// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package common import ( "fmt" "path/filepath" "strings" "android/soong" "android/soong/glob" "github.com/google/blueprint" ) var ( DeviceSharedLibrary = "shared_library" DeviceStaticLibrary = "static_library" DeviceExecutable = "executable" HostSharedLibrary = "host_shared_library" HostStaticLibrary = "host_static_library" HostExecutable = "host_executable" ) type ModuleBuildParams struct { Rule blueprint.Rule Output WritablePath Outputs WritablePaths Input Path Inputs Paths Implicit Path Implicits Paths OrderOnly Paths Default bool Args map[string]string } type androidBaseContext interface { Arch() Arch HostOrDevice() HostOrDevice HostType() HostType Host() bool Device() bool Darwin() bool Debug() bool AConfig() Config Proprietary() bool InstallInData() bool } type AndroidBaseContext interface { blueprint.BaseModuleContext androidBaseContext } type AndroidModuleContext interface { blueprint.ModuleContext androidBaseContext // Similar to Build, but takes Paths instead of []string, // and performs more verification. ModuleBuild(pctx blueprint.PackageContext, params ModuleBuildParams) ExpandSources(srcFiles, excludes []string) Paths Glob(outDir, globPattern string, excludes []string) Paths InstallFile(installPath OutputPath, srcPath Path, deps ...Path) Path InstallFileName(installPath OutputPath, name string, srcPath Path, deps ...Path) Path CheckbuildFile(srcPath Path) } type AndroidModule interface { blueprint.Module GenerateAndroidBuildActions(AndroidModuleContext) base() *AndroidModuleBase Enabled() bool HostOrDevice() HostOrDevice InstallInData() bool } type commonProperties struct { Name string Deps []string Tags []string // emit build rules for this module Enabled *bool `android:"arch_variant"` // control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values // are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both // architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit // platform Compile_multilib string // whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor Proprietary bool // Set by HostOrDeviceMutator CompileHostOrDevice HostOrDevice `blueprint:"mutated"` // Set by HostTypeMutator CompileHostType HostType `blueprint:"mutated"` // Set by ArchMutator CompileArch Arch `blueprint:"mutated"` // Set by InitAndroidModule HostOrDeviceSupported HostOrDeviceSupported `blueprint:"mutated"` } type hostAndDeviceProperties struct { Host_supported bool Device_supported bool } type Multilib string const ( MultilibBoth Multilib = "both" MultilibFirst Multilib = "first" MultilibCommon Multilib = "common" MultilibDefault Multilib = "" ) func InitAndroidModule(m AndroidModule, propertyStructs ...interface{}) (blueprint.Module, []interface{}) { base := m.base() base.module = m propertyStructs = append(propertyStructs, &base.commonProperties, &base.variableProperties) return m, propertyStructs } func InitAndroidArchModule(m AndroidModule, hod HostOrDeviceSupported, defaultMultilib Multilib, propertyStructs ...interface{}) (blueprint.Module, []interface{}) { _, propertyStructs = InitAndroidModule(m, propertyStructs...) base := m.base() base.commonProperties.HostOrDeviceSupported = hod base.commonProperties.Compile_multilib = string(defaultMultilib) switch hod { case HostAndDeviceSupported: // Default to module to device supported, host not supported, can override in module // properties base.hostAndDeviceProperties.Device_supported = true fallthrough case HostAndDeviceDefault: propertyStructs = append(propertyStructs, &base.hostAndDeviceProperties) } return InitArchModule(m, propertyStructs...) } // A AndroidModuleBase object contains the properties that are common to all Android // modules. It should be included as an anonymous field in every module // struct definition. InitAndroidModule should then be called from the module's // factory function, and the return values from InitAndroidModule should be // returned from the factory function. // // The AndroidModuleBase type is responsible for implementing the // GenerateBuildActions method to support the blueprint.Module interface. This // method will then call the module's GenerateAndroidBuildActions method once // for each build variant that is to be built. GenerateAndroidBuildActions is // passed a AndroidModuleContext rather than the usual blueprint.ModuleContext. // AndroidModuleContext exposes extra functionality specific to the Android build // system including details about the particular build variant that is to be // generated. // // For example: // // import ( // "android/soong/common" // "github.com/google/blueprint" // ) // // type myModule struct { // common.AndroidModuleBase // properties struct { // MyProperty string // } // } // // func NewMyModule() (blueprint.Module, []interface{}) { // m := &myModule{} // return common.InitAndroidModule(m, &m.properties) // } // // func (m *myModule) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx common.AndroidModuleContext) { // // Get the CPU architecture for the current build variant. // variantArch := ctx.Arch() // // // ... // } type AndroidModuleBase struct { // Putting the curiously recurring thing pointing to the thing that contains // the thing pattern to good use. module AndroidModule commonProperties commonProperties variableProperties variableProperties hostAndDeviceProperties hostAndDeviceProperties generalProperties []interface{} archProperties []*archProperties noAddressSanitizer bool installFiles Paths checkbuildFiles Paths // Used by buildTargetSingleton to create checkbuild and per-directory build targets // Only set on the final variant of each module installTarget string checkbuildTarget string blueprintDir string } func (a *AndroidModuleBase) base() *AndroidModuleBase { return a } func (a *AndroidModuleBase) SetHostOrDevice(hod HostOrDevice) { a.commonProperties.CompileHostOrDevice = hod } func (a *AndroidModuleBase) SetHostType(ht HostType) { a.commonProperties.CompileHostType = ht } func (a *AndroidModuleBase) SetArch(arch Arch) { a.commonProperties.CompileArch = arch } func (a *AndroidModuleBase) HostOrDevice() HostOrDevice { return a.commonProperties.CompileHostOrDevice } func (a *AndroidModuleBase) HostType() HostType { return a.commonProperties.CompileHostType } func (a *AndroidModuleBase) HostSupported() bool { return a.commonProperties.HostOrDeviceSupported == HostSupported || a.commonProperties.HostOrDeviceSupported == HostAndDeviceSupported && a.hostAndDeviceProperties.Host_supported } func (a *AndroidModuleBase) DeviceSupported() bool { return a.commonProperties.HostOrDeviceSupported == DeviceSupported || a.commonProperties.HostOrDeviceSupported == HostAndDeviceSupported && a.hostAndDeviceProperties.Device_supported } func (a *AndroidModuleBase) Enabled() bool { if a.commonProperties.Enabled == nil { if a.HostSupported() && a.HostOrDevice().Host() && a.HostType() == Windows { return false } else { return true } } return *a.commonProperties.Enabled } func (a *AndroidModuleBase) computeInstallDeps( ctx blueprint.ModuleContext) Paths { result := Paths{} ctx.VisitDepsDepthFirstIf(isFileInstaller, func(m blueprint.Module) { fileInstaller := m.(fileInstaller) files := fileInstaller.filesToInstall() result = append(result, files...) }) return result } func (a *AndroidModuleBase) filesToInstall() Paths { return a.installFiles } func (p *AndroidModuleBase) NoAddressSanitizer() bool { return p.noAddressSanitizer } func (p *AndroidModuleBase) InstallInData() bool { return false } func (a *AndroidModuleBase) generateModuleTarget(ctx blueprint.ModuleContext) { if a != ctx.FinalModule().(AndroidModule).base() { return } allInstalledFiles := Paths{} allCheckbuildFiles := Paths{} ctx.VisitAllModuleVariants(func(module blueprint.Module) { a := module.(AndroidModule).base() allInstalledFiles = append(allInstalledFiles, a.installFiles...) allCheckbuildFiles = append(allCheckbuildFiles, a.checkbuildFiles...) }) deps := []string{} if len(allInstalledFiles) > 0 { name := ctx.ModuleName() + "-install" ctx.Build(pctx, blueprint.BuildParams{ Rule: blueprint.Phony, Outputs: []string{name}, Implicits: allInstalledFiles.Strings(), Optional: ctx.Config().(Config).EmbeddedInMake(), }) deps = append(deps, name) a.installTarget = name } if len(allCheckbuildFiles) > 0 { name := ctx.ModuleName() + "-checkbuild" ctx.Build(pctx, blueprint.BuildParams{ Rule: blueprint.Phony, Outputs: []string{name}, Implicits: allCheckbuildFiles.Strings(), Optional: true, }) deps = append(deps, name) a.checkbuildTarget = name } if len(deps) > 0 { suffix := "" if ctx.Config().(Config).EmbeddedInMake() { suffix = "-soong" } ctx.Build(pctx, blueprint.BuildParams{ Rule: blueprint.Phony, Outputs: []string{ctx.ModuleName() + suffix}, Implicits: deps, Optional: true, }) a.blueprintDir = ctx.ModuleDir() } } func (a *AndroidModuleBase) androidBaseContextFactory(ctx blueprint.BaseModuleContext) androidBaseContextImpl { return androidBaseContextImpl{ arch: a.commonProperties.CompileArch, hod: a.commonProperties.CompileHostOrDevice, ht: a.commonProperties.CompileHostType, proprietary: a.commonProperties.Proprietary, config: ctx.Config().(Config), installInData: a.module.InstallInData(), } } func (a *AndroidModuleBase) GenerateBuildActions(ctx blueprint.ModuleContext) { androidCtx := &androidModuleContext{ ModuleContext: ctx, androidBaseContextImpl: a.androidBaseContextFactory(ctx), installDeps: a.computeInstallDeps(ctx), installFiles: a.installFiles, missingDeps: ctx.GetMissingDependencies(), } if !a.Enabled() { return } a.module.GenerateAndroidBuildActions(androidCtx) if ctx.Failed() { return } a.installFiles = append(a.installFiles, androidCtx.installFiles...) a.checkbuildFiles = append(a.checkbuildFiles, androidCtx.checkbuildFiles...) a.generateModuleTarget(ctx) if ctx.Failed() { return } } type androidBaseContextImpl struct { arch Arch hod HostOrDevice ht HostType debug bool config Config proprietary bool installInData bool } type androidModuleContext struct { blueprint.ModuleContext androidBaseContextImpl installDeps Paths installFiles Paths checkbuildFiles Paths missingDeps []string } func (a *androidModuleContext) ninjaError(outputs []string, err error) { a.ModuleContext.Build(pctx, blueprint.BuildParams{ Rule: ErrorRule, Outputs: outputs, Optional: true, Args: map[string]string{ "error": err.Error(), }, }) return } func (a *androidModuleContext) Build(pctx blueprint.PackageContext, params blueprint.BuildParams) { if a.missingDeps != nil { a.ninjaError(params.Outputs, fmt.Errorf("module %s missing dependencies: %s\n", a.ModuleName(), strings.Join(a.missingDeps, ", "))) return } params.Optional = true a.ModuleContext.Build(pctx, params) } func (a *androidModuleContext) ModuleBuild(pctx blueprint.PackageContext, params ModuleBuildParams) { bparams := blueprint.BuildParams{ Rule: params.Rule, Outputs: params.Outputs.Strings(), Inputs: params.Inputs.Strings(), Implicits: params.Implicits.Strings(), OrderOnly: params.OrderOnly.Strings(), Args: params.Args, Optional: !params.Default, } if params.Output != nil { bparams.Outputs = append(bparams.Outputs, params.Output.String()) } if params.Input != nil { bparams.Inputs = append(bparams.Inputs, params.Input.String()) } if params.Implicit != nil { bparams.Implicits = append(bparams.Implicits, params.Implicit.String()) } if a.missingDeps != nil { a.ninjaError(bparams.Outputs, fmt.Errorf("module %s missing dependencies: %s\n", a.ModuleName(), strings.Join(a.missingDeps, ", "))) return } a.ModuleContext.Build(pctx, bparams) } func (a *androidModuleContext) GetMissingDependencies() []string { return a.missingDeps } func (a *androidBaseContextImpl) Arch() Arch { return a.arch } func (a *androidBaseContextImpl) HostOrDevice() HostOrDevice { return a.hod } func (a *androidBaseContextImpl) HostType() HostType { return a.ht } func (a *androidBaseContextImpl) Host() bool { return a.hod.Host() } func (a *androidBaseContextImpl) Device() bool { return a.hod.Device() } func (a *androidBaseContextImpl) Darwin() bool { return a.hod.Host() && a.ht == Darwin } func (a *androidBaseContextImpl) Debug() bool { return a.debug } func (a *androidBaseContextImpl) AConfig() Config { return a.config } func (a *androidBaseContextImpl) Proprietary() bool { return a.proprietary } func (a *androidBaseContextImpl) InstallInData() bool { return a.installInData } func (a *androidModuleContext) InstallFileName(installPath OutputPath, name string, srcPath Path, deps ...Path) Path { fullInstallPath := installPath.Join(a, name) deps = append(deps, a.installDeps...) a.ModuleBuild(pctx, ModuleBuildParams{ Rule: Cp, Output: fullInstallPath, Input: srcPath, OrderOnly: Paths(deps), Default: !a.AConfig().EmbeddedInMake(), }) a.installFiles = append(a.installFiles, fullInstallPath) a.checkbuildFiles = append(a.checkbuildFiles, srcPath) return fullInstallPath } func (a *androidModuleContext) InstallFile(installPath OutputPath, srcPath Path, deps ...Path) Path { return a.InstallFileName(installPath, filepath.Base(srcPath.String()), srcPath, deps...) } func (a *androidModuleContext) CheckbuildFile(srcPath Path) { a.checkbuildFiles = append(a.checkbuildFiles, srcPath) } type fileInstaller interface { filesToInstall() Paths } func isFileInstaller(m blueprint.Module) bool { _, ok := m.(fileInstaller) return ok } func isAndroidModule(m blueprint.Module) bool { _, ok := m.(AndroidModule) return ok } func findStringInSlice(str string, slice []string) int { for i, s := range slice { if s == str { return i } } return -1 } func (ctx *androidModuleContext) ExpandSources(srcFiles, excludes []string) Paths { prefix := PathForModuleSrc(ctx).String() for i, e := range excludes { j := findStringInSlice(e, srcFiles) if j != -1 { srcFiles = append(srcFiles[:j], srcFiles[j+1:]...) } excludes[i] = filepath.Join(prefix, e) } globbedSrcFiles := make(Paths, 0, len(srcFiles)) for _, s := range srcFiles { if glob.IsGlob(s) { globbedSrcFiles = append(globbedSrcFiles, ctx.Glob("src_glob", filepath.Join(prefix, s), excludes)...) } else { globbedSrcFiles = append(globbedSrcFiles, PathForModuleSrc(ctx, s)) } } return globbedSrcFiles } func (ctx *androidModuleContext) Glob(outDir, globPattern string, excludes []string) Paths { ret, err := Glob(ctx, PathForModuleOut(ctx, outDir).String(), globPattern, excludes) if err != nil { ctx.ModuleErrorf("glob: %s", err.Error()) } return pathsForModuleSrcFromFullPath(ctx, ret) } func init() { soong.RegisterSingletonType("buildtarget", BuildTargetSingleton) } func BuildTargetSingleton() blueprint.Singleton { return &buildTargetSingleton{} } type buildTargetSingleton struct{} func (c *buildTargetSingleton) GenerateBuildActions(ctx blueprint.SingletonContext) { checkbuildDeps := []string{} dirModules := make(map[string][]string) ctx.VisitAllModules(func(module blueprint.Module) { if a, ok := module.(AndroidModule); ok { blueprintDir := a.base().blueprintDir installTarget := a.base().installTarget checkbuildTarget := a.base().checkbuildTarget if checkbuildTarget != "" { checkbuildDeps = append(checkbuildDeps, checkbuildTarget) dirModules[blueprintDir] = append(dirModules[blueprintDir], checkbuildTarget) } if installTarget != "" { dirModules[blueprintDir] = append(dirModules[blueprintDir], installTarget) } } }) suffix := "" if ctx.Config().(Config).EmbeddedInMake() { suffix = "-soong" } // Create a top-level checkbuild target that depends on all modules ctx.Build(pctx, blueprint.BuildParams{ Rule: blueprint.Phony, Outputs: []string{"checkbuild" + suffix}, Implicits: checkbuildDeps, Optional: true, }) // Create a mm/ target that depends on all modules in a directory dirs := sortedKeys(dirModules) for _, dir := range dirs { ctx.Build(pctx, blueprint.BuildParams{ Rule: blueprint.Phony, Outputs: []string{filepath.Join("mm", dir)}, Implicits: dirModules[dir], // HACK: checkbuild should be an optional build, but force it // enabled for now in standalone builds Optional: ctx.Config().(Config).EmbeddedInMake(), }) } } type AndroidModulesByName struct { slice []AndroidModule ctx interface { ModuleName(blueprint.Module) string ModuleSubDir(blueprint.Module) string } } func (s AndroidModulesByName) Len() int { return len(s.slice) } func (s AndroidModulesByName) Less(i, j int) bool { mi, mj := s.slice[i], s.slice[j] ni, nj := s.ctx.ModuleName(mi), s.ctx.ModuleName(mj) if ni != nj { return ni < nj } else { return s.ctx.ModuleSubDir(mi) < s.ctx.ModuleSubDir(mj) } } func (s AndroidModulesByName) Swap(i, j int) { s.slice[i], s.slice[j] = s.slice[j], s.slice[i] }