/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2014 Google, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ #include #include "AllocationTestHarness.h" extern "C" { #include #include #include #include #include "hci_hal.h" #include "osi.h" #include "semaphore.h" #include "test_stubs.h" #include "vendor.h" } DECLARE_TEST_MODES( init, open, close_fn, transmit, read_synchronous, read_async_reentry, type_byte_only ); // Use as packet type to test stream_corrupted_during_le_scan_workaround() static const uint8_t HCI_BLE_EVENT = 0x3e; static char sample_data1[100] = "A point is that which has no part."; static char sample_data2[100] = "A line is breadthless length."; static char sample_data3[100] = "The ends of a line are points."; static char acl_data[100] = "A straight line is a line which lies evenly with the points on itself."; static char sco_data[100] = "A surface is that which has length and breadth only."; static char event_data[100] = "The edges of a surface are lines."; // Test data for stream_corrupted_during_le_scan_workaround() static char corrupted_data[] = { 0x5 /* length of remaining data */, 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' }; static const hci_hal_t *hal; static int dummy_serial_fd; static int reentry_i = 0; static semaphore_t *done; static semaphore_t *reentry_semaphore; static void expect_packet_synchronous(serial_data_type_t type, char *packet_data) { int length = strlen(packet_data); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { uint8_t byte; EXPECT_EQ((size_t)1, hal->read_data(type, &byte, 1, true)); EXPECT_EQ(packet_data[i], byte); } hal->packet_finished(type); } STUB_FUNCTION(int, vendor_send_command, (vendor_opcode_t opcode, void *param)) DURING(open) AT_CALL(0) { EXPECT_EQ(VENDOR_OPEN_USERIAL, opcode); // Give back the dummy fd and the number 1 to say we opened 1 port ((int *)param)[0] = dummy_serial_fd; return 1; } DURING(close_fn) AT_CALL(0) { EXPECT_EQ(VENDOR_CLOSE_USERIAL, opcode); return 0; } UNEXPECTED_CALL; return 0; } STUB_FUNCTION(void, data_ready_callback, (serial_data_type_t type)) DURING(read_synchronous) { AT_CALL(0) { EXPECT_EQ(DATA_TYPE_ACL, type); expect_packet_synchronous(type, acl_data); return; } AT_CALL(1) { EXPECT_EQ(DATA_TYPE_SCO, type); expect_packet_synchronous(type, sco_data); return; } AT_CALL(2) { EXPECT_EQ(DATA_TYPE_EVENT, type); expect_packet_synchronous(type, event_data); semaphore_post(done); return; } } DURING(read_async_reentry) { EXPECT_EQ(DATA_TYPE_ACL, type); uint8_t byte; size_t bytes_read; while ((bytes_read = hal->read_data(type, &byte, 1, false)) != 0) { EXPECT_EQ(sample_data3[reentry_i], byte); semaphore_post(reentry_semaphore); reentry_i++; if (reentry_i == (int)strlen(sample_data3)) { hal->packet_finished(type); return; } } return; } UNEXPECTED_CALL; } static void reset_for(TEST_MODES_T next) { RESET_CALL_COUNT(vendor_send_command); RESET_CALL_COUNT(data_ready_callback); CURRENT_TEST_MODE = next; } class HciHalH4Test : public AllocationTestHarness { protected: virtual void SetUp() { AllocationTestHarness::SetUp(); hal = hci_hal_h4_get_test_interface(&vendor); vendor.send_command = vendor_send_command; callbacks.data_ready = data_ready_callback; socketpair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sockfd); dummy_serial_fd = sockfd[0]; done = semaphore_new(0); thread = thread_new("hal_test"); reset_for(init); EXPECT_TRUE(hal->init(&callbacks, thread)); reset_for(open); EXPECT_TRUE(hal->open()); EXPECT_CALL_COUNT(vendor_send_command, 1); } virtual void TearDown() { reset_for(close_fn); hal->close(); EXPECT_CALL_COUNT(vendor_send_command, 1); semaphore_free(done); thread_free(thread); AllocationTestHarness::TearDown(); } int sockfd[2]; vendor_t vendor; thread_t *thread; hci_hal_callbacks_t callbacks; }; static void expect_socket_data(int fd, char first_byte, char *data) { int length = strlen(data) + 1; // + 1 for data type code int i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { fd_set read_fds; FD_ZERO(&read_fds); FD_SET(fd, &read_fds); select(fd + 1, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, NULL); char byte; read(fd, &byte, 1); EXPECT_EQ(i == 0 ? first_byte : data[i - 1], byte); } } static void write_packet(int fd, char first_byte, char *data) { write(fd, &first_byte, 1); write(fd, data, strlen(data)); } static void write_packet_reentry(int fd, char first_byte, char *data) { write(fd, &first_byte, 1); int length = strlen(data); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { write(fd, &data[i], 1); semaphore_wait(reentry_semaphore); } } TEST_F(HciHalH4Test, test_transmit) { reset_for(transmit); // Send a command packet hal->transmit_data(DATA_TYPE_COMMAND, (uint8_t *)(sample_data1 + 1), strlen(sample_data1 + 1)); expect_socket_data(sockfd[1], DATA_TYPE_COMMAND, sample_data1 + 1); // Send an acl packet hal->transmit_data(DATA_TYPE_ACL, (uint8_t *)(sample_data2 + 1), strlen(sample_data2 + 1)); expect_socket_data(sockfd[1], DATA_TYPE_ACL, sample_data2 + 1); // Send an sco packet hal->transmit_data(DATA_TYPE_SCO, (uint8_t *)(sample_data3 + 1), strlen(sample_data3 + 1)); expect_socket_data(sockfd[1], DATA_TYPE_SCO, sample_data3 + 1); } TEST_F(HciHalH4Test, test_read_synchronous) { reset_for(read_synchronous); write_packet(sockfd[1], DATA_TYPE_ACL, acl_data); write_packet(sockfd[1], HCI_BLE_EVENT, corrupted_data); write_packet(sockfd[1], DATA_TYPE_SCO, sco_data); write_packet(sockfd[1], DATA_TYPE_EVENT, event_data); // Wait for all data to be received before calling the test good semaphore_wait(done); EXPECT_CALL_COUNT(data_ready_callback, 3); } TEST_F(HciHalH4Test, test_read_async_reentry) { reset_for(read_async_reentry); reentry_semaphore = semaphore_new(0); reentry_i = 0; write_packet_reentry(sockfd[1], DATA_TYPE_ACL, sample_data3); // write_packet_reentry ensures the data has been received semaphore_free(reentry_semaphore); } TEST_F(HciHalH4Test, test_type_byte_only_must_not_signal_data_ready) { reset_for(type_byte_only); char byte = DATA_TYPE_ACL; write(sockfd[1], &byte, 1); fd_set read_fds; // Wait until the byte we wrote was picked up do { FD_ZERO(&read_fds); FD_SET(sockfd[0], &read_fds); struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 0; select(sockfd[0] + 1, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout); } while(FD_ISSET(sockfd[0], &read_fds)); }