diff options
8 files changed, 422 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
index 9a7beb82..52bdc7cc 100644
--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ bootstrap_go_package {
srcs: [
+ "common/androidmk.go",
@@ -114,6 +115,7 @@ bootstrap_go_package {
srcs: [
+ "cc/androidmk.go",
@@ -171,6 +173,7 @@ bootstrap_go_package {
srcs: [
+ "java/androidmk.go",
diff --git a/cc/androidmk.go b/cc/androidmk.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7554ef47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cc/androidmk.go
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package cc
+import (
+ "io"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "strings"
+ "android/soong/common"
+func (c *CCLibrary) AndroidMk() (ret common.AndroidMkData) {
+ if c.static() {
+ ret.Class = "STATIC_LIBRARIES"
+ } else {
+ ret.Class = "SHARED_LIBRARIES"
+ }
+ ret.OutputFile = c.outputFile()
+ ret.Extra = func(name, prefix, outputFile string, arch common.Arch) (ret []string) {
+ exportedIncludes := c.exportedFlags()
+ for i := range exportedIncludes {
+ exportedIncludes[i] = strings.TrimPrefix(exportedIncludes[i], "-I")
+ }
+ if len(exportedIncludes) > 0 {
+ ret = append(ret, "LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDE_DIRS := "+strings.Join(exportedIncludes, " "))
+ }
+ ret = append(ret, "LOCAL_MODULE_SUFFIX := "+filepath.Ext(outputFile))
+ ret = append(ret, "LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES_"+arch.ArchType.String()+" := "+strings.Join(c.savedDepNames.SharedLibs, " "))
+ if c.Properties.Relative_install_path != "" {
+ ret = append(ret, "LOCAL_MODULE_RELATIVE_PATH := "+c.Properties.Relative_install_path)
+ }
+ // These are already included in LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES
+ ret = append(ret, "LOCAL_CXX_STL := none")
+ ret = append(ret, "LOCAL_SYSTEM_SHARED_LIBRARIES :=")
+ return
+ }
+ return
+func (c *ccObject) AndroidMk() (ret common.AndroidMkData) {
+ ret.OutputFile = c.outputFile()
+ ret.Custom = func(w io.Writer, name, prefix string) {
+ out := c.outputFile()
+ io.WriteString(w, "$("+prefix+"TARGET_OUT_INTERMEDIATE_LIBRARIES)/"+name+objectExtension+": "+out+" | $(ACP)\n")
+ io.WriteString(w, "\t$(copy-file-to-target)\n")
+ }
+ return
+func (c *CCBinary) AndroidMk() (ret common.AndroidMkData) {
+ ret.Class = "EXECUTABLES"
+ ret.Extra = func(name, prefix, outputFile string, arch common.Arch) []string {
+ ret := []string{
+ "LOCAL_CXX_STL := none",
+ "LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES_" + arch.ArchType.String() + " += " + strings.Join(c.savedDepNames.SharedLibs, " "),
+ }
+ if c.Properties.Relative_install_path != "" {
+ ret = append(ret, "LOCAL_MODULE_RELATIVE_PATH_"+arch.ArchType.String()+" := "+c.Properties.Relative_install_path)
+ }
+ return ret
+ }
+ ret.OutputFile = c.outputFile()
+ return
diff --git a/cc/cc.go b/cc/cc.go
index 28ccc4ca..e0c62d84 100644
--- a/cc/cc.go
+++ b/cc/cc.go
@@ -1078,6 +1078,7 @@ type CCLibrary struct {
objFiles []string
exportFlags []string
out string
+ systemLibs []string
LibraryProperties CCLibraryProperties
@@ -1142,6 +1143,8 @@ func (c *CCLibrary) depNames(ctx common.AndroidBaseContext, depNames CCDeps) CCD
depNames.SharedLibs = append(depNames.SharedLibs, c.LibraryProperties.Shared.Shared_libs...)
+ c.systemLibs = c.systemSharedLibs(ctx)
return depNames
@@ -1764,8 +1767,8 @@ func CCDefaultsFactory() (blueprint.Module, []interface{}) {
- _, propertyStructs = common.InitAndroidArchModule(module, common.HostOrDeviceSupported(0),
- common.Multilib(""), propertyStructs...)
+ _, propertyStructs = common.InitAndroidArchModule(module, common.HostAndDeviceDefault,
+ common.MultilibDefault, propertyStructs...)
return common.InitDefaultsModule(module, module, propertyStructs...)
diff --git a/common/androidmk.go b/common/androidmk.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d3089368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/androidmk.go
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package common
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "io"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "sort"
+ "android/soong"
+ "github.com/google/blueprint"
+func init() {
+ soong.RegisterSingletonType("androidmk", AndroidMkSingleton)
+type AndroidMkDataProvider interface {
+ AndroidMk() AndroidMkData
+type AndroidMkData struct {
+ Class string
+ OutputFile string
+ Custom func(w io.Writer, name, prefix string)
+ Extra func(name, prefix, outputFile string, arch Arch) []string
+func AndroidMkSingleton() blueprint.Singleton {
+ return &androidMkSingleton{}
+type androidMkSingleton struct{}
+func (c *androidMkSingleton) GenerateBuildActions(ctx blueprint.SingletonContext) {
+ fileModules := make(map[string][]blueprint.Module)
+ hasBPFile := make(map[string]bool)
+ bpFiles := []string{}
+ ctx.SetNinjaBuildDir(pctx, filepath.Join(ctx.Config().(Config).BuildDir(), ".."))
+ ctx.VisitAllModules(func(module blueprint.Module) {
+ if _, ok := module.(AndroidModule); ok {
+ bpFile := ctx.BlueprintFile(module)
+ if !hasBPFile[bpFile] {
+ hasBPFile[bpFile] = true
+ bpFiles = append(bpFiles, bpFile)
+ }
+ fileModules[bpFile] = append(fileModules[bpFile], module)
+ }
+ })
+ // Gather list of eligible Android modules for translation
+ androidMkModules := make(map[blueprint.Module]bool)
+ var validBpFiles []string
+ srcDir := ctx.Config().(Config).SrcDir()
+ intermediatesDir := filepath.Join(ctx.Config().(Config).IntermediatesDir(), "androidmk")
+ sort.Strings(bpFiles)
+ for _, origBp := range bpFiles {
+ mkFile := filepath.Join(srcDir, filepath.Dir(origBp), "Android.mk")
+ files, err := Glob(ctx, intermediatesDir, mkFile, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ ctx.Errorf("glob: %s", err.Error())
+ continue
+ }
+ // Existing Android.mk file, use that instead
+ if len(files) > 0 {
+ for _, file := range files {
+ ctx.AddNinjaFileDeps(file)
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ validBpFiles = append(validBpFiles, origBp)
+ for _, mod := range fileModules[origBp] {
+ androidMkModules[mod] = true
+ }
+ }
+ // Validate that all modules have proper dependencies
+ androidMkModulesList := make([]AndroidModule, 0, len(androidMkModules))
+ for mod := range androidMkModules {
+ ctx.VisitDepsDepthFirstIf(mod, isAndroidModule, func(module blueprint.Module) {
+ if !androidMkModules[module] {
+ ctx.Errorf("Module %q missing dependency for Android.mk: %q", ctx.ModuleName(mod), ctx.ModuleName(module))
+ }
+ })
+ if amod, ok := mod.(AndroidModule); ok {
+ androidMkModulesList = append(androidMkModulesList, amod)
+ }
+ }
+ transMk := filepath.Join(ctx.Config().(Config).BuildDir(), "Android.mk")
+ err := translateAndroidMk(ctx, transMk, androidMkModulesList)
+ if err != nil {
+ ctx.Errorf(err.Error())
+ }
+ ctx.Build(pctx, blueprint.BuildParams{
+ Rule: blueprint.Phony,
+ Outputs: []string{transMk},
+ Optional: true,
+ })
+func translateAndroidMk(ctx blueprint.SingletonContext, mkFile string, mods []AndroidModule) error {
+ buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
+ io.WriteString(buf, "LOCAL_PATH := $(TOP)\n")
+ io.WriteString(buf, "LOCAL_MODULE_MAKEFILE := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))\n")
+ for _, mod := range mods {
+ err := translateAndroidMkModule(ctx, buf, mod)
+ if err != nil {
+ os.Remove(mkFile)
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ // Don't write to the file if it hasn't changed
+ if _, err := os.Stat(mkFile); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
+ if data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(mkFile); err == nil {
+ matches := buf.Len() == len(data)
+ if matches {
+ for i, value := range buf.Bytes() {
+ if value != data[i] {
+ matches = false
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if matches {
+ return nil
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ioutil.WriteFile(mkFile, buf.Bytes(), 0666)
+func translateAndroidMkModule(ctx blueprint.SingletonContext, w io.Writer, mod blueprint.Module) error {
+ if mod != ctx.PrimaryModule(mod) {
+ // These will be handled by the primary module
+ return nil
+ }
+ name := ctx.ModuleName(mod)
+ type hostClass struct {
+ host bool
+ class string
+ multilib string
+ }
+ type archSrc struct {
+ arch Arch
+ src string
+ extra []string
+ }
+ srcs := make(map[hostClass][]archSrc)
+ var modules []hostClass
+ ctx.VisitAllModuleVariants(mod, func(m blueprint.Module) {
+ provider, ok := m.(AndroidMkDataProvider)
+ if !ok {
+ return
+ }
+ amod := m.(AndroidModule).base()
+ data := provider.AndroidMk()
+ arch := amod.commonProperties.CompileArch
+ prefix := ""
+ if amod.HostOrDevice() == Host {
+ if arch.ArchType != ctx.Config().(Config).HostArches[amod.HostType()][0].ArchType {
+ prefix = "2ND_"
+ }
+ } else {
+ if arch.ArchType != ctx.Config().(Config).DeviceArches[0].ArchType {
+ prefix = "2ND_"
+ }
+ }
+ if data.Custom != nil {
+ data.Custom(w, name, prefix)
+ return
+ }
+ hC := hostClass{
+ host: amod.HostOrDevice() == Host,
+ class: data.Class,
+ multilib: amod.commonProperties.Compile_multilib,
+ }
+ src := archSrc{
+ arch: arch,
+ src: data.OutputFile,
+ }
+ if data.Extra != nil {
+ src.extra = data.Extra(name, prefix, src.src, arch)
+ }
+ if srcs[hC] == nil {
+ modules = append(modules, hC)
+ }
+ srcs[hC] = append(srcs[hC], src)
+ })
+ for _, hC := range modules {
+ archSrcs := srcs[hC]
+ io.WriteString(w, "\ninclude $(CLEAR_VARS)\n")
+ io.WriteString(w, "LOCAL_MODULE := "+name+"\n")
+ io.WriteString(w, "LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := "+hC.class+"\n")
+ io.WriteString(w, "LOCAL_MULTILIB := "+hC.multilib+"\n")
+ printed := make(map[string]bool)
+ for _, src := range archSrcs {
+ io.WriteString(w, "LOCAL_SRC_FILES_"+src.arch.ArchType.String()+" := "+src.src+"\n")
+ for _, extra := range src.extra {
+ if !printed[extra] {
+ printed[extra] = true
+ io.WriteString(w, extra+"\n")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if hC.host {
+ // TODO: this isn't true for every module
+ io.WriteString(w, "LOCAL_ACP_UNAVAILABLE := true\n")
+ io.WriteString(w, "LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE := true\n")
+ }
+ io.WriteString(w, "include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)\n")
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/common/arch.go b/common/arch.go
index 4cddc00e..37f7c38e 100644
--- a/common/arch.go
+++ b/common/arch.go
@@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ const (
+ HostAndDeviceDefault
type HostOrDevice int
@@ -505,16 +506,11 @@ func ArchMutator(mctx AndroidBottomUpMutatorContext) {
- hostArches, deviceArches, err := decodeArchProductVariables(mctx.Config().(Config).ProductVariables)
- if err != nil {
- mctx.ModuleErrorf("%s", err.Error())
- }
moduleArches := []Arch{}
multilib := module.base().commonProperties.Compile_multilib
if module.base().HostSupported() && module.base().HostOrDevice().Host() {
- hostModuleArches, err := decodeMultilib(multilib, hostArches[module.base().HostType()])
+ hostModuleArches, err := decodeMultilib(multilib, mctx.Config().(Config).HostArches[module.base().HostType()])
if err != nil {
mctx.ModuleErrorf("%s", err.Error())
@@ -523,7 +519,7 @@ func ArchMutator(mctx AndroidBottomUpMutatorContext) {
if module.base().DeviceSupported() && module.base().HostOrDevice().Device() {
- deviceModuleArches, err := decodeMultilib(multilib, deviceArches)
+ deviceModuleArches, err := decodeMultilib(multilib, mctx.Config().(Config).DeviceArches)
if err != nil {
mctx.ModuleErrorf("%s", err.Error())
diff --git a/common/config.go b/common/config.go
index fbd2be9e..c67023e3 100644
--- a/common/config.go
+++ b/common/config.go
@@ -38,9 +38,11 @@ func (f *FileConfigurableOptions) SetDefaultConfig() {
type Config struct {
+ dontCreateNinjaFile bool
-// A config object represents the entire build configuration for Blue.
+// A config object represents the entire build configuration for Android.
type config struct {
ProductVariables productVariables
@@ -48,6 +50,9 @@ type config struct {
ConfigFileName string
ProductVariablesFileName string
+ DeviceArches []Arch
+ HostArches map[HostType][]Arch
srcDir string // the path of the root source directory
buildDir string // the path of the build output directory
@@ -143,6 +148,14 @@ func NewConfig(srcDir, buildDir string) (Config, error) {
return Config{}, err
+ hostArches, deviceArches, err := decodeArchProductVariables(config.ProductVariables)
+ if err != nil {
+ return Config{}, err
+ }
+ config.HostArches = hostArches
+ config.DeviceArches = deviceArches
return config, nil
@@ -158,6 +171,10 @@ func (c *config) IntermediatesDir() string {
return filepath.Join(c.BuildDir(), ".intermediates")
+func (c *config) RemoveAbandonedFiles() bool {
+ return false
// PrebuiltOS returns the name of the host OS used in prebuilts directories
func (c *config) PrebuiltOS() string {
switch runtime.GOOS {
diff --git a/common/module.go b/common/module.go
index 1683671d..113768a7 100644
--- a/common/module.go
+++ b/common/module.go
@@ -105,9 +105,10 @@ type hostAndDeviceProperties struct {
type Multilib string
const (
- MultilibBoth Multilib = "both"
- MultilibFirst Multilib = "first"
- MultilibCommon Multilib = "common"
+ MultilibBoth Multilib = "both"
+ MultilibFirst Multilib = "first"
+ MultilibCommon Multilib = "common"
+ MultilibDefault Multilib = ""
func InitAndroidModule(m AndroidModule,
@@ -130,10 +131,13 @@ func InitAndroidArchModule(m AndroidModule, hod HostOrDeviceSupported, defaultMu
base.commonProperties.HostOrDeviceSupported = hod
base.commonProperties.Compile_multilib = string(defaultMultilib)
- if hod == HostAndDeviceSupported {
+ switch hod {
+ case HostAndDeviceSupported:
// Default to module to device supported, host not supported, can override in module
// properties
base.hostAndDeviceProperties.Device_supported = true
+ fallthrough
+ case HostAndDeviceDefault:
propertyStructs = append(propertyStructs, &base.hostAndDeviceProperties)
@@ -312,7 +316,7 @@ func (a *AndroidModuleBase) generateModuleTarget(ctx blueprint.ModuleContext) {
if len(deps) > 0 {
ctx.Build(pctx, blueprint.BuildParams{
Rule: blueprint.Phony,
- Outputs: []string{ctx.ModuleName()},
+ Outputs: []string{ctx.ModuleName() + "-soong"},
Implicits: deps,
Optional: true,
@@ -525,15 +529,12 @@ func (c *buildTargetSingleton) GenerateBuildActions(ctx blueprint.SingletonConte
checkbuildDeps := []string{}
dirModules := make(map[string][]string)
- hasBPFile := make(map[string]bool)
- bpFiles := []string{}
ctx.VisitAllModules(func(module blueprint.Module) {
if a, ok := module.(AndroidModule); ok {
blueprintDir := a.base().blueprintDir
installTarget := a.base().installTarget
checkbuildTarget := a.base().checkbuildTarget
- bpFile := ctx.BlueprintFile(module)
if checkbuildTarget != "" {
checkbuildDeps = append(checkbuildDeps, checkbuildTarget)
@@ -543,21 +544,15 @@ func (c *buildTargetSingleton) GenerateBuildActions(ctx blueprint.SingletonConte
if installTarget != "" {
dirModules[blueprintDir] = append(dirModules[blueprintDir], installTarget)
- if !hasBPFile[bpFile] {
- hasBPFile[bpFile] = true
- bpFiles = append(bpFiles, bpFile)
- }
// Create a top-level checkbuild target that depends on all modules
ctx.Build(pctx, blueprint.BuildParams{
Rule: blueprint.Phony,
- Outputs: []string{"checkbuild"},
+ Outputs: []string{"checkbuild-soong"},
Implicits: checkbuildDeps,
- // HACK: checkbuild should be an optional build, but force it enabled for now
- //Optional: true,
+ Optional: true,
// Create a mm/<directory> target that depends on all modules in a directory
diff --git a/java/androidmk.go b/java/androidmk.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc81054f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/androidmk.go
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package java
+import (
+ "android/soong/common"
+func (*JavaLibrary) AndroidMk() (ret common.AndroidMkData) {
+ ret.Class = "JAVA_LIBRARIES"
+ // TODO
+ return
+func (*JavaPrebuilt) AndroidMk() (ret common.AndroidMkData) {
+ ret.Class = "JAVA_LIBRARIES"
+ // TODO
+ return