#!/usr/bin/env python """ Test that aidl generates functional code by running it on an Android device. """ import argparse import pipes import subprocess import shlex JAVA_OUTPUT_READER = 'aidl_test_sentinel_searcher' NATIVE_TEST_CLIENT = 'aidl_test_client' NATIVE_TEST_SERVICE = 'aidl_test_service' TEST_FILTER_ALL = 'all' TEST_FILTER_JAVA = 'java' TEST_FILTER_NATIVE = 'native' JAVA_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 30 JAVA_LOG_FILE = '/data/data/android.aidl.tests/files/test-client.log' JAVA_SUCCESS_SENTINEL = '>>> Java Client Success <<<' JAVA_FAILURE_SENTINEL = '>>> Java Client Failure <<<' class TestFail(Exception): """Raised on test failures.""" pass class ShellResult(object): """Represents the result of running a shell command.""" def __init__(self, exit_status, stdout, stderr): """Construct an instance. Args: exit_status: integer exit code of shell command stdout: string stdout of shell command stderr: string stderr of shell command """ self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr self.exit_status = exit_status def printable_string(self): """Get a string we could print to the logs and understand.""" output = [] output.append('stdout:') for line in self.stdout.splitlines(): output.append(' > %s' % line) output.append('stderr:') for line in self.stderr.splitlines(): output.append(' > %s' % line) return '\n'.join(output) class AdbHost(object): """Represents a device connected via ADB.""" def __init__(self, device_serial=None, verbose=None): """Construct an instance. Args: device_serial: options string serial number of attached device. verbose: True iff we should print out ADB commands we run. """ self._device_serial = device_serial self._verbose = verbose def run(self, command, background=False, ignore_status=False): """Run a command on the device via adb shell. Args: command: string containing a shell command to run. background: True iff we should run this command in the background. ignore_status: True iff we should ignore the command's exit code. Returns: instance of ShellResult. Raises: subprocess.CalledProcessError on command exit != 0. """ if background: command = '( %s ) /dev/null 2>&1 &' % command return self.adb('shell %s' % pipes.quote(command), ignore_status=ignore_status) def mktemp(self): """Make a temp file on the device. Returns: path to created file as a string Raises: subprocess.CalledProcessError on failure. """ # Work around b/19635681 result = self.run('source /system/etc/mkshrc && mktemp') return result.stdout.strip() def adb(self, command, ignore_status=False): """Run an ADB command (e.g. `adb sync`). Args: command: string containing command to run ignore_status: True iff we should ignore the command's exit code. Returns: instance of ShellResult. Raises: subprocess.CalledProcessError on command exit != 0. """ command = 'adb %s' % command if self._verbose: print(command) p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, close_fds=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if not ignore_status and p.returncode: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, command) return ShellResult(p.returncode, stdout, stderr) def run_test(host, test_native, test_java): """Body of the test. Args: host: AdbHost object to run tests on test_native: True iff we should test native Binder clients. test_java: True iff we shoudl test Java Binder clients. """ print('Starting aidl integration testing...') # Kill any previous test context host.run('rm -f %s' % JAVA_LOG_FILE, ignore_status=True) host.run('pkill %s' % NATIVE_TEST_SERVICE, ignore_status=True) # Start up a native server host.run(NATIVE_TEST_SERVICE, background=True) # Start up clients if test_native: host.run('pkill %s' % NATIVE_TEST_CLIENT, ignore_status=True) result = host.run(NATIVE_TEST_CLIENT, ignore_status=True) if result.exit_status: print(result.printable_string()) raise TestFail('%s returned status code %d' % (NATIVE_TEST_CLIENT, result.exit_status)) if test_java: host.run('am start -S -a android.intent.action.MAIN ' '-n android.aidl.tests/.TestServiceClient ' '--es sentinel.success "%s" ' '--es sentinel.failure "%s"' % (JAVA_SUCCESS_SENTINEL, JAVA_FAILURE_SENTINEL)) result = host.run('%s %d %s "%s" "%s"' % (JAVA_OUTPUT_READER, JAVA_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, JAVA_LOG_FILE, JAVA_SUCCESS_SENTINEL, JAVA_FAILURE_SENTINEL), ignore_status=True) if result.exit_status: print(result.printable_string()) raise TestFail('Java client did not complete successfully.') print('Success!') def main(): """Main entry point.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument( '--test-filter', default=TEST_FILTER_ALL, choices=[TEST_FILTER_ALL, TEST_FILTER_JAVA, TEST_FILTER_NATIVE]) parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', default=False) args = parser.parse_args() host = AdbHost(verbose=args.verbose) try: # Tragically, SELinux interferes with our testing host.run('setenforce 0') run_test(host, args.test_filter in (TEST_FILTER_ALL, TEST_FILTER_NATIVE), args.test_filter in (TEST_FILTER_ALL, TEST_FILTER_JAVA)) finally: host.run('setenforce 1') if __name__ == '__main__': main()