/* * psw.c * * Copyright (C) 2013 Hugo Villeneuve * * This file is released under the GPLv2 */ #include "common.h" #include "reg8051.h" #include "memory.h" /* Returns 0 or 1 */ int psw_read_bit(int bit) { return (mem_read8(INT_MEM_ID, _PSW_) >> bit) & 0x01; } void psw_write_bit(int bit, int val) { uint8_t psw = mem_read8(INT_MEM_ID, _PSW_); if (val) psw |= (1 << bit); /* Set */ else psw &= ~(1 << bit); /* Clear */ mem_write8(INT_MEM_ID, _PSW_, psw); /* Save updated value */ } /* Returns 0 or 1 */ int psw_read_cy(void) { return psw_read_bit(PSW_BIT_CY); } void psw_write_cy(int cy) { psw_write_bit(PSW_BIT_CY, cy); } void psw_set_cy(void) { psw_write_bit(PSW_BIT_CY, 1); } void psw_clr_cy(void) { psw_write_bit(PSW_BIT_CY, 0); } /* Returns 0 or 1 */ int psw_read_ac(void) { return psw_read_bit(PSW_BIT_AC); } void psw_write_ac(int ac) { psw_write_bit(PSW_BIT_AC, ac); } void psw_set_ac(void) { psw_write_bit(PSW_BIT_AC, 1); } void psw_clr_ac(void) { psw_write_bit(PSW_BIT_AC, 0); } /* Returns 0 or 1 */ int psw_read_ov(void) { return psw_read_bit(PSW_BIT_OV); } void psw_write_ov(int ov) { psw_write_bit(PSW_BIT_OV, ov); } void psw_set_ov(void) { psw_write_bit(PSW_BIT_OV, 1); } void psw_clr_ov(void) { psw_write_bit(PSW_BIT_OV, 0); } /* * Compute parity of bits in accumulator: * parity = 0: even number of ones in accumulator * parity = 1: odd number of ones in accumulator */ void psw_compute_parity_bit(void) { int parity = 0; uint8_t acc = mem_read8(INT_MEM_ID, _ACC_); while (acc) { parity = !parity; acc = acc & (acc - 1); } psw_write_bit(PSW_BIT_P, parity); }