// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package cc import ( "android/soong/android" "fmt" ) func getNdkStlFamily(ctx android.ModuleContext, m *Module) string { stl := m.stl.Properties.SelectedStl switch stl { case "ndk_libc++_shared", "ndk_libc++_static": return "libc++" case "ndk_system": return "system" case "": return "none" default: ctx.ModuleErrorf("stl: %q is not a valid STL", stl) return "" } } type StlProperties struct { // Select the STL library to use. Possible values are "libc++", // "libc++_static", "libstdc++", or "none". Leave blank to select the // default. Stl *string `android:"arch_variant"` SelectedStl string `blueprint:"mutated"` } type stl struct { Properties StlProperties } func (stl *stl) props() []interface{} { return []interface{}{&stl.Properties} } func (stl *stl) begin(ctx BaseModuleContext) { stl.Properties.SelectedStl = func() string { s := "" if stl.Properties.Stl != nil { s = *stl.Properties.Stl } if ctx.useSdk() && ctx.Device() { switch s { case "": return "ndk_system" case "c++_shared", "c++_static": return "ndk_lib" + s case "libc++": return "ndk_libc++_shared" case "libc++_static": return "ndk_libc++_static" case "none": return "" default: ctx.ModuleErrorf("stl: %q is not a supported STL with sdk_version set", s) return "" } } else if ctx.Windows() { switch s { case "libc++", "libc++_static", "libstdc++", "": // libc++ is not supported on mingw return "libstdc++" case "none": return "" default: ctx.ModuleErrorf("stl: %q is not a supported STL for windows", s) return "" } } else { switch s { case "libc++", "libc++_static": return s case "none": return "" case "": if ctx.static() { return "libc++_static" } else { return "libc++" } default: ctx.ModuleErrorf("stl: %q is not a supported STL", s) return "" } } }() } func (stl *stl) deps(ctx BaseModuleContext, deps Deps) Deps { switch stl.Properties.SelectedStl { case "libstdc++": // Nothing case "libc++", "libc++_static": if stl.Properties.SelectedStl == "libc++" { deps.SharedLibs = append(deps.SharedLibs, stl.Properties.SelectedStl) } else { deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, stl.Properties.SelectedStl) } if ctx.toolchain().Bionic() { if ctx.Arch().ArchType == android.Arm { deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, "libunwind_llvm") } if ctx.staticBinary() { deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, "libm", "libc", "libdl") } } case "": // None or error. case "ndk_system": // TODO: Make a system STL prebuilt for the NDK. // The system STL doesn't have a prebuilt (it uses the system's libstdc++), but it does have // its own includes. The includes are handled in CCBase.Flags(). deps.SharedLibs = append([]string{"libstdc++"}, deps.SharedLibs...) case "ndk_libc++_shared": deps.SharedLibs = append(deps.SharedLibs, stl.Properties.SelectedStl) case "ndk_libc++_static": deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, stl.Properties.SelectedStl) default: panic(fmt.Errorf("Unknown stl: %q", stl.Properties.SelectedStl)) } return deps } func (stl *stl) flags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags { switch stl.Properties.SelectedStl { case "libc++", "libc++_static": flags.CFlags = append(flags.CFlags, "-D_USING_LIBCXX") if ctx.Darwin() { // libc++'s headers are annotated with availability macros that // indicate which version of Mac OS was the first to ship with a // libc++ feature available in its *system's* libc++.dylib. We do // not use the system's library, but rather ship our own. As such, // these availability attributes are meaningless for us but cause // build breaks when we try to use code that would not be available // in the system's dylib. flags.CppFlags = append(flags.CppFlags, "-D_LIBCPP_DISABLE_AVAILABILITY") } if !ctx.toolchain().Bionic() { flags.CppFlags = append(flags.CppFlags, "-nostdinc++") flags.LdFlags = append(flags.LdFlags, "-nodefaultlibs") if ctx.staticBinary() { flags.LdFlags = append(flags.LdFlags, hostStaticGccLibs[ctx.Os()]...) } else { flags.LdFlags = append(flags.LdFlags, hostDynamicGccLibs[ctx.Os()]...) } } else { if ctx.Arch().ArchType == android.Arm { flags.LdFlags = append(flags.LdFlags, "-Wl,--exclude-libs,libunwind_llvm.a") } } case "libstdc++": // Nothing case "ndk_system": ndkSrcRoot := android.PathForSource(ctx, "prebuilts/ndk/current/sources/cxx-stl/system/include") flags.CFlags = append(flags.CFlags, "-isystem "+ndkSrcRoot.String()) case "ndk_libc++_shared", "ndk_libc++_static": // Nothing. case "": // None or error. if !ctx.toolchain().Bionic() { flags.CppFlags = append(flags.CppFlags, "-nostdinc++") flags.LdFlags = append(flags.LdFlags, "-nodefaultlibs") if ctx.staticBinary() { flags.LdFlags = append(flags.LdFlags, hostStaticGccLibs[ctx.Os()]...) } else { flags.LdFlags = append(flags.LdFlags, hostDynamicGccLibs[ctx.Os()]...) } } default: panic(fmt.Errorf("Unknown stl: %q", stl.Properties.SelectedStl)) } return flags } var hostDynamicGccLibs, hostStaticGccLibs map[android.OsType][]string func init() { hostDynamicGccLibs = map[android.OsType][]string{ android.Linux: []string{"-lgcc_s", "-lgcc", "-lc", "-lgcc_s", "-lgcc"}, android.Darwin: []string{"-lc", "-lSystem"}, android.Windows: []string{"-lmsvcr110", "-lmingw32", "-lgcc", "-lmoldname", "-lmingwex", "-lmsvcrt", "-ladvapi32", "-lshell32", "-luser32", "-lkernel32", "-lmingw32", "-lgcc", "-lmoldname", "-lmingwex", "-lmsvcrt"}, } hostStaticGccLibs = map[android.OsType][]string{ android.Linux: []string{"-Wl,--start-group", "-lgcc", "-lgcc_eh", "-lc", "-Wl,--end-group"}, android.Darwin: []string{"NO_STATIC_HOST_BINARIES_ON_DARWIN"}, android.Windows: []string{"NO_STATIC_HOST_BINARIES_ON_WINDOWS"}, } }