx.PropertyErrorf("srcs", "java_sdk_library must specify srcs") } if module.properties.Api_packages == nil { mctx.PropertyErrorf("api_packages", "java_sdk_library must specify api_packages") } // for public API stubs module.createStubsLibrary(mctx, apiScopePublic) module.createDocs(mctx, apiScopePublic) // for system API stubs module.createStubsLibrary(mctx, apiScopeSystem) module.createDocs(mctx, apiScopeSystem) // for test API stubs module.createStubsLibrary(mctx, apiScopeTest) module.createDocs(mctx, apiScopeTest) // for runtime module.createXmlFile(mctx) module.createImplLibrary(mctx) // record java_sdk_library modules so that they are exported to make javaSdkLibraries := javaSdkLibraries(mctx.Config()) javaSdkLibrariesLock.Lock() defer javaSdkLibrariesLock.Unlock() *javaSdkLibraries = append(*javaSdkLibraries, module.BaseModuleName()) } } func sdkLibraryFactory() android.Module { module := &sdkLibrary{} module.AddProperties(&module.properties) module.AddProperties(&module.deviceProperties) android.InitAndroidArchModule(module, android.DeviceSupported, android.MultilibCommon) android.InitDefaultableModule(module) return module }