path: root/src/com/android/wallpaper/grass/
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- * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Based on sunrisesunsetlib-java:
- * Copyright 2008-2009 Mike Reedell / LuckyCatLabs.
- *
- * Original project and source can be found at:
- *
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import java.util.Calendar;
-import java.util.TimeZone;
-import android.location.Location;
-class SunCalculator {
- /** Astronomical sunrise/set is when the sun is 18 degrees below the horizon. */
- static final double ZENITH_ASTRONOMICAL = 108;
- /** Nautical sunrise/set is when the sun is 12 degrees below the horizon. */
- static final double ZENITH_NAUTICAL = 102;
- /** Civil sunrise/set (dawn/dusk) is when the sun is 6 degrees below the horizon. */
- static final double ZENITH_CIVIL = 96;
- /** Official sunrise/set is when the sun is 50' below the horizon. */
- static final double ZENITH_OFFICIAL = 90.8333;
- private Location mLocation;
- private TimeZone mTimeZone;
- SunCalculator(Location location, String timeZoneIdentifier) {
- mLocation = location;
- mTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZoneIdentifier);
- }
- public void setLocation(Location location) {
- mLocation = location;
- }
- /**
- * Computes the sunrise time for the given zenith at the given date.
- *
- * @param solarZenith <code>Zenith</code> enum corresponding to the type
- * of sunrise to compute.
- * @param date <code>Calendar</code> object representing the date to
- * compute the sunrise for.
- * @return the sunrise time
- */
- public double computeSunriseTime(double solarZenith, Calendar date) {
- return computeSolarEventTime(solarZenith, date, true);
- }
- /**
- * Computes the sunset time for the given zenith at the given date.
- *
- * @param solarZenith <code>Zenith</code> enum corresponding to the type of
- * sunset to compute.
- * @param date <code>Calendar</code> object representing the date to compute
- * the sunset for.
- * @return the sunset time
- */
- public double computeSunsetTime(double solarZenith, Calendar date) {
- return computeSolarEventTime(solarZenith, date, false);
- }
- public static int timeToHours(double time) {
- int hour = (int) Math.floor(time);
- int minute = (int) Math.round((time - hour) * 60);
- if (minute == 60) {
- hour++;
- }
- return hour;
- }
- public static int timeToMinutes(double time) {
- int hour = (int) Math.floor(time);
- int minute = (int) Math.round((time - hour) * 60);
- if (minute == 60) {
- minute = 0;
- }
- return minute;
- }
- public static float timeToDayFraction(double time) {
- int hour = (int) Math.floor(time);
- int minute = (int) Math.round((time - hour) * 60);
- if (minute == 60) {
- minute = 0;
- hour++;
- }
- return (hour * 60 + minute) / 1440.0f;
- }
- public static String timeToString(double time) {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- int hour = (int) Math.floor(time);
- int minute = (int) Math.round((time - hour) * 60);
- if (minute == 60) {
- minute = 0;
- hour++;
- }
- buffer.append(hour).append(':').append(minute < 10 ? "0" + minute : minute);
- return buffer.toString();
- }
- private double computeSolarEventTime(double solarZenith, Calendar date, boolean isSunrise) {
- date.setTimeZone(mTimeZone);
- double longitudeHour = getLongitudeHour(date, isSunrise);
- double meanAnomaly = getMeanAnomaly(longitudeHour);
- double sunTrueLong = getSunTrueLongitude(meanAnomaly);
- double cosineSunLocalHour = getCosineSunLocalHour(sunTrueLong, solarZenith);
- if ((cosineSunLocalHour < -1.0) || (cosineSunLocalHour > 1.0)) {
- return 0;
- }
- double sunLocalHour = getSunLocalHour(cosineSunLocalHour, isSunrise);
- double localMeanTime = getLocalMeanTime(sunTrueLong, longitudeHour, sunLocalHour);
- return getLocalTime(localMeanTime, date);
- }
- /**
- * Computes the base longitude hour, lngHour in the algorithm.
- *
- * @return the longitude of the location of the solar event divided by 15 (deg/hour), in
- * <code>double</code> form.
- */
- private double getBaseLongitudeHour() {
- return mLocation.getLongitude() / 15.0;
- }
- /**
- * Computes the longitude time, t in the algorithm.
- *
- * @return longitudinal time in <code>double</code> form.
- */
- private double getLongitudeHour(Calendar date, Boolean isSunrise) {
- int offset = 18;
- if (isSunrise) {
- offset = 6;
- }
- double dividend = offset - getBaseLongitudeHour();
- double addend = dividend / 24.0;
- return getDayOfYear(date) + addend;
- }
- /**
- * Computes the mean anomaly of the Sun, M in the algorithm.
- *
- * @return the suns mean anomaly, M, in <code>double</code> form.
- */
- private static double getMeanAnomaly(double longitudeHour) {
- return 0.9856 * longitudeHour - 3.289;
- }
- /**
- * Computes the true longitude of the sun, L in the algorithm, at the given
- * location, adjusted to fit in the range [0-360].
- *
- * @param meanAnomaly the suns mean anomaly.
- * @return the suns true longitude, in <code>double</code> form.
- */
- private static double getSunTrueLongitude(double meanAnomaly) {
- final double meanRadians = Math.toRadians(meanAnomaly);
- double sinMeanAnomaly = Math.sin(meanRadians);
- double sinDoubleMeanAnomaly = Math.sin((meanRadians * 2.0));
- double firstPart = meanAnomaly + sinMeanAnomaly * 1.916;
- double secondPart = sinDoubleMeanAnomaly * 0.020 + 282.634;
- double trueLongitude = firstPart + secondPart;
- if (trueLongitude > 360) {
- trueLongitude = trueLongitude - 360.0;
- }
- return trueLongitude;
- }
- /**
- * Computes the suns right ascension, RA in the algorithm, adjusting for
- * the quadrant of L and turning it into degree-hours. Will be in the
- * range [0,360].
- *
- * @param sunTrueLong Suns true longitude, in <code>double</code>
- * @return suns right ascension in degree-hours, in <code>double</code> form.
- */
- private static double getRightAscension(double sunTrueLong) {
- double tanL = Math.tan(Math.toRadians(sunTrueLong));
- double innerParens = Math.toDegrees(tanL) * 0.91764;
- double rightAscension = Math.atan(Math.toRadians(innerParens));
- rightAscension = Math.toDegrees(rightAscension);
- if (rightAscension < 0.0) {
- rightAscension = rightAscension + 360.0;
- } else if (rightAscension > 360.0) {
- rightAscension = rightAscension - 360.0;
- }
- double ninety = 90.0;
- double longitudeQuadrant = (int) (sunTrueLong / ninety);
- longitudeQuadrant = longitudeQuadrant * ninety;
- double rightAscensionQuadrant = (int) (rightAscension / ninety);
- rightAscensionQuadrant = rightAscensionQuadrant * ninety;
- double augend = longitudeQuadrant - rightAscensionQuadrant;
- return (rightAscension + augend) / 15.0;
- }
- private double getCosineSunLocalHour(double sunTrueLong, double zenith) {
- double sinSunDeclination = getSinOfSunDeclination(sunTrueLong);
- double cosineSunDeclination = getCosineOfSunDeclination(sinSunDeclination);
- final double zenithInRads = Math.toRadians(zenith);
- final double latitude = Math.toRadians(mLocation.getLatitude());
- double cosineZenith = Math.cos(zenithInRads);
- double sinLatitude = Math.sin(latitude);
- double cosLatitude = Math.cos(latitude);
- double sinDeclinationTimesSinLat = sinSunDeclination * sinLatitude;
- double dividend = cosineZenith - sinDeclinationTimesSinLat;
- double divisor = cosineSunDeclination * cosLatitude;
- return dividend / divisor;
- }
- private static double getSinOfSunDeclination(double sunTrueLong) {
- double sinTrueLongitude = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(sunTrueLong));
- return sinTrueLongitude * 0.39782;
- }
- private static double getCosineOfSunDeclination(double sinSunDeclination) {
- double arcSinOfSinDeclination = Math.asin(sinSunDeclination);
- return Math.cos(arcSinOfSinDeclination);
- }
- private static double getSunLocalHour(double cosineSunLocalHour, Boolean isSunrise) {
- double arcCosineOfCosineHourAngle = Math.acos(cosineSunLocalHour);
- double localHour = Math.toDegrees(arcCosineOfCosineHourAngle);
- if (isSunrise) {
- localHour = 360.0 - localHour;
- }
- return localHour / 15.0;
- }
- private static double getLocalMeanTime(double sunTrueLong, double longitudeHour,
- double sunLocalHour) {
- double rightAscension = getRightAscension(sunTrueLong);
- double innerParens = longitudeHour * 0.06571;
- double localMeanTime = sunLocalHour + rightAscension - innerParens;
- localMeanTime = localMeanTime - 6.622;
- if (localMeanTime < 0.0) {
- localMeanTime = localMeanTime + 24.0;
- } else if (localMeanTime > 24.0) {
- localMeanTime = localMeanTime - 24.0;
- }
- return localMeanTime;
- }
- private double getLocalTime(double localMeanTime, Calendar date) {
- double utcTime = localMeanTime - getBaseLongitudeHour();
- double utcOffSet = getUTCOffSet(date);
- double utcOffSetTime = utcTime + utcOffSet;
- return adjustForDST(utcOffSetTime, date);
- }
- private double adjustForDST(double localMeanTime, Calendar date) {
- double localTime = localMeanTime;
- if (mTimeZone.inDaylightTime(date.getTime())) {
- localTime++;
- }
- if (localTime > 24.0) {
- localTime = localTime - 24.0;
- }
- return localTime;
- }
- /**
- * ****** UTILITY METHODS (Should probably go somewhere else. *****************
- */
- private static double getDayOfYear(Calendar date) {
- return date.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
- }
- private static double getUTCOffSet(Calendar date) {
- int offSetInMillis = date.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET);
- return offSetInMillis / 3600000;
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file