/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc. * Licensed to The Android Open Source Project. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var BLOCKED_SRC_ATTR = "blocked-src"; // the set of Elements currently scheduled for processing in handleAllImageLoads // this is an Array, but we treat it like a Set and only insert unique items var gImageLoadElements = []; /** * Returns the page offset of an element. * * @param {Element} element The element to return the page offset for. * @return {left: number, top: number} A tuple including a left and top value representing * the page offset of the element. */ function getTotalOffset(el) { var result = { left: 0, top: 0 }; var parent = el; while (parent) { result.left += parent.offsetLeft; result.top += parent.offsetTop; parent = parent.offsetParent; } return result; } /** * Walks up the DOM starting at a given element, and returns an element that has the * specified class name or null. */ function up(el, className) { var parent = el; while (parent) { if (parent.classList && parent.classList.contains(className)) { break; } parent = parent.parentNode; } return parent || null; } function toggleQuotedText(e) { var toggleElement = e.target; var elidedTextElement = toggleElement.nextSibling; var isHidden = getComputedStyle(elidedTextElement).display == 'none'; toggleElement.innerHTML = isHidden ? MSG_HIDE_ELIDED : MSG_SHOW_ELIDED; elidedTextElement.style.display = isHidden ? 'block' : 'none'; // Revealing the elided text should normalize it to fit-width to prevent // this message from blowing out the conversation width. if (isHidden) { normalizeElementWidths([elidedTextElement]); } measurePositions(); } function collapseAllQuotedText() { collapseQuotedText(document.documentElement); } function collapseQuotedText(elt) { var i; var elements = elt.getElementsByClassName("elided-text"); var elidedElement, toggleElement; for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { elidedElement = elements[i]; toggleElement = document.createElement("div"); toggleElement.className = "mail-elided-text"; toggleElement.innerHTML = MSG_SHOW_ELIDED; toggleElement.onclick = toggleQuotedText; elidedElement.parentNode.insertBefore(toggleElement, elidedElement); } } function normalizeAllMessageWidths() { normalizeElementWidths(document.querySelectorAll(".expanded > .mail-message-content")); } /* * Normalizes the width of all elements supplied to the document body's overall width. * Narrower elements are zoomed in, and wider elements are zoomed out. * This method is idempotent. */ function normalizeElementWidths(elements) { var i; var el; var documentWidth = document.body.offsetWidth; var newZoom, oldZoom; for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { el = elements[i]; oldZoom = el.style.zoom; // reset any existing normalization if (oldZoom) { el.style.zoom = 1; } newZoom = documentWidth / el.scrollWidth; el.style.zoom = newZoom; } } function hideUnsafeImages() { var i, bodyCount; var j, imgCount; var body, image; var images; var showImages; var bodies = document.getElementsByClassName("mail-message-content"); for (i = 0, bodyCount = bodies.length; i < bodyCount; i++) { body = bodies[i]; showImages = body.classList.contains("mail-show-images"); images = body.getElementsByTagName("img"); for (j = 0, imgCount = images.length; j < imgCount; j++) { image = images[j]; rewriteRelativeImageSrc(image); attachImageLoadListener(image); // TODO: handle inline image attachments for all supported protocols if (!showImages) { blockImage(image); } } } } /** * Changes relative paths to absolute path by pre-pending the account uri * @param {Element} imgElement Image for which the src path will be updated. */ function rewriteRelativeImageSrc(imgElement) { var src = imgElement.src; // DOC_BASE_URI will always be a unique x-thread:// uri for this particular conversation if (src.indexOf(DOC_BASE_URI) == 0 && (DOC_BASE_URI != CONVERSATION_BASE_URI)) { // The conversation specifies a different base uri than the document src = CONVERSATION_BASE_URI + src.substring(DOC_BASE_URI.length); imgElement.src = src; } }; function attachImageLoadListener(imageElement) { // Reset the src attribute to the empty string because onload will only fire if the src // attribute is set after the onload listener. var originalSrc = imageElement.src; imageElement.src = ''; imageElement.onload = imageOnLoad; imageElement.src = originalSrc; } /** * Handle an onload event for an tag. * The image could be within an elided-text block, or at the top level of a message. * When a new image loads, its new bounds may affect message or elided-text geometry, * so we need to inspect and adjust the enclosing element's zoom level where necessary. * * Because this method can be called really often, and zoom-level adjustment is slow, * we collect the elements to be processed and do them all later in a single deferred pass. */ function imageOnLoad(e) { // normalize the quoted text parent if we're in a quoted text block, or else // normalize the parent message content element var parent = up(e.target, "elided-text") || up(e.target, "mail-message-content"); if (!parent) { // sanity check. shouldn't really happen. return; } // if there was no previous work, schedule a new deferred job if (gImageLoadElements.length == 0) { window.setTimeout(handleAllImageOnLoads, 0); } // enqueue the work if it wasn't already enqueued if (gImageLoadElements.indexOf(parent) == -1) { gImageLoadElements.push(parent); } } // handle all deferred work from image onload events function handleAllImageOnLoads() { normalizeElementWidths(gImageLoadElements); measurePositions(); // clear the queue so the next onload event starts a new job gImageLoadElements = []; } function blockImage(imageElement) { var src = imageElement.src; if (src.indexOf("http://") == 0 || src.indexOf("https://") == 0 || src.indexOf("content://") == 0) { imageElement.setAttribute(BLOCKED_SRC_ATTR, src); imageElement.src = "data:"; } } function setWideViewport() { var metaViewport = document.getElementById('meta-viewport'); metaViewport.setAttribute('content', 'width=' + WIDE_VIEWPORT_WIDTH); } function restoreScrollPosition() { var scrollYPercent = window.mail.getScrollYPercent(); if (scrollYPercent && document.body.offsetHeight > window.innerHeight) { document.body.scrollTop = Math.floor(scrollYPercent * document.body.offsetHeight); } } function onContentReady(event) { window.mail.onContentReady(); } function setupContentReady() { var signalDiv; // PAGE READINESS SIGNAL FOR JELLYBEAN AND NEWER // Notify the app on 'webkitAnimationStart' of a simple dummy element with a simple no-op // animation that immediately runs on page load. The app uses this as a signal that the // content is loaded and ready to draw, since WebView delays firing this event until the // layers are composited and everything is ready to draw. // // This code is conditionally enabled on JB+ by setting the ENABLE_CONTENT_READY flag. if (ENABLE_CONTENT_READY) { signalDiv = document.getElementById("initial-load-signal"); signalDiv.addEventListener("webkitAnimationStart", onContentReady, false); signalDiv.classList.add("initial-load"); } } // BEGIN Java->JavaScript handlers function measurePositions() { var overlayBottoms; var h; var i; var len; var expandedSpacerDivs = document.querySelectorAll(".expanded > .spacer"); overlayBottoms = new Array(expandedSpacerDivs.length + 1); for (i = 0, len = expandedSpacerDivs.length; i < len; i++) { h = expandedSpacerDivs[i].offsetHeight; // addJavascriptInterface handler only supports string arrays overlayBottoms[i] = "" + (getTotalOffset(expandedSpacerDivs[i]).top + h); } // add an extra one to mark the bottom of the last message overlayBottoms[i] = "" + document.body.offsetHeight; window.mail.onWebContentGeometryChange(overlayBottoms); } function unblockImages(messageDomId) { var i, images, imgCount, image, blockedSrc; var msg = document.getElementById(messageDomId); if (!msg) { console.log("can't unblock, no matching message for id: " + messageDomId); return; } images = msg.getElementsByTagName("img"); for (i = 0, imgCount = images.length; i < imgCount; i++) { image = images[i]; blockedSrc = image.getAttribute(BLOCKED_SRC_ATTR); if (blockedSrc) { image.src = blockedSrc; image.removeAttribute(BLOCKED_SRC_ATTR); } } } function setConversationHeaderSpacerHeight(spacerHeight) { var spacer = document.getElementById("conversation-header"); if (!spacer) { console.log("can't set spacer for conversation header"); return; } spacer.style.height = spacerHeight + "px"; measurePositions(); } function setMessageHeaderSpacerHeight(messageDomId, spacerHeight) { var spacer = document.querySelector("#" + messageDomId + " > .mail-message-header"); if (!spacer) { console.log("can't set spacer for message with id: " + messageDomId); return; } spacer.style.height = spacerHeight + "px"; measurePositions(); } function setMessageBodyVisible(messageDomId, isVisible, spacerHeight) { var i, len; var visibility = isVisible ? "block" : "none"; var messageDiv = document.querySelector("#" + messageDomId); var collapsibleDivs = document.querySelectorAll("#" + messageDomId + " > .collapsible"); if (!messageDiv || collapsibleDivs.length == 0) { console.log("can't set body visibility for message with id: " + messageDomId); return; } messageDiv.classList.toggle("expanded"); for (i = 0, len = collapsibleDivs.length; i < len; i++) { collapsibleDivs[i].style.display = visibility; } // revealing new content should trigger width normalization, since the initial render // skips collapsed and super-collapsed messages if (isVisible) { normalizeElementWidths(messageDiv.getElementsByClassName("mail-message-content")); } setMessageHeaderSpacerHeight(messageDomId, spacerHeight); } function replaceSuperCollapsedBlock(startIndex) { var parent, block, header; block = document.querySelector(".mail-super-collapsed-block[index='" + startIndex + "']"); if (!block) { console.log("can't expand super collapsed block at index: " + startIndex); return; } parent = block.parentNode; block.innerHTML = window.mail.getTempMessageBodies(); header = block.firstChild; while (header) { parent.insertBefore(header, block); header = block.firstChild; } parent.removeChild(block); measurePositions(); } function replaceMessageBodies(messageIds) { var i; var id; var msgContentDiv; for (i = 0, len = messageIds.length; i < len; i++) { id = messageIds[i]; msgContentDiv = document.querySelector("#" + id + " > .mail-message-content"); msgContentDiv.innerHTML = window.mail.getMessageBody(id); collapseQuotedText(msgContentDiv); } } // END Java->JavaScript handlers collapseAllQuotedText(); hideUnsafeImages(); normalizeAllMessageWidths(); //setWideViewport(); restoreScrollPosition(); measurePositions(); setupContentReady();