// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package apex import ( "fmt" "io" "path/filepath" "runtime" "sort" "strings" "sync" "android/soong/android" "android/soong/cc" "android/soong/java" "android/soong/python" "github.com/google/blueprint" "github.com/google/blueprint/bootstrap" "github.com/google/blueprint/proptools" ) var ( pctx = android.NewPackageContext("android/apex") // Create a canned fs config file where all files and directories are // by default set to (uid/gid/mode) = (1000/1000/0644) // TODO(b/113082813) make this configurable using config.fs syntax generateFsConfig = pctx.StaticRule("generateFsConfig", blueprint.RuleParams{ Command: `echo '/ 1000 1000 0755' > ${out} && ` + `echo '/apex_manifest.json 1000 1000 0644' >> ${out} && ` + `echo ${ro_paths} | tr ' ' '\n' | awk '{print "/"$$1 " 1000 1000 0644"}' >> ${out} && ` + `echo ${exec_paths} | tr ' ' '\n' | awk '{print "/"$$1 " 0 2000 0755"}' >> ${out}`, Description: "fs_config ${out}", }, "ro_paths", "exec_paths") injectApexDependency = pctx.StaticRule("injectApexDependency", blueprint.RuleParams{ Command: `rm -f $out && ${jsonmodify} $in ` + `-a provideNativeLibs ${provideNativeLibs} ` + `-a requireNativeLibs ${requireNativeLibs} -o $out`, CommandDeps: []string{"${jsonmodify}"}, Description: "Inject dependency into ${out}", }, "provideNativeLibs", "requireNativeLibs") // TODO(b/113233103): make sure that file_contexts is sane, i.e., validate // against the binary policy using sefcontext_compiler -p . // TODO(b/114327326): automate the generation of file_contexts apexRule = pctx.StaticRule("apexRule", blueprint.RuleParams{ Command: `rm -rf ${image_dir} && mkdir -p ${image_dir} && ` + `(. ${out}.copy_commands) && ` + `APEXER_TOOL_PATH=${tool_path} ` + `${apexer} --force --manifest ${manifest} ` + `--file_contexts ${file_contexts} ` + `--canned_fs_config ${canned_fs_config} ` + `--payload_type image ` + `--key ${key} ${opt_flags} ${image_dir} ${out} `, CommandDeps: []string{"${apexer}", "${avbtool}", "${e2fsdroid}", "${merge_zips}", "${mke2fs}", "${resize2fs}", "${sefcontext_compile}", "${soong_zip}", "${zipalign}", "${aapt2}", "prebuilts/sdk/current/public/android.jar"}, Rspfile: "${out}.copy_commands", RspfileContent: "${copy_commands}", Description: "APEX ${image_dir} => ${out}", }, "tool_path", "image_dir", "copy_commands", "manifest", "file_contexts", "canned_fs_config", "key", "opt_flags") zipApexRule = pctx.StaticRule("zipApexRule", blueprint.RuleParams{ Command: `rm -rf ${image_dir} && mkdir -p ${image_dir} && ` + `(. ${out}.copy_commands) && ` + `APEXER_TOOL_PATH=${tool_path} ` + `${apexer} --force --manifest ${manifest} ` + `--payload_type zip ` + `${image_dir} ${out} `, CommandDeps: []string{"${apexer}", "${merge_zips}", "${soong_zip}", "${zipalign}", "${aapt2}"}, Rspfile: "${out}.copy_commands", RspfileContent: "${copy_commands}", Description: "ZipAPEX ${image_dir} => ${out}", }, "tool_path", "image_dir", "copy_commands", "manifest") apexProtoConvertRule = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("apexProtoConvertRule", blueprint.RuleParams{ Command: `${aapt2} convert --output-format proto $in -o $out`, CommandDeps: []string{"${aapt2}"}, }) apexBundleRule = pctx.StaticRule("apexBundleRule", blueprint.RuleParams{ Command: `${zip2zip} -i $in -o $out ` + `apex_payload.img:apex/${abi}.img ` + `apex_manifest.json:root/apex_manifest.json ` + `AndroidManifest.xml:manifest/AndroidManifest.xml ` + `assets/NOTICE.html.gz:assets/NOTICE.html.gz`, CommandDeps: []string{"${zip2zip}"}, Description: "app bundle", }, "abi") emitApexContentRule = pctx.StaticRule("emitApexContentRule", blueprint.RuleParams{ Command: `rm -f ${out} && touch ${out} && (. ${out}.emit_commands)`, Rspfile: "${out}.emit_commands", RspfileContent: "${emit_commands}", Description: "Emit APEX image content", }, "emit_commands") diffApexContentRule = pctx.StaticRule("diffApexContentRule", blueprint.RuleParams{ Command: `diff --unchanged-group-format='' \` + `--changed-group-format='%<' \` + `${image_content_file} ${whitelisted_files_file} || (` + `echo -e "New unexpected files were added to ${apex_module_name}." ` + ` "To fix the build run following command:" && ` + `echo "system/apex/tools/update_whitelist.sh ${whitelisted_files_file} ${image_content_file}" && ` + `exit 1)`, Description: "Diff ${image_content_file} and ${whitelisted_files_file}", }, "image_content_file", "whitelisted_files_file", "apex_module_name") ) var imageApexSuffix = ".apex" var zipApexSuffix = ".zipapex" var imageApexType = "image" var zipApexType = "zip" type dependencyTag struct { blueprint.BaseDependencyTag name string } var ( sharedLibTag = dependencyTag{name: "sharedLib"} executableTag = dependencyTag{name: "executable"} javaLibTag = dependencyTag{name: "javaLib"} prebuiltTag = dependencyTag{name: "prebuilt"} testTag = dependencyTag{name: "test"} keyTag = dependencyTag{name: "key"} certificateTag = dependencyTag{name: "certificate"} usesTag = dependencyTag{name: "uses"} androidAppTag = dependencyTag{name: "androidApp"} ) var ( whitelistNoApex = map[string][]string{ "apex_test_build_features": []string{"libbinder"}, "com.android.neuralnetworks": []string{"libbinder"}, "com.android.media": []string{"libbinder"}, "com.android.media.swcodec": []string{"libbinder"}, "test_com.android.media.swcodec": []string{"libbinder"}, "com.android.vndk": []string{"libbinder"}, } ) func init() { pctx.Import("android/soong/android") pctx.Import("android/soong/java") pctx.HostBinToolVariable("apexer", "apexer") // ART minimal builds (using the master-art manifest) do not have the "frameworks/base" // projects, and hence cannot built 'aapt2'. Use the SDK prebuilt instead. hostBinToolVariableWithPrebuilt := func(name, prebuiltDir, tool string) { pctx.VariableFunc(name, func(ctx android.PackageVarContext) string { if !ctx.Config().FrameworksBaseDirExists(ctx) { return filepath.Join(prebuiltDir, runtime.GOOS, "bin", tool) } else { return pctx.HostBinToolPath(ctx, tool).String() } }) } hostBinToolVariableWithPrebuilt("aapt2", "prebuilts/sdk/tools", "aapt2") pctx.HostBinToolVariable("avbtool", "avbtool") pctx.HostBinToolVariable("e2fsdroid", "e2fsdroid") pctx.HostBinToolVariable("merge_zips", "merge_zips") pctx.HostBinToolVariable("mke2fs", "mke2fs") pctx.HostBinToolVariable("resize2fs", "resize2fs") pctx.HostBinToolVariable("sefcontext_compile", "sefcontext_compile") pctx.HostBinToolVariable("soong_zip", "soong_zip") pctx.HostBinToolVariable("zip2zip", "zip2zip") pctx.HostBinToolVariable("zipalign", "zipalign") pctx.HostBinToolVariable("jsonmodify", "jsonmodify") android.RegisterModuleType("apex", apexBundleFactory) android.RegisterModuleType("apex_test", testApexBundleFactory) android.RegisterModuleType("apex_vndk", vndkApexBundleFactory) android.RegisterModuleType("apex_defaults", defaultsFactory) android.RegisterModuleType("prebuilt_apex", PrebuiltFactory) android.PreDepsMutators(func(ctx android.RegisterMutatorsContext) { ctx.TopDown("apex_vndk_gather", apexVndkGatherMutator).Parallel() ctx.BottomUp("apex_vndk_add_deps", apexVndkAddDepsMutator).Parallel() }) android.PostDepsMutators(func(ctx android.RegisterMutatorsContext) { ctx.TopDown("apex_deps", apexDepsMutator) ctx.BottomUp("apex", apexMutator).Parallel() ctx.BottomUp("apex_flattened", apexFlattenedMutator).Parallel() ctx.BottomUp("apex_uses", apexUsesMutator).Parallel() }) } var ( vndkApexListKey = android.NewOnceKey("vndkApexList") vndkApexListMutex sync.Mutex ) func vndkApexList(config android.Config) map[string]*apexBundle { return config.Once(vndkApexListKey, func() interface{} { return map[string]*apexBundle{} }).(map[string]*apexBundle) } // apexVndkGatherMutator gathers "apex_vndk" modules and puts them in a map with vndk_version as a key. func apexVndkGatherMutator(mctx android.TopDownMutatorContext) { if ab, ok := mctx.Module().(*apexBundle); ok && ab.vndkApex { if ab.IsNativeBridgeSupported() { mctx.PropertyErrorf("native_bridge_supported", "%q doesn't support native bridge binary.", mctx.ModuleType()) } vndkVersion := proptools.StringDefault(ab.vndkProperties.Vndk_version, mctx.DeviceConfig().PlatformVndkVersion()) vndkApexListMutex.Lock() defer vndkApexListMutex.Unlock() vndkApexList := vndkApexList(mctx.Config()) if other, ok := vndkApexList[vndkVersion]; ok { mctx.PropertyErrorf("vndk_version", "%v is already defined in %q", vndkVersion, other.Name()) } vndkApexList[vndkVersion] = ab } } // apexVndkAddDepsMutator adds (reverse) dependencies from vndk libs to apex_vndk modules. // It filters only libs with matching targets. func apexVndkAddDepsMutator(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) { if cc, ok := mctx.Module().(*cc.Module); ok && cc.IsVndkOnSystem() { vndkApexList := vndkApexList(mctx.Config()) if ab, ok := vndkApexList[cc.VndkVersion()]; ok { targetArch := cc.Target().String() for _, target := range ab.MultiTargets() { if target.String() == targetArch { mctx.AddReverseDependency(mctx.Module(), sharedLibTag, ab.Name()) break } } } } } // Mark the direct and transitive dependencies of apex bundles so that they // can be built for the apex bundles. func apexDepsMutator(mctx android.TopDownMutatorContext) { if a, ok := mctx.Module().(*apexBundle); ok { apexBundleName := mctx.ModuleName() mctx.WalkDeps(func(child, parent android.Module) bool { depName := mctx.OtherModuleName(child) // If the parent is apexBundle, this child is directly depended. _, directDep := parent.(*apexBundle) if a.installable() && !a.testApex { // TODO(b/123892969): Workaround for not having any way to annotate test-apexs // non-installable apex's cannot be installed and so should not prevent libraries from being // installed to the system. android.UpdateApexDependency(apexBundleName, depName, directDep) } if am, ok := child.(android.ApexModule); ok && am.CanHaveApexVariants() { am.BuildForApex(apexBundleName) return true } else { return false } }) } } // Create apex variations if a module is included in APEX(s). func apexMutator(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) { if am, ok := mctx.Module().(android.ApexModule); ok && am.CanHaveApexVariants() { am.CreateApexVariations(mctx) } else if _, ok := mctx.Module().(*apexBundle); ok { // apex bundle itself is mutated so that it and its modules have same // apex variant. apexBundleName := mctx.ModuleName() mctx.CreateVariations(apexBundleName) } } func apexFlattenedMutator(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) { if _, ok := mctx.Module().(*apexBundle); ok { if !mctx.Config().FlattenApex() || mctx.Config().UnbundledBuild() { modules := mctx.CreateLocalVariations("", "flattened") modules[0].(*apexBundle).SetFlattened(false) modules[1].(*apexBundle).SetFlattened(true) } } } func apexUsesMutator(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) { if ab, ok := mctx.Module().(*apexBundle); ok { mctx.AddFarVariationDependencies(nil, usesTag, ab.properties.Uses...) } } type apexNativeDependencies struct { // List of native libraries Native_shared_libs []string // List of native executables Binaries []string // List of native tests Tests []string } type apexMultilibProperties struct { // Native dependencies whose compile_multilib is "first" First apexNativeDependencies // Native dependencies whose compile_multilib is "both" Both apexNativeDependencies // Native dependencies whose compile_multilib is "prefer32" Prefer32 apexNativeDependencies // Native dependencies whose compile_multilib is "32" Lib32 apexNativeDependencies // Native dependencies whose compile_multilib is "64" Lib64 apexNativeDependencies } type apexBundleProperties struct { // Json manifest file describing meta info of this APEX bundle. Default: // "apex_manifest.json" Manifest *string `android:"path"` // AndroidManifest.xml file used for the zip container of this APEX bundle. // If unspecified, a default one is automatically generated. AndroidManifest *string `android:"path"` // Canonical name of the APEX bundle in the manifest file. // If unspecified, defaults to the value of name Apex_name *string // Determines the file contexts file for setting security context to each file in this APEX bundle. // Specifically, when this is set to , /system/sepolicy/apex/_file_contexts file is // used. // Default: File_contexts *string // List of native shared libs that are embedded inside this APEX bundle Native_shared_libs []string // List of executables that are embedded inside this APEX bundle Binaries []string // List of java libraries that are embedded inside this APEX bundle Java_libs []string // List of prebuilt files that are embedded inside this APEX bundle Prebuilts []string // List of tests that are embedded inside this APEX bundle Tests []string // Name of the apex_key module that provides the private key to sign APEX Key *string // The type of APEX to build. Controls what the APEX payload is. Either // 'image', 'zip' or 'both'. Default: 'image'. Payload_type *string // The name of a certificate in the default certificate directory, blank to use the default product certificate, // or an android_app_certificate module name in the form ":module". Certificate *string // Whether this APEX is installable to one of the partitions. Default: true. Installable *bool // For native libraries and binaries, use the vendor variant instead of the core (platform) variant. // Default is false. Use_vendor *bool // For telling the apex to ignore special handling for system libraries such as bionic. Default is false. Ignore_system_library_special_case *bool Multilib apexMultilibProperties // List of sanitizer names that this APEX is enabled for SanitizerNames []string `blueprint:"mutated"` PreventInstall bool `blueprint:"mutated"` HideFromMake bool `blueprint:"mutated"` // Indicates this APEX provides C++ shared libaries to other APEXes. Default: false. Provide_cpp_shared_libs *bool // List of providing APEXes' names so that this APEX can depend on provided shared libraries. Uses []string // A txt file containing list of files that are whitelisted to be included in this APEX. Whitelisted_files *string // List of APKs to package inside APEX Apps []string // To distinguish between flattened and non-flattened variants. // if set true, then this variant is flattened variant. Flattened bool `blueprint:"mutated"` } type apexTargetBundleProperties struct { Target struct { // Multilib properties only for android. Android struct { Multilib apexMultilibProperties } // Multilib properties only for host. Host struct { Multilib apexMultilibProperties } // Multilib properties only for host linux_bionic. Linux_bionic struct { Multilib apexMultilibProperties } // Multilib properties only for host linux_glibc. Linux_glibc struct { Multilib apexMultilibProperties } } } type apexVndkProperties struct { // Indicates VNDK version of which this VNDK APEX bundles VNDK libs. Default is Platform VNDK Version. Vndk_version *string } type apexFileClass int const ( etc apexFileClass = iota nativeSharedLib nativeExecutable shBinary pyBinary goBinary javaSharedLib nativeTest app ) type apexPackaging int const ( imageApex apexPackaging = iota zipApex both ) func (a apexPackaging) image() bool { switch a { case imageApex, both: return true } return false } func (a apexPackaging) zip() bool { switch a { case zipApex, both: return true } return false } func (a apexPackaging) suffix() string { switch a { case imageApex: return imageApexSuffix case zipApex: return zipApexSuffix case both: panic(fmt.Errorf("must be either zip or image")) default: panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown APEX type %d", a)) } } func (a apexPackaging) name() string { switch a { case imageApex: return imageApexType case zipApex: return zipApexType case both: panic(fmt.Errorf("must be either zip or image")) default: panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown APEX type %d", a)) } } func (class apexFileClass) NameInMake() string { switch class { case etc: return "ETC" case nativeSharedLib: return "SHARED_LIBRARIES" case nativeExecutable, shBinary, pyBinary, goBinary: return "EXECUTABLES" case javaSharedLib: return "JAVA_LIBRARIES" case nativeTest: return "NATIVE_TESTS" case app: return "APPS" default: panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown class %d", class)) } } type apexFile struct { builtFile android.Path moduleName string installDir string class apexFileClass module android.Module symlinks []string } type apexBundle struct { android.ModuleBase android.DefaultableModuleBase properties apexBundleProperties targetProperties apexTargetBundleProperties vndkProperties apexVndkProperties apexTypes apexPackaging bundleModuleFile android.WritablePath outputFiles map[apexPackaging]android.WritablePath flattenedOutput android.OutputPath installDir android.OutputPath prebuiltFileToDelete string public_key_file android.Path private_key_file android.Path container_certificate_file android.Path container_private_key_file android.Path // list of files to be included in this apex filesInfo []apexFile // list of module names that this APEX is depending on externalDeps []string testApex bool vndkApex bool // intermediate path for apex_manifest.json manifestOut android.WritablePath // A config value of (TARGET_FLATTEN_APEX && !TARGET_BUILD_APPS) flattenedConfigValue bool } func addDependenciesForNativeModules(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext, native_shared_libs []string, binaries []string, tests []string, arch string, imageVariation string) { // Use *FarVariation* to be able to depend on modules having // conflicting variations with this module. This is required since // arch variant of an APEX bundle is 'common' but it is 'arm' or 'arm64' // for native shared libs. ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{ {Mutator: "arch", Variation: arch}, {Mutator: "image", Variation: imageVariation}, {Mutator: "link", Variation: "shared"}, {Mutator: "version", Variation: ""}, // "" is the non-stub variant }, sharedLibTag, native_shared_libs...) ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{ {Mutator: "arch", Variation: arch}, {Mutator: "image", Variation: imageVariation}, }, executableTag, binaries...) ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{ {Mutator: "arch", Variation: arch}, {Mutator: "image", Variation: imageVariation}, {Mutator: "test_per_src", Variation: ""}, // "" is the all-tests variant }, testTag, tests...) } func (a *apexBundle) combineProperties(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) { if ctx.Os().Class == android.Device { proptools.AppendProperties(&a.properties.Multilib, &a.targetProperties.Target.Android.Multilib, nil) } else { proptools.AppendProperties(&a.properties.Multilib, &a.targetProperties.Target.Host.Multilib, nil) if ctx.Os().Bionic() { proptools.AppendProperties(&a.properties.Multilib, &a.targetProperties.Target.Linux_bionic.Multilib, nil) } else { proptools.AppendProperties(&a.properties.Multilib, &a.targetProperties.Target.Linux_glibc.Multilib, nil) } } } func (a *apexBundle) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) { targets := ctx.MultiTargets() config := ctx.DeviceConfig() a.combineProperties(ctx) has32BitTarget := false for _, target := range targets { if target.Arch.ArchType.Multilib == "lib32" { has32BitTarget = true } } for i, target := range targets { // When multilib.* is omitted for native_shared_libs, it implies // multilib.both. ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{ {Mutator: "arch", Variation: target.String()}, {Mutator: "image", Variation: a.getImageVariation(config)}, {Mutator: "link", Variation: "shared"}, }, sharedLibTag, a.properties.Native_shared_libs...) // When multilib.* is omitted for tests, it implies // multilib.both. ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{ {Mutator: "arch", Variation: target.String()}, {Mutator: "image", Variation: a.getImageVariation(config)}, {Mutator: "test_per_src", Variation: ""}, // "" is the all-tests variant }, testTag, a.properties.Tests...) // Add native modules targetting both ABIs addDependenciesForNativeModules(ctx, a.properties.Multilib.Both.Native_shared_libs, a.properties.Multilib.Both.Binaries, a.properties.Multilib.Both.Tests, target.String(), a.getImageVariation(config)) isPrimaryAbi := i == 0 if isPrimaryAbi { // When multilib.* is omitted for binaries, it implies // multilib.first. ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{ {Mutator: "arch", Variation: target.String()}, {Mutator: "image", Variation: a.getImageVariation(config)}, }, executableTag, a.properties.Binaries...) // Add native modules targetting the first ABI addDependenciesForNativeModules(ctx, a.properties.Multilib.First.Native_shared_libs, a.properties.Multilib.First.Binaries, a.properties.Multilib.First.Tests, target.String(), a.getImageVariation(config)) // When multilib.* is omitted for prebuilts, it implies multilib.first. ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{ {Mutator: "arch", Variation: target.String()}, }, prebuiltTag, a.properties.Prebuilts...) } switch target.Arch.ArchType.Multilib { case "lib32": // Add native modules targetting 32-bit ABI addDependenciesForNativeModules(ctx, a.properties.Multilib.Lib32.Native_shared_libs, a.properties.Multilib.Lib32.Binaries, a.properties.Multilib.Lib32.Tests, target.String(), a.getImageVariation(config)) addDependenciesForNativeModules(ctx, a.properties.Multilib.Prefer32.Native_shared_libs, a.properties.Multilib.Prefer32.Binaries, a.properties.Multilib.Prefer32.Tests, target.String(), a.getImageVariation(config)) case "lib64": // Add native modules targetting 64-bit ABI addDependenciesForNativeModules(ctx, a.properties.Multilib.Lib64.Native_shared_libs, a.properties.Multilib.Lib64.Binaries, a.properties.Multilib.Lib64.Tests, target.String(), a.getImageVariation(config)) if !has32BitTarget { addDependenciesForNativeModules(ctx, a.properties.Multilib.Prefer32.Native_shared_libs, a.properties.Multilib.Prefer32.Binaries, a.properties.Multilib.Prefer32.Tests, target.String(), a.getImageVariation(config)) } if strings.HasPrefix(ctx.ModuleName(), "com.android.runtime") && target.Os.Class == android.Device { for _, sanitizer := range ctx.Config().SanitizeDevice() { if sanitizer == "hwaddress" { addDependenciesForNativeModules(ctx, []string{"libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android"}, nil, nil, target.String(), a.getImageVariation(config)) break } } } } } ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{ {Mutator: "arch", Variation: "android_common"}, }, javaLibTag, a.properties.Java_libs...) ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{ {Mutator: "arch", Variation: "android_common"}, }, androidAppTag, a.properties.Apps...) if String(a.properties.Key) == "" { ctx.ModuleErrorf("key is missing") return } ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), keyTag, String(a.properties.Key)) cert := android.SrcIsModule(a.getCertString(ctx)) if cert != "" { ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), certificateTag, cert) } } func (a *apexBundle) getCertString(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) string { certificate, overridden := ctx.DeviceConfig().OverrideCertificateFor(ctx.ModuleName()) if overridden { return ":" + certificate } return String(a.properties.Certificate) } func (a *apexBundle) OutputFiles(tag string) (android.Paths, error) { switch tag { case "": if file, ok := a.outputFiles[imageApex]; ok { return android.Paths{file}, nil } else { return nil, nil } case ".flattened": if a.properties.Flattened { flattenedApexPath := a.flattenedOutput return android.Paths{flattenedApexPath}, nil } else { return nil, nil } default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported module reference tag %q", tag) } } func (a *apexBundle) installable() bool { return !a.properties.PreventInstall && (a.properties.Installable == nil || proptools.Bool(a.properties.Installable)) } func (a *apexBundle) getImageVariation(config android.DeviceConfig) string { if config.VndkVersion() != "" && proptools.Bool(a.properties.Use_vendor) { return "vendor" } else { return "core" } } func (a *apexBundle) EnableSanitizer(sanitizerName string) { if !android.InList(sanitizerName, a.properties.SanitizerNames) { a.properties.SanitizerNames = append(a.properties.SanitizerNames, sanitizerName) } } func (a *apexBundle) IsSanitizerEnabled(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sanitizerName string) bool { if android.InList(sanitizerName, a.properties.SanitizerNames) { return true } // Then follow the global setting globalSanitizerNames := []string{} if a.Host() { globalSanitizerNames = ctx.Config().SanitizeHost() } else { arches := ctx.Config().SanitizeDeviceArch() if len(arches) == 0 || android.InList(a.Arch().ArchType.Name, arches) { globalSanitizerNames = ctx.Config().SanitizeDevice() } } return android.InList(sanitizerName, globalSanitizerNames) } func (a *apexBundle) IsNativeCoverageNeeded(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) bool { return ctx.Device() && ctx.DeviceConfig().NativeCoverageEnabled() } func (a *apexBundle) PreventInstall() { a.properties.PreventInstall = true } func (a *apexBundle) HideFromMake() { a.properties.HideFromMake = true } func (a *apexBundle) SetFlattened(flattened bool) { a.properties.Flattened = flattened } func getCopyManifestForNativeLibrary(ccMod *cc.Module, config android.Config, handleSpecialLibs bool) (fileToCopy android.Path, dirInApex string) { // Decide the APEX-local directory by the multilib of the library // In the future, we may query this to the module. switch ccMod.Arch().ArchType.Multilib { case "lib32": dirInApex = "lib" case "lib64": dirInApex = "lib64" } dirInApex = filepath.Join(dirInApex, ccMod.RelativeInstallPath()) if !ccMod.Arch().Native { dirInApex = filepath.Join(dirInApex, ccMod.Arch().ArchType.String()) } else if ccMod.Target().NativeBridge == android.NativeBridgeEnabled { dirInApex = filepath.Join(dirInApex, ccMod.Target().NativeBridgeRelativePath) } if handleSpecialLibs && cc.InstallToBootstrap(ccMod.BaseModuleName(), config) { // Special case for Bionic libs and other libs installed with them. This is // to prevent those libs from being included in the search path // /apex/com.android.runtime/${LIB}. This exclusion is required because // those libs in the Runtime APEX are available via the legacy paths in // /system/lib/. By the init process, the libs in the APEX are bind-mounted // to the legacy paths and thus will be loaded into the default linker // namespace (aka "platform" namespace). If the libs are directly in // /apex/com.android.runtime/${LIB} then the same libs will be loaded again // into the runtime linker namespace, which will result in double loading of // them, which isn't supported. dirInApex = filepath.Join(dirInApex, "bionic") } fileToCopy = ccMod.OutputFile().Path() return } func getCopyManifestForExecutable(cc *cc.Module) (fileToCopy android.Path, dirInApex string) { dirInApex = filepath.Join("bin", cc.RelativeInstallPath()) if !cc.Arch().Native { dirInApex = filepath.Join(dirInApex, cc.Arch().ArchType.String()) } else if cc.Target().NativeBridge == android.NativeBridgeEnabled { dirInApex = filepath.Join(dirInApex, cc.Target().NativeBridgeRelativePath) } fileToCopy = cc.OutputFile().Path() return } func getCopyManifestForPyBinary(py *python.Module) (fileToCopy android.Path, dirInApex string) { dirInApex = "bin" fileToCopy = py.HostToolPath().Path() return } func getCopyManifestForGoBinary(ctx android.ModuleContext, gb bootstrap.GoBinaryTool) (fileToCopy android.Path, dirInApex string) { dirInApex = "bin" s, err := filepath.Rel(android.PathForOutput(ctx).String(), gb.InstallPath()) if err != nil { ctx.ModuleErrorf("Unable to use compiled binary at %s", gb.InstallPath()) return } fileToCopy = android.PathForOutput(ctx, s) return } func getCopyManifestForShBinary(sh *android.ShBinary) (fileToCopy android.Path, dirInApex string) { dirInApex = filepath.Join("bin", sh.SubDir()) fileToCopy = sh.OutputFile() return } func getCopyManifestForJavaLibrary(java *java.Library) (fileToCopy android.Path, dirInApex string) { dirInApex = "javalib" fileToCopy = java.DexJarFile() return } func getCopyManifestForPrebuiltJavaLibrary(java *java.Import) (fileToCopy android.Path, dirInApex string) { dirInApex = "javalib" // The output is only one, but for some reason, ImplementationJars returns Paths, not Path implJars := java.ImplementationJars() if len(implJars) != 1 { panic(fmt.Errorf("java.ImplementationJars() must return single Path, but got: %s", strings.Join(implJars.Strings(), ", "))) } fileToCopy = implJars[0] return } func getCopyManifestForPrebuiltEtc(prebuilt *android.PrebuiltEtc) (fileToCopy android.Path, dirInApex string) { dirInApex = filepath.Join("etc", prebuilt.SubDir()) fileToCopy = prebuilt.OutputFile() return } func getCopyManifestForAndroidApp(app *java.AndroidApp, pkgName string) (fileToCopy android.Path, dirInApex string) { dirInApex = filepath.Join("app", pkgName) fileToCopy = app.OutputFile() return } // Context "decorator", overriding the InstallBypassMake method to always reply `true`. type flattenedApexContext struct { android.ModuleContext } func (c *flattenedApexContext) InstallBypassMake() bool { return true } func (a *apexBundle) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) { filesInfo := []apexFile{} if a.properties.Payload_type == nil || *a.properties.Payload_type == "image" { a.apexTypes = imageApex } else if *a.properties.Payload_type == "zip" { a.apexTypes = zipApex } else if *a.properties.Payload_type == "both" { a.apexTypes = both } else { ctx.PropertyErrorf("type", "%q is not one of \"image\", \"zip\", or \"both\".", *a.properties.Payload_type) return } if len(a.properties.Tests) > 0 && !a.testApex { ctx.PropertyErrorf("tests", "property not allowed in apex module type") return } handleSpecialLibs := !android.Bool(a.properties.Ignore_system_library_special_case) // native lib dependencies var provideNativeLibs []string var requireNativeLibs []string // Check if "uses" requirements are met with dependent apexBundles var providedNativeSharedLibs []string useVendor := proptools.Bool(a.properties.Use_vendor) ctx.VisitDirectDepsBlueprint(func(m blueprint.Module) { if ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(m) != usesTag { return } otherName := ctx.OtherModuleName(m) other, ok := m.(*apexBundle) if !ok { ctx.PropertyErrorf("uses", "%q is not a provider", otherName) return } if proptools.Bool(other.properties.Use_vendor) != useVendor { ctx.PropertyErrorf("use_vendor", "%q has different value of use_vendor", otherName) return } if !proptools.Bool(other.properties.Provide_cpp_shared_libs) { ctx.PropertyErrorf("uses", "%q does not provide native_shared_libs", otherName) return } providedNativeSharedLibs = append(providedNativeSharedLibs, other.properties.Native_shared_libs...) }) ctx.WalkDepsBlueprint(func(child, parent blueprint.Module) bool { depTag := ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(child) depName := ctx.OtherModuleName(child) if _, ok := parent.(*apexBundle); ok { // direct dependencies switch depTag { case sharedLibTag: if cc, ok := child.(*cc.Module); ok { if cc.HasStubsVariants() { provideNativeLibs = append(provideNativeLibs, cc.OutputFile().Path().Base()) } fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForNativeLibrary(cc, ctx.Config(), handleSpecialLibs) filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, nativeSharedLib, cc, nil}) return true } else { ctx.PropertyErrorf("native_shared_libs", "%q is not a cc_library or cc_library_shared module", depName) } case executableTag: if cc, ok := child.(*cc.Module); ok { fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForExecutable(cc) filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, nativeExecutable, cc, cc.Symlinks()}) return true } else if sh, ok := child.(*android.ShBinary); ok { fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForShBinary(sh) filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, shBinary, sh, nil}) } else if py, ok := child.(*python.Module); ok && py.HostToolPath().Valid() { fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForPyBinary(py) filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, pyBinary, py, nil}) } else if gb, ok := child.(bootstrap.GoBinaryTool); ok && a.Host() { fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForGoBinary(ctx, gb) // NB: Since go binaries are static we don't need the module for anything here, which is // good since the go tool is a blueprint.Module not an android.Module like we would // normally use. filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, goBinary, nil, nil}) } else { ctx.PropertyErrorf("binaries", "%q is neither cc_binary, (embedded) py_binary, (host) blueprint_go_binary, (host) bootstrap_go_binary, nor sh_binary", depName) } case javaLibTag: if javaLib, ok := child.(*java.Library); ok { fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForJavaLibrary(javaLib) if fileToCopy == nil { ctx.PropertyErrorf("java_libs", "%q is not configured to be compiled into dex", depName) } else { filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, javaSharedLib, javaLib, nil}) } return true } else if javaLib, ok := child.(*java.Import); ok { fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForPrebuiltJavaLibrary(javaLib) if fileToCopy == nil { ctx.PropertyErrorf("java_libs", "%q does not have a jar output", depName) } else { filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, javaSharedLib, javaLib, nil}) } return true } else { ctx.PropertyErrorf("java_libs", "%q of type %q is not supported", depName, ctx.OtherModuleType(child)) } case prebuiltTag: if prebuilt, ok := child.(*android.PrebuiltEtc); ok { fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForPrebuiltEtc(prebuilt) filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, etc, prebuilt, nil}) return true } else { ctx.PropertyErrorf("prebuilts", "%q is not a prebuilt_etc module", depName) } case testTag: if ccTest, ok := child.(*cc.Module); ok { if ccTest.IsTestPerSrcAllTestsVariation() { // Multiple-output test module (where `test_per_src: true`). // // `ccTest` is the "" ("all tests") variation of a `test_per_src` module. // We do not add this variation to `filesInfo`, as it has no output; // however, we do add the other variations of this module as indirect // dependencies (see below). return true } else { // Single-output test module (where `test_per_src: false`). fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForExecutable(ccTest) filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, nativeTest, ccTest, nil}) } return true } else { ctx.PropertyErrorf("tests", "%q is not a cc module", depName) } case keyTag: if key, ok := child.(*apexKey); ok { a.private_key_file = key.private_key_file a.public_key_file = key.public_key_file return false } else { ctx.PropertyErrorf("key", "%q is not an apex_key module", depName) } case certificateTag: if dep, ok := child.(*java.AndroidAppCertificate); ok { a.container_certificate_file = dep.Certificate.Pem a.container_private_key_file = dep.Certificate.Key return false } else { ctx.ModuleErrorf("certificate dependency %q must be an android_app_certificate module", depName) } case android.PrebuiltDepTag: // If the prebuilt is force disabled, remember to delete the prebuilt file // that might have been installed in the previous builds if prebuilt, ok := child.(*Prebuilt); ok && prebuilt.isForceDisabled() { a.prebuiltFileToDelete = prebuilt.InstallFilename() } case androidAppTag: if ap, ok := child.(*java.AndroidApp); ok { fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForAndroidApp(ap, ctx.DeviceConfig().OverridePackageNameFor(depName)) filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, app, ap, nil}) return true } else { ctx.PropertyErrorf("apps", "%q is not an android_app module", depName) } } } else { // indirect dependencies if am, ok := child.(android.ApexModule); ok { // We cannot use a switch statement on `depTag` here as the checked // tags used below are private (e.g. `cc.sharedDepTag`). if cc.IsSharedDepTag(depTag) || cc.IsRuntimeDepTag(depTag) { if cc, ok := child.(*cc.Module); ok { if android.InList(cc.Name(), providedNativeSharedLibs) { // If we're using a shared library which is provided from other APEX, // don't include it in this APEX return false } if !a.Host() && (cc.IsStubs() || cc.HasStubsVariants()) { // If the dependency is a stubs lib, don't include it in this APEX, // but make sure that the lib is installed on the device. // In case no APEX is having the lib, the lib is installed to the system // partition. // // Always include if we are a host-apex however since those won't have any // system libraries. if !android.DirectlyInAnyApex(ctx, cc.Name()) && !android.InList(cc.Name(), a.externalDeps) { a.externalDeps = append(a.externalDeps, cc.Name()) } requireNativeLibs = append(requireNativeLibs, cc.OutputFile().Path().Base()) // Don't track further return false } fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForNativeLibrary(cc, ctx.Config(), handleSpecialLibs) filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, nativeSharedLib, cc, nil}) return true } } else if cc.IsTestPerSrcDepTag(depTag) { if cc, ok := child.(*cc.Module); ok { fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForExecutable(cc) // Handle modules created as `test_per_src` variations of a single test module: // use the name of the generated test binary (`fileToCopy`) instead of the name // of the original test module (`depName`, shared by all `test_per_src` // variations of that module). moduleName := filepath.Base(fileToCopy.String()) filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, moduleName, dirInApex, nativeTest, cc, nil}) return true } } else if am.CanHaveApexVariants() && am.IsInstallableToApex() { ctx.ModuleErrorf("unexpected tag %q for indirect dependency %q", depTag, depName) } else if am.NoApex() && !android.InList(depName, whitelistNoApex[ctx.ModuleName()]) { ctx.ModuleErrorf("tries to include no_apex module %s", depName) } } } return false }) a.flattenedConfigValue = ctx.Config().FlattenApex() && !ctx.Config().UnbundledBuild() if a.flattenedConfigValue { a.properties.Flattened = true } if a.private_key_file == nil { ctx.PropertyErrorf("key", "private_key for %q could not be found", String(a.properties.Key)) return } // remove duplicates in filesInfo removeDup := func(filesInfo []apexFile) []apexFile { encountered := make(map[string]bool) result := []apexFile{} for _, f := range filesInfo { dest := filepath.Join(f.installDir, f.builtFile.Base()) if !encountered[dest] { encountered[dest] = true result = append(result, f) } } return result } filesInfo = removeDup(filesInfo) // to have consistent build rules sort.Slice(filesInfo, func(i, j int) bool { return filesInfo[i].builtFile.String() < filesInfo[j].builtFile.String() }) // check no_apex modules whitelist := whitelistNoApex[ctx.ModuleName()] for i := range filesInfo { if am, ok := filesInfo[i].module.(android.ApexModule); ok { if am.NoApex() && !android.InList(filesInfo[i].moduleName, whitelist) { ctx.ModuleErrorf("tries to include no_apex module %s", filesInfo[i].moduleName) } } } // prepend the name of this APEX to the module names. These names will be the names of // modules that will be defined if the APEX is flattened. for i := range filesInfo { filesInfo[i].moduleName = ctx.ModuleName() + "." + filesInfo[i].moduleName } a.installDir = android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, "apex") a.filesInfo = filesInfo a.manifestOut = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "apex_manifest.json") // put dependency({provide|require}NativeLibs) in apex_manifest.json manifestSrc := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, proptools.StringDefault(a.properties.Manifest, "apex_manifest.json")) provideNativeLibs = android.SortedUniqueStrings(provideNativeLibs) requireNativeLibs = android.SortedUniqueStrings(android.RemoveListFromList(requireNativeLibs, provideNativeLibs)) ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{ Rule: injectApexDependency, Input: manifestSrc, Output: a.manifestOut, Args: map[string]string{ "provideNativeLibs": strings.Join(provideNativeLibs, " "), "requireNativeLibs": strings.Join(requireNativeLibs, " "), }, }) // Temporarily wrap the original `ctx` into a `flattenedApexContext` to have it // reply true to `InstallBypassMake()` (thus making the call // `android.PathForModuleInstall` below use `android.pathForInstallInMakeDir` // instead of `android.PathForOutput`) to return the correct path to the flattened // APEX (as its contents is installed by Make, not Soong). factx := flattenedApexContext{ctx} a.flattenedOutput = android.PathForModuleInstall(&factx, "apex", factx.ModuleName()) if a.apexTypes.zip() { a.buildUnflattenedApex(ctx, zipApex) } if a.apexTypes.image() { // Build rule for unflattened APEX is created even when ctx.Config().FlattenApex() // is true. This is to support referencing APEX via ":" syntax // in other modules. It is in AndroidMk where the selection of flattened // or unflattened APEX is made. a.buildUnflattenedApex(ctx, imageApex) a.buildFlattenedApex(ctx) } } func (a *apexBundle) buildNoticeFile(ctx android.ModuleContext, apexFileName string) android.OptionalPath { noticeFiles := []android.Path{} for _, f := range a.filesInfo { if f.module != nil { notice := f.module.NoticeFile() if notice.Valid() { noticeFiles = append(noticeFiles, notice.Path()) } } } // append the notice file specified in the apex module itself if a.NoticeFile().Valid() { noticeFiles = append(noticeFiles, a.NoticeFile().Path()) } if len(noticeFiles) == 0 { return android.OptionalPath{} } return android.BuildNoticeOutput(ctx, a.installDir, apexFileName, android.FirstUniquePaths(noticeFiles)).HtmlGzOutput } func (a *apexBundle) buildUnflattenedApex(ctx android.ModuleContext, apexType apexPackaging) { cert := String(a.properties.Certificate) if cert != "" && android.SrcIsModule(cert) == "" { defaultDir := ctx.Config().DefaultAppCertificateDir(ctx) a.container_certificate_file = defaultDir.Join(ctx, cert+".x509.pem") a.container_private_key_file = defaultDir.Join(ctx, cert+".pk8") } else if cert == "" { pem, key := ctx.Config().DefaultAppCertificate(ctx) a.container_certificate_file = pem a.container_private_key_file = key } var abis []string for _, target := range ctx.MultiTargets() { if len(target.Arch.Abi) > 0 { abis = append(abis, target.Arch.Abi[0]) } } abis = android.FirstUniqueStrings(abis) suffix := apexType.suffix() unsignedOutputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+suffix+".unsigned") filesToCopy := []android.Path{} for _, f := range a.filesInfo { filesToCopy = append(filesToCopy, f.builtFile) } copyCommands := []string{} emitCommands := []string{} imageContentFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+"-content.txt") emitCommands = append(emitCommands, "echo ./apex_manifest.json >> "+imageContentFile.String()) for i, src := range filesToCopy { dest := filepath.Join(a.filesInfo[i].installDir, src.Base()) emitCommands = append(emitCommands, "echo './"+dest+"' >> "+imageContentFile.String()) dest_path := filepath.Join(android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "image"+suffix).String(), dest) copyCommands = append(copyCommands, "mkdir -p "+filepath.Dir(dest_path)) copyCommands = append(copyCommands, "cp "+src.String()+" "+dest_path) for _, sym := range a.filesInfo[i].symlinks { symlinkDest := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(dest_path), sym) copyCommands = append(copyCommands, "ln -s "+filepath.Base(dest)+" "+symlinkDest) } } implicitInputs := append(android.Paths(nil), filesToCopy...) implicitInputs = append(implicitInputs, a.manifestOut) if a.properties.Whitelisted_files != nil { ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{ Rule: emitApexContentRule, Implicits: implicitInputs, Output: imageContentFile, Description: "emit apex image content", Args: map[string]string{ "emit_commands": strings.Join(emitCommands, " && "), }, }) implicitInputs = append(implicitInputs, imageContentFile) whitelistedFilesFile := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, proptools.String(a.properties.Whitelisted_files)) phonyOutput := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+"-diff-phony-output") ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{ Rule: diffApexContentRule, Implicits: implicitInputs, Output: phonyOutput, Description: "diff apex image content", Args: map[string]string{ "whitelisted_files_file": whitelistedFilesFile.String(), "image_content_file": imageContentFile.String(), "apex_module_name": ctx.ModuleName(), }, }) implicitInputs = append(implicitInputs, phonyOutput) } outHostBinDir := android.PathForOutput(ctx, "host", ctx.Config().PrebuiltOS(), "bin").String() prebuiltSdkToolsBinDir := filepath.Join("prebuilts", "sdk", "tools", runtime.GOOS, "bin") if apexType.image() { // files and dirs that will be created in APEX var readOnlyPaths []string var executablePaths []string // this also includes dirs for _, f := range a.filesInfo { pathInApex := filepath.Join(f.installDir, f.builtFile.Base()) if f.installDir == "bin" || strings.HasPrefix(f.installDir, "bin/") { executablePaths = append(executablePaths, pathInApex) for _, s := range f.symlinks { executablePaths = append(executablePaths, filepath.Join(f.installDir, s)) } } else { readOnlyPaths = append(readOnlyPaths, pathInApex) } dir := f.installDir for !android.InList(dir, executablePaths) && dir != "" { executablePaths = append(executablePaths, dir) dir, _ = filepath.Split(dir) // move up to the parent if len(dir) > 0 { // remove trailing slash dir = dir[:len(dir)-1] } } } sort.Strings(readOnlyPaths) sort.Strings(executablePaths) cannedFsConfig := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "canned_fs_config") ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{ Rule: generateFsConfig, Output: cannedFsConfig, Description: "generate fs config", Args: map[string]string{ "ro_paths": strings.Join(readOnlyPaths, " "), "exec_paths": strings.Join(executablePaths, " "), }, }) fcName := proptools.StringDefault(a.properties.File_contexts, ctx.ModuleName()) fileContextsPath := "system/sepolicy/apex/" + fcName + "-file_contexts" fileContextsOptionalPath := android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx, fileContextsPath) if !fileContextsOptionalPath.Valid() { ctx.ModuleErrorf("Cannot find file_contexts file: %q", fileContextsPath) return } fileContexts := fileContextsOptionalPath.Path() optFlags := []string{} // Additional implicit inputs. implicitInputs = append(implicitInputs, cannedFsConfig, fileContexts, a.private_key_file, a.public_key_file) optFlags = append(optFlags, "--pubkey "+a.public_key_file.String()) manifestPackageName, overridden := ctx.DeviceConfig().OverrideManifestPackageNameFor(ctx.ModuleName()) if overridden { optFlags = append(optFlags, "--override_apk_package_name "+manifestPackageName) } if a.properties.AndroidManifest != nil { androidManifestFile := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, proptools.String(a.properties.AndroidManifest)) implicitInputs = append(implicitInputs, androidManifestFile) optFlags = append(optFlags, "--android_manifest "+androidManifestFile.String()) } targetSdkVersion := ctx.Config().DefaultAppTargetSdk() if targetSdkVersion == ctx.Config().PlatformSdkCodename() && ctx.Config().UnbundledBuild() && !ctx.Config().UnbundledBuildUsePrebuiltSdks() && ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("UNBUNDLED_BUILD_TARGET_SDK_WITH_API_FINGERPRINT") { apiFingerprint := java.ApiFingerprintPath(ctx) targetSdkVersion += fmt.Sprintf(".$$(cat %s)", apiFingerprint.String()) implicitInputs = append(implicitInputs, apiFingerprint) } optFlags = append(optFlags, "--target_sdk_version "+targetSdkVersion) noticeFile := a.buildNoticeFile(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+suffix) if noticeFile.Valid() { // If there's a NOTICE file, embed it as an asset file in the APEX. implicitInputs = append(implicitInputs, noticeFile.Path()) optFlags = append(optFlags, "--assets_dir "+filepath.Dir(noticeFile.String())) } if !ctx.Config().UnbundledBuild() && a.installable() { // Apexes which are supposed to be installed in builtin dirs(/system, etc) // don't need hashtree for activation. Therefore, by removing hashtree from // apex bundle (filesystem image in it, to be specific), we can save storage. optFlags = append(optFlags, "--no_hashtree") } ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{ Rule: apexRule, Implicits: implicitInputs, Output: unsignedOutputFile, Description: "apex (" + apexType.name() + ")", Args: map[string]string{ "tool_path": outHostBinDir + ":" + prebuiltSdkToolsBinDir, "image_dir": android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "image"+suffix).String(), "copy_commands": strings.Join(copyCommands, " && "), "manifest": a.manifestOut.String(), "file_contexts": fileContexts.String(), "canned_fs_config": cannedFsConfig.String(), "key": a.private_key_file.String(), "opt_flags": strings.Join(optFlags, " "), }, }) apexProtoFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+".pb"+suffix) bundleModuleFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+suffix+"-base.zip") a.bundleModuleFile = bundleModuleFile ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{ Rule: apexProtoConvertRule, Input: unsignedOutputFile, Output: apexProtoFile, Description: "apex proto convert", }) ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{ Rule: apexBundleRule, Input: apexProtoFile, Output: a.bundleModuleFile, Description: "apex bundle module", Args: map[string]string{ "abi": strings.Join(abis, "."), }, }) } else { ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{ Rule: zipApexRule, Implicits: implicitInputs, Output: unsignedOutputFile, Description: "apex (" + apexType.name() + ")", Args: map[string]string{ "tool_path": outHostBinDir + ":" + prebuiltSdkToolsBinDir, "image_dir": android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "image"+suffix).String(), "copy_commands": strings.Join(copyCommands, " && "), "manifest": a.manifestOut.String(), }, }) } a.outputFiles[apexType] = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+suffix) ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{ Rule: java.Signapk, Description: "signapk", Output: a.outputFiles[apexType], Input: unsignedOutputFile, Implicits: []android.Path{ a.container_certificate_file, a.container_private_key_file, }, Args: map[string]string{ "certificates": a.container_certificate_file.String() + " " + a.container_private_key_file.String(), "flags": "-a 4096", //alignment }, }) // Install to $OUT/soong/{target,host}/.../apex if a.installable() && (!ctx.Config().FlattenApex() || apexType.zip()) && (!a.properties.Flattened || a.flattenedConfigValue) { ctx.InstallFile(a.installDir, ctx.ModuleName()+suffix, a.outputFiles[apexType]) } } func (a *apexBundle) buildFlattenedApex(ctx android.ModuleContext) { if a.installable() { // For flattened APEX, do nothing but make sure that apex_manifest.json and apex_pubkey are also copied along // with other ordinary files. a.filesInfo = append(a.filesInfo, apexFile{a.manifestOut, ctx.ModuleName() + ".apex_manifest.json", ".", etc, nil, nil}) // rename to apex_pubkey copiedPubkey := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "apex_pubkey") ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{ Rule: android.Cp, Input: a.public_key_file, Output: copiedPubkey, }) a.filesInfo = append(a.filesInfo, apexFile{copiedPubkey, ctx.ModuleName() + ".apex_pubkey", ".", etc, nil, nil}) if ctx.Config().FlattenApex() { for _, fi := range a.filesInfo { dir := filepath.Join("apex", ctx.ModuleName(), fi.installDir) target := ctx.InstallFile(android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, dir), fi.builtFile.Base(), fi.builtFile) for _, sym := range fi.symlinks { ctx.InstallSymlink(android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, dir), sym, target) } } } } } func (a *apexBundle) AndroidMk() android.AndroidMkData { if a.properties.HideFromMake { return android.AndroidMkData{ Disabled: true, } } writers := []android.AndroidMkData{} if a.apexTypes.image() { writers = append(writers, a.androidMkForType(imageApex)) } if a.apexTypes.zip() { writers = append(writers, a.androidMkForType(zipApex)) } return android.AndroidMkData{ Custom: func(w io.Writer, name, prefix, moduleDir string, data android.AndroidMkData) { for _, data := range writers { data.Custom(w, name, prefix, moduleDir, data) } }} } func (a *apexBundle) androidMkForFiles(w io.Writer, name, moduleDir string, apexType apexPackaging) []string { moduleNames := []string{} for _, fi := range a.filesInfo { if cc, ok := fi.module.(*cc.Module); ok && cc.Properties.HideFromMake { continue } if a.properties.Flattened && !apexType.image() { continue } var suffix string if a.properties.Flattened && !a.flattenedConfigValue { suffix = ".flattened" } if !android.InList(fi.moduleName, moduleNames) { moduleNames = append(moduleNames, fi.moduleName+suffix) } fmt.Fprintln(w, "\ninclude $(CLEAR_VARS)") fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_PATH :=", moduleDir) fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_MODULE :=", fi.moduleName+suffix) // /apex//{lib|framework|...} pathWhenActivated := filepath.Join("$(PRODUCT_OUT)", "apex", proptools.StringDefault(a.properties.Apex_name, name), fi.installDir) if a.properties.Flattened && apexType.image() { // /system/apex//{lib|framework|...} fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_MODULE_PATH :=", filepath.Join("$(OUT_DIR)", a.installDir.RelPathString(), name, fi.installDir)) if a.flattenedConfigValue { fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_SOONG_SYMBOL_PATH :=", pathWhenActivated) } if len(fi.symlinks) > 0 { fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_MODULE_SYMLINKS :=", strings.Join(fi.symlinks, " ")) } if fi.module != nil && fi.module.NoticeFile().Valid() { fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_NOTICE_FILE :=", fi.module.NoticeFile().Path().String()) } } else { fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_MODULE_PATH :=", pathWhenActivated) } fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_PREBUILT_MODULE_FILE :=", fi.builtFile.String()) fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS :=", fi.class.NameInMake()) if fi.module != nil { archStr := fi.module.Target().Arch.ArchType.String() host := false switch fi.module.Target().Os.Class { case android.Host: if archStr != "common" { fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_MODULE_HOST_ARCH :=", archStr) } host = true case android.HostCross: if archStr != "common" { fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_MODULE_HOST_CROSS_ARCH :=", archStr) } host = true case android.Device: if archStr != "common" { fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_MODULE_TARGET_ARCH :=", archStr) } } if host { makeOs := fi.module.Target().Os.String() if fi.module.Target().Os == android.Linux || fi.module.Target().Os == android.LinuxBionic { makeOs = "linux" } fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_MODULE_HOST_OS :=", makeOs) fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE := true") } } if fi.class == javaSharedLib { javaModule := fi.module.(*java.Library) // soong_java_prebuilt.mk sets LOCAL_MODULE_SUFFIX := .jar Therefore // we need to remove the suffix from LOCAL_MODULE_STEM, otherwise // we will have foo.jar.jar fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_MODULE_STEM :=", strings.TrimSuffix(fi.builtFile.Base(), ".jar")) fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_SOONG_CLASSES_JAR :=", javaModule.ImplementationAndResourcesJars()[0].String()) fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_SOONG_HEADER_JAR :=", javaModule.HeaderJars()[0].String()) fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_SOONG_DEX_JAR :=", fi.builtFile.String()) fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_DEX_PREOPT := false") fmt.Fprintln(w, "include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/soong_java_prebuilt.mk") } else if fi.class == nativeSharedLib || fi.class == nativeExecutable || fi.class == nativeTest { fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_MODULE_STEM :=", fi.builtFile.Base()) if cc, ok := fi.module.(*cc.Module); ok { if cc.UnstrippedOutputFile() != nil { fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_SOONG_UNSTRIPPED_BINARY :=", cc.UnstrippedOutputFile().String()) } cc.AndroidMkWriteAdditionalDependenciesForSourceAbiDiff(w) if cc.CoverageOutputFile().Valid() { fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_PREBUILT_COVERAGE_ARCHIVE :=", cc.CoverageOutputFile().String()) } } fmt.Fprintln(w, "include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/soong_cc_prebuilt.mk") } else { fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_MODULE_STEM :=", fi.builtFile.Base()) fmt.Fprintln(w, "include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)") } } return moduleNames } func (a *apexBundle) androidMkForType(apexType apexPackaging) android.AndroidMkData { return android.AndroidMkData{ Custom: func(w io.Writer, name, prefix, moduleDir string, data android.AndroidMkData) { moduleNames := []string{} if a.installable() { moduleNames = a.androidMkForFiles(w, name, moduleDir, apexType) } if a.properties.Flattened && !a.flattenedConfigValue { name = name + ".flattened" } if a.properties.Flattened && apexType.image() { // Only image APEXes can be flattened. fmt.Fprintln(w, "\ninclude $(CLEAR_VARS)") fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_PATH :=", moduleDir) fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_MODULE :=", name) if len(moduleNames) > 0 { fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES :=", strings.Join(moduleNames, " ")) } fmt.Fprintln(w, "include $(BUILD_PHONY_PACKAGE)") fmt.Fprintln(w, "$(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE): .KATI_IMPLICIT_OUTPUTS :=", a.flattenedOutput.String()) } else if !a.properties.Flattened || a.flattenedConfigValue { // zip-apex is the less common type so have the name refer to the image-apex // only and use {name}.zip if you want the zip-apex if apexType == zipApex && a.apexTypes == both { name = name + ".zip" } fmt.Fprintln(w, "\ninclude $(CLEAR_VARS)") fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_PATH :=", moduleDir) fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_MODULE :=", name) fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := ETC") // do we need a new class? fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_PREBUILT_MODULE_FILE :=", a.outputFiles[apexType].String()) fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_MODULE_PATH :=", filepath.Join("$(OUT_DIR)", a.installDir.RelPathString())) fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_MODULE_STEM :=", name+apexType.suffix()) fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE :=", !a.installable()) if len(moduleNames) > 0 { fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES +=", strings.Join(moduleNames, " ")) } if len(a.externalDeps) > 0 { fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES +=", strings.Join(a.externalDeps, " ")) } if a.prebuiltFileToDelete != "" { fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_POST_INSTALL_CMD :=", "rm -rf "+ filepath.Join("$(OUT_DIR)", a.installDir.RelPathString(), a.prebuiltFileToDelete)) } fmt.Fprintln(w, "include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)") if apexType == imageApex { fmt.Fprintln(w, "ALL_MODULES.$(LOCAL_MODULE).BUNDLE :=", a.bundleModuleFile.String()) } } }} } func newApexBundle() *apexBundle { module := &apexBundle{ outputFiles: map[apexPackaging]android.WritablePath{}, } module.AddProperties(&module.properties) module.AddProperties(&module.targetProperties) module.Prefer32(func(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, base *android.ModuleBase, class android.OsClass) bool { return class == android.Device && ctx.Config().DevicePrefer32BitExecutables() }) android.InitAndroidMultiTargetsArchModule(module, android.HostAndDeviceSupported, android.MultilibCommon) android.InitDefaultableModule(module) return module } func ApexBundleFactory(testApex bool) android.Module { bundle := newApexBundle() bundle.testApex = testApex return bundle } func testApexBundleFactory() android.Module { bundle := newApexBundle() bundle.testApex = true return bundle } func apexBundleFactory() android.Module { return newApexBundle() } // apex_vndk creates a special variant of apex modules which contains only VNDK libraries. // If `vndk_version` is specified, the VNDK libraries of the specified VNDK version are gathered automatically. // If not specified, then the "current" versions are gathered. func vndkApexBundleFactory() android.Module { bundle := newApexBundle() bundle.vndkApex = true bundle.AddProperties(&bundle.vndkProperties) android.AddLoadHook(bundle, func(ctx android.LoadHookContext) { ctx.AppendProperties(&struct { Compile_multilib *string }{ proptools.StringPtr("both"), }) }) return bundle } // // Defaults // type Defaults struct { android.ModuleBase android.DefaultsModuleBase } func defaultsFactory() android.Module { return DefaultsFactory() } func DefaultsFactory(props ...interface{}) android.Module { module := &Defaults{} module.AddProperties(props...) module.AddProperties( &apexBundleProperties{}, &apexTargetBundleProperties{}, ) android.InitDefaultsModule(module) return module } // // Prebuilt APEX // type Prebuilt struct { android.ModuleBase prebuilt android.Prebuilt properties PrebuiltProperties inputApex android.Path installDir android.OutputPath installFilename string outputApex android.WritablePath } type PrebuiltProperties struct { // the path to the prebuilt .apex file to import. Source string `blueprint:"mutated"` ForceDisable bool `blueprint:"mutated"` Src *string Arch struct { Arm struct { Src *string } Arm64 struct { Src *string } X86 struct { Src *string } X86_64 struct { Src *string } } Installable *bool // Optional name for the installed apex. If unspecified, name of the // module is used as the file name Filename *string // Names of modules to be overridden. Listed modules can only be other binaries // (in Make or Soong). // This does not completely prevent installation of the overridden binaries, but if both // binaries would be installed by default (in PRODUCT_PACKAGES) the other binary will be removed // from PRODUCT_PACKAGES. Overrides []string } func (p *Prebuilt) installable() bool { return p.properties.Installable == nil || proptools.Bool(p.properties.Installable) } func (p *Prebuilt) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) { // If the device is configured to use flattened APEX, force disable the prebuilt because // the prebuilt is a non-flattened one. forceDisable := ctx.Config().FlattenApex() // Force disable the prebuilts when we are doing unbundled build. We do unbundled build // to build the prebuilts themselves. forceDisable = forceDisable || ctx.Config().UnbundledBuild() // Force disable the prebuilts when coverage is enabled. forceDisable = forceDisable || ctx.DeviceConfig().NativeCoverageEnabled() forceDisable = forceDisable || ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("EMMA_INSTRUMENT") // b/137216042 don't use prebuilts when address sanitizer is on forceDisable = forceDisable || android.InList("address", ctx.Config().SanitizeDevice()) || android.InList("hwaddress", ctx.Config().SanitizeDevice()) if forceDisable && p.prebuilt.SourceExists() { p.properties.ForceDisable = true return } // This is called before prebuilt_select and prebuilt_postdeps mutators // The mutators requires that src to be set correctly for each arch so that // arch variants are disabled when src is not provided for the arch. if len(ctx.MultiTargets()) != 1 { ctx.ModuleErrorf("compile_multilib shouldn't be \"both\" for prebuilt_apex") return } var src string switch ctx.MultiTargets()[0].Arch.ArchType { case android.Arm: src = String(p.properties.Arch.Arm.Src) case android.Arm64: src = String(p.properties.Arch.Arm64.Src) case android.X86: src = String(p.properties.Arch.X86.Src) case android.X86_64: src = String(p.properties.Arch.X86_64.Src) default: ctx.ModuleErrorf("prebuilt_apex does not support %q", ctx.MultiTargets()[0].Arch.String()) return } if src == "" { src = String(p.properties.Src) } p.properties.Source = src } func (p *Prebuilt) isForceDisabled() bool { return p.properties.ForceDisable } func (p *Prebuilt) OutputFiles(tag string) (android.Paths, error) { switch tag { case "": return android.Paths{p.outputApex}, nil default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported module reference tag %q", tag) } } func (p *Prebuilt) InstallFilename() string { return proptools.StringDefault(p.properties.Filename, p.BaseModuleName()+imageApexSuffix) } func (p *Prebuilt) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) { if p.properties.ForceDisable { return } // TODO(jungjw): Check the key validity. p.inputApex = p.Prebuilt().SingleSourcePath(ctx) p.installDir = android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, "apex") p.installFilename = p.InstallFilename() if !strings.HasSuffix(p.installFilename, imageApexSuffix) { ctx.ModuleErrorf("filename should end in %s for prebuilt_apex", imageApexSuffix) } p.outputApex = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, p.installFilename) ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{ Rule: android.Cp, Input: p.inputApex, Output: p.outputApex, }) if p.installable() { ctx.InstallFile(p.installDir, p.installFilename, p.inputApex) } } func (p *Prebuilt) Prebuilt() *android.Prebuilt { return &p.prebuilt } func (p *Prebuilt) Name() string { return p.prebuilt.Name(p.ModuleBase.Name()) } func (p *Prebuilt) AndroidMkEntries() android.AndroidMkEntries { return android.AndroidMkEntries{ Class: "ETC", OutputFile: android.OptionalPathForPath(p.inputApex), Include: "$(BUILD_PREBUILT)", ExtraEntries: []android.AndroidMkExtraEntriesFunc{ func(entries *android.AndroidMkEntries) { entries.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_PATH", filepath.Join("$(OUT_DIR)", p.installDir.RelPathString())) entries.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_STEM", p.installFilename) entries.SetBoolIfTrue("LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE", !p.installable()) entries.AddStrings("LOCAL_OVERRIDES_PACKAGES", p.properties.Overrides...) }, }, } } // prebuilt_apex imports an `.apex` file into the build graph as if it was built with apex. func PrebuiltFactory() android.Module { module := &Prebuilt{} module.AddProperties(&module.properties) android.InitSingleSourcePrebuiltModule(module, &module.properties, "Source") android.InitAndroidMultiTargetsArchModule(module, android.DeviceSupported, android.MultilibCommon) return module }