// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package java import ( "android/soong/android" "strings" "github.com/google/blueprint" "github.com/google/blueprint/proptools" ) type AndroidLibraryDependency interface { Dependency ExportPackage() android.Path ExportedProguardFlagFiles() android.Paths ExportedStaticPackages() android.Paths } func init() { android.RegisterModuleType("android_library_import", AARImportFactory) android.RegisterModuleType("android_library", AndroidLibraryFactory) } // // AAR (android library) // type androidLibraryProperties struct { BuildAAR bool `blueprint:"mutated"` } type aaptProperties struct { // flags passed to aapt when creating the apk Aaptflags []string // list of directories relative to the Blueprints file containing assets. // Defaults to "assets" Asset_dirs []string // list of directories relative to the Blueprints file containing // Android resources Resource_dirs []string // path to AndroidManifest.xml. If unset, defaults to "AndroidManifest.xml". Manifest *string } type aapt struct { aaptSrcJar android.Path exportPackage android.Path manifestPath android.Path proguardOptionsFile android.Path rroDirs android.Paths rTxt android.Path extraAaptPackagesFile android.Path aaptProperties aaptProperties } func (a *aapt) ExportPackage() android.Path { return a.exportPackage } func (a *aapt) aapt2Flags(ctx android.ModuleContext, sdkContext sdkContext) (flags []string, deps android.Paths, resDirs, overlayDirs []globbedResourceDir, overlayFiles, rroDirs android.Paths, manifestPath android.Path) { hasVersionCode := false hasVersionName := false for _, f := range a.aaptProperties.Aaptflags { if strings.HasPrefix(f, "--version-code") { hasVersionCode = true } else if strings.HasPrefix(f, "--version-name") { hasVersionName = true } } var linkFlags []string // Flags specified in Android.bp linkFlags = append(linkFlags, a.aaptProperties.Aaptflags...) linkFlags = append(linkFlags, "--no-static-lib-packages") // Find implicit or explicit asset and resource dirs assetDirs := android.PathsWithOptionalDefaultForModuleSrc(ctx, a.aaptProperties.Asset_dirs, "assets") resourceDirs := android.PathsWithOptionalDefaultForModuleSrc(ctx, a.aaptProperties.Resource_dirs, "res") var linkDeps android.Paths // Glob directories into lists of paths for _, dir := range resourceDirs { resDirs = append(resDirs, globbedResourceDir{ dir: dir, files: androidResourceGlob(ctx, dir), }) resOverlayDirs, resRRODirs := overlayResourceGlob(ctx, dir) overlayDirs = append(overlayDirs, resOverlayDirs...) rroDirs = append(rroDirs, resRRODirs...) } var assetFiles android.Paths for _, dir := range assetDirs { assetFiles = append(assetFiles, androidResourceGlob(ctx, dir)...) } // App manifest file manifestFile := proptools.StringDefault(a.aaptProperties.Manifest, "AndroidManifest.xml") manifestPath = android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, manifestFile) linkFlags = append(linkFlags, "--manifest "+manifestPath.String()) linkDeps = append(linkDeps, manifestPath) linkFlags = append(linkFlags, android.JoinWithPrefix(assetDirs.Strings(), "-A ")) linkDeps = append(linkDeps, assetFiles...) transitiveStaticLibs, libDeps, libFlags := aaptLibs(ctx, sdkContext) overlayFiles = append(overlayFiles, transitiveStaticLibs...) linkDeps = append(linkDeps, libDeps...) linkFlags = append(linkFlags, libFlags...) // SDK version flags minSdkVersion := sdkVersionOrDefault(ctx, sdkContext.minSdkVersion()) linkFlags = append(linkFlags, "--min-sdk-version "+minSdkVersion) linkFlags = append(linkFlags, "--target-sdk-version "+minSdkVersion) // Version code if !hasVersionCode { linkFlags = append(linkFlags, "--version-code", ctx.Config().PlatformSdkVersion()) } if !hasVersionName { var versionName string if ctx.ModuleName() == "framework-res" { // Some builds set AppsDefaultVersionName() to include the build number ("O-123456"). aapt2 copies the // version name of framework-res into app manifests as compileSdkVersionCodename, which confuses things // if it contains the build number. Use the PlatformVersionName instead. versionName = ctx.Config().PlatformVersionName() } else { versionName = ctx.Config().AppsDefaultVersionName() } versionName = proptools.NinjaEscape([]string{versionName})[0] linkFlags = append(linkFlags, "--version-name ", versionName) } return linkFlags, linkDeps, resDirs, overlayDirs, overlayFiles, rroDirs, manifestPath } func (a *aapt) deps(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext, sdkContext sdkContext) { if !ctx.Config().UnbundledBuild() { sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext) if sdkDep.frameworkResModule != "" { ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), frameworkResTag, sdkDep.frameworkResModule) } } } func (a *aapt) buildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext, sdkContext sdkContext, extraLinkFlags ...string) { linkFlags, linkDeps, resDirs, overlayDirs, overlayFiles, rroDirs, manifestPath := a.aapt2Flags(ctx, sdkContext) linkFlags = append(linkFlags, extraLinkFlags...) packageRes := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "package-res.apk") srcJar := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "R.jar") proguardOptionsFile := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "proguard.options") rTxt := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "R.txt") // This file isn't used by Soong, but is generated for exporting extraPackages := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "extra_packages") var compiledRes, compiledOverlay android.Paths for _, dir := range resDirs { compiledRes = append(compiledRes, aapt2Compile(ctx, dir.dir, dir.files).Paths()...) } for _, dir := range overlayDirs { compiledOverlay = append(compiledOverlay, aapt2Compile(ctx, dir.dir, dir.files).Paths()...) } compiledOverlay = append(compiledOverlay, overlayFiles...) aapt2Link(ctx, packageRes, srcJar, proguardOptionsFile, rTxt, extraPackages, linkFlags, linkDeps, compiledRes, compiledOverlay) a.aaptSrcJar = srcJar a.exportPackage = packageRes a.manifestPath = manifestPath a.proguardOptionsFile = proguardOptionsFile a.rroDirs = rroDirs a.extraAaptPackagesFile = extraPackages a.rTxt = rTxt } // aaptLibs collects libraries from dependencies and sdk_version and converts them into paths func aaptLibs(ctx android.ModuleContext, sdkContext sdkContext) (transitiveStaticLibs, deps android.Paths, flags []string) { var sharedLibs android.Paths sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext) if sdkDep.useFiles { sharedLibs = append(sharedLibs, sdkDep.jars...) } ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(module android.Module) { var exportPackage android.Path aarDep, _ := module.(AndroidLibraryDependency) if aarDep != nil { exportPackage = aarDep.ExportPackage() } switch ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(module) { case libTag, frameworkResTag: if exportPackage != nil { sharedLibs = append(sharedLibs, exportPackage) } case staticLibTag: if exportPackage != nil { transitiveStaticLibs = append(transitiveStaticLibs, exportPackage) transitiveStaticLibs = append(transitiveStaticLibs, aarDep.ExportedStaticPackages()...) } } }) deps = append(deps, sharedLibs...) deps = append(deps, transitiveStaticLibs...) if len(transitiveStaticLibs) > 0 { flags = append(flags, "--auto-add-overlay") } for _, sharedLib := range sharedLibs { flags = append(flags, "-I "+sharedLib.String()) } transitiveStaticLibs = android.FirstUniquePaths(transitiveStaticLibs) return transitiveStaticLibs, deps, flags } type AndroidLibrary struct { Library aapt androidLibraryProperties androidLibraryProperties aarFile android.WritablePath exportedProguardFlagFiles android.Paths exportedStaticPackages android.Paths } func (a *AndroidLibrary) ExportedProguardFlagFiles() android.Paths { return a.exportedProguardFlagFiles } func (a *AndroidLibrary) ExportedStaticPackages() android.Paths { return a.exportedStaticPackages } var _ AndroidLibraryDependency = (*AndroidLibrary)(nil) func (a *AndroidLibrary) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) { a.Module.deps(ctx) if !Bool(a.properties.No_framework_libs) && !Bool(a.properties.No_standard_libs) { a.aapt.deps(ctx, sdkContext(a)) } } func (a *AndroidLibrary) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) { a.aapt.buildActions(ctx, sdkContext(a), "--static-lib") ctx.CheckbuildFile(a.proguardOptionsFile) ctx.CheckbuildFile(a.exportPackage) ctx.CheckbuildFile(a.aaptSrcJar) // apps manifests are handled by aapt, don't let Module see them a.properties.Manifest = nil a.Module.extraProguardFlagFiles = append(a.Module.extraProguardFlagFiles, a.proguardOptionsFile) a.Module.compile(ctx, a.aaptSrcJar) a.aarFile = android.PathForOutput(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+".aar") var res android.Paths if a.androidLibraryProperties.BuildAAR { BuildAAR(ctx, a.aarFile, a.outputFile, a.manifestPath, a.rTxt, res) ctx.CheckbuildFile(a.aarFile) } ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(m android.Module) { if lib, ok := m.(AndroidLibraryDependency); ok && ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(m) == staticLibTag { a.exportedProguardFlagFiles = append(a.exportedProguardFlagFiles, lib.ExportedProguardFlagFiles()...) a.exportedStaticPackages = append(a.exportedStaticPackages, lib.ExportPackage()) a.exportedStaticPackages = append(a.exportedStaticPackages, lib.ExportedStaticPackages()...) } }) a.exportedProguardFlagFiles = android.FirstUniquePaths(a.exportedProguardFlagFiles) a.exportedStaticPackages = android.FirstUniquePaths(a.exportedStaticPackages) } func AndroidLibraryFactory() android.Module { module := &AndroidLibrary{} module.AddProperties( &module.Module.properties, &module.Module.deviceProperties, &module.Module.protoProperties, &module.aaptProperties, &module.androidLibraryProperties) module.androidLibraryProperties.BuildAAR = true android.InitAndroidArchModule(module, android.DeviceSupported, android.MultilibCommon) return module } // // AAR (android library) prebuilts // type AARImportProperties struct { Aars []string Sdk_version *string Static_libs []string Libs []string } type AARImport struct { android.ModuleBase prebuilt android.Prebuilt properties AARImportProperties classpathFile android.WritablePath proguardFlags android.WritablePath exportPackage android.WritablePath extraAaptPackagesFile android.WritablePath manifest android.WritablePath exportedStaticPackages android.Paths } func (a *AARImport) sdkVersion() string { return String(a.properties.Sdk_version) } func (a *AARImport) minSdkVersion() string { return a.sdkVersion() } var _ AndroidLibraryDependency = (*AARImport)(nil) func (a *AARImport) ExportPackage() android.Path { return a.exportPackage } func (a *AARImport) ExportedProguardFlagFiles() android.Paths { return android.Paths{a.proguardFlags} } func (a *AARImport) ExportedStaticPackages() android.Paths { return a.exportedStaticPackages } func (a *AARImport) Prebuilt() *android.Prebuilt { return &a.prebuilt } func (a *AARImport) Name() string { return a.prebuilt.Name(a.ModuleBase.Name()) } func (a *AARImport) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) { if !ctx.Config().UnbundledBuild() { sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext(a)) if sdkDep.useModule && sdkDep.frameworkResModule != "" { ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), frameworkResTag, sdkDep.frameworkResModule) } } ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), libTag, a.properties.Libs...) ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), staticLibTag, a.properties.Static_libs...) } // Unzip an AAR into its constituent files and directories. Any files in Outputs that don't exist in the AAR will be // touched to create an empty file, and any directories in $expectedDirs will be created. var unzipAAR = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("unzipAAR", blueprint.RuleParams{ Command: `rm -rf $outDir && mkdir -p $outDir $expectedDirs && ` + `unzip -qo -d $outDir $in && touch $out`, }, "expectedDirs", "outDir") func (a *AARImport) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) { if len(a.properties.Aars) != 1 { ctx.PropertyErrorf("aars", "exactly one aar is required") return } aar := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, a.properties.Aars[0]) extractedAARDir := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "aar") extractedResDir := extractedAARDir.Join(ctx, "res") a.classpathFile = extractedAARDir.Join(ctx, "classes.jar") a.proguardFlags = extractedAARDir.Join(ctx, "proguard.txt") a.manifest = extractedAARDir.Join(ctx, "AndroidManifest.xml") ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{ Rule: unzipAAR, Input: aar, Outputs: android.WritablePaths{a.classpathFile, a.proguardFlags, a.manifest}, Description: "unzip AAR", Args: map[string]string{ "expectedDirs": extractedResDir.String(), "outDir": extractedAARDir.String(), }, }) compiledResDir := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "flat-res") aaptCompileDeps := android.Paths{a.classpathFile} aaptCompileDirs := android.Paths{extractedResDir} flata := compiledResDir.Join(ctx, "gen_res.flata") aapt2CompileDirs(ctx, flata, aaptCompileDirs, aaptCompileDeps) a.exportPackage = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "package-res.apk") srcJar := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "R.jar") proguardOptionsFile := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "proguard.options") rTxt := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "R.txt") a.extraAaptPackagesFile = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "extra_packages") var linkDeps android.Paths linkFlags := []string{ "--static-lib", "--no-static-lib-packages", "--auto-add-overlay", } linkFlags = append(linkFlags, "--manifest "+a.manifest.String()) linkDeps = append(linkDeps, a.manifest) transitiveStaticLibs, libDeps, libFlags := aaptLibs(ctx, sdkContext(a)) linkDeps = append(linkDeps, libDeps...) linkFlags = append(linkFlags, libFlags...) overlayRes := append(android.Paths{flata}, transitiveStaticLibs...) aapt2Link(ctx, a.exportPackage, srcJar, proguardOptionsFile, rTxt, a.extraAaptPackagesFile, linkFlags, linkDeps, nil, overlayRes) } var _ Dependency = (*AARImport)(nil) func (a *AARImport) HeaderJars() android.Paths { return android.Paths{a.classpathFile} } func (a *AARImport) ImplementationJars() android.Paths { return android.Paths{a.classpathFile} } func (a *AARImport) AidlIncludeDirs() android.Paths { return nil } func (a *AARImport) ExportedSdkLibs() []string { return nil } var _ android.PrebuiltInterface = (*Import)(nil) func AARImportFactory() android.Module { module := &AARImport{} module.AddProperties(&module.properties) android.InitPrebuiltModule(module, &module.properties.Aars) android.InitAndroidArchModule(module, android.DeviceSupported, android.MultilibCommon) return module }