// // WARNING: Modifying this file will NOT automatically regenerate build.ninja.in! // // Before modifying this file make sure minibp is up to date: // 1) "repo sync build/soong" to make sure you have the latest build.ninja.in // 2) build minibp, which builds automicatically through the normal build steps. For example: // // After modifying this file regenerate build.ninja.in and build your changes: // 1) In your build directory, execute "../bootstrap.bash -r" to regenerate build.ninja.in // 2) Build again // subdirs = [ "androidmk", "cmd/*", "third_party/zip", "ui/*", ] bootstrap_go_package { name: "soong-env", pkgPath: "android/soong/env", srcs: [ "env/env.go", ], } bootstrap_go_package { name: "soong", pkgPath: "android/soong", deps: [ "blueprint", ], srcs: [ "doc.go", ], } bootstrap_go_package { name: "soong-android", pkgPath: "android/soong/android", deps: [ "blueprint", "blueprint-bootstrap", "soong", "soong-env", ], srcs: [ "android/androidmk.go", "android/api_levels.go", "android/arch.go", "android/config.go", "android/defaults.go", "android/defs.go", "android/expand.go", "android/hooks.go", "android/makevars.go", "android/module.go", "android/mutator.go", "android/onceper.go", "android/package_ctx.go", "android/paths.go", "android/prebuilt.go", "android/register.go", "android/util.go", "android/variable.go", // Lock down environment access last "android/env.go", ], testSrcs: [ "android/expand_test.go", "android/paths_test.go", "android/prebuilt_test.go", "android/variable_test.go", ], } bootstrap_go_package { name: "soong-cc-config", pkgPath: "android/soong/cc/config", deps: [ "soong-android", ], srcs: [ "cc/config/clang.go", "cc/config/global.go", "cc/config/tidy.go", "cc/config/toolchain.go", "cc/config/arm_device.go", "cc/config/arm64_device.go", "cc/config/mips_device.go", "cc/config/mips64_device.go", "cc/config/x86_device.go", "cc/config/x86_64_device.go", "cc/config/x86_darwin_host.go", "cc/config/x86_linux_host.go", "cc/config/x86_linux_bionic_host.go", "cc/config/x86_windows_host.go", ], testSrcs: [ "cc/config/tidy_test.go", ], } bootstrap_go_package { name: "soong-cc", pkgPath: "android/soong/cc", deps: [ "blueprint", "blueprint-pathtools", "soong", "soong-android", "soong-cc-config", "soong-genrule", ], srcs: [ "cc/androidmk.go", "cc/builder.go", "cc/cc.go", "cc/check.go", "cc/coverage.go", "cc/gen.go", "cc/makevars.go", "cc/prebuilt.go", "cc/proto.go", "cc/relocation_packer.go", "cc/rs.go", "cc/sanitize.go", "cc/sabi.go", "cc/stl.go", "cc/strip.go", "cc/tidy.go", "cc/util.go", "cc/cmakelists.go", "cc/compiler.go", "cc/installer.go", "cc/linker.go", "cc/binary.go", "cc/library.go", "cc/object.go", "cc/test.go", "cc/toolchain_library.go", "cc/ndk_prebuilt.go", "cc/ndk_headers.go", "cc/ndk_library.go", "cc/ndk_sysroot.go", "cc/llndk_library.go", ], testSrcs: [ "cc/cc_test.go", "cc/test_data_test.go", ], pluginFor: ["soong_build"], } bootstrap_go_package { name: "soong-genrule", pkgPath: "android/soong/genrule", deps: [ "blueprint", "blueprint-pathtools", "soong", "soong-android", ], srcs: [ "genrule/filegroup.go", "genrule/genrule.go", ], pluginFor: ["soong_build"], } bootstrap_go_package { name: "soong-phony", pkgPath: "android/soong/phony", deps: [ "blueprint", "soong-android", ], srcs: [ "phony/phony.go", ], pluginFor: ["soong_build"], } bootstrap_go_package { name: "soong-java", pkgPath: "android/soong/java", deps: [ "blueprint", "blueprint-pathtools", "soong", "soong-android", "soong-genrule", ], srcs: [ "java/androidmk.go", "java/app_builder.go", "java/app.go", "java/builder.go", "java/gen.go", "java/java.go", "java/resources.go", ], pluginFor: ["soong_build"], } bootstrap_go_package { name: "soong-python", pkgPath: "android/soong/python", deps: [ "blueprint", "soong-android", ], srcs: [ "python/androidmk.go", "python/binary.go", "python/builder.go", "python/installer.go", "python/library.go", "python/python.go", "python/test.go", ], testSrcs: [ "python/python_test.go", ], pluginFor: ["soong_build"], } // // Defaults to enable various configurations of host bionic // cc_defaults { name: "linux_bionic_supported", host_supported: true, target: { host: { enabled: false, }, linux_bionic: { enabled: true, }, }, } // // C static libraries extracted from the gcc toolchain // toolchain_library { name: "libatomic", defaults: ["linux_bionic_supported"], vendor_available: true, arch: { arm: { instruction_set: "arm", }, }, } toolchain_library { name: "libgcc", defaults: ["linux_bionic_supported"], vendor_available: true, arch: { arm: { instruction_set: "arm", }, }, } toolchain_library { name: "libwinpthread", host_supported: true, enabled: false, target: { windows: { enabled: true }, }, } toolchain_library { name: "libgcov", defaults: ["linux_bionic_supported"], arch: { arm: { instruction_set: "arm", }, }, }