/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.providers.downloads; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.CharArrayBuffer; import android.database.Cursor; import android.drm.mobile1.DrmRawContent; import android.net.ConnectivityManager; import android.net.DownloadManager; import android.net.Uri; import android.provider.Downloads; import android.provider.Downloads.Impl; import android.util.Log; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * Stores information about an individual download. */ public class DownloadInfo { public static class Reader { private ContentResolver mResolver; private Cursor mCursor; private CharArrayBuffer mOldChars; private CharArrayBuffer mNewChars; public Reader(ContentResolver resolver, Cursor cursor) { mResolver = resolver; mCursor = cursor; } public DownloadInfo newDownloadInfo(Context context, SystemFacade systemFacade) { DownloadInfo info = new DownloadInfo(context, systemFacade); updateFromDatabase(info); readRequestHeaders(info); return info; } public void updateFromDatabase(DownloadInfo info) { info.mId = getLong(Downloads.Impl._ID); info.mUri = getString(info.mUri, Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_URI); info.mNoIntegrity = getInt(Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_NO_INTEGRITY) == 1; info.mHint = getString(info.mHint, Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_FILE_NAME_HINT); info.mFileName = getString(info.mFileName, Downloads.Impl._DATA); info.mMimeType = getString(info.mMimeType, Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_MIME_TYPE); info.mDestination = getInt(Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_DESTINATION); info.mVisibility = getInt(Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_VISIBILITY); info.mStatus = getInt(Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_STATUS); info.mNumFailed = getInt(Constants.FAILED_CONNECTIONS); int retryRedirect = getInt(Constants.RETRY_AFTER_X_REDIRECT_COUNT); info.mRetryAfter = retryRedirect & 0xfffffff; info.mRedirectCount = retryRedirect >> 28; info.mLastMod = getLong(Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_LAST_MODIFICATION); info.mPackage = getString(info.mPackage, Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_NOTIFICATION_PACKAGE); info.mClass = getString(info.mClass, Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_NOTIFICATION_CLASS); info.mExtras = getString(info.mExtras, Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_NOTIFICATION_EXTRAS); info.mCookies = getString(info.mCookies, Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_COOKIE_DATA); info.mUserAgent = getString(info.mUserAgent, Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_USER_AGENT); info.mReferer = getString(info.mReferer, Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_REFERER); info.mTotalBytes = getLong(Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_TOTAL_BYTES); info.mCurrentBytes = getLong(Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_CURRENT_BYTES); info.mETag = getString(info.mETag, Constants.ETAG); info.mMediaScanned = getInt(Constants.MEDIA_SCANNED) == 1; info.mIsPublicApi = getInt(Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_IS_PUBLIC_API) != 0; info.mAllowedNetworkTypes = getInt(Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_ALLOWED_NETWORK_TYPES); info.mAllowRoaming = getInt(Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_ALLOW_ROAMING) != 0; info.mTitle = getString(info.mTitle, Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_TITLE); info.mDescription = getString(info.mDescription, Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_DESCRIPTION); info.mBypassRecommendedSizeLimit = getInt(Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_BYPASS_RECOMMENDED_SIZE_LIMIT); synchronized (this) { info.mControl = getInt(Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_CONTROL); } } private void readRequestHeaders(DownloadInfo info) { info.mRequestHeaders.clear(); Uri headerUri = Uri.withAppendedPath( info.getAllDownloadsUri(), Downloads.Impl.RequestHeaders.URI_SEGMENT); Cursor cursor = mResolver.query(headerUri, null, null, null, null); try { int headerIndex = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Downloads.Impl.RequestHeaders.COLUMN_HEADER); int valueIndex = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Downloads.Impl.RequestHeaders.COLUMN_VALUE); for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { info.mRequestHeaders.put( cursor.getString(headerIndex), cursor.getString(valueIndex)); } } finally { cursor.close(); } if (info.mCookies != null) { info.mRequestHeaders.put("Cookie", info.mCookies); } if (info.mReferer != null) { info.mRequestHeaders.put("Referer", info.mReferer); } } /** * Returns a String that holds the current value of the column, optimizing for the case * where the value hasn't changed. */ private String getString(String old, String column) { int index = mCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(column); if (old == null) { return mCursor.getString(index); } if (mNewChars == null) { mNewChars = new CharArrayBuffer(128); } mCursor.copyStringToBuffer(index, mNewChars); int length = mNewChars.sizeCopied; if (length != old.length()) { return new String(mNewChars.data, 0, length); } if (mOldChars == null || mOldChars.sizeCopied < length) { mOldChars = new CharArrayBuffer(length); } char[] oldArray = mOldChars.data; char[] newArray = mNewChars.data; old.getChars(0, length, oldArray, 0); for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (oldArray[i] != newArray[i]) { return new String(newArray, 0, length); } } return old; } private Integer getInt(String column) { return mCursor.getInt(mCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(column)); } private Long getLong(String column) { return mCursor.getLong(mCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(column)); } } // the following NETWORK_* constants are used to indicates specfic reasons for disallowing a // download from using a network, since specific causes can require special handling /** * The network is usable for the given download. */ public static final int NETWORK_OK = 1; /** * The network is unusuable for some unspecified reason. */ public static final int NETWORK_UNUSABLE_GENERIC = 2; /** * The download exceeds the maximum size for this network. */ public static final int NETWORK_UNUSABLE_DUE_TO_SIZE = 3; /** * The download exceeds the recommended maximum size for this network, the user must confirm for * this download to proceed without WiFi. */ public static final int NETWORK_RECOMMENDED_UNUSABLE_DUE_TO_SIZE = 4; /** * For intents used to notify the user that a download exceeds a size threshold, if this extra * is true, WiFi is required for this download size; otherwise, it is only recommended. */ public static final String EXTRA_IS_WIFI_REQUIRED = "isWifiRequired"; public long mId; public String mUri; public boolean mNoIntegrity; public String mHint; public String mFileName; public String mMimeType; public int mDestination; public int mVisibility; public int mControl; public int mStatus; public int mNumFailed; public int mRetryAfter; public int mRedirectCount; public long mLastMod; public String mPackage; public String mClass; public String mExtras; public String mCookies; public String mUserAgent; public String mReferer; public long mTotalBytes; public long mCurrentBytes; public String mETag; public boolean mMediaScanned; public boolean mIsPublicApi; public int mAllowedNetworkTypes; public boolean mAllowRoaming; public String mTitle; public String mDescription; public int mBypassRecommendedSizeLimit; public String mPausedReason; public int mFuzz; public volatile boolean mHasActiveThread; private Map mRequestHeaders = new HashMap(); private SystemFacade mSystemFacade; private Context mContext; private DownloadInfo(Context context, SystemFacade systemFacade) { mContext = context; mSystemFacade = systemFacade; mFuzz = Helpers.sRandom.nextInt(1001); } public Map getHeaders() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(mRequestHeaders); } public void sendIntentIfRequested() { if (mPackage == null) { return; } Intent intent; if (mIsPublicApi) { intent = new Intent(DownloadManager.ACTION_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE); intent.setPackage(mPackage); intent.putExtra(DownloadManager.EXTRA_DOWNLOAD_ID, mId); } else { // legacy behavior if (mClass == null) { return; } intent = new Intent(Downloads.Impl.ACTION_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED); intent.setClassName(mPackage, mClass); if (mExtras != null) { intent.putExtra(Downloads.Impl.COLUMN_NOTIFICATION_EXTRAS, mExtras); } // We only send the content: URI, for security reasons. Otherwise, malicious // applications would have an easier time spoofing download results by // sending spoofed intents. intent.setData(getMyDownloadsUri()); } mSystemFacade.sendBroadcast(intent); } /** * Returns the time when a download should be restarted. Must only * be called when numFailed > 0. */ public long restartTime() { if (mRetryAfter > 0) { return mLastMod + mRetryAfter; } return mLastMod + Constants.RETRY_FIRST_DELAY * (1000 + mFuzz) * (1 << (mNumFailed - 1)); } /** * Returns whether this download (which the download manager hasn't seen yet) * should be started. */ public boolean isReadyToStart(long now) { if (mControl == Downloads.Impl.CONTROL_PAUSED) { // the download is paused, so it's not going to start return false; } if (mStatus == 0) { // status hasn't been initialized yet, this is a new download return true; } if (mStatus == Downloads.Impl.STATUS_PENDING) { // download is explicit marked as ready to start return true; } if (mStatus == Downloads.Impl.STATUS_RUNNING) { // download was interrupted (process killed, loss of power) while it was running, // without a chance to update the database return true; } if (mStatus == Downloads.Impl.STATUS_RUNNING_PAUSED) { if (mNumFailed == 0) { // download is waiting for network connectivity to return before it can resume return true; } if (restartTime() < now) { // download was waiting for a delayed restart, and the delay has expired return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns whether this download (which the download manager has already seen * and therefore potentially started) should be restarted. * * In a nutshell, this returns true if the download isn't already running * but should be, and it can know whether the download is already running * by checking the status. */ public boolean isReadyToRestart(long now) { if (mControl == Downloads.Impl.CONTROL_PAUSED) { // the download is paused, so it's not going to restart return false; } if (mStatus == 0) { // download hadn't been initialized yet return true; } if (mStatus == Downloads.Impl.STATUS_PENDING) { // download is explicit marked as ready to start return true; } if (mStatus == Downloads.Impl.STATUS_RUNNING_PAUSED) { if (mNumFailed == 0) { // download is waiting for network connectivity to return before it can resume return checkCanUseNetwork() == NETWORK_OK; } if (restartTime() < now) { // download was waiting for a delayed restart, and the delay has expired return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns whether this download has a visible notification after * completion. */ public boolean hasCompletionNotification() { if (!Downloads.Impl.isStatusCompleted(mStatus)) { return false; } if (mVisibility == Downloads.Impl.VISIBILITY_VISIBLE_NOTIFY_COMPLETED) { return true; } return false; } /** * Returns whether this download is allowed to use the network. * @return one of the NETWORK_* constants */ public int checkCanUseNetwork() { Integer networkType = mSystemFacade.getActiveNetworkType(); if (networkType == null) { return NETWORK_UNUSABLE_GENERIC; } if (!isRoamingAllowed() && mSystemFacade.isNetworkRoaming()) { return NETWORK_UNUSABLE_GENERIC; } return checkIsNetworkTypeAllowed(networkType); } private boolean isRoamingAllowed() { if (mIsPublicApi) { return mAllowRoaming; } else { // legacy behavior return mDestination != Downloads.Impl.DESTINATION_CACHE_PARTITION_NOROAMING; } } /** * Check if this download can proceed over the given network type. * @param networkType a constant from ConnectivityManager.TYPE_*. * @return one of the NETWORK_* constants */ private int checkIsNetworkTypeAllowed(int networkType) { if (mIsPublicApi) { int flag = translateNetworkTypeToApiFlag(networkType); if ((flag & mAllowedNetworkTypes) == 0) { return NETWORK_UNUSABLE_GENERIC; } } return checkSizeAllowedForNetwork(networkType); } /** * Translate a ConnectivityManager.TYPE_* constant to the corresponding * DownloadManager.Request.NETWORK_* bit flag. */ private int translateNetworkTypeToApiFlag(int networkType) { switch (networkType) { case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE: return DownloadManager.Request.NETWORK_MOBILE; case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI: return DownloadManager.Request.NETWORK_WIFI; case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIMAX: return DownloadManager.Request.NETWORK_WIMAX; default: return 0; } } /** * Check if the download's size prohibits it from running over the current network. * @return one of the NETWORK_* constants */ private int checkSizeAllowedForNetwork(int networkType) { if (mTotalBytes <= 0) { return NETWORK_OK; // we don't know the size yet } if (networkType == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI) { return NETWORK_OK; // anything goes over wifi } Long maxBytesOverMobile = mSystemFacade.getMaxBytesOverMobile(); if (maxBytesOverMobile != null && mTotalBytes > maxBytesOverMobile) { return NETWORK_UNUSABLE_DUE_TO_SIZE; } if (mBypassRecommendedSizeLimit == 0) { Long recommendedMaxBytesOverMobile = mSystemFacade.getRecommendedMaxBytesOverMobile(); if (recommendedMaxBytesOverMobile != null && mTotalBytes > recommendedMaxBytesOverMobile) { return NETWORK_RECOMMENDED_UNUSABLE_DUE_TO_SIZE; } } return NETWORK_OK; } void start(long now) { if (Constants.LOGV) { Log.v(Constants.TAG, "Service spawning thread to handle download " + mId); } if (mHasActiveThread) { throw new IllegalStateException("Multiple threads on same download"); } if (mStatus != Impl.STATUS_RUNNING) { mStatus = Impl.STATUS_RUNNING; ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(Impl.COLUMN_STATUS, mStatus); mContext.getContentResolver().update(getAllDownloadsUri(), values, null, null); } DownloadThread downloader = new DownloadThread(mContext, mSystemFacade, this); mHasActiveThread = true; mSystemFacade.startThread(downloader); } public boolean isOnCache() { return (mDestination == Downloads.Impl.DESTINATION_CACHE_PARTITION || mDestination == Downloads.Impl.DESTINATION_CACHE_PARTITION_NOROAMING || mDestination == Downloads.Impl.DESTINATION_CACHE_PARTITION_PURGEABLE); } public Uri getMyDownloadsUri() { return ContentUris.withAppendedId(Downloads.Impl.CONTENT_URI, mId); } public Uri getAllDownloadsUri() { return ContentUris.withAppendedId(Downloads.Impl.ALL_DOWNLOADS_CONTENT_URI, mId); } public void logVerboseInfo() { Log.v(Constants.TAG, "Service adding new entry"); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "ID : " + mId); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "URI : " + ((mUri != null) ? "yes" : "no")); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "NO_INTEG: " + mNoIntegrity); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "HINT : " + mHint); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "FILENAME: " + mFileName); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "MIMETYPE: " + mMimeType); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "DESTINAT: " + mDestination); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "VISIBILI: " + mVisibility); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "CONTROL : " + mControl); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "STATUS : " + mStatus); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "FAILED_C: " + mNumFailed); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "RETRY_AF: " + mRetryAfter); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "REDIRECT: " + mRedirectCount); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "LAST_MOD: " + mLastMod); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "PACKAGE : " + mPackage); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "CLASS : " + mClass); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "COOKIES : " + ((mCookies != null) ? "yes" : "no")); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "AGENT : " + mUserAgent); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "REFERER : " + ((mReferer != null) ? "yes" : "no")); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "TOTAL : " + mTotalBytes); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "CURRENT : " + mCurrentBytes); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "ETAG : " + mETag); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "SCANNED : " + mMediaScanned); } /** * Returns the amount of time (as measured from the "now" parameter) * at which a download will be active. * 0 = immediately - service should stick around to handle this download. * -1 = never - service can go away without ever waking up. * positive value - service must wake up in the future, as specified in ms from "now" */ long nextAction(long now) { if (Downloads.Impl.isStatusCompleted(mStatus)) { return -1; } if (mStatus != Downloads.Impl.STATUS_RUNNING_PAUSED) { return 0; } if (mNumFailed == 0) { return 0; } long when = restartTime(); if (when <= now) { return 0; } return when - now; } /** * Returns whether a file should be scanned */ boolean shouldScanFile() { return !mMediaScanned && mDestination == Downloads.Impl.DESTINATION_EXTERNAL && Downloads.Impl.isStatusSuccess(mStatus) && !DrmRawContent.DRM_MIMETYPE_MESSAGE_STRING.equalsIgnoreCase(mMimeType); } void notifyPauseDueToSize(boolean isWifiRequired) { mPausedReason = mContext.getResources().getString( R.string.notification_need_wifi_for_size); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setData(getAllDownloadsUri()); intent.setClassName(SizeLimitActivity.class.getPackage().getName(), SizeLimitActivity.class.getName()); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); intent.putExtra(EXTRA_IS_WIFI_REQUIRED, isWifiRequired); mContext.startActivity(intent); } }