from os.path import basename import re import sys # A very limited parser whose job is to process the compatibility mapping # files and retrieve type and attribute information until proper support is # built into libsepol # get the text in the next matching parens class MiniCilParser: def __init__(self, policyFile): self.types = set() # types declared in mapping self.pubtypes = set() self.expandtypeattributes = {} self.typeattributes = set() # attributes declared in mapping self.typeattributesets = {} # sets defined in mapping self.rTypeattributesets = {} # reverse mapping of above sets self.apiLevel = None with open(policyFile, 'r') as infile: s = self._getNextStmt(infile) while s: self._parseStmt(s) s = self._getNextStmt(infile) fn = basename(policyFile) m = re.match(r"(\d+\.\d+).+\.cil", fn) if m: self.apiLevel = def unparse(self): def wrapParens(stmt): return "(" + stmt + ")" def joinWrapParens(entries): return wrapParens(" ".join(entries)) result = "" for ty in sorted(self.types): result += joinWrapParens(["type", ty]) + "\n" for ta in sorted(self.typeattributes): result += joinWrapParens(["typeattribute", ta]) + "\n" for eta in sorted(self.expandtypeattributes.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]): result += joinWrapParens( ["expandtypeattribute", wrapParens(eta[0]), eta[1]]) + "\n" for tas in sorted(self.typeattributesets.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]): result += joinWrapParens( ["typeattributeset", tas[0], joinWrapParens(sorted(tas[1]))]) + "\n" return result def _getNextStmt(self, infile): parens = 0 s = "" c = # get to first statement while c and c != "(": c = parens += 1 c = while c and parens != 0: s += c c = if c == ';': # comment, get rid of rest of the line while c != '\n': c = elif c == '(': parens += 1 elif c == ')': parens -= 1 return s def _parseType(self, stmt): m = re.match(r"type\s+(.+)", stmt) self.types.add( return def _parseExpandtypeattribute(self, stmt): m = re.match(r"expandtypeattribute\s+\((.+)\)\s+(true|false)", stmt) self.expandtypeattributes[] = return def _parseTypeattribute(self, stmt): m = re.match(r"typeattribute\s+(.+)", stmt) self.typeattributes.add( return def _parseTypeattributeset(self, stmt): m = re.match(r"typeattributeset\s+(.+?)\s+\((.+?)\)", stmt, flags = re.M |re.S) ta = # this isn't proper expression parsing, but will do for our # current use tas = if self.typeattributesets.get(ta) is None: self.typeattributesets[ta] = set() self.typeattributesets[ta].update(set(tas)) for t in tas: if self.rTypeattributesets.get(t) is None: self.rTypeattributesets[t] = set() self.rTypeattributesets[t].update([ta]) # check to see if this typeattributeset is a versioned public type pub = re.match(r"(\w+)_\d+_\d+", ta) if pub is not None: self.pubtypes.add( return def _parseStmt(self, stmt): if re.match(r"type\s+.+", stmt): self._parseType(stmt) elif re.match(r"typeattribute\s+.+", stmt): self._parseTypeattribute(stmt) elif re.match(r"typeattributeset\s+.+", stmt): self._parseTypeattributeset(stmt) elif re.match(r"expandtypeattribute\s+.+", stmt): self._parseExpandtypeattribute(stmt) return if __name__ == '__main__': f = sys.argv[1] p = MiniCilParser(f)