Download Manager Access download manager. Allows the application to access the download manager and to use it to download files. Malicious applications can use this to disrupt downloads and access private information. Advanced download manager functions. Allows the application to access the download manager\'s advanced functions. Malicious applications can use this to disrupt downloads and access private information. Send download notifications. Allows the application to send notifications about completed downloads. Malicious applications can use this to confuse other applications that download files. See all downloads to SD card Allows the application to see all downloads to the SD card, regardless of which application downloaded them. Download non-purgeable files to the cache Allows the application to download files to the download cache through the public API which will not be automatically deleted when the download manager needs more space. Malicious applications can use this to block other applications from using the download cache. <Untitled> ", " " and %d more" Download complete Download unsuccessful