/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /****************************************************************************** * * The original Work has been changed by NXP Semiconductors. * * Copyright (C) 2015 NXP Semiconductors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ /* * Communicate with secure elements that are attached to the NFC * controller. */ #pragma once #include "SyncEvent.h" #include "DataQueue.h" #include "NfcJniUtil.h" #include "RouteDataSet.h" #include "IntervalTimer.h" extern "C" { #include "nfa_ee_api.h" #include "nfa_hci_api.h" #include "nfa_hci_defs.h" #include "nfa_ce_api.h" #include "phNxpExtns.h" #if(NXP_EXTNS == TRUE) #include "phNfcTypes.h" #endif } #if(NXP_EXTNS == TRUE) #define CONNECTIVITY_PIPE_ID_UICC1 0x0A #define CONNECTIVITY_PIPE_ID_UICC2 0x23 #define SIG_NFC 44 #endif #define SIGNAL_EVENT_SIZE 0x02 typedef enum { RESET_TRANSACTION_STATE, SET_TRANSACTION_STATE }transaction_state_t; typedef enum dual_mode{ SPI_DWPCL_NOT_ACTIVE = 0x00, CL_ACTIVE = 0x01, SPI_ON = 0x02, SPI_DWPCL_BOTH_ACTIVE = 0x03, }dual_mode_state; #if(NXP_EXTNS == TRUE) typedef enum connectivity_pipe_status{ PIPE_DELETED, PIPE_CLOSED, PIPE_OPENED }pipe_status; typedef enum { UICC_SESSION_NOT_INTIALIZED = 0x00, UICC_CLEAR_ALL_PIPE_NTF_RECEIVED = 0x01, UICC_SESSION_INTIALIZATION_DONE = 0x02 }nfcee_disc_state; typedef enum { TRANSCEIVE_STATUS_OK, TRANSCEIVE_STATUS_FAILED, TRANSCEIVE_STATUS_MAX_WTX_REACHED } eTransceiveStatus; #endif typedef enum { STATE_IDLE = 0x00, STATE_WK_ENBLE = 0x01, STATE_WK_WAIT_RSP = 0x02, STATE_TIME_OUT = 0x04, STATE_DWP_CLOSE = 0x08, }spiDwpSyncState_t; typedef enum reset_management{ TRANS_IDLE = 0x00, TRANS_WIRED_ONGOING = 0x01, TRANS_CL_ONGOING = 0x02, RESET_BLOCKED = 0x04, }ese_reset_control; typedef struct { tNFA_HANDLE src; tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK tech_mask; bool reCfg; }rd_swp_req_t; typedef enum { STATE_SE_RDR_MODE_INVALID =0x00, STATE_SE_RDR_MODE_START_CONFIG, STATE_SE_RDR_MODE_START_IN_PROGRESS, STATE_SE_RDR_MODE_STARTED, STATE_SE_RDR_MODE_ACTIVATED, STATE_SE_RDR_MODE_STOP_CONFIG, STATE_SE_RDR_MODE_STOP_IN_PROGRESS, STATE_SE_RDR_MODE_STOPPED, }se_rd_req_state_t; #if(NXP_EXTNS == TRUE) typedef enum { UICC_01_SELECTED_ENABLED = 0x01, UICC_01_SELECTED_DISABLED, UICC_01_REMOVED, UICC_02_SELECTED_ENABLED, UICC_02_SELECTED_DISABLED, UICC_02_REMOVED, UICC_STATUS_UNKNOWN }uicc_stat_t; typedef enum { SWP_DEFAULT = 0x00, SWP1_UICC1 = 0x01, SWP2_ESE = 0x02, SWP1A_UICC2 = 0x04, T4T_NDEFEE = 0x08, HCI_ACESS = 0x10 }nfcee_swp_getconfig_status; #endif typedef enum { STATE_SE_RDR_FAILURE_NOT_SUPPORTED , STATE_SE_RDR_FAILURE_NOT_ALLOWED }se_rd_req_failures_t; #if (NXP_EXTNS == TRUE) typedef struct{ rd_swp_req_t swp_rd_req_info ; rd_swp_req_t swp_rd_req_current_info ; se_rd_req_state_t swp_rd_state; se_rd_req_failures_t swp_rd_req_fail_cause; Mutex mMutex; }Rdr_req_ntf_info_t; typedef enum operation{ STANDBY_TIMER_START, STANDBY_TIMER_STOP, STANDBY_TIMER_TIMEOUT, STANDBY_GPIO_HIGH, STANDBY_GPIO_LOW, STANDBY_MODE_ON, /* standby mode is on */ STANDBY_MODE_OFF, /* standby mode is off */ STANDBY_MODE_SUSPEND, /* standby timer timed out */ STANDBY_MODE_TIMER_ON /* standby timer running */ }nfcc_standby_operation_t; void spi_prio_signal_handler (int signum, siginfo_t *info, void *unused); typedef enum apdu_gate{ NO_APDU_GATE, PROPREITARY_APDU_GATE, ETSI_12_APDU_GATE }se_apdu_gate_info; #endif typedef enum nfcee_type { UICC1 = 0x01, UICC2 = 0x02, ESE = 0x04 }nfcee_type_t; typedef enum { NONE = 0x00, FW_DOWNLOAD, JCOP_DOWNLOAD }Downlaod_mode_t; namespace android { extern SyncEvent sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent; extern void startStopPolling (bool isStartPolling); } // namespace android class SecureElement { public: tNFA_HANDLE mActiveEeHandle; #if(NXP_EXTNS == TRUE) #define MAX_NFCEE 5 struct mNfceeData { tNFA_HANDLE mNfceeHandle[MAX_NFCEE]; tNFA_EE_STATUS mNfceeStatus[MAX_NFCEE]; uint8_t mNfceePresent; }; mNfceeData mNfceeData_t; uint8_t mHostsPresent; uint8_t mETSI12InitStatus; uint8_t mHostsId[MAX_NFCEE]; uint8_t eSE_Compliancy; uint8_t mCreatedPipe; uint8_t mDeletePipeHostId; uint16_t mWmMaxWtxCount; bool meseETSI12Recovery; SyncEvent mCreatePipeEvent; SyncEvent mPipeOpenedEvent; SyncEvent mAbortEvent; bool mAbortEventWaitOk; bool enableDwp(void); IntervalTimer sSwpReaderTimer; /*timer swp reader timeout*/ static const tNFA_HANDLE EE_HANDLE_0xF3 = 0x4C0;//0x401; //handle to secure element in slot 0 static const tNFA_HANDLE EE_HANDLE_0xF8 = 0x481; //handle to secure element in slot 2 tNFA_HANDLE EE_HANDLE_0xF4; //handle to secure element in slot 1 static const tNFA_HANDLE EE_HANDLE_0xF0 = 0x400;//NFCEE handle for host #endif #define NCI_INTERFACE_UICC_DIRECT_STAT 0x82 #define NCI_INTERFACE_ESE_DIRECT_STAT 0x83 static const int MAX_NUM_EE = NFA_EE_MAX_EE_SUPPORTED; /*max number of EE's*/ /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: getInstance ** ** Description: Get the SecureElement singleton object. ** ** Returns: SecureElement object. ** *******************************************************************************/ static SecureElement& getInstance (); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: initialize ** ** Description: Initialize all member variables. ** native: Native data. ** ** Returns: True if ok. ** *******************************************************************************/ bool initialize (nfc_jni_native_data* native); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: finalize ** ** Description: Release all resources. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ void finalize (); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: getListOfEeHandles ** ** Description: Get the list of handles of all execution environments. ** e: Java Virtual Machine. ** ** Returns: List of handles of all execution environments. ** *******************************************************************************/ jintArray getListOfEeHandles (JNIEnv* e); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: getActiveSecureElementList ** ** Description: Get the list of handles of all execution environments. ** e: Java Virtual Machine. ** ** Returns: List of handles of all execution environments. ** *******************************************************************************/ jintArray getActiveSecureElementList (JNIEnv* e); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: activate ** ** Description: Turn on the secure element. ** seID: ID of secure element. ** ** Returns: True if ok. ** *******************************************************************************/ bool activate (jint seID); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: deactivate ** ** Description: Turn off the secure element. ** seID: ID of secure element. ** ** Returns: True if ok. ** *******************************************************************************/ bool deactivate (jint seID); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: connectEE ** ** Description: Connect to the execution environment. ** ** Returns: True if ok. ** *******************************************************************************/ bool connectEE (); bool activateAllNfcee(); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: disconnectEE ** ** Description: Disconnect from the execution environment. ** seID: ID of secure element. ** ** Returns: True if ok. ** *******************************************************************************/ bool disconnectEE (jint seID); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: transceive ** ** Description: Send data to the secure element; read it's response. ** xmitBuffer: Data to transmit. ** xmitBufferSize: Length of data. ** recvBuffer: Buffer to receive response. ** recvBufferMaxSize: Maximum size of buffer. ** recvBufferActualSize: Actual length of response. ** timeoutMillisec: timeout in millisecond ** ** Returns: True if ok. ** *******************************************************************************/ #if(NXP_EXTNS == TRUE) eTransceiveStatus transceive (uint8_t* xmitBuffer, int32_t xmitBufferSize, uint8_t* recvBuffer, int32_t recvBufferMaxSize, int32_t& recvBufferActualSize, int32_t timeoutMillisec); #else bool transceive (uint8_t* xmitBuffer, int32_t xmitBufferSize, uint8_t* recvBuffer, int32_t recvBufferMaxSize, int32_t& recvBufferActualSize, int32_t timeoutMillisec); #endif void notifyModeSet (tNFA_HANDLE eeHandle, bool success, tNFA_EE_STATUS eeStatus); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: notifyListenModeState ** ** Description: Notify the NFC service about whether the SE was activated ** in listen mode. ** isActive: Whether the secure element is activated. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ void notifyListenModeState (bool isActivated); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: notifyRfFieldEvent ** ** Description: Notify the NFC service about RF field events from the stack. ** isActive: Whether any secure element is activated. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ void notifyRfFieldEvent (bool isActive); #if(NXP_EXTNS == TRUE) /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: notifyEEReaderEvent ** ** Description: Notify the NFC service about Reader over SWP events from the stack. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ void notifyEEReaderEvent (int evt, int data); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: initializeEeHandle ** ** Description: Set NFCEE handle. ** ** Returns: True if ok. ** *******************************************************************************/ bool initializeEeHandle (); #endif /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: resetRfFieldStatus (); ** ** Description: Resets the field status. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ void resetRfFieldStatus (); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: storeUiccInfo ** ** Description: Store a copy of the execution environment information from the stack. ** info: execution environment information. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ void storeUiccInfo (tNFA_EE_DISCOVER_REQ& info); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: getUiccId ** ** Description: Get the ID of the secure element. ** eeHandle: Handle to the secure element. ** uid: Array to receive the ID. ** ** Returns: True if ok. ** *******************************************************************************/ bool getUiccId (tNFA_HANDLE eeHandle, jbyteArray& uid); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: notifyTransactionListenersOfAid ** ** Description: Notify the NFC service about a transaction event from secure element. ** aid: Buffer contains application ID. ** aidLen: Length of application ID. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ void notifyTransactionListenersOfAid (const uint8_t* aid, uint8_t aidLen, const uint8_t* data, uint32_t dataLen,uint32_t evtSrc); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: notifyConnectivityListeners ** ** Description: Notify the NFC service about a connectivity event from secure element. ** evtSrc: source of event UICC/eSE. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ void notifyConnectivityListeners (uint8_t evtSrc); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: notifyEmvcoMultiCardDetectedListeners ** ** Description: Notify the NFC service about a multiple card presented to ** Emvco reader. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ void notifyEmvcoMultiCardDetectedListeners (); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: notifyTransactionListenersOfTlv ** ** Description: Notify the NFC service about a transaction event from secure element. ** The type-length-value contains AID and parameter. ** tlv: type-length-value encoded in Basic Encoding Rule. ** tlvLen: Length tlv. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ void notifyTransactionListenersOfTlv (const uint8_t* tlv, uint8_t tlvLen); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: connectionEventHandler ** ** Description: Receive card-emulation related events from stack. ** event: Event code. ** eventData: Event data. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ void connectionEventHandler (uint8_t event, tNFA_CONN_EVT_DATA* eventData); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: applyRoutes ** ** Description: Read route data from XML and apply them again ** to every secure element. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ void applyRoutes (); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: setActiveSeOverride ** ** Description: Specify which secure element to turn on. ** activeSeOverride: ID of secure element ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ void setActiveSeOverride (uint8_t activeSeOverride); bool SecEle_Modeset(uint8_t type); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: routeToSecureElement ** ** Description: Adjust controller's listen-mode routing table so transactions ** are routed to the secure elements as specified in route.xml. ** ** Returns: True if ok. ** *******************************************************************************/ bool routeToSecureElement (); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: isBusy ** ** Description: Whether NFC controller is routing listen-mode events or a pipe is connected. ** ** Returns: True if either case is true. ** *******************************************************************************/ bool isBusy (); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function getActualNumEe ** ** Description Returns number of secure elements we know about. ** ** Returns Number of secure elements we know about. ** *******************************************************************************/ uint8_t getActualNumEe(); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function getSeVerInfo ** ** Description Gets version information and id for a secure element. The ** seIndex parmeter is the zero based index of the secure ** element to get verion info for. The version infommation ** is returned as a string int the verInfo parameter. ** ** Returns ture on success, false on failure ** *******************************************************************************/ bool getSeVerInfo(int seIndex, char * verInfo, int verInfoSz, uint8_t * seid); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: isActivatedInListenMode ** ** Description: Can be used to determine if the SE is activated in listen mode ** ** Returns: True if the SE is activated in listen mode ** *******************************************************************************/ bool isActivatedInListenMode(); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: isRfFieldOn ** ** Description: Can be used to determine if the SE is in an RF field ** ** Returns: True if the SE is activated in an RF field ** *******************************************************************************/ bool isRfFieldOn(); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: setEseListenTechMask ** ** Description: Can be used to force ESE to only listen the specific ** Technologies. ** NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_A 0x01 ** NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_B 0x02 ** ** Returns: True if listening is configured. ** *******************************************************************************/ bool setEseListenTechMask(uint8_t tech_mask); bool sendEvent(uint8_t event); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: getAtr ** ** Description: Can be used to get the ATR response from connected eSE ** ** Returns: True if ATR response is returned successfully ** *******************************************************************************/ bool getAtr(jint seID, uint8_t* recvBuffer, int32_t *recvBufferSize); #if(NXP_EXTNS == TRUE) bool getNfceeHostTypeList (void); bool configureNfceeETSI12 (); void eSE_ClearAllPipe_handler(uint8_t host); /********************************************************************************** ** ** Function: getEeStatus ** ** Description: get the status of EE ** ** Returns: EE status . ** **********************************************************************************/ uint16_t getEeStatus(uint16_t eehandle); /********************************************************************************** ** ** Function: getUiccStatus ** ** Description: get the status of EE ** ** Returns: EE status . ** **********************************************************************************/ uicc_stat_t getUiccStatus(uint8_t selected_uicc); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: updateEEStatus ** ** Description: updateEEStatus ** Reads EE related information from libnfc ** and updates in JNI ** ** Returns: True if ok. ** *******************************************************************************/ bool updateEEStatus (); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: isTeckInfoReceived ** ** Description: isTeckInfoReceived ** Checks if discovery_req_ntf received ** for a given EE ** ** Returns: True if ok. ** *******************************************************************************/ bool isTeckInfoReceived (uint16_t eeHandle); #endif #if(NXP_EXTNS == TRUE) void etsiInitConfig(); tNFC_STATUS etsiReaderConfig(int eeHandle); tNFC_STATUS etsiResetReaderConfig(); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: enablePassiveListen ** ** Description: Enable or disable listening to Passive A/B ** ** Returns: True if ok. ** *******************************************************************************/ uint16_t enablePassiveListen (uint8_t event); uint16_t startThread(uint8_t thread_arg); bool mPassiveListenEnabled; bool meseUiccConcurrentAccess; IntervalTimer mPassiveListenTimer; uint32_t mPassiveListenTimeout; //Retry timout value for passive listen enable timer uint8_t mPassiveListenCnt; //Retry cnt for passive listen enable timer SyncEvent mPassiveListenEvt; Mutex mPassiveListenMutex; Mutex mNfccStandbyMutex; #endif jint getSETechnology(tNFA_HANDLE eeHandle); static const uint8_t UICC_ID = 0x02; static const uint8_t UICC2_ID = 0x04; static const uint8_t ESE_ID = 0x01; static const uint8_t DH_ID = 0x00; #if(NXP_EXTNS == TRUE) static const uint8_t eSE_Compliancy_ETSI_9 = 9; static const uint8_t eSE_Compliancy_ETSI_12 = 12; #endif void getEeHandleList(tNFA_HANDLE *list, uint8_t* count); tNFA_HANDLE getEseHandleFromGenericId(jint eseId); jint getGenericEseId(tNFA_HANDLE handle); uint8_t mDownloadMode; #if(NXP_EXTNS == TRUE) bool meSESessionIdOk; void setCPTimeout(); SyncEvent mRfFieldOffEvent; void NfccStandByOperation(nfcc_standby_operation_t value); NFCSTATUS eSE_Chip_Reset(void); tNFA_STATUS SecElem_sendEvt_Abort(); tNFA_STATUS reconfigureEseHciInit(); #endif bool checkForWiredModeAccess(); #if(NXP_EXTNS == TRUE) se_apdu_gate_info getApduGateInfo(); #endif SyncEvent mRoutingEvent; SyncEvent mAidAddRemoveEvent; SyncEvent mUiccListenEvent; SyncEvent mEseListenEvent; SyncEvent mEeSetModeEvent; SyncEvent mModeSetNtf; SyncEvent mHciAddStaticPipe; SyncEvent mApduPaternAddRemoveEvent; #if ((NXP_EXTNS == TRUE)) SyncEvent mPwrLinkCtrlEvent; #endif #if(NXP_EXTNS == TRUE) uint8_t getUiccGateAndPipeList(uint8_t uiccNo); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: updateNfceeDiscoverInfo ** ** Description: Update the gSeDiscoverycount based on new NFCEE handle ** discovered ** ** Returns: Count of NFCEE discovered. ** *******************************************************************************/ uint8_t updateNfceeDiscoverInfo(); tNFA_HANDLE getHciHandleInfo(); SyncEvent mNfceeInitCbEvent; tNFA_STATUS SecElem_EeModeSet(uint16_t handle, uint8_t mode); SyncEvent mEEdatapacketEvent; SyncEvent mTransceiveEvent; static const uint8_t EVT_END_OF_APDU_TRANSFER = 0x21; //NXP Propritory bool mIsWiredModeOpen; bool mlistenDisabled; bool mIsExclusiveWiredMode; bool mIsAllowWiredInDesfireMifareCE; static const uint8_t EVT_ABORT = 0x11; //ETSI12 static const uint8_t EVT_ABORT_MAX_RSP_LEN = 40; bool mIsWiredModeBlocked; /* for wired mode resume feature support */ IntervalTimer mRfFieldEventTimer; uint32_t mRfFieldEventTimeout; tNFA_STATUS mModeSetInfo;/*Mode set info status*/ static const uint8_t NFCC_DECIDES = 0x00; //NFCC decides static const uint8_t POWER_ALWAYS_ON = 0x01; //NFCEE Power Supply always On static const uint8_t COMM_LINK_ACTIVE = 0x02; //NFCC to NFCEE Communication link always active when the NFCEE is powered on. static const uint8_t EVT_SUSPEND_APDU_TRANSFER = 0x31; tNFA_STATUS mPwrCmdstatus; //completion status of the power link control command uint8_t mNfccPowerMode; tNFA_STATUS setNfccPwrConfig(uint8_t value); bool mIsIntfRstEnabled; void setCLState(bool mState); void setDwpTranseiveState(bool state, tNFCC_EVTS_NTF action); #endif private: static const unsigned int MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE = 0x8800;//1024; //34K enum RouteSelection {NoRoute, DefaultRoute, SecElemRoute}; #ifndef GEMATO_SE_SUPPORT static const uint8_t STATIC_PIPE_0x70 = 0x19; //PN54X Gemalto's proprietary static pipe #else static const uint8_t STATIC_PIPE_0x70 = 0x70; //Broadcom's proprietary static pipe #endif static const uint8_t STATIC_PIPE_0x71 = 0x71; //Broadcom's proprietary static pipe static const uint8_t EVT_SEND_DATA = 0x10; //see specification ETSI TS 102 622 v9.0.0 (Host Controller Interface); section #if(NXP_EXTNS == TRUE) static const uint8_t STATIC_PIPE_UICC = 0x20; //UICC's proprietary static pipe static const tNFA_HANDLE EE_HANDLE_HCI = 0x401; static const tNFA_HANDLE EE_HANDLE_NDEFEE = 0x410; #else static const tNFA_HANDLE EE_HANDLE_0xF3 = 0x4F3; //handle to secure element in slot 0 static const tNFA_HANDLE EE_HANDLE_0xF4 = 0x4F4; //handle to secure element in slot 1 #endif static SecureElement sSecElem; static const char* APP_NAME; uint8_t mDestinationGate; //destination gate of the UICC tNFA_HANDLE mNfaHciHandle; //NFA handle to NFA's HCI component nfc_jni_native_data* mNativeData; bool mIsInit; // whether EE is initialized uint8_t mActualNumEe; // actual number of EE's reported by the stack uint8_t mNumEePresent; // actual number of usable EE's bool mbNewEE; uint8_t mNewPipeId; uint8_t mNewSourceGate; uint16_t mActiveSeOverride; // active "enable" seid, 0 means activate all SEs tNFA_STATUS mCommandStatus; //completion status of the last command bool mIsPiping; //is a pipe connected to the controller? RouteSelection mCurrentRouteSelection; int mActualResponseSize; //number of bytes in the response received from secure element int mAtrInfolen; uint8_t mAtrStatus; bool mUseOberthurWarmReset; //whether to use warm-reset command bool mActivatedInListenMode; // whether we're activated in listen mode uint8_t mOberthurWarmResetCommand; //warm-reset command byte tNFA_EE_INFO mEeInfo [MAX_NUM_EE]; //actual size stored in mActualNumEe tNFA_EE_DISCOVER_REQ mUiccInfo; tNFA_HCI_GET_GATE_PIPE_LIST mHciCfg; SyncEvent mEeRegisterEvent; SyncEvent mHciRegisterEvent; SyncEvent mResetEvent; SyncEvent mResetOngoingEvent; SyncEvent mPipeListEvent; #if(NXP_EXTNS != TRUE) SyncEvent mCreatePipeEvent; SyncEvent mPipeOpenedEvent; #endif SyncEvent mAllocateGateEvent; SyncEvent mDeallocateGateEvent; // SyncEvent mRoutingEvent; SyncEvent mUiccInfoEvent; // SyncEvent mAidAddRemoveEvent; SyncEvent mGetRegisterEvent; SyncEvent mVerInfoEvent; SyncEvent mRegistryEvent; SyncEvent mDiscMapEvent; uint8_t mVerInfo [3]; uint8_t mAtrInfo[40]; bool mGetAtrRspwait; uint8_t mResponseData [MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE]; RouteDataSet mRouteDataSet; //routing data std::vector mUsedAids; //AID's that are used in current routes uint8_t mAidForEmptySelect[NCI_MAX_AID_LEN+1]; Mutex mMutex; // protects fields below bool mRfFieldIsOn; // last known RF field state struct timespec mLastRfFieldToggle; // last time RF field went off IntervalTimer mTransceiveTimer; bool mTransceiveWaitOk; #if(NXP_EXTNS == TRUE) #define WIRED_MODE_TRANSCEIVE_TIMEOUT 120000 #endif /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: SecureElement ** ** Description: Initialize member variables. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ SecureElement (); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: ~SecureElement ** ** Description: Release all resources. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ ~SecureElement (); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: handleClearAllPipe ** ** Description: To handle clear all pipe event received from HCI based on the ** deleted host ** eventData: Event data. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ static void handleClearAllPipe (tNFA_HCI_EVT_DATA* eventData); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfaEeCallback ** ** Description: Receive execution environment-related events from stack. ** event: Event code. ** eventData: Event data. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ static void nfaEeCallback (tNFA_EE_EVT event, tNFA_EE_CBACK_DATA* eventData); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nfaHciCallback ** ** Description: Receive Host Controller Interface-related events from stack. ** event: Event code. ** eventData: Event data. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ static void nfaHciCallback (tNFA_HCI_EVT event, tNFA_HCI_EVT_DATA* eventData); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: findEeByHandle ** ** Description: Find information about an execution environment. ** eeHandle: Handle to execution environment. ** ** Returns: Information about an execution environment. ** *******************************************************************************/ tNFA_EE_INFO *findEeByHandle (tNFA_HANDLE eeHandle); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: findUiccByHandle ** ** Description: Find information about an execution environment. ** eeHandle: Handle of the execution environment. ** ** Returns: Information about the execution environment. ** *******************************************************************************/ tNFA_EE_DISCOVER_INFO *findUiccByHandle (tNFA_HANDLE eeHandle); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: getDefaultEeHandle ** ** Description: Get the handle to the execution environment. ** ** Returns: Handle to the execution environment. ** *******************************************************************************/ tNFA_HANDLE getDefaultEeHandle (); #if(NXP_EXTNS == TRUE) /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: getActiveEeHandle ** ** Description: Get the handle of the active execution environment. ** ** Returns: Handle to the execution environment. ** *******************************************************************************/ tNFA_HANDLE getActiveEeHandle (tNFA_HANDLE eeHandle); #endif /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: adjustRoutes ** ** Description: Adjust routes in the controller's listen-mode routing table. ** selection: which set of routes to configure the controller. ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ void adjustRoutes (RouteSelection selection); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: adjustProtocolRoutes ** ** Description: Adjust default routing based on protocol in NFC listen mode. ** isRouteToEe: Whether routing to EE (true) or host (false). ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ void adjustProtocolRoutes (RouteDataSet::Database* db, RouteSelection routeSelection); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: adjustTechnologyRoutes ** ** Description: Adjust default routing based on technology in NFC listen mode. ** isRouteToEe: Whether routing to EE (true) or host (false). ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ void adjustTechnologyRoutes (RouteDataSet::Database* db, RouteSelection routeSelection); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: getEeInfo ** ** Description: Get latest information about execution environments from stack. ** ** Returns: True if at least 1 EE is available. ** *******************************************************************************/ bool getEeInfo (); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: eeStatusToString ** ** Description: Convert status code to status text. ** status: Status code ** ** Returns: None ** *******************************************************************************/ static const char* eeStatusToString (uint8_t status); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: encodeAid ** ** Description: Encode AID in type-length-value using Basic Encoding Rule. ** tlv: Buffer to store TLV. ** tlvMaxLen: TLV buffer's maximum length. ** tlvActualLen: TLV buffer's actual length. ** aid: Buffer of Application ID. ** aidLen: Aid buffer's actual length. ** ** Returns: True if ok. ** *******************************************************************************/ bool encodeAid (uint8_t* tlv, uint16_t tlvMaxLen, uint16_t& tlvActualLen, const uint8_t* aid, uint8_t aidLen); static int decodeBerTlvLength(uint8_t* data,int index, int data_length ); static void discovery_map_cb (tNFC_DISCOVER_EVT event, tNFC_DISCOVER *p_data); };