/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.launcher3.model; import android.os.Looper; import android.util.Log; import com.android.launcher3.AllAppsList; import com.android.launcher3.AppInfo; import com.android.launcher3.InvariantDeviceProfile; import com.android.launcher3.ItemInfo; import com.android.launcher3.LauncherAppState; import com.android.launcher3.LauncherAppWidgetInfo; import com.android.launcher3.LauncherModel.Callbacks; import com.android.launcher3.LauncherSettings; import com.android.launcher3.MainThreadExecutor; import com.android.launcher3.PagedView; import com.android.launcher3.config.FeatureFlags; import com.android.launcher3.util.IntArray; import com.android.launcher3.util.IntSet; import com.android.launcher3.util.LooperIdleLock; import com.android.launcher3.util.ViewOnDrawExecutor; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; /** * Base Helper class to handle results of {@link com.android.launcher3.model.LoaderTask}. */ public abstract class BaseLoaderResults { protected static final String TAG = "LoaderResults"; protected static final int INVALID_SCREEN_ID = -1; private static final int ITEMS_CHUNK = 6; // batch size for the workspace icons protected final Executor mUiExecutor; protected final LauncherAppState mApp; protected final BgDataModel mBgDataModel; private final AllAppsList mBgAllAppsList; protected final int mPageToBindFirst; protected final WeakReference mCallbacks; public BaseLoaderResults(LauncherAppState app, BgDataModel dataModel, AllAppsList allAppsList, int pageToBindFirst, WeakReference callbacks) { mUiExecutor = new MainThreadExecutor(); mApp = app; mBgDataModel = dataModel; mBgAllAppsList = allAppsList; mPageToBindFirst = pageToBindFirst; mCallbacks = callbacks == null ? new WeakReference<>(null) : callbacks; } /** * Binds all loaded data to actual views on the main thread. */ public void bindWorkspace() { Runnable r; Callbacks callbacks = mCallbacks.get(); // Don't use these two variables in any of the callback runnables. // Otherwise we hold a reference to them. if (callbacks == null) { // This launcher has exited and nobody bothered to tell us. Just bail. Log.w(TAG, "LoaderTask running with no launcher"); return; } // Save a copy of all the bg-thread collections ArrayList workspaceItems = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList appWidgets = new ArrayList<>(); final IntArray orderedScreenIds = new IntArray(); synchronized (mBgDataModel) { workspaceItems.addAll(mBgDataModel.workspaceItems); appWidgets.addAll(mBgDataModel.appWidgets); orderedScreenIds.addAll(mBgDataModel.workspaceScreens); mBgDataModel.lastBindId++; } final int currentScreen; { int currScreen = mPageToBindFirst != PagedView.INVALID_RESTORE_PAGE ? mPageToBindFirst : callbacks.getCurrentWorkspaceScreen(); if (currScreen >= orderedScreenIds.size()) { // There may be no workspace screens (just hotseat items and an empty page). currScreen = PagedView.INVALID_RESTORE_PAGE; } currentScreen = currScreen; } final boolean validFirstPage = currentScreen >= 0; final int currentScreenId = validFirstPage ? orderedScreenIds.get(currentScreen) : INVALID_SCREEN_ID; // Separate the items that are on the current screen, and all the other remaining items ArrayList currentWorkspaceItems = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList otherWorkspaceItems = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList currentAppWidgets = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList otherAppWidgets = new ArrayList<>(); filterCurrentWorkspaceItems(currentScreenId, workspaceItems, currentWorkspaceItems, otherWorkspaceItems); filterCurrentWorkspaceItems(currentScreenId, appWidgets, currentAppWidgets, otherAppWidgets); sortWorkspaceItemsSpatially(currentWorkspaceItems); sortWorkspaceItemsSpatially(otherWorkspaceItems); // Tell the workspace that we're about to start binding items r = new Runnable() { public void run() { Callbacks callbacks = mCallbacks.get(); if (callbacks != null) { callbacks.clearPendingBinds(); callbacks.startBinding(); } } }; mUiExecutor.execute(r); // Bind workspace screens mUiExecutor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Callbacks callbacks = mCallbacks.get(); if (callbacks != null) { callbacks.bindScreens(orderedScreenIds); } } }); Executor mainExecutor = mUiExecutor; // Load items on the current page. bindWorkspaceItems(currentWorkspaceItems, mainExecutor); bindAppWidgets(currentAppWidgets, mainExecutor); // In case of validFirstPage, only bind the first screen, and defer binding the // remaining screens after first onDraw (and an optional the fade animation whichever // happens later). // This ensures that the first screen is immediately visible (eg. during rotation) // In case of !validFirstPage, bind all pages one after other. final Executor deferredExecutor = validFirstPage ? new ViewOnDrawExecutor() : mainExecutor; mainExecutor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Callbacks callbacks = mCallbacks.get(); if (callbacks != null) { callbacks.finishFirstPageBind( validFirstPage ? (ViewOnDrawExecutor) deferredExecutor : null); } } }); bindWorkspaceItems(otherWorkspaceItems, deferredExecutor); bindAppWidgets(otherAppWidgets, deferredExecutor); // Tell the workspace that we're done binding items r = new Runnable() { public void run() { Callbacks callbacks = mCallbacks.get(); if (callbacks != null) { callbacks.finishBindingItems(currentScreen); } } }; deferredExecutor.execute(r); if (validFirstPage) { r = new Runnable() { public void run() { Callbacks callbacks = mCallbacks.get(); if (callbacks != null) { // We are loading synchronously, which means, some of the pages will be // bound after first draw. Inform the callbacks that page binding is // not complete, and schedule the remaining pages. if (currentScreen != PagedView.INVALID_RESTORE_PAGE) { callbacks.onPageBoundSynchronously(currentScreen); } callbacks.executeOnNextDraw((ViewOnDrawExecutor) deferredExecutor); } } }; mUiExecutor.execute(r); } } /** Filters the set of items who are directly or indirectly (via another container) on the * specified screen. */ public static void filterCurrentWorkspaceItems(int currentScreenId, ArrayList allWorkspaceItems, ArrayList currentScreenItems, ArrayList otherScreenItems) { // Purge any null ItemInfos Iterator iter = allWorkspaceItems.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ItemInfo i = iter.next(); if (i == null) { iter.remove(); } } // Order the set of items by their containers first, this allows use to walk through the // list sequentially, build up a list of containers that are in the specified screen, // as well as all items in those containers. IntSet itemsOnScreen = new IntSet(); Collections.sort(allWorkspaceItems, (lhs, rhs) -> Integer.compare(lhs.container, rhs.container)); for (T info : allWorkspaceItems) { if (info.container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP) { if (info.screenId == currentScreenId) { currentScreenItems.add(info); itemsOnScreen.add(info.id); } else { otherScreenItems.add(info); } } else if (info.container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT) { currentScreenItems.add(info); itemsOnScreen.add(info.id); } else { if (itemsOnScreen.contains(info.container)) { currentScreenItems.add(info); itemsOnScreen.add(info.id); } else { otherScreenItems.add(info); } } } } /** Sorts the set of items by hotseat, workspace (spatially from top to bottom, left to * right) */ protected void sortWorkspaceItemsSpatially(ArrayList workspaceItems) { final InvariantDeviceProfile profile = mApp.getInvariantDeviceProfile(); final int screenCols = profile.numColumns; final int screenCellCount = profile.numColumns * profile.numRows; Collections.sort(workspaceItems, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(ItemInfo lhs, ItemInfo rhs) { if (lhs.container == rhs.container) { // Within containers, order by their spatial position in that container switch ((int) lhs.container) { case LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP: { int lr = (lhs.screenId * screenCellCount + lhs.cellY * screenCols + lhs.cellX); int rr = (rhs.screenId * screenCellCount + rhs.cellY * screenCols + rhs.cellX); return Integer.compare(lr, rr); } case LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT: { // We currently use the screen id as the rank return Integer.compare(lhs.screenId, rhs.screenId); } default: if (FeatureFlags.IS_DOGFOOD_BUILD) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected container type when " + "sorting workspace items."); } return 0; } } else { // Between containers, order by hotseat, desktop return Integer.compare(lhs.container, rhs.container); } } }); } protected void bindWorkspaceItems(final ArrayList workspaceItems, final Executor executor) { if (com.android.launcher3.Utilities.IS_RUNNING_IN_TEST_HARNESS && com.android.launcher3.Utilities.IS_DEBUG_DEVICE) { Log.d("b/117332845", Log.getStackTraceString(new Throwable())); } // Bind the workspace items int N = workspaceItems.size(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i += ITEMS_CHUNK) { final int start = i; final int chunkSize = (i+ITEMS_CHUNK <= N) ? ITEMS_CHUNK : (N-i); final Runnable r = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Callbacks callbacks = mCallbacks.get(); if (callbacks != null) { callbacks.bindItems(workspaceItems.subList(start, start + chunkSize), false); } } }; executor.execute(r); } } private void bindAppWidgets(ArrayList appWidgets, Executor executor) { int N;// Bind the widgets, one at a time N = appWidgets.size(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { final ItemInfo widget = appWidgets.get(i); final Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { Callbacks callbacks = mCallbacks.get(); if (callbacks != null) { callbacks.bindItems(Collections.singletonList(widget), false); } } }; executor.execute(r); } } public abstract void bindDeepShortcuts(); public void bindAllApps() { // shallow copy @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final ArrayList list = (ArrayList) mBgAllAppsList.data.clone(); Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { Callbacks callbacks = mCallbacks.get(); if (callbacks != null) { callbacks.bindAllApplications(list); } } }; mUiExecutor.execute(r); } public abstract void bindWidgets(); public LooperIdleLock newIdleLock(Object lock) { LooperIdleLock idleLock = new LooperIdleLock(lock, Looper.getMainLooper()); // If we are not binding, there is no reason to wait for idle. if (mCallbacks.get() == null) { idleLock.queueIdle(); } return idleLock; } }