// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package java // This file contains the module types for compiling Android apps. import ( "path/filepath" "sort" "strings" "github.com/google/blueprint" "github.com/google/blueprint/proptools" "android/soong/android" "android/soong/cc" "android/soong/tradefed" ) func init() { android.RegisterModuleType("android_app", AndroidAppFactory) android.RegisterModuleType("android_test", AndroidTestFactory) android.RegisterModuleType("android_test_helper_app", AndroidTestHelperAppFactory) android.RegisterModuleType("android_app_certificate", AndroidAppCertificateFactory) android.RegisterModuleType("override_android_app", OverrideAndroidAppModuleFactory) } // AndroidManifest.xml merging // package splits type appProperties struct { // Names of extra android_app_certificate modules to sign the apk with in the form ":module". Additional_certificates []string // If set, create package-export.apk, which other packages can // use to get PRODUCT-agnostic resource data like IDs and type definitions. Export_package_resources *bool // Specifies that this app should be installed to the priv-app directory, // where the system will grant it additional privileges not available to // normal apps. Privileged *bool // list of resource labels to generate individual resource packages Package_splits []string // Names of modules to be overridden. Listed modules can only be other binaries // (in Make or Soong). // This does not completely prevent installation of the overridden binaries, but if both // binaries would be installed by default (in PRODUCT_PACKAGES) the other binary will be removed // from PRODUCT_PACKAGES. Overrides []string // list of native libraries that will be provided in or alongside the resulting jar Jni_libs []string `android:"arch_variant"` // Store native libraries uncompressed in the APK and set the android:extractNativeLibs="false" manifest // flag so that they are used from inside the APK at runtime. Defaults to true for android_test modules unless // sdk_version or min_sdk_version is set to a version that doesn't support it (<23), defaults to false for other // module types where the native libraries are generally preinstalled outside the APK. Use_embedded_native_libs *bool // Store dex files uncompressed in the APK and set the android:useEmbeddedDex="true" manifest attribute so that // they are used from inside the APK at runtime. Use_embedded_dex *bool // Forces native libraries to always be packaged into the APK, // Use_embedded_native_libs still selects whether they are stored uncompressed and aligned or compressed. // True for android_test* modules. AlwaysPackageNativeLibs bool `blueprint:"mutated"` // If set, find and merge all NOTICE files that this module and its dependencies have and store // it in the APK as an asset. Embed_notices *bool } // android_app properties that can be overridden by override_android_app type overridableAppProperties struct { // The name of a certificate in the default certificate directory, blank to use the default product certificate, // or an android_app_certificate module name in the form ":module". Certificate *string // the package name of this app. The package name in the manifest file is used if one was not given. Package_name *string } type AndroidApp struct { Library aapt android.OverridableModuleBase certificate Certificate appProperties appProperties overridableAppProperties overridableAppProperties installJniLibs []jniLib bundleFile android.Path // the install APK name is normally the same as the module name, but can be overridden with PRODUCT_PACKAGE_NAME_OVERRIDES. installApkName string additionalAaptFlags []string } func (a *AndroidApp) ExportedProguardFlagFiles() android.Paths { return nil } func (a *AndroidApp) ExportedStaticPackages() android.Paths { return nil } var _ AndroidLibraryDependency = (*AndroidApp)(nil) type Certificate struct { Pem, Key android.Path } func (a *AndroidApp) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) { a.Module.deps(ctx) if !Bool(a.properties.No_framework_libs) && !Bool(a.properties.No_standard_libs) { a.aapt.deps(ctx, sdkContext(a)) } for _, jniTarget := range ctx.MultiTargets() { variation := []blueprint.Variation{ {Mutator: "arch", Variation: jniTarget.String()}, {Mutator: "link", Variation: "shared"}, } tag := &jniDependencyTag{ target: jniTarget, } ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies(variation, tag, a.appProperties.Jni_libs...) } cert := android.SrcIsModule(a.getCertString(ctx)) if cert != "" { ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), certificateTag, cert) } for _, cert := range a.appProperties.Additional_certificates { cert = android.SrcIsModule(cert) if cert != "" { ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), certificateTag, cert) } else { ctx.PropertyErrorf("additional_certificates", `must be names of android_app_certificate modules in the form ":module"`) } } } func (a *AndroidApp) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) { a.aapt.uncompressedJNI = a.shouldUncompressJNI(ctx) a.aapt.useEmbeddedDex = Bool(a.appProperties.Use_embedded_dex) a.generateAndroidBuildActions(ctx) } // shouldUncompressJNI returns true if the native libraries should be stored in the APK uncompressed and the // extractNativeLibs application flag should be set to false in the manifest. func (a *AndroidApp) shouldUncompressJNI(ctx android.ModuleContext) bool { minSdkVersion, err := sdkVersionToNumber(ctx, a.minSdkVersion()) if err != nil { ctx.PropertyErrorf("min_sdk_version", "invalid value %q: %s", a.minSdkVersion(), err) } return minSdkVersion >= 23 && Bool(a.appProperties.Use_embedded_native_libs) } // Returns whether this module should have the dex file stored uncompressed in the APK. func (a *AndroidApp) shouldUncompressDex(ctx android.ModuleContext) bool { if Bool(a.appProperties.Use_embedded_dex) { return true } // Uncompress dex in APKs of privileged apps, and modules used by privileged apps // (even for unbundled builds, they may be preinstalled as prebuilts). if ctx.Config().UncompressPrivAppDex() && (Bool(a.appProperties.Privileged) || inList(ctx.ModuleName(), ctx.Config().ModulesLoadedByPrivilegedModules())) { return true } if ctx.Config().UnbundledBuild() { return false } // Uncompress if the dex files is preopted on /system. if !a.dexpreopter.dexpreoptDisabled(ctx) && (ctx.Host() || !odexOnSystemOther(ctx, a.dexpreopter.installPath)) { return true } return false } func (a *AndroidApp) aaptBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) { a.aapt.usesNonSdkApis = Bool(a.Module.deviceProperties.Platform_apis) aaptLinkFlags := []string{} // Add TARGET_AAPT_CHARACTERISTICS values to AAPT link flags if they exist and --product flags were not provided. hasProduct := false for _, f := range a.aaptProperties.Aaptflags { if strings.HasPrefix(f, "--product") { hasProduct = true break } } if !hasProduct && len(ctx.Config().ProductAAPTCharacteristics()) > 0 { aaptLinkFlags = append(aaptLinkFlags, "--product", ctx.Config().ProductAAPTCharacteristics()) } if !Bool(a.aaptProperties.Aapt_include_all_resources) { // Product AAPT config for _, aaptConfig := range ctx.Config().ProductAAPTConfig() { aaptLinkFlags = append(aaptLinkFlags, "-c", aaptConfig) } // Product AAPT preferred config if len(ctx.Config().ProductAAPTPreferredConfig()) > 0 { aaptLinkFlags = append(aaptLinkFlags, "--preferred-density", ctx.Config().ProductAAPTPreferredConfig()) } } manifestPackageName, overridden := ctx.DeviceConfig().OverrideManifestPackageNameFor(ctx.ModuleName()) if overridden || a.overridableAppProperties.Package_name != nil { // The product override variable has a priority over the package_name property. if !overridden { manifestPackageName = *a.overridableAppProperties.Package_name } aaptLinkFlags = append(aaptLinkFlags, "--rename-manifest-package "+manifestPackageName) } aaptLinkFlags = append(aaptLinkFlags, a.additionalAaptFlags...) a.aapt.splitNames = a.appProperties.Package_splits a.aapt.buildActions(ctx, sdkContext(a), aaptLinkFlags...) // apps manifests are handled by aapt, don't let Module see them a.properties.Manifest = nil } func (a *AndroidApp) proguardBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) { var staticLibProguardFlagFiles android.Paths ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(m android.Module) { if lib, ok := m.(AndroidLibraryDependency); ok && ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(m) == staticLibTag { staticLibProguardFlagFiles = append(staticLibProguardFlagFiles, lib.ExportedProguardFlagFiles()...) } }) staticLibProguardFlagFiles = android.FirstUniquePaths(staticLibProguardFlagFiles) a.Module.extraProguardFlagFiles = append(a.Module.extraProguardFlagFiles, staticLibProguardFlagFiles...) a.Module.extraProguardFlagFiles = append(a.Module.extraProguardFlagFiles, a.proguardOptionsFile) } func (a *AndroidApp) dexBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) android.Path { var installDir string if ctx.ModuleName() == "framework-res" { // framework-res.apk is installed as system/framework/framework-res.apk installDir = "framework" } else if Bool(a.appProperties.Privileged) { installDir = filepath.Join("priv-app", a.installApkName) } else { installDir = filepath.Join("app", a.installApkName) } a.dexpreopter.installPath = android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, installDir, a.installApkName+".apk") a.dexpreopter.isInstallable = Bool(a.properties.Installable) a.dexpreopter.uncompressedDex = a.shouldUncompressDex(ctx) a.deviceProperties.UncompressDex = a.dexpreopter.uncompressedDex if ctx.ModuleName() != "framework-res" { a.Module.compile(ctx, a.aaptSrcJar) } return a.maybeStrippedDexJarFile } func (a *AndroidApp) jniBuildActions(jniLibs []jniLib, ctx android.ModuleContext) android.WritablePath { var jniJarFile android.WritablePath if len(jniLibs) > 0 { embedJni := ctx.Config().UnbundledBuild() || Bool(a.appProperties.Use_embedded_native_libs) || a.appProperties.AlwaysPackageNativeLibs if embedJni { jniJarFile = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "jnilibs.zip") TransformJniLibsToJar(ctx, jniJarFile, jniLibs, a.shouldUncompressJNI(ctx)) } else { a.installJniLibs = jniLibs } } return jniJarFile } func (a *AndroidApp) certificateBuildActions(certificateDeps []Certificate, ctx android.ModuleContext) []Certificate { cert := a.getCertString(ctx) certModule := android.SrcIsModule(cert) if certModule != "" { a.certificate = certificateDeps[0] certificateDeps = certificateDeps[1:] } else if cert != "" { defaultDir := ctx.Config().DefaultAppCertificateDir(ctx) a.certificate = Certificate{ defaultDir.Join(ctx, cert+".x509.pem"), defaultDir.Join(ctx, cert+".pk8"), } } else { pem, key := ctx.Config().DefaultAppCertificate(ctx) a.certificate = Certificate{pem, key} } if !a.Module.Platform() { certPath := a.certificate.Pem.String() systemCertPath := ctx.Config().DefaultAppCertificateDir(ctx).String() if strings.HasPrefix(certPath, systemCertPath) { enforceSystemCert := ctx.Config().EnforceSystemCertificate() whitelist := ctx.Config().EnforceSystemCertificateWhitelist() if enforceSystemCert && !inList(a.Module.Name(), whitelist) { ctx.PropertyErrorf("certificate", "The module in product partition cannot be signed with certificate in system.") } } } return append([]Certificate{a.certificate}, certificateDeps...) } func (a *AndroidApp) noticeBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext, installDir android.OutputPath) android.OptionalPath { if !Bool(a.appProperties.Embed_notices) && !ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("ALWAYS_EMBED_NOTICES") { return android.OptionalPath{} } // Collect NOTICE files from all dependencies. seenModules := make(map[android.Module]bool) noticePathSet := make(map[android.Path]bool) ctx.WalkDepsBlueprint(func(child blueprint.Module, parent blueprint.Module) bool { if _, ok := child.(android.Module); !ok { return false } module := child.(android.Module) // Have we already seen this? if _, ok := seenModules[module]; ok { return false } seenModules[module] = true // Skip host modules. if module.Target().Os.Class == android.Host || module.Target().Os.Class == android.HostCross { return false } path := module.NoticeFile() if path.Valid() { noticePathSet[path.Path()] = true } return true }) // If the app has one, add it too. if a.NoticeFile().Valid() { noticePathSet[a.NoticeFile().Path()] = true } if len(noticePathSet) == 0 { return android.OptionalPath{} } var noticePaths []android.Path for path := range noticePathSet { noticePaths = append(noticePaths, path) } sort.Slice(noticePaths, func(i, j int) bool { return noticePaths[i].String() < noticePaths[j].String() }) noticeFile := android.BuildNoticeOutput(ctx, installDir, a.installApkName+".apk", noticePaths) return android.OptionalPathForPath(noticeFile) } func (a *AndroidApp) generateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) { // Check if the install APK name needs to be overridden. a.installApkName = ctx.DeviceConfig().OverridePackageNameFor(a.Name()) var installDir android.OutputPath if ctx.ModuleName() == "framework-res" { // framework-res.apk is installed as system/framework/framework-res.apk installDir = android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, "framework") } else if Bool(a.appProperties.Privileged) { installDir = android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, "priv-app", a.installApkName) } else { installDir = android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, "app", a.installApkName) } a.aapt.noticeFile = a.noticeBuildActions(ctx, installDir) // Process all building blocks, from AAPT to certificates. a.aaptBuildActions(ctx) a.proguardBuildActions(ctx) dexJarFile := a.dexBuildActions(ctx) jniLibs, certificateDeps := a.collectAppDeps(ctx) jniJarFile := a.jniBuildActions(jniLibs, ctx) if ctx.Failed() { return } certificates := a.certificateBuildActions(certificateDeps, ctx) // Build a final signed app package. // TODO(jungjw): Consider changing this to installApkName. packageFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+".apk") CreateAppPackage(ctx, packageFile, a.exportPackage, jniJarFile, dexJarFile, certificates) a.outputFile = packageFile for _, split := range a.aapt.splits { // Sign the split APKs packageFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+"_"+split.suffix+".apk") CreateAppPackage(ctx, packageFile, split.path, nil, nil, certificates) a.extraOutputFiles = append(a.extraOutputFiles, packageFile) } // Build an app bundle. bundleFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "base.zip") BuildBundleModule(ctx, bundleFile, a.exportPackage, jniJarFile, dexJarFile) a.bundleFile = bundleFile // Install the app package. ctx.InstallFile(installDir, a.installApkName+".apk", a.outputFile) for _, split := range a.aapt.splits { ctx.InstallFile(installDir, a.installApkName+"_"+split.suffix+".apk", split.path) } } func (a *AndroidApp) collectAppDeps(ctx android.ModuleContext) ([]jniLib, []Certificate) { var jniLibs []jniLib var certificates []Certificate ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(module android.Module) { otherName := ctx.OtherModuleName(module) tag := ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(module) if jniTag, ok := tag.(*jniDependencyTag); ok { if dep, ok := module.(*cc.Module); ok { lib := dep.OutputFile() if lib.Valid() { jniLibs = append(jniLibs, jniLib{ name: ctx.OtherModuleName(module), path: lib.Path(), target: jniTag.target, }) } else { ctx.ModuleErrorf("dependency %q missing output file", otherName) } } else { ctx.ModuleErrorf("jni_libs dependency %q must be a cc library", otherName) } } else if tag == certificateTag { if dep, ok := module.(*AndroidAppCertificate); ok { certificates = append(certificates, dep.Certificate) } else { ctx.ModuleErrorf("certificate dependency %q must be an android_app_certificate module", otherName) } } }) return jniLibs, certificates } func (a *AndroidApp) getCertString(ctx android.BaseContext) string { certificate, overridden := ctx.DeviceConfig().OverrideCertificateFor(ctx.ModuleName()) if overridden { return ":" + certificate } return String(a.overridableAppProperties.Certificate) } // android_app compiles sources and Android resources into an Android application package `.apk` file. func AndroidAppFactory() android.Module { module := &AndroidApp{} module.Module.deviceProperties.Optimize.EnabledByDefault = true module.Module.deviceProperties.Optimize.Shrink = proptools.BoolPtr(true) module.Module.properties.Instrument = true module.Module.properties.Installable = proptools.BoolPtr(true) module.AddProperties( &module.Module.properties, &module.Module.deviceProperties, &module.Module.dexpreoptProperties, &module.Module.protoProperties, &module.aaptProperties, &module.appProperties, &module.overridableAppProperties) module.Prefer32(func(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, base *android.ModuleBase, class android.OsClass) bool { return class == android.Device && ctx.Config().DevicePrefer32BitApps() }) android.InitAndroidMultiTargetsArchModule(module, android.DeviceSupported, android.MultilibCommon) android.InitDefaultableModule(module) android.InitOverridableModule(module, &module.appProperties.Overrides) return module } type appTestProperties struct { Instrumentation_for *string } type AndroidTest struct { AndroidApp appTestProperties appTestProperties testProperties testProperties testConfig android.Path data android.Paths } func (a *AndroidTest) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) { // Check if the instrumentation target package is overridden before generating build actions. if a.appTestProperties.Instrumentation_for != nil { manifestPackageName, overridden := ctx.DeviceConfig().OverrideManifestPackageNameFor(*a.appTestProperties.Instrumentation_for) if overridden { a.additionalAaptFlags = append(a.additionalAaptFlags, "--rename-instrumentation-target-package "+manifestPackageName) } } a.generateAndroidBuildActions(ctx) a.testConfig = tradefed.AutoGenInstrumentationTestConfig(ctx, a.testProperties.Test_config, a.testProperties.Test_config_template, a.manifestPath, a.testProperties.Test_suites) a.data = android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, a.testProperties.Data) } func (a *AndroidTest) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) { a.AndroidApp.DepsMutator(ctx) if a.appTestProperties.Instrumentation_for != nil { // The android_app dependency listed in instrumentation_for needs to be added to the classpath for javac, // but not added to the aapt2 link includes like a normal android_app or android_library dependency, so // use instrumentationForTag instead of libTag. ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, instrumentationForTag, String(a.appTestProperties.Instrumentation_for)) } } // android_test compiles test sources and Android resources into an Android application package `.apk` file and // creates an `AndroidTest.xml` file to allow running the test with `atest` or a `TEST_MAPPING` file. func AndroidTestFactory() android.Module { module := &AndroidTest{} module.Module.deviceProperties.Optimize.EnabledByDefault = true module.Module.properties.Instrument = true module.Module.properties.Installable = proptools.BoolPtr(true) module.appProperties.Use_embedded_native_libs = proptools.BoolPtr(true) module.appProperties.AlwaysPackageNativeLibs = true module.Module.dexpreopter.isTest = true module.AddProperties( &module.Module.properties, &module.Module.deviceProperties, &module.Module.dexpreoptProperties, &module.Module.protoProperties, &module.aaptProperties, &module.appProperties, &module.appTestProperties, &module.overridableAppProperties, &module.testProperties) android.InitAndroidMultiTargetsArchModule(module, android.DeviceSupported, android.MultilibCommon) android.InitDefaultableModule(module) return module } type appTestHelperAppProperties struct { // list of compatibility suites (for example "cts", "vts") that the module should be // installed into. Test_suites []string `android:"arch_variant"` } type AndroidTestHelperApp struct { AndroidApp appTestHelperAppProperties appTestHelperAppProperties } // android_test_helper_app compiles sources and Android resources into an Android application package `.apk` file that // will be used by tests, but does not produce an `AndroidTest.xml` file so the module will not be run directly as a // test. func AndroidTestHelperAppFactory() android.Module { module := &AndroidTestHelperApp{} module.Module.deviceProperties.Optimize.EnabledByDefault = true module.Module.properties.Installable = proptools.BoolPtr(true) module.appProperties.Use_embedded_native_libs = proptools.BoolPtr(true) module.appProperties.AlwaysPackageNativeLibs = true module.Module.dexpreopter.isTest = true module.AddProperties( &module.Module.properties, &module.Module.deviceProperties, &module.Module.dexpreoptProperties, &module.Module.protoProperties, &module.aaptProperties, &module.appProperties, &module.appTestHelperAppProperties, &module.overridableAppProperties) android.InitAndroidMultiTargetsArchModule(module, android.DeviceSupported, android.MultilibCommon) android.InitDefaultableModule(module) return module } type AndroidAppCertificate struct { android.ModuleBase properties AndroidAppCertificateProperties Certificate Certificate } type AndroidAppCertificateProperties struct { // Name of the certificate files. Extensions .x509.pem and .pk8 will be added to the name. Certificate *string } // android_app_certificate modules can be referenced by the certificates property of android_app modules to select // the signing key. func AndroidAppCertificateFactory() android.Module { module := &AndroidAppCertificate{} module.AddProperties(&module.properties) android.InitAndroidModule(module) return module } func (c *AndroidAppCertificate) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) { cert := String(c.properties.Certificate) c.Certificate = Certificate{ android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, cert+".x509.pem"), android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, cert+".pk8"), } } type OverrideAndroidApp struct { android.ModuleBase android.OverrideModuleBase } func (i *OverrideAndroidApp) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) { // All the overrides happen in the base module. // TODO(jungjw): Check the base module type. } // override_android_app is used to create an android_app module based on another android_app by overriding // some of its properties. func OverrideAndroidAppModuleFactory() android.Module { m := &OverrideAndroidApp{} m.AddProperties(&overridableAppProperties{}) android.InitAndroidModule(m) android.InitOverrideModule(m) return m }