/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.launcher3.shortcuts; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorSet; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Point; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import com.android.launcher3.AbstractFloatingView; import com.android.launcher3.BubbleTextView; import com.android.launcher3.ItemInfo; import com.android.launcher3.Launcher; import com.android.launcher3.LauncherAnimUtils; import com.android.launcher3.R; import com.android.launcher3.anim.PropertyListBuilder; import com.android.launcher3.dragndrop.DragOptions; import com.android.launcher3.dragndrop.DragView; import com.android.launcher3.logging.UserEventDispatcher.LogContainerProvider; import com.android.launcher3.popup.PopupContainerWithArrow; import com.android.launcher3.popup.PopupItemView; import com.android.launcher3.popup.PopupPopulator; import com.android.launcher3.popup.SystemShortcut; import com.android.launcher3.userevent.nano.LauncherLogProto; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * A {@link PopupItemView} that contains all of the {@link DeepShortcutView}s for an app, * as well as the system shortcuts such as Widgets and App Info. */ public class ShortcutsItemView extends PopupItemView implements View.OnLongClickListener, View.OnTouchListener, LogContainerProvider { private Launcher mLauncher; private LinearLayout mShortcutsLayout; private LinearLayout mSystemShortcutIcons; private final Point mIconShift = new Point(); private final Point mIconLastTouchPos = new Point(); private final List mDeepShortcutViews = new ArrayList<>(); private final List mSystemShortcutViews = new ArrayList<>(); public ShortcutsItemView(Context context) { this(context, null, 0); } public ShortcutsItemView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, 0); } public ShortcutsItemView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); mLauncher = Launcher.getLauncher(context); } @Override protected void onFinishInflate() { super.onFinishInflate(); mShortcutsLayout = findViewById(R.id.deep_shortcuts); } @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent ev) { // Touched a shortcut, update where it was touched so we can drag from there on long click. switch (ev.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: mIconLastTouchPos.set((int) ev.getX(), (int) ev.getY()); break; } return false; } @Override public boolean onLongClick(View v) { // Return early if this is not initiated from a touch or not the correct view if (!v.isInTouchMode() || !(v.getParent() instanceof DeepShortcutView)) return false; // Return early if global dragging is not enabled if (!mLauncher.isDraggingEnabled()) return false; // Return early if an item is already being dragged (e.g. when long-pressing two shortcuts) if (mLauncher.getDragController().isDragging()) return false; // Long clicked on a shortcut. DeepShortcutView sv = (DeepShortcutView) v.getParent(); sv.setWillDrawIcon(false); // Move the icon to align with the center-top of the touch point mIconShift.x = mIconLastTouchPos.x - sv.getIconCenter().x; mIconShift.y = mIconLastTouchPos.y - mLauncher.getDeviceProfile().iconSizePx; DragView dv = mLauncher.getWorkspace().beginDragShared(sv.getIconView(), (PopupContainerWithArrow) getParent(), sv.getFinalInfo(), new ShortcutDragPreviewProvider(sv.getIconView(), mIconShift), new DragOptions()); dv.animateShift(-mIconShift.x, -mIconShift.y); // TODO: support dragging from within folder without having to close it AbstractFloatingView.closeOpenContainer(mLauncher, AbstractFloatingView.TYPE_FOLDER); return false; } public void addShortcutView(View shortcutView, PopupPopulator.Item shortcutType) { addShortcutView(shortcutView, shortcutType, -1); } private void addShortcutView(View shortcutView, PopupPopulator.Item shortcutType, int index) { if (shortcutType == PopupPopulator.Item.SHORTCUT) { mDeepShortcutViews.add((DeepShortcutView) shortcutView); } else { mSystemShortcutViews.add(shortcutView); } if (shortcutType == PopupPopulator.Item.SYSTEM_SHORTCUT_ICON) { // System shortcut icons are added to a header that is separate from the full shortcuts. if (mSystemShortcutIcons == null) { mSystemShortcutIcons = (LinearLayout) mLauncher.getLayoutInflater().inflate( R.layout.system_shortcut_icons, mShortcutsLayout, false); mShortcutsLayout.addView(mSystemShortcutIcons, 0); } mSystemShortcutIcons.addView(shortcutView, index); } else { if (mShortcutsLayout.getChildCount() > 0) { View prevChild = mShortcutsLayout.getChildAt(mShortcutsLayout.getChildCount() - 1); if (prevChild instanceof DeepShortcutView) { prevChild.findViewById(R.id.divider).setVisibility(VISIBLE); } } mShortcutsLayout.addView(shortcutView, index); } } public List getDeepShortcutViews(boolean reverseOrder) { if (reverseOrder) { Collections.reverse(mDeepShortcutViews); } return mDeepShortcutViews; } public List getSystemShortcutViews(boolean reverseOrder) { // Always reverse system shortcut icons (in the header) // so they are in priority order from right to left. if (reverseOrder || mSystemShortcutIcons != null) { Collections.reverse(mSystemShortcutViews); } return mSystemShortcutViews; } /** * Adds a {@link SystemShortcut.Widgets} item if there are widgets for the given ItemInfo. */ public void enableWidgetsIfExist(final BubbleTextView originalIcon) { ItemInfo itemInfo = (ItemInfo) originalIcon.getTag(); SystemShortcut widgetInfo = new SystemShortcut.Widgets(); View.OnClickListener onClickListener = widgetInfo.getOnClickListener(mLauncher, itemInfo); View widgetsView = null; for (View systemShortcutView : mSystemShortcutViews) { if (systemShortcutView.getTag() instanceof SystemShortcut.Widgets) { widgetsView = systemShortcutView; break; } } final PopupPopulator.Item widgetsItem = mSystemShortcutIcons == null ? PopupPopulator.Item.SYSTEM_SHORTCUT : PopupPopulator.Item.SYSTEM_SHORTCUT_ICON; if (onClickListener != null && widgetsView == null) { // We didn't have any widgets cached but now there are some, so enable the shortcut. widgetsView = mLauncher.getLayoutInflater().inflate(widgetsItem.layoutId, this, false); PopupPopulator.initializeSystemShortcut(getContext(), widgetsView, widgetInfo); widgetsView.setOnClickListener(onClickListener); if (widgetsItem == PopupPopulator.Item.SYSTEM_SHORTCUT_ICON) { addShortcutView(widgetsView, widgetsItem, 0); } else { // If using the expanded system shortcut (as opposed to just the icon), we need to // reopen the container to ensure measurements etc. all work out. While this could // be quite janky, in practice the user would typically see a small flicker as the // animation restarts partway through, and this is a very rare edge case anyway. ((PopupContainerWithArrow) getParent()).close(false); PopupContainerWithArrow.showForIcon(originalIcon); } } else if (onClickListener == null && widgetsView != null) { // No widgets exist, but we previously added the shortcut so remove it. if (widgetsItem == PopupPopulator.Item.SYSTEM_SHORTCUT_ICON) { mSystemShortcutViews.remove(widgetsView); mSystemShortcutIcons.removeView(widgetsView); } else { ((PopupContainerWithArrow) getParent()).close(false); PopupContainerWithArrow.showForIcon(originalIcon); } } } @Override public Animator createOpenAnimation(boolean isContainerAboveIcon, boolean pivotLeft) { AnimatorSet openAnimation = LauncherAnimUtils.createAnimatorSet(); openAnimation.play(super.createOpenAnimation(isContainerAboveIcon, pivotLeft)); for (int i = 0; i < mShortcutsLayout.getChildCount(); i++) { if (!(mShortcutsLayout.getChildAt(i) instanceof DeepShortcutView)) { continue; } DeepShortcutView shortcutView = ((DeepShortcutView) mShortcutsLayout.getChildAt(i)); View deepShortcutIcon = shortcutView.getIconView(); deepShortcutIcon.setScaleX(0); deepShortcutIcon.setScaleY(0); openAnimation.play(LauncherAnimUtils.ofPropertyValuesHolder( deepShortcutIcon, new PropertyListBuilder().scale(1).build())); } return openAnimation; } @Override public Animator createCloseAnimation(boolean isContainerAboveIcon, boolean pivotLeft, long duration) { AnimatorSet closeAnimation = LauncherAnimUtils.createAnimatorSet(); closeAnimation.play(super.createCloseAnimation(isContainerAboveIcon, pivotLeft, duration)); for (int i = 0; i < mShortcutsLayout.getChildCount(); i++) { if (!(mShortcutsLayout.getChildAt(i) instanceof DeepShortcutView)) { continue; } DeepShortcutView shortcutView = ((DeepShortcutView) mShortcutsLayout.getChildAt(i)); View deepShortcutIcon = shortcutView.getIconView(); deepShortcutIcon.setScaleX(1); deepShortcutIcon.setScaleY(1); closeAnimation.play(LauncherAnimUtils.ofPropertyValuesHolder( deepShortcutIcon, new PropertyListBuilder().scale(0).build())); } return closeAnimation; } @Override public void fillInLogContainerData(View v, ItemInfo info, LauncherLogProto.Target target, LauncherLogProto.Target targetParent) { target.itemType = LauncherLogProto.ItemType.DEEPSHORTCUT; target.rank = info.rank; targetParent.containerType = LauncherLogProto.ContainerType.DEEPSHORTCUTS; } }