path: root/java
diff options
authorColin Cross <ccross@android.com>2015-04-13 13:58:27 -0700
committerColin Cross <ccross@android.com>2015-04-20 14:12:30 -0700
commit30e076af2e4337b79be3ed0872a62578a2524929 (patch)
tree24e48f01b26023d3d7efdab3bf1aade57c1d4ae1 /java
parentb7a63247ed0cd69266da52561edc0f620f6379cd (diff)
Add support for building android apps
Add support for running aapt to generate R.java and Manifest.java, compiling java into jar, adding resources to the jar to convert it into an apk, signing the apk, and zipaligning the apk. Change-Id: I7a73fef590d07f35b3d0b56a8571780c09bb10ae
Diffstat (limited to 'java')
2 files changed, 489 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/java/app.go b/java/app.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..869cfea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/app.go
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package java
+// This file contains the module types for compiling Android apps.
+import (
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "strings"
+ "github.com/google/blueprint"
+ "github.com/google/blueprint/pathtools"
+ "android/soong/common"
+// AAR prebuilts
+// AndroidManifest.xml merging
+// package splits
+type AndroidApp struct {
+ javaBase
+ appProperties struct {
+ // certificate: path to a certificate, or the name of a certificate in the default
+ // certificate directory, or blank to use the default product certificate
+ Certificate string
+ // additional_certificates: paths to extra certificates to sign the apk with
+ Additional_certificates []string
+ // export_package_resources: If set, create package-export.apk, which other packages can
+ // use to get PRODUCT-agnostic resource data like IDs and type definitions.
+ Export_package_resources bool
+ // aaptflags: flags passed to aapt when creating the apk
+ Aaptflags []string
+ // package_splits: list of resource labels to generate individual resource packages
+ Package_splits []string
+ // asset_dirs: list of directories relative to the Blueprints file containing assets.
+ // Defaults to "assets"
+ Asset_dirs []string
+ // android_resource_dirs: list of directories relative to the Blueprints file containing
+ // Java resources
+ Android_resource_dirs []string
+ }
+ aaptJavaFileList string
+ exportPackage string
+func (a *AndroidApp) JavaDynamicDependencies(ctx common.AndroidDynamicDependerModuleContext) []string {
+ deps := a.javaBase.JavaDynamicDependencies(ctx)
+ if !a.properties.No_standard_libraries {
+ switch a.properties.Sdk_version { // TODO: Res_sdk_version?
+ case "current", "system_current", "":
+ deps = append(deps, "framework-res")
+ default:
+ // We'll already have a dependency on an sdk prebuilt android.jar
+ }
+ }
+ return deps
+func (a *AndroidApp) GenerateJavaBuildActions(ctx common.AndroidModuleContext) {
+ aaptFlags, aaptDeps, hasResources := a.aaptFlags(ctx)
+ if hasResources {
+ // First generate R.java so we can build the .class files
+ aaptRJavaFlags := append([]string(nil), aaptFlags...)
+ publicResourcesFile, proguardOptionsFile, aaptJavaFileList :=
+ CreateResourceJavaFiles(ctx, aaptRJavaFlags, aaptDeps)
+ a.aaptJavaFileList = aaptJavaFileList
+ a.ExtraSrcLists = append(a.ExtraSrcLists, aaptJavaFileList)
+ if a.appProperties.Export_package_resources {
+ aaptPackageFlags := append([]string(nil), aaptFlags...)
+ var hasProduct bool
+ for _, f := range aaptPackageFlags {
+ if strings.HasPrefix(f, "--product") {
+ hasProduct = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if !hasProduct {
+ aaptPackageFlags = append(aaptPackageFlags,
+ "--product "+ctx.AConfig().ProductAaptCharacteristics())
+ }
+ a.exportPackage = CreateExportPackage(ctx, aaptPackageFlags, aaptDeps)
+ ctx.CheckbuildFile(a.exportPackage)
+ }
+ ctx.CheckbuildFile(publicResourcesFile)
+ ctx.CheckbuildFile(proguardOptionsFile)
+ ctx.CheckbuildFile(aaptJavaFileList)
+ }
+ // apps manifests are handled by aapt, don't let javaBase see them
+ a.properties.Manifest = ""
+ //if !ctx.ContainsProperty("proguard.enabled") {
+ // a.properties.Proguard.Enabled = true
+ //}
+ a.javaBase.GenerateJavaBuildActions(ctx)
+ aaptPackageFlags := append([]string(nil), aaptFlags...)
+ var hasProduct bool
+ for _, f := range aaptPackageFlags {
+ if strings.HasPrefix(f, "--product") {
+ hasProduct = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if !hasProduct {
+ aaptPackageFlags = append(aaptPackageFlags,
+ "--product "+ctx.AConfig().ProductAaptCharacteristics())
+ }
+ certificate := a.appProperties.Certificate
+ if certificate == "" {
+ certificate = ctx.AConfig().DefaultAppCertificate()
+ } else if dir, _ := filepath.Split(certificate); dir == "" {
+ certificate = filepath.Join(ctx.AConfig().DefaultAppCertificateDir(), certificate)
+ } else {
+ certificate = filepath.Join(ctx.AConfig().SrcDir(), certificate)
+ }
+ certificates := []string{certificate}
+ for _, c := range a.appProperties.Additional_certificates {
+ certificates = append(certificates, filepath.Join(ctx.AConfig().SrcDir(), c))
+ }
+ a.outputFile = CreateAppPackage(ctx, aaptPackageFlags, a.outputFile, certificates)
+ ctx.InstallFileName("app", ctx.ModuleName()+".apk", a.outputFile)
+var aaptIgnoreFilenames = []string{
+ ".svn",
+ ".git",
+ ".ds_store",
+ "*.scc",
+ ".*",
+ "CVS",
+ "thumbs.db",
+ "picasa.ini",
+ "*~",
+func (a *AndroidApp) aaptFlags(ctx common.AndroidModuleContext) ([]string, []string, bool) {
+ aaptFlags := a.appProperties.Aaptflags
+ hasVersionCode := false
+ hasVersionName := false
+ for _, f := range aaptFlags {
+ if strings.HasPrefix(f, "--version-code") {
+ hasVersionCode = true
+ } else if strings.HasPrefix(f, "--version-name") {
+ hasVersionName = true
+ }
+ }
+ if true /* is not a test */ {
+ aaptFlags = append(aaptFlags, "-z")
+ }
+ assetDirs := a.appProperties.Asset_dirs
+ if len(assetDirs) == 0 {
+ defaultAssetDir := filepath.Join(common.ModuleSrcDir(ctx), "assets")
+ if _, err := os.Stat(defaultAssetDir); err == nil {
+ assetDirs = []string{defaultAssetDir}
+ } else {
+ // Default asset directory doesn't exist, add a dep on the parent directory to
+ // regenerate the manifest if it is created later
+ // TODO: use glob to avoid rerunning whole regenerate if a different file is created?
+ ctx.AddNinjaFileDeps(common.ModuleSrcDir(ctx))
+ }
+ } else {
+ assetDirs = pathtools.PrefixPaths(assetDirs, common.ModuleSrcDir(ctx))
+ }
+ resourceDirs := a.appProperties.Android_resource_dirs
+ if len(resourceDirs) == 0 {
+ defaultResourceDir := filepath.Join(common.ModuleSrcDir(ctx), "res")
+ if _, err := os.Stat(defaultResourceDir); err == nil {
+ resourceDirs = []string{defaultResourceDir}
+ } else {
+ // Default resource directory doesn't exist, add a dep on the parent directory to
+ // regenerate the manifest if it is created later
+ // TODO: use glob to avoid rerunning whole regenerate if a different file is created?
+ ctx.AddNinjaFileDeps(common.ModuleSrcDir(ctx))
+ }
+ } else {
+ resourceDirs = pathtools.PrefixPaths(resourceDirs, common.ModuleSrcDir(ctx))
+ }
+ rootSrcDir := ctx.AConfig().SrcDir()
+ var overlayResourceDirs []string
+ // For every resource directory, check if there is an overlay directory with the same path.
+ // If found, it will be prepended to the list of resource directories.
+ for _, overlayDir := range ctx.AConfig().ResourceOverlays() {
+ for _, resourceDir := range resourceDirs {
+ relResourceDir, err := filepath.Rel(rootSrcDir, resourceDir)
+ if err != nil {
+ ctx.ModuleErrorf("resource directory %q is not in source tree", resourceDir)
+ continue
+ }
+ overlayResourceDir := filepath.Join(overlayDir, relResourceDir)
+ if _, err := os.Stat(overlayResourceDir); err == nil {
+ overlayResourceDirs = append(overlayResourceDirs, overlayResourceDir)
+ } else {
+ // Overlay resource directory doesn't exist, add a dep to regenerate the manifest if
+ // it is created later
+ ctx.AddNinjaFileDeps(overlayResourceDir)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if len(overlayResourceDirs) > 0 {
+ resourceDirs = append(overlayResourceDirs, resourceDirs...)
+ }
+ // aapt needs to rerun if any files are added or modified in the assets or resource directories,
+ // use glob to create a filelist.
+ var aaptDeps []string
+ var hasResources bool
+ for _, d := range resourceDirs {
+ newDeps := common.Glob(ctx, filepath.Join(d, "**/*"), aaptIgnoreFilenames)
+ aaptDeps = append(aaptDeps, newDeps...)
+ if len(newDeps) > 0 {
+ hasResources = true
+ }
+ }
+ for _, d := range assetDirs {
+ newDeps := common.Glob(ctx, filepath.Join(d, "**/*"), aaptIgnoreFilenames)
+ aaptDeps = append(aaptDeps, newDeps...)
+ }
+ manifestFile := a.properties.Manifest
+ if manifestFile == "" {
+ manifestFile = "AndroidManifest.xml"
+ }
+ manifestFile = filepath.Join(common.ModuleSrcDir(ctx), manifestFile)
+ aaptDeps = append(aaptDeps, manifestFile)
+ aaptFlags = append(aaptFlags, "-M "+manifestFile)
+ aaptFlags = append(aaptFlags, common.JoinWithPrefix(assetDirs, "-A "))
+ aaptFlags = append(aaptFlags, common.JoinWithPrefix(resourceDirs, "-S "))
+ ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(module blueprint.Module) {
+ var depFile string
+ if sdkDep, ok := module.(sdkDependency); ok {
+ depFile = sdkDep.ClasspathFile()
+ } else if javaDep, ok := module.(JavaDependency); ok {
+ if ctx.OtherModuleName(module) == "framework-res" {
+ depFile = javaDep.(*javaBase).module.(*AndroidApp).exportPackage
+ }
+ }
+ if depFile != "" {
+ aaptFlags = append(aaptFlags, "-I "+depFile)
+ aaptDeps = append(aaptDeps, depFile)
+ }
+ })
+ sdkVersion := a.properties.Sdk_version
+ if sdkVersion == "" {
+ sdkVersion = ctx.AConfig().PlatformSdkVersion()
+ }
+ aaptFlags = append(aaptFlags, "--min-sdk-version "+sdkVersion)
+ aaptFlags = append(aaptFlags, "--target-sdk-version "+sdkVersion)
+ if !hasVersionCode {
+ aaptFlags = append(aaptFlags, "--version-code "+ctx.AConfig().PlatformSdkVersion())
+ }
+ if !hasVersionName {
+ aaptFlags = append(aaptFlags,
+ "--version-name "+ctx.AConfig().PlatformVersion()+"-"+ctx.AConfig().BuildNumber())
+ }
+ // $(addprefix --rename-manifest-package , $(PRIVATE_MANIFEST_PACKAGE_NAME)) \
+ // $(addprefix --rename-instrumentation-target-package , $(PRIVATE_MANIFEST_INSTRUMENTATION_FOR))
+ return aaptFlags, aaptDeps, hasResources
+func AndroidAppFactory() (blueprint.Module, []interface{}) {
+ module := &AndroidApp{}
+ module.properties.Dex = true
+ return NewJavaBase(&module.javaBase, module, common.DeviceSupported, &module.appProperties)
diff --git a/java/app_builder.go b/java/app_builder.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..69c6fe1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/app_builder.go
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package java
+// This file generates the final rules for compiling all Java. All properties related to
+// compiling should have been translated into javaBuilderFlags or another argument to the Transform*
+// functions.
+import (
+ "path/filepath"
+ "strings"
+ "github.com/google/blueprint"
+ "android/soong/common"
+var (
+ aaptCreateResourceJavaFile = pctx.StaticRule("aaptCreateResourceJavaFile",
+ blueprint.RuleParams{
+ Command: `rm -rf "$javaDir" && mkdir -p "$javaDir" && ` +
+ `$aaptCmd package -m $aaptFlags -P $publicResourcesFile -G $proguardOptionsFile ` +
+ `-J $javaDir || ( rm -rf "$javaDir/*"; exit 41 ) && ` +
+ `find $javaDir -name "*.java" > $javaFileList`,
+ Description: "aapt create R.java $out",
+ },
+ "aaptFlags", "publicResourcesFile", "proguardOptionsFile", "javaDir", "javaFileList")
+ aaptCreateAssetsPackage = pctx.StaticRule("aaptCreateAssetsPackage",
+ blueprint.RuleParams{
+ Command: `$aaptCmd package $aaptFlags -F $out`,
+ Description: "aapt export package $out",
+ },
+ "aaptFlags", "publicResourcesFile", "proguardOptionsFile", "javaDir", "javaFileList")
+ aaptAddResources = pctx.StaticRule("aaptAddResources",
+ blueprint.RuleParams{
+ // TODO: add-jni-shared-libs-to-package
+ Command: `cp -f $in $out.tmp && $aaptCmd package -u $aaptFlags -F $out.tmp && mv $out.tmp $out`,
+ Description: "aapt package $out",
+ },
+ "aaptFlags")
+ zipalign = pctx.StaticRule("zipalign",
+ blueprint.RuleParams{
+ Command: `$zipalignCmd -f $zipalignFlags 4 $in $out`,
+ Description: "zipalign $out",
+ },
+ "zipalignFlags")
+ signapk = pctx.StaticRule("signapk",
+ blueprint.RuleParams{
+ Command: `java -jar $signapkCmd $certificates $in $out`,
+ Description: "signapk $out",
+ },
+ "certificates")
+ androidManifestMerger = pctx.StaticRule("androidManifestMerger",
+ blueprint.RuleParams{
+ Command: "java -classpath $androidManifestMergerCmd com.android.manifmerger.Main merge " +
+ "--main $in --libs $libsManifests --out $out",
+ Description: "merge manifest files $out",
+ },
+ "libsManifests")
+func init() {
+ pctx.StaticVariable("androidManifestMergerCmd", "${srcDir}/prebuilts/devtools/tools/lib/manifest-merger.jar")
+ pctx.VariableFunc("aaptCmd", func(c interface{}) (string, error) {
+ return c.(common.Config).HostBinTool("aapt")
+ })
+ pctx.VariableFunc("zipalignCmd", func(c interface{}) (string, error) {
+ return c.(common.Config).HostBinTool("zipalign")
+ })
+ pctx.VariableFunc("signapkCmd", func(c interface{}) (string, error) {
+ return c.(common.Config).HostJavaTool("signapk.jar")
+ })
+func CreateResourceJavaFiles(ctx common.AndroidModuleContext, flags []string,
+ deps []string) (string, string, string) {
+ javaDir := filepath.Join(common.ModuleGenDir(ctx), "R")
+ javaFileList := filepath.Join(common.ModuleOutDir(ctx), "R.filelist")
+ publicResourcesFile := filepath.Join(common.ModuleOutDir(ctx), "public_resources.xml")
+ proguardOptionsFile := filepath.Join(common.ModuleOutDir(ctx), "proguard.options")
+ ctx.Build(pctx, blueprint.BuildParams{
+ Rule: aaptCreateResourceJavaFile,
+ Outputs: []string{publicResourcesFile, proguardOptionsFile, javaFileList},
+ Implicits: deps,
+ Args: map[string]string{
+ "aaptFlags": strings.Join(flags, " "),
+ "publicResourcesFile": publicResourcesFile,
+ "proguardOptionsFile": proguardOptionsFile,
+ "javaDir": javaDir,
+ "javaFileList": javaFileList,
+ },
+ })
+ return publicResourcesFile, proguardOptionsFile, javaFileList
+func CreateExportPackage(ctx common.AndroidModuleContext, flags []string, deps []string) string {
+ outputFile := filepath.Join(common.ModuleOutDir(ctx), "package-export.apk")
+ ctx.Build(pctx, blueprint.BuildParams{
+ Rule: aaptCreateAssetsPackage,
+ Outputs: []string{outputFile},
+ Implicits: deps,
+ Args: map[string]string{
+ "aaptFlags": strings.Join(flags, " "),
+ },
+ })
+ return outputFile
+func CreateAppPackage(ctx common.AndroidModuleContext, flags []string, jarFile string,
+ certificates []string) string {
+ resourceApk := filepath.Join(common.ModuleOutDir(ctx), "resources.apk")
+ ctx.Build(pctx, blueprint.BuildParams{
+ Rule: aaptAddResources,
+ Outputs: []string{resourceApk},
+ Inputs: []string{jarFile},
+ Args: map[string]string{
+ "aaptFlags": strings.Join(flags, " "),
+ },
+ })
+ signedApk := filepath.Join(common.ModuleOutDir(ctx), "signed.apk")
+ var certificateArgs []string
+ for _, c := range certificates {
+ certificateArgs = append(certificateArgs, c+".x509.pem", c+".pk8")
+ }
+ ctx.Build(pctx, blueprint.BuildParams{
+ Rule: signapk,
+ Outputs: []string{signedApk},
+ Inputs: []string{resourceApk},
+ Args: map[string]string{
+ "certificates": strings.Join(certificateArgs, " "),
+ },
+ })
+ outputFile := filepath.Join(common.ModuleOutDir(ctx), "package.apk")
+ ctx.Build(pctx, blueprint.BuildParams{
+ Rule: zipalign,
+ Outputs: []string{outputFile},
+ Inputs: []string{signedApk},
+ Args: map[string]string{
+ "zipalignFlags": "",
+ },
+ })
+ return outputFile