/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.launcher3; import static com.android.launcher3.LauncherState.NORMAL; import static com.android.launcher3.anim.PropertySetter.NO_ANIM_PROPERTY_SETTER; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.animation.AnimatorSet; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.util.Log; import com.android.launcher3.anim.AnimationSuccessListener; import com.android.launcher3.anim.AnimatorPlaybackController; import com.android.launcher3.anim.AnimatorSetBuilder; import com.android.launcher3.anim.PropertySetter; import com.android.launcher3.anim.PropertySetter.AnimatedPropertySetter; import com.android.launcher3.compat.AccessibilityManagerCompat; import com.android.launcher3.testing.TestProtocol; import com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.UiFactory; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.util.ArrayList; import androidx.annotation.IntDef; /** * TODO: figure out what kind of tests we can write for this * * Things to test when changing the following class. * - Home from workspace * - from center screen * - from other screens * - Home from all apps * - from center screen * - from other screens * - Back from all apps * - from center screen * - from other screens * - Launch app from workspace and quit * - with back * - with home * - Launch app from all apps and quit * - with back * - with home * - Go to a screen that's not the default, then all * apps, and launch and app, and go back * - with back * -with home * - On workspace, long press power and go back * - with back * - with home * - On all apps, long press power and go back * - with back * - with home * - On workspace, power off * - On all apps, power off * - Launch an app and turn off the screen while in that app * - Go back with home key * - Go back with back key TODO: make this not go to workspace * - From all apps * - From workspace * - Enter and exit car mode (becase it causes an extra configuration changed) * - From all apps * - From the center workspace * - From another workspace */ public class LauncherStateManager { public static final String TAG = "StateManager"; // We separate the state animations into "atomic" and "non-atomic" components. The atomic // components may be run atomically - that is, all at once, instead of user-controlled. However, // atomic components are not restricted to this purpose; they can be user-controlled alongside // non atomic components as well. Note that each gesture model has exactly one atomic component, // ATOMIC_OVERVIEW_SCALE_COMPONENT *or* ATOMIC_OVERVIEW_PEEK_COMPONENT. @IntDef(flag = true, value = { NON_ATOMIC_COMPONENT, ATOMIC_OVERVIEW_SCALE_COMPONENT, ATOMIC_OVERVIEW_PEEK_COMPONENT, }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface AnimationComponents {} public static final int NON_ATOMIC_COMPONENT = 1 << 0; public static final int ATOMIC_OVERVIEW_SCALE_COMPONENT = 1 << 1; public static final int ATOMIC_OVERVIEW_PEEK_COMPONENT = 1 << 2; public static final int ANIM_ALL = NON_ATOMIC_COMPONENT | ATOMIC_OVERVIEW_SCALE_COMPONENT | ATOMIC_OVERVIEW_PEEK_COMPONENT; private final AnimationConfig mConfig = new AnimationConfig(); private final Handler mUiHandler; private final Launcher mLauncher; private final ArrayList mListeners = new ArrayList<>(); // Animators which are run on properties also controlled by state animations. private Animator[] mStateElementAnimators; private StateHandler[] mStateHandlers; private LauncherState mState = NORMAL; private LauncherState mLastStableState = NORMAL; private LauncherState mCurrentStableState = NORMAL; private LauncherState mRestState; public LauncherStateManager(Launcher l) { mUiHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); mLauncher = l; } public LauncherState getState() { return mState; } public LauncherState getCurrentStableState() { return mCurrentStableState; } public void dump(String prefix, PrintWriter writer) { writer.println(prefix + "LauncherState"); writer.println(prefix + "\tmLastStableState:" + mLastStableState); writer.println(prefix + "\tmCurrentStableState:" + mCurrentStableState); writer.println(prefix + "\tmState:" + mState); writer.println(prefix + "\tmRestState:" + mRestState); writer.println(prefix + "\tisInTransition:" + (mConfig.mCurrentAnimation != null)); } public StateHandler[] getStateHandlers() { if (mStateHandlers == null) { mStateHandlers = UiFactory.getStateHandler(mLauncher); } return mStateHandlers; } public void addStateListener(StateListener listener) { mListeners.add(listener); } public void removeStateListener(StateListener listener) { mListeners.remove(listener); } /** * Returns true if the state changes should be animated. */ public boolean shouldAnimateStateChange() { return !mLauncher.isForceInvisible() && mLauncher.isStarted(); } /** * @see #goToState(LauncherState, boolean, Runnable) */ public void goToState(LauncherState state) { goToState(state, shouldAnimateStateChange()); } /** * @see #goToState(LauncherState, boolean, Runnable) */ public void goToState(LauncherState state, boolean animated) { goToState(state, animated, 0, null); } /** * Changes the Launcher state to the provided state. * * @param animated false if the state should change immediately without any animation, * true otherwise * @paras onCompleteRunnable any action to perform at the end of the transition, of null. */ public void goToState(LauncherState state, boolean animated, Runnable onCompleteRunnable) { goToState(state, animated, 0, onCompleteRunnable); } /** * Changes the Launcher state to the provided state after the given delay. */ public void goToState(LauncherState state, long delay, Runnable onCompleteRunnable) { goToState(state, true, delay, onCompleteRunnable); } /** * Changes the Launcher state to the provided state after the given delay. */ public void goToState(LauncherState state, long delay) { goToState(state, true, delay, null); } public void reapplyState() { reapplyState(false); } public void reapplyState(boolean cancelCurrentAnimation) { boolean wasInAnimation = mConfig.mCurrentAnimation != null; if (cancelCurrentAnimation) { cancelAllStateElementAnimation(); cancelAnimation(); } if (mConfig.mCurrentAnimation == null) { for (StateHandler handler : getStateHandlers()) { handler.setState(mState); } if (wasInAnimation) { onStateTransitionEnd(mState); } } } private void goToState(LauncherState state, boolean animated, long delay, final Runnable onCompleteRunnable) { if (TestProtocol.sDebugTracing) { Log.d(TestProtocol.ALL_APPS_UPON_RECENTS, "goToState: " + state + " @ " + Log.getStackTraceString(new Throwable())); } animated &= Utilities.areAnimationsEnabled(mLauncher); if (mLauncher.isInState(state)) { if (mConfig.mCurrentAnimation == null) { // Run any queued runnable if (onCompleteRunnable != null) { onCompleteRunnable.run(); } return; } else if (!mConfig.userControlled && animated && mConfig.mTargetState == state) { // We are running the same animation as requested if (onCompleteRunnable != null) { mConfig.mCurrentAnimation.addListener(new AnimationSuccessListener() { @Override public void onAnimationSuccess(Animator animator) { onCompleteRunnable.run(); } }); } return; } } // Cancel the current animation. This will reset mState to mCurrentStableState, so store it. LauncherState fromState = mState; mConfig.reset(); if (!animated) { cancelAllStateElementAnimation(); onStateTransitionStart(state); for (StateHandler handler : getStateHandlers()) { handler.setState(state); } onStateTransitionEnd(state); // Run any queued runnable if (onCompleteRunnable != null) { onCompleteRunnable.run(); } return; } if (delay > 0) { // Create the animation after the delay as some properties can change between preparing // the animation and running the animation. int startChangeId = mConfig.mChangeId; mUiHandler.postDelayed(() -> { if (mConfig.mChangeId == startChangeId) { goToStateAnimated(state, fromState, onCompleteRunnable); } }, delay); } else { goToStateAnimated(state, fromState, onCompleteRunnable); } } private void goToStateAnimated(LauncherState state, LauncherState fromState, Runnable onCompleteRunnable) { // Since state NORMAL can be reached from multiple states, just assume that the // transition plays in reverse and use the same duration as previous state. mConfig.duration = state == NORMAL ? fromState.transitionDuration : state.transitionDuration; AnimatorSetBuilder builder = new AnimatorSetBuilder(); prepareForAtomicAnimation(fromState, state, builder); AnimatorSet animation = createAnimationToNewWorkspaceInternal( state, builder, onCompleteRunnable); mUiHandler.post(new StartAnimRunnable(animation)); } /** * Prepares for a non-user controlled animation from fromState to toState. Preparations include: * - Setting interpolators for various animations included in the state transition. * - Setting some start values (e.g. scale) for views that are hidden but about to be shown. */ public void prepareForAtomicAnimation(LauncherState fromState, LauncherState toState, AnimatorSetBuilder builder) { toState.prepareForAtomicAnimation(mLauncher, fromState, builder); } public AnimatorSet createAtomicAnimation(LauncherState fromState, LauncherState toState, AnimatorSetBuilder builder, @AnimationComponents int atomicComponent, long duration) { prepareForAtomicAnimation(fromState, toState, builder); AnimationConfig config = new AnimationConfig(); config.animComponents = atomicComponent; config.duration = duration; for (StateHandler handler : mLauncher.getStateManager().getStateHandlers()) { handler.setStateWithAnimation(toState, builder, config); } return builder.build(); } /** * Creates a {@link AnimatorPlaybackController} that can be used for a controlled * state transition. The UI is force-set to fromState before creating the controller. * @param fromState the initial state for the transition. * @param state the final state for the transition. * @param duration intended duration for normal playback. Use higher duration for better * accuracy. */ public AnimatorPlaybackController createAnimationToNewWorkspace( LauncherState fromState, LauncherState state, long duration) { // Since we are creating a state animation to a different state, temporarily prevent state // change as part of config reset. LauncherState originalRestState = mRestState; mRestState = state; mConfig.reset(); mRestState = originalRestState; for (StateHandler handler : getStateHandlers()) { handler.setState(fromState); } return createAnimationToNewWorkspace(state, duration); } /** * Creates a {@link AnimatorPlaybackController} that can be used for a controlled * state transition. * @param state the final state for the transition. * @param duration intended duration for normal playback. Use higher duration for better * accuracy. */ public AnimatorPlaybackController createAnimationToNewWorkspace( LauncherState state, long duration) { return createAnimationToNewWorkspace(state, duration, LauncherStateManager.ANIM_ALL); } public AnimatorPlaybackController createAnimationToNewWorkspace( LauncherState state, long duration, @AnimationComponents int animComponents) { return createAnimationToNewWorkspace(state, new AnimatorSetBuilder(), duration, null, animComponents); } public AnimatorPlaybackController createAnimationToNewWorkspace(LauncherState state, AnimatorSetBuilder builder, long duration, Runnable onCancelRunnable, @AnimationComponents int animComponents) { mConfig.reset(); mConfig.userControlled = true; mConfig.animComponents = animComponents; mConfig.duration = duration; mConfig.playbackController = AnimatorPlaybackController.wrap( createAnimationToNewWorkspaceInternal(state, builder, null), duration, onCancelRunnable); return mConfig.playbackController; } protected AnimatorSet createAnimationToNewWorkspaceInternal(final LauncherState state, AnimatorSetBuilder builder, final Runnable onCompleteRunnable) { for (StateHandler handler : getStateHandlers()) { handler.setStateWithAnimation(state, builder, mConfig); } final AnimatorSet animation = builder.build(); animation.addListener(new AnimationSuccessListener() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) { // Change the internal state only when the transition actually starts onStateTransitionStart(state); } @Override public void onAnimationSuccess(Animator animator) { // Run any queued runnables if (onCompleteRunnable != null) { onCompleteRunnable.run(); } onStateTransitionEnd(state); } }); mConfig.setAnimation(animation, state); return mConfig.mCurrentAnimation; } private void onStateTransitionStart(LauncherState state) { if (mState != state) { mState.onStateDisabled(mLauncher); } mState = state; mState.onStateEnabled(mLauncher); mLauncher.onStateSet(mState); if (state.disablePageClipping) { // Only disable clipping if needed, otherwise leave it as previous value. mLauncher.getWorkspace().setClipChildren(false); } UiFactory.onLauncherStateOrResumeChanged(mLauncher); for (int i = mListeners.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { mListeners.get(i).onStateTransitionStart(state); } } private void onStateTransitionEnd(LauncherState state) { // Only change the stable states after the transitions have finished if (state != mCurrentStableState) { mLastStableState = state.getHistoryForState(mCurrentStableState); mCurrentStableState = state; if (TestProtocol.sDebugTracing) { Log.d(TestProtocol.ALL_APPS_UPON_RECENTS, "onStateTransitionEnd: " + state); } } state.onStateTransitionEnd(mLauncher); mLauncher.getWorkspace().setClipChildren(!state.disablePageClipping); mLauncher.finishAutoCancelActionMode(); if (state == NORMAL) { setRestState(null); } UiFactory.onLauncherStateOrResumeChanged(mLauncher); for (int i = mListeners.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { mListeners.get(i).onStateTransitionComplete(state); } AccessibilityManagerCompat.sendStateEventToTest(mLauncher, state.ordinal); } public void onWindowFocusChanged() { UiFactory.onLauncherStateOrFocusChanged(mLauncher); } public LauncherState getLastState() { return mLastStableState; } public void moveToRestState() { if (mConfig.mCurrentAnimation != null && mConfig.userControlled) { // The user is doing something. Lets not mess it up return; } if (mState.disableRestore) { goToState(getRestState()); // Reset history mLastStableState = NORMAL; } } public LauncherState getRestState() { return mRestState == null ? NORMAL : mRestState; } public void setRestState(LauncherState restState) { mRestState = restState; } /** * Cancels the current animation. */ public void cancelAnimation() { mConfig.reset(); } public void setCurrentUserControlledAnimation(AnimatorPlaybackController controller) { clearCurrentAnimation(); setCurrentAnimation(controller.getTarget()); mConfig.userControlled = true; mConfig.playbackController = controller; } /** * Sets the animation as the current state animation, i.e., canceled when * starting another animation and may block some launcher interactions while running. * * @param childAnimations Set of animations with the new target is controlling. */ public void setCurrentAnimation(AnimatorSet anim, Animator... childAnimations) { for (Animator childAnim : childAnimations) { if (childAnim == null) { continue; } if (mConfig.playbackController != null && mConfig.playbackController.getTarget() == childAnim) { clearCurrentAnimation(); break; } else if (mConfig.mCurrentAnimation == childAnim) { clearCurrentAnimation(); break; } } boolean reapplyNeeded = mConfig.mCurrentAnimation != null; cancelAnimation(); if (reapplyNeeded) { reapplyState(); // Dispatch on transition end, so that any transient property is cleared. onStateTransitionEnd(mState); } mConfig.setAnimation(anim, null); } private void cancelAllStateElementAnimation() { if (mStateElementAnimators == null) { return; } for (Animator animator : mStateElementAnimators) { if (animator != null) { animator.cancel(); } } } /** * Cancels a currently running gesture animation */ public void cancelStateElementAnimation(int index) { if (mStateElementAnimators == null) { return; } if (mStateElementAnimators[index] != null) { mStateElementAnimators[index].cancel(); } } public Animator createStateElementAnimation(int index, float... values) { cancelStateElementAnimation(index); LauncherAppTransitionManager latm = mLauncher.getAppTransitionManager(); if (mStateElementAnimators == null) { mStateElementAnimators = new Animator[latm.getStateElementAnimationsCount()]; } Animator anim = latm.createStateElementAnimation(index, values); mStateElementAnimators[index] = anim; anim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { mStateElementAnimators[index] = null; } }); return anim; } private void clearCurrentAnimation() { if (mConfig.mCurrentAnimation != null) { mConfig.mCurrentAnimation.removeListener(mConfig); mConfig.mCurrentAnimation = null; } mConfig.playbackController = null; } private class StartAnimRunnable implements Runnable { private final AnimatorSet mAnim; public StartAnimRunnable(AnimatorSet anim) { mAnim = anim; } @Override public void run() { if (mConfig.mCurrentAnimation != mAnim) { return; } mAnim.start(); } } public static class AnimationConfig extends AnimatorListenerAdapter { public long duration; public boolean userControlled; public AnimatorPlaybackController playbackController; public @AnimationComponents int animComponents = ANIM_ALL; private PropertySetter mPropertySetter; private AnimatorSet mCurrentAnimation; private LauncherState mTargetState; // Id to keep track of config changes, to tie an animation with the corresponding request private int mChangeId = 0; /** * Cancels the current animation and resets config variables. */ public void reset() { duration = 0; userControlled = false; animComponents = ANIM_ALL; mPropertySetter = null; mTargetState = null; if (playbackController != null) { playbackController.getAnimationPlayer().cancel(); playbackController.dispatchOnCancel(); } else if (mCurrentAnimation != null) { mCurrentAnimation.setDuration(0); mCurrentAnimation.cancel(); } mCurrentAnimation = null; playbackController = null; mChangeId ++; } public PropertySetter getPropertySetter(AnimatorSetBuilder builder) { if (mPropertySetter == null) { mPropertySetter = duration == 0 ? NO_ANIM_PROPERTY_SETTER : new AnimatedPropertySetter(duration, builder); } return mPropertySetter; } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { if (playbackController != null && playbackController.getTarget() == animation) { playbackController = null; } if (mCurrentAnimation == animation) { mCurrentAnimation = null; } } public void setAnimation(AnimatorSet animation, LauncherState targetState) { mCurrentAnimation = animation; mTargetState = targetState; mCurrentAnimation.addListener(this); } public boolean playAtomicOverviewScaleComponent() { return (animComponents & ATOMIC_OVERVIEW_SCALE_COMPONENT) != 0; } public boolean playAtomicOverviewPeekComponent() { return (animComponents & ATOMIC_OVERVIEW_PEEK_COMPONENT) != 0; } public boolean playNonAtomicComponent() { return (animComponents & NON_ATOMIC_COMPONENT) != 0; } } public interface StateHandler { /** * Updates the UI to {@param state} without any animations */ void setState(LauncherState state); /** * Sets the UI to {@param state} by animating any changes. */ void setStateWithAnimation(LauncherState toState, AnimatorSetBuilder builder, AnimationConfig config); } public interface StateListener { void onStateTransitionStart(LauncherState toState); void onStateTransitionComplete(LauncherState finalState); } }