/* * Copyright (c) 2014, The Linux Foundation. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include "FmPerformanceParams.h" #include "FmIoctlsInterface.h" signed char FmPerformanceParams :: SetAfRmssiTh ( UINT fd, unsigned short th ) { signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::set_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_AF_RMSSI_TH, th); return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: SetAfRmssiSamplesCnt ( UINT fd, unsigned char cnt ) { signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::set_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_AF_RMSSI_SAMPLES, cnt); return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: SetGoodChannelRmssiTh ( UINT fd, signed char th ) { signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::set_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_GOOD_CH_RMSSI_TH, th); return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: SetSrchAlgoType ( UINT fd, unsigned char algo ) { signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::set_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_SRCHALGOTYPE, algo); return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: SetSinrFirstStage ( UINT fd, signed char th ) { signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::set_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_SINRFIRSTSTAGE, th); return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: SetRmssiFirstStage ( UINT fd, signed char th ) { signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::set_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_RMSSIFIRSTSTAGE, th); return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: SetCf0Th12 ( UINT fd, int th ) { signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::set_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_CF0TH12, th); return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: SetSinrSamplesCnt ( UINT fd, unsigned char cnt ) { signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::set_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_SINR_SAMPLES, cnt); return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: SetIntfLowTh ( UINT fd, unsigned char th ) { signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::set_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_ON_CHANNEL_THRESHOLD, th); return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: SetIntfHighTh ( UINT fd, unsigned char th ) { signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::set_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_OFF_CHANNEL_THRESHOLD, th); return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: SetSinrFinalStage ( UINT fd, signed char th ) { signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::set_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_SINR_THRESHOLD, th); return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: GetAfRmssiTh ( UINT fd, unsigned short &th ) { long int af_rmssi_th; signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::get_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_AF_RMSSI_TH, af_rmssi_th); if(ret == FM_SUCCESS) { th = af_rmssi_th; } return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: GetAfRmssiSamplesCnt ( UINT fd, unsigned char &cnt ) { long int af_samples_cnt; signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::get_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_AF_RMSSI_SAMPLES, af_samples_cnt); if(ret == FM_SUCCESS) { cnt = af_samples_cnt; } return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: GetGoodChannelRmssiTh ( UINT fd, signed char &th ) { long int gd_chan_rmssi_th; signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::get_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_GOOD_CH_RMSSI_TH, gd_chan_rmssi_th); if(ret == FM_SUCCESS) { th = gd_chan_rmssi_th; } return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: GetSrchAlgoType ( UINT fd, unsigned char &algo ) { long int srch_algo_type; signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::get_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_SRCHALGOTYPE, srch_algo_type); if(ret == FM_SUCCESS) { algo = srch_algo_type; } return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: GetSinrFirstStage ( UINT fd, signed char &th ) { long int sinr_first_stage; signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::get_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_SINRFIRSTSTAGE, sinr_first_stage); if(ret == FM_SUCCESS) { th = sinr_first_stage; } return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: GetRmssiFirstStage ( UINT fd, signed char &th ) { long int rmssi_first_stage; signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::get_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_RMSSIFIRSTSTAGE, rmssi_first_stage); if(ret == FM_SUCCESS) { th = rmssi_first_stage; } return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: GetCf0Th12 ( UINT fd, int &th ) { long int cf0th12; signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::get_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_CF0TH12, cf0th12); if(ret == FM_SUCCESS) { th = cf0th12; } return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: GetSinrSamplesCnt ( UINT fd, unsigned char &cnt ) { long int sinr_samples_cnt; signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::get_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_SINR_SAMPLES, sinr_samples_cnt); if(ret == FM_SUCCESS) { cnt = sinr_samples_cnt; } return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: GetIntfLowTh ( UINT fd, unsigned char &th ) { long int intf_low_th; signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::get_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_ON_CHANNEL_THRESHOLD, intf_low_th); if(ret == FM_SUCCESS) { th = intf_low_th; } return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: GetIntfHighTh ( UINT fd, unsigned char &th ) { long int intf_high_th; signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::get_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_OFF_CHANNEL_THRESHOLD, intf_high_th); if(ret == FM_SUCCESS) { th = intf_high_th; } return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: GetIntfDet ( UINT fd, unsigned char &th ) { long int int_det; signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::get_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_INTDET, int_det); if(ret == FM_SUCCESS) { th = int_det; } return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: GetSinrFinalStage ( UINT fd, signed char &th ) { signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; long int sinr; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::get_control(fd, V4L2_CID_PRV_SINR_THRESHOLD, sinr); if(ret == FM_SUCCESS) { th = sinr; } return ret; } signed char FmPerformanceParams :: SetHybridSrchList ( UINT fd, unsigned int *freqs, signed char *sinrs, unsigned int n ) { struct v4l2_ext_control ext_ctl; struct v4l2_ext_controls v4l2_ctls; unsigned int freq; unsigned int size = 0; char *data = NULL; signed char ret = FM_FAILURE; if(n <= 0) { return ret; } data = new char[(n * 3 + 3)]; if(data != NULL) { data[size++] = 0x40; data[size++] = ((n * 3) + 1); data[size++] = n; while((size < (n * 3 + 2)) && (freqs != NULL) && (sinrs != NULL)) { freq = (*freqs - 76000) / 50; data[size++] = (freq & 0xff); data[size++] = ((freq >> 8) & 0xff); data[size++] = *sinrs; freqs++; sinrs++; } if(size == (n * 3 + 3)) { ext_ctl.id = V4L2_CID_PRV_IRIS_WRITE_DEFAULT; ext_ctl.string = data; ext_ctl.size = size; v4l2_ctls.ctrl_class = V4L2_CTRL_CLASS_USER; v4l2_ctls.count = 1; v4l2_ctls.controls = &ext_ctl; ret = FmIoctlsInterface::set_ext_control(fd, &v4l2_ctls); if(ret == FM_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("hybrid srch list sent successfully\n"); }else { ALOGE("hybrid srch list setting failed\n"); } } } delete []data; return ret; }