/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.launcher3; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; import android.graphics.drawable.BitmapDrawable; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.BaseAdapter; import android.widget.ListAdapter; import com.android.photos.BitmapRegionTileSource; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; public class SavedWallpaperImages extends BaseAdapter implements ListAdapter { private static String TAG = "Launcher3.SavedWallpaperImages"; private ImageDb mDb; ArrayList mImages; Context mContext; LayoutInflater mLayoutInflater; public static class SavedWallpaperTile extends WallpaperPickerActivity.WallpaperTileInfo { private int mDbId; private Drawable mThumb; public SavedWallpaperTile(int dbId, Drawable thumb) { mDbId = dbId; mThumb = thumb; } @Override public void onClick(WallpaperPickerActivity a) { String imageFilename = a.getSavedImages().getImageFilename(mDbId); File file = new File(a.getFilesDir(), imageFilename); CropView v = a.getCropView(); v.setTileSource(new BitmapRegionTileSource(a, file.getAbsolutePath(), 1024, 0), null); v.moveToLeft(); v.setTouchEnabled(false); } @Override public void onSave(WallpaperPickerActivity a) { boolean finishActivityWhenDone = true; String imageFilename = a.getSavedImages().getImageFilename(mDbId); a.setWallpaper(imageFilename, finishActivityWhenDone); } @Override public void onDelete(WallpaperPickerActivity a) { a.getSavedImages().deleteImage(mDbId); } @Override public boolean isSelectable() { return true; } } public SavedWallpaperImages(Activity context) { mDb = new ImageDb(context); mContext = context; mLayoutInflater = context.getLayoutInflater(); } public void loadThumbnailsAndImageIdList() { mImages = new ArrayList(); SQLiteDatabase db = mDb.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor result = db.query(ImageDb.TABLE_NAME, new String[] { ImageDb.COLUMN_ID, ImageDb.COLUMN_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_FILENAME }, // cols to return null, // select query null, // args to select query null, null, ImageDb.COLUMN_ID + " DESC", null); while (result.moveToNext()) { String filename = result.getString(1); File file = new File(mContext.getFilesDir(), filename); Bitmap thumb = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file.getAbsolutePath()); if (thumb != null) { mImages.add(new SavedWallpaperTile(result.getInt(0), new BitmapDrawable(thumb))); } } result.close(); } public int getCount() { return mImages.size(); } public SavedWallpaperTile getItem(int position) { return mImages.get(position); } public long getItemId(int position) { return position; } public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { Drawable thumbDrawable = mImages.get(position).mThumb; if (thumbDrawable == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Error decoding thumbnail for wallpaper #" + position); } return WallpaperPickerActivity.createImageTileView( mLayoutInflater, position, convertView, parent, thumbDrawable); } public String getImageFilename(int id) { Pair filenames = getImageFilenames(id); if (filenames != null) { return filenames.second; } return null; } private Pair getImageFilenames(int id) { SQLiteDatabase db = mDb.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor result = db.query(ImageDb.TABLE_NAME, new String[] { ImageDb.COLUMN_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_FILENAME, ImageDb.COLUMN_IMAGE_FILENAME }, // cols to return ImageDb.COLUMN_ID + " = ?", // select query new String[] { Integer.toString(id) }, // args to select query null, null, null, null); if (result.getCount() > 0) { result.moveToFirst(); String thumbFilename = result.getString(0); String imageFilename = result.getString(1); result.close(); return new Pair(thumbFilename, imageFilename); } else { return null; } } public void deleteImage(int id) { Pair filenames = getImageFilenames(id); File imageFile = new File(mContext.getFilesDir(), filenames.first); imageFile.delete(); File thumbFile = new File(mContext.getFilesDir(), filenames.second); thumbFile.delete(); SQLiteDatabase db = mDb.getWritableDatabase(); db.delete(ImageDb.TABLE_NAME, ImageDb.COLUMN_ID + " = ?", // SELECT query new String[] { Integer.toString(id) // args to SELECT query }); } public void writeImage(Bitmap thumbnail, byte[] imageBytes) { try { File imageFile = File.createTempFile("wallpaper", "", mContext.getFilesDir()); FileOutputStream imageFileStream = mContext.openFileOutput(imageFile.getName(), Context.MODE_PRIVATE); imageFileStream.write(imageBytes); imageFileStream.close(); File thumbFile = File.createTempFile("wallpaperthumb", "", mContext.getFilesDir()); FileOutputStream thumbFileStream = mContext.openFileOutput(thumbFile.getName(), Context.MODE_PRIVATE); thumbnail.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 95, thumbFileStream); thumbFileStream.close(); SQLiteDatabase db = mDb.getWritableDatabase(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(ImageDb.COLUMN_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_FILENAME, thumbFile.getName()); values.put(ImageDb.COLUMN_IMAGE_FILENAME, imageFile.getName()); db.insert(ImageDb.TABLE_NAME, null, values); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed writing images to storage " + e); } } static class ImageDb extends SQLiteOpenHelper { final static int DB_VERSION = 1; final static String DB_NAME = "saved_wallpaper_images.db"; final static String TABLE_NAME = "saved_wallpaper_images"; final static String COLUMN_ID = "id"; final static String COLUMN_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_FILENAME = "image_thumbnail"; final static String COLUMN_IMAGE_FILENAME = "image"; Context mContext; public ImageDb(Context context) { super(context, new File(context.getCacheDir(), DB_NAME).getPath(), null, DB_VERSION); // Store the context for later use mContext = context; } @Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase database) { database.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE_NAME + " (" + COLUMN_ID + " INTEGER NOT NULL, " + COLUMN_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_FILENAME + " TEXT NOT NULL, " + COLUMN_IMAGE_FILENAME + " TEXT NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (" + COLUMN_ID + " ASC) " + ");"); } @Override public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { if (oldVersion != newVersion) { // Delete all the records; they'll be repopulated as this is a cache db.execSQL("DELETE FROM " + TABLE_NAME); } } } }