/** * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.launcher3.folder; import com.android.launcher3.folder.FolderIcon.PreviewItemDrawingParams; public class StackFolderIconLayoutRule implements FolderIcon.PreviewLayoutRule { static final int MAX_NUM_ITEMS_IN_PREVIEW = 3; // The degree to which the item in the back of the stack is scaled [0...1] // (0 means it's not scaled at all, 1 means it's scaled to nothing) private static final float PERSPECTIVE_SCALE_FACTOR = 0.35f; // The amount of vertical spread between items in the stack [0...1] private static final float PERSPECTIVE_SHIFT_FACTOR = 0.18f; private float mBaselineIconScale; private int mBaselineIconSize; private int mAvailableSpaceInPreview; private float mMaxPerspectiveShift; @Override public void init(int availableSpace, int intrinsicIconSize, boolean rtl) { mAvailableSpaceInPreview = availableSpace; // cos(45) = 0.707 + ~= 0.1) = 0.8f int adjustedAvailableSpace = (int) ((mAvailableSpaceInPreview / 2) * (1 + 0.8f)); int unscaledHeight = (int) (intrinsicIconSize * (1 + PERSPECTIVE_SHIFT_FACTOR)); mBaselineIconScale = (1.0f * adjustedAvailableSpace / unscaledHeight); mBaselineIconSize = (int) (intrinsicIconSize * mBaselineIconScale); mMaxPerspectiveShift = mBaselineIconSize * PERSPECTIVE_SHIFT_FACTOR; } @Override public PreviewItemDrawingParams computePreviewItemDrawingParams(int index, int curNumItems, PreviewItemDrawingParams params) { float scale = scaleForItem(index, curNumItems); index = MAX_NUM_ITEMS_IN_PREVIEW - index - 1; float r = (index * 1.0f) / (MAX_NUM_ITEMS_IN_PREVIEW - 1); float offset = (1 - r) * mMaxPerspectiveShift; float scaledSize = scale * mBaselineIconSize; float scaleOffsetCorrection = (1 - scale) * mBaselineIconSize; // We want to imagine our coordinates from the bottom left, growing up and to the // right. This is natural for the x-axis, but for the y-axis, we have to invert things. float transY = mAvailableSpaceInPreview - (offset + scaledSize + scaleOffsetCorrection); float transX = (mAvailableSpaceInPreview - scaledSize) / 2; float totalScale = mBaselineIconScale * scale; final float overlayAlpha = (80 * (1 - r)) / 255f; if (params == null) { params = new PreviewItemDrawingParams(transX, transY, totalScale, overlayAlpha); } else { params.update(transX, transY, totalScale); params.overlayAlpha = overlayAlpha; } return params; } @Override public int maxNumItems() { return MAX_NUM_ITEMS_IN_PREVIEW; } @Override public float getIconSize() { return mBaselineIconSize; } @Override public float scaleForItem(int index, int numItems) { // Scale is determined by the position of the icon in the preview. index = MAX_NUM_ITEMS_IN_PREVIEW - index - 1; float r = (index * 1.0f) / (MAX_NUM_ITEMS_IN_PREVIEW - 1); return (1 - PERSPECTIVE_SCALE_FACTOR * (1 - r)); } @Override public boolean clipToBackground() { return false; } }