/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.launcher3; import com.google.protobuf.nano.InvalidProtocolBufferNanoException; import com.google.protobuf.nano.MessageNano; import com.android.launcher3.LauncherSettings.Favorites; import com.android.launcher3.LauncherSettings.WorkspaceScreens; import com.android.launcher3.backup.BackupProtos; import com.android.launcher3.backup.BackupProtos.CheckedMessage; import com.android.launcher3.backup.BackupProtos.Favorite; import com.android.launcher3.backup.BackupProtos.Journal; import com.android.launcher3.backup.BackupProtos.Key; import com.android.launcher3.backup.BackupProtos.Resource; import com.android.launcher3.backup.BackupProtos.Screen; import com.android.launcher3.backup.BackupProtos.Widget; import com.android.launcher3.compat.UserManagerCompat; import com.android.launcher3.compat.UserHandleCompat; import android.app.backup.BackupDataInputStream; import android.app.backup.BackupDataOutput; import android.app.backup.BackupHelper; import android.app.backup.BackupManager; import android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager; import android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Base64; import android.util.Log; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.zip.CRC32; /** * Persist the launcher home state across calamities. */ public class LauncherBackupHelper implements BackupHelper { private static final String TAG = "LauncherBackupHelper"; private static final boolean VERBOSE = LauncherBackupAgentHelper.VERBOSE; private static final boolean DEBUG = LauncherBackupAgentHelper.DEBUG; private static final boolean DEBUG_PAYLOAD = false; private static final int MAX_JOURNAL_SIZE = 1000000; /** icons are large, dribble them out */ private static final int MAX_ICONS_PER_PASS = 10; /** widgets contain previews, which are very large, dribble them out */ private static final int MAX_WIDGETS_PER_PASS = 5; public static final int IMAGE_COMPRESSION_QUALITY = 75; public static final String LAUNCHER_PREFIX = "L"; public static final String LAUNCHER_PREFS_PREFIX = "LP"; private static final Bitmap.CompressFormat IMAGE_FORMAT = android.graphics.Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG; private static BackupManager sBackupManager; private static final String[] FAVORITE_PROJECTION = { Favorites._ID, // 0 Favorites.MODIFIED, // 1 Favorites.INTENT, // 2 Favorites.APPWIDGET_PROVIDER, // 3 Favorites.APPWIDGET_ID, // 4 Favorites.CELLX, // 5 Favorites.CELLY, // 6 Favorites.CONTAINER, // 7 Favorites.ICON, // 8 Favorites.ICON_PACKAGE, // 9 Favorites.ICON_RESOURCE, // 10 Favorites.ICON_TYPE, // 11 Favorites.ITEM_TYPE, // 12 Favorites.SCREEN, // 13 Favorites.SPANX, // 14 Favorites.SPANY, // 15 Favorites.TITLE, // 16 Favorites.PROFILE_ID, // 17 }; private static final int ID_INDEX = 0; private static final int ID_MODIFIED = 1; private static final int INTENT_INDEX = 2; private static final int APPWIDGET_PROVIDER_INDEX = 3; private static final int APPWIDGET_ID_INDEX = 4; private static final int CELLX_INDEX = 5; private static final int CELLY_INDEX = 6; private static final int CONTAINER_INDEX = 7; private static final int ICON_INDEX = 8; private static final int ICON_PACKAGE_INDEX = 9; private static final int ICON_RESOURCE_INDEX = 10; private static final int ICON_TYPE_INDEX = 11; private static final int ITEM_TYPE_INDEX = 12; private static final int SCREEN_INDEX = 13; private static final int SPANX_INDEX = 14; private static final int SPANY_INDEX = 15; private static final int TITLE_INDEX = 16; private static final int PROFILE_ID_INDEX = 17; private static final String[] SCREEN_PROJECTION = { WorkspaceScreens._ID, // 0 WorkspaceScreens.MODIFIED, // 1 WorkspaceScreens.SCREEN_RANK // 2 }; private static final int SCREEN_RANK_INDEX = 2; private static IconCache mIconCache; private final Context mContext; private final boolean mRestoreEnabled; private HashMap mWidgetMap; private ArrayList mKeys; public LauncherBackupHelper(Context context, boolean restoreEnabled) { mContext = context; mRestoreEnabled = restoreEnabled; } private void dataChanged() { if (sBackupManager == null) { sBackupManager = new BackupManager(mContext); } sBackupManager.dataChanged(); } /** * Back up launcher data so we can restore the user's state on a new device. * *

The journal is a timestamp and a list of keys that were saved as of that time. * *

Keys may come back in any order, so each key/value is one complete row of the database. * * @param oldState notes from the last backup * @param data incremental key/value pairs to persist off-device * @param newState notes for the next backup * @throws IOException */ @Override public void performBackup(ParcelFileDescriptor oldState, BackupDataOutput data, ParcelFileDescriptor newState) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "onBackup"); Journal in = readJournal(oldState); Journal out = new Journal(); long lastBackupTime = in.t; out.t = System.currentTimeMillis(); out.rows = 0; out.bytes = 0; Log.v(TAG, "lastBackupTime = " + lastBackupTime); ArrayList keys = new ArrayList(); if (launcherIsReady()) { try { backupFavorites(in, data, out, keys); backupScreens(in, data, out, keys); backupIcons(in, data, out, keys); backupWidgets(in, data, out, keys); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "launcher backup has failed", e); } out.key = keys.toArray(new BackupProtos.Key[keys.size()]); } else { out = in; } writeJournal(newState, out); Log.v(TAG, "onBackup: wrote " + out.bytes + "b in " + out.rows + " rows."); } /** * Restore launcher configuration from the restored data stream. * *

Keys may arrive in any order. * * @param data the key/value pair from the server */ @Override public void restoreEntity(BackupDataInputStream data) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "restoreEntity"); if (mKeys == null) { mKeys = new ArrayList(); } byte[] buffer = new byte[512]; String backupKey = data.getKey(); int dataSize = data.size(); if (buffer.length < dataSize) { buffer = new byte[dataSize]; } Key key = null; int bytesRead = 0; try { bytesRead = data.read(buffer, 0, dataSize); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "read " + bytesRead + " of " + dataSize + " available"); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "failed to read entity from restore data", e); } try { key = backupKeyToKey(backupKey); mKeys.add(key); switch (key.type) { case Key.FAVORITE: restoreFavorite(key, buffer, dataSize, mKeys); break; case Key.SCREEN: restoreScreen(key, buffer, dataSize, mKeys); break; case Key.ICON: restoreIcon(key, buffer, dataSize, mKeys); break; case Key.WIDGET: restoreWidget(key, buffer, dataSize, mKeys); break; default: Log.w(TAG, "unknown restore entity type: " + key.type); break; } } catch (KeyParsingException e) { Log.w(TAG, "ignoring unparsable backup key: " + backupKey); } } /** * Record the restore state for the next backup. * * @param newState notes about the backup state after restore. */ @Override public void writeNewStateDescription(ParcelFileDescriptor newState) { // clear the output journal time, to force a full backup to // will catch any changes the restore process might have made Journal out = new Journal(); out.t = 0; out.key = mKeys.toArray(new BackupProtos.Key[mKeys.size()]); writeJournal(newState, out); Log.v(TAG, "onRestore: read " + mKeys.size() + " rows"); mKeys.clear(); } /** * Write all modified favorites to the data stream. * * * @param in notes from last backup * @param data output stream for key/value pairs * @param out notes about this backup * @param keys keys to mark as clean in the notes for next backup * @throws IOException */ private void backupFavorites(Journal in, BackupDataOutput data, Journal out, ArrayList keys) throws IOException { // read the old ID set Set savedIds = getSavedIdsByType(Key.FAVORITE, in); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "favorite savedIds.size()=" + savedIds.size()); // Don't backup apps in other profiles for now. UserHandleCompat myUserHandle = UserHandleCompat.myUserHandle(); long userSerialNumber = UserManagerCompat.getInstance(mContext).getSerialNumberForUser(myUserHandle); // persist things that have changed since the last backup ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); Cursor cursor = cr.query(Favorites.CONTENT_URI, FAVORITE_PROJECTION, null, null, null); Set currentIds = new HashSet(cursor.getCount()); try { cursor.moveToPosition(-1); while(cursor.moveToNext()) { final long id = cursor.getLong(ID_INDEX); final long profileId = cursor.getLong(PROFILE_ID_INDEX); if (userSerialNumber == profileId) { final long updateTime = cursor.getLong(ID_MODIFIED); Key key = getKey(Key.FAVORITE, id); keys.add(key); final String backupKey = keyToBackupKey(key); currentIds.add(backupKey); if (!savedIds.contains(backupKey) || updateTime >= in.t) { byte[] blob = packFavorite(cursor); writeRowToBackup(key, blob, out, data); } else { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "favorite " + id + " was too old: " + updateTime); } } else { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "favorite " + id + " is for other profile: " + profileId); } } } finally { cursor.close(); } if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "favorite currentIds.size()=" + currentIds.size()); // these IDs must have been deleted savedIds.removeAll(currentIds); out.rows += removeDeletedKeysFromBackup(savedIds, data); } /** * Read a favorite from the stream. * *

Keys arrive in any order, so screens and containers may not exist yet. * * @param key identifier for the row * @param buffer the serialized proto from the stream, may be larger than dataSize * @param dataSize the size of the proto from the stream * @param keys keys to mark as clean in the notes for next backup */ private void restoreFavorite(Key key, byte[] buffer, int dataSize, ArrayList keys) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "unpacking favorite " + key.id); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "read (" + buffer.length + "): " + Base64.encodeToString(buffer, 0, dataSize, Base64.NO_WRAP)); if (!mRestoreEnabled) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "restore not enabled: skipping database mutation"); return; } try { ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); ContentValues values = unpackFavorite(buffer, 0, dataSize); cr.insert(Favorites.CONTENT_URI, values); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferNanoException e) { Log.e(TAG, "failed to decode favorite", e); } } /** * Write all modified screens to the data stream. * * * @param in notes from last backup * @param data output stream for key/value pairs * @param out notes about this backup * @param keys keys to mark as clean in the notes for next backup * @throws IOException */ private void backupScreens(Journal in, BackupDataOutput data, Journal out, ArrayList keys) throws IOException { // read the old ID set Set savedIds = getSavedIdsByType(Key.SCREEN, in); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "screen savedIds.size()=" + savedIds.size()); // persist things that have changed since the last backup ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); Cursor cursor = cr.query(WorkspaceScreens.CONTENT_URI, SCREEN_PROJECTION, null, null, null); Set currentIds = new HashSet(cursor.getCount()); try { cursor.moveToPosition(-1); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "dumping screens after: " + in.t); while(cursor.moveToNext()) { final long id = cursor.getLong(ID_INDEX); final long updateTime = cursor.getLong(ID_MODIFIED); Key key = getKey(Key.SCREEN, id); keys.add(key); final String backupKey = keyToBackupKey(key); currentIds.add(backupKey); if (!savedIds.contains(backupKey) || updateTime >= in.t) { byte[] blob = packScreen(cursor); writeRowToBackup(key, blob, out, data); } else { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "screen " + id + " was too old: " + updateTime); } } } finally { cursor.close(); } if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "screen currentIds.size()=" + currentIds.size()); // these IDs must have been deleted savedIds.removeAll(currentIds); out.rows += removeDeletedKeysFromBackup(savedIds, data); } /** * Read a screen from the stream. * *

Keys arrive in any order, so children of this screen may already exist. * * @param key identifier for the row * @param buffer the serialized proto from the stream, may be larger than dataSize * @param dataSize the size of the proto from the stream * @param keys keys to mark as clean in the notes for next backup */ private void restoreScreen(Key key, byte[] buffer, int dataSize, ArrayList keys) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "unpacking screen " + key.id); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "read (" + buffer.length + "): " + Base64.encodeToString(buffer, 0, dataSize, Base64.NO_WRAP)); if (!mRestoreEnabled) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "restore not enabled: skipping database mutation"); return; } try { ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); ContentValues values = unpackScreen(buffer, 0, dataSize); cr.insert(WorkspaceScreens.CONTENT_URI, values); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferNanoException e) { Log.e(TAG, "failed to decode screen", e); } } /** * Write all the static icon resources we need to render placeholders * for a package that is not installed. * * @param in notes from last backup * @param data output stream for key/value pairs * @param out notes about this backup * @param keys keys to mark as clean in the notes for next backup * @throws IOException */ private void backupIcons(Journal in, BackupDataOutput data, Journal out, ArrayList keys) throws IOException { // persist icons that haven't been persisted yet if (!initializeIconCache()) { dataChanged(); // try again later if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Launcher is not initialized, delaying icon backup"); return; } final ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); final int dpi = mContext.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi; // read the old ID set Set savedIds = getSavedIdsByType(Key.ICON, in); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "icon savedIds.size()=" + savedIds.size()); // Don't backup apps in other profiles for now. UserHandleCompat myUserHandle = UserHandleCompat.myUserHandle(); long userSerialNumber = UserManagerCompat.getInstance(mContext).getSerialNumberForUser(myUserHandle); int startRows = out.rows; if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "starting here: " + startRows); String where = "(" + Favorites.ITEM_TYPE + "=" + Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION + " OR " + Favorites.ITEM_TYPE + "=" + Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT + ") AND " + Favorites.PROFILE_ID + "=" + userSerialNumber; Cursor cursor = cr.query(Favorites.CONTENT_URI, FAVORITE_PROJECTION, where, null, null); Set currentIds = new HashSet(cursor.getCount()); try { cursor.moveToPosition(-1); while(cursor.moveToNext()) { final long id = cursor.getLong(ID_INDEX); final String intentDescription = cursor.getString(INTENT_INDEX); try { Intent intent = Intent.parseUri(intentDescription, 0); ComponentName cn = intent.getComponent(); Key key = null; String backupKey = null; if (cn != null) { key = getKey(Key.ICON, cn.flattenToShortString()); backupKey = keyToBackupKey(key); currentIds.add(backupKey); } else { Log.w(TAG, "empty intent on application favorite: " + id); } if (savedIds.contains(backupKey)) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "already saved icon " + backupKey); // remember that we already backed this up previously keys.add(key); } else if (backupKey != null) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "I can count this high: " + out.rows); if ((out.rows - startRows) < MAX_ICONS_PER_PASS) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "saving icon " + backupKey); Bitmap icon = mIconCache.getIcon(intent, myUserHandle); keys.add(key); if (icon != null && !mIconCache.isDefaultIcon(icon, myUserHandle)) { byte[] blob = packIcon(dpi, icon); writeRowToBackup(key, blob, out, data); } } else { if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "deferring icon backup " + backupKey); // too many icons for this pass, request another. dataChanged(); } } } catch (URISyntaxException e) { Log.e(TAG, "invalid URI on application favorite: " + id); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "unable to save application icon for favorite: " + id); } } } finally { cursor.close(); } if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "icon currentIds.size()=" + currentIds.size()); // these IDs must have been deleted savedIds.removeAll(currentIds); out.rows += removeDeletedKeysFromBackup(savedIds, data); } /** * Read an icon from the stream. * *

Keys arrive in any order, so shortcuts that use this icon may already exist. * * @param key identifier for the row * @param buffer the serialized proto from the stream, may be larger than dataSize * @param dataSize the size of the proto from the stream * @param keys keys to mark as clean in the notes for next backup */ private void restoreIcon(Key key, byte[] buffer, int dataSize, ArrayList keys) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "unpacking icon " + key.id); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "read (" + buffer.length + "): " + Base64.encodeToString(buffer, 0, dataSize, Base64.NO_WRAP)); try { Resource res = unpackIcon(buffer, 0, dataSize); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "unpacked " + res.dpi + " dpi icon"); } if (DEBUG_PAYLOAD) { Log.d(TAG, "read " + Base64.encodeToString(res.data, 0, res.data.length, Base64.NO_WRAP)); } Bitmap icon = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(res.data, 0, res.data.length); if (icon == null) { Log.w(TAG, "failed to unpack icon for " + key.name); } if (!mRestoreEnabled) { if (VERBOSE) { Log.v(TAG, "restore not enabled: skipping database mutation"); } return; } else { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "saving restored icon as: " + key.name); IconCache.preloadIcon(mContext, ComponentName.unflattenFromString(key.name), icon, res.dpi); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.d(TAG, "failed to save restored icon for: " + key.name, e); } } /** * Write all the static widget resources we need to render placeholders * for a package that is not installed. * * @param in notes from last backup * @param data output stream for key/value pairs * @param out notes about this backup * @param keys keys to mark as clean in the notes for next backup * @throws IOException */ private void backupWidgets(Journal in, BackupDataOutput data, Journal out, ArrayList keys) throws IOException { // persist static widget info that hasn't been persisted yet final LauncherAppState appState = LauncherAppState.getInstanceNoCreate(); if (appState == null || !initializeIconCache()) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to get icon cache during restore"); return; } final ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); final WidgetPreviewLoader previewLoader = new WidgetPreviewLoader(mContext); final PagedViewCellLayout widgetSpacingLayout = new PagedViewCellLayout(mContext); final int dpi = mContext.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi; final DeviceProfile profile = appState.getDynamicGrid().getDeviceProfile(); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "cellWidthPx: " + profile.cellWidthPx); // read the old ID set Set savedIds = getSavedIdsByType(Key.WIDGET, in); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "widgets savedIds.size()=" + savedIds.size()); int startRows = out.rows; if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "starting here: " + startRows); String where = Favorites.ITEM_TYPE + "=" + Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET; Cursor cursor = cr.query(Favorites.CONTENT_URI, FAVORITE_PROJECTION, where, null, null); Set currentIds = new HashSet(cursor.getCount()); try { cursor.moveToPosition(-1); while(cursor.moveToNext()) { final long id = cursor.getLong(ID_INDEX); final String providerName = cursor.getString(APPWIDGET_PROVIDER_INDEX); final int spanX = cursor.getInt(SPANX_INDEX); final int spanY = cursor.getInt(SPANY_INDEX); final ComponentName provider = ComponentName.unflattenFromString(providerName); Key key = null; String backupKey = null; if (provider != null) { key = getKey(Key.WIDGET, providerName); backupKey = keyToBackupKey(key); currentIds.add(backupKey); } else { Log.w(TAG, "empty intent on appwidget: " + id); } if (savedIds.contains(backupKey)) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "already saved widget " + backupKey); // remember that we already backed this up previously keys.add(key); } else if (backupKey != null) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "I can count this high: " + out.rows); if ((out.rows - startRows) < MAX_WIDGETS_PER_PASS) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "saving widget " + backupKey); previewLoader.setPreviewSize(spanX * profile.cellWidthPx, spanY * profile.cellHeightPx, widgetSpacingLayout); byte[] blob = packWidget(dpi, previewLoader, mIconCache, provider); keys.add(key); writeRowToBackup(key, blob, out, data); } else { if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "deferring widget backup " + backupKey); // too many widgets for this pass, request another. dataChanged(); } } } } finally { cursor.close(); } if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "widget currentIds.size()=" + currentIds.size()); // these IDs must have been deleted savedIds.removeAll(currentIds); out.rows += removeDeletedKeysFromBackup(savedIds, data); } /** * Read a widget from the stream. * *

Keys arrive in any order, so widgets that use this data may already exist. * * @param key identifier for the row * @param buffer the serialized proto from the stream, may be larger than dataSize * @param dataSize the size of the proto from the stream * @param keys keys to mark as clean in the notes for next backup */ private void restoreWidget(Key key, byte[] buffer, int dataSize, ArrayList keys) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "unpacking widget " + key.id); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "read (" + buffer.length + "): " + Base64.encodeToString(buffer, 0, dataSize, Base64.NO_WRAP)); try { Widget widget = unpackWidget(buffer, 0, dataSize); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "unpacked " + widget.provider); if (widget.icon.data != null) { Bitmap icon = BitmapFactory .decodeByteArray(widget.icon.data, 0, widget.icon.data.length); if (icon == null) { Log.w(TAG, "failed to unpack widget icon for " + key.name); } else { IconCache.preloadIcon(mContext, ComponentName.unflattenFromString(widget.provider), icon, widget.icon.dpi); } } if (!mRestoreEnabled) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "restore not enabled: skipping database mutation"); return; } else { // future site of widget table mutation } } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferNanoException e) { Log.e(TAG, "failed to decode widget", e); } } /** create a new key, with an integer ID. * *

Keys contain their own checksum instead of using * the heavy-weight CheckedMessage wrapper. */ private Key getKey(int type, long id) { Key key = new Key(); key.type = type; key.id = id; key.checksum = checkKey(key); return key; } /** create a new key for a named object. * *

Keys contain their own checksum instead of using * the heavy-weight CheckedMessage wrapper. */ private Key getKey(int type, String name) { Key key = new Key(); key.type = type; key.name = name; key.checksum = checkKey(key); return key; } /** keys need to be strings, serialize and encode. */ private String keyToBackupKey(Key key) { return Base64.encodeToString(Key.toByteArray(key), Base64.NO_WRAP); } /** keys need to be strings, decode and parse. */ private Key backupKeyToKey(String backupKey) throws KeyParsingException { try { Key key = Key.parseFrom(Base64.decode(backupKey, Base64.DEFAULT)); if (key.checksum != checkKey(key)) { key = null; throw new KeyParsingException("invalid key read from stream" + backupKey); } return key; } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferNanoException e) { throw new KeyParsingException(e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new KeyParsingException(e); } } private String getKeyName(Key key) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(key.name)) { return Long.toString(key.id); } else { return key.name; } } private String geKeyType(Key key) { switch (key.type) { case Key.FAVORITE: return "favorite"; case Key.SCREEN: return "screen"; case Key.ICON: return "icon"; case Key.WIDGET: return "widget"; default: return "anonymous"; } } /** Compute the checksum over the important bits of a key. */ private long checkKey(Key key) { CRC32 checksum = new CRC32(); checksum.update(key.type); checksum.update((int) (key.id & 0xffff)); checksum.update((int) ((key.id >> 32) & 0xffff)); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(key.name)) { checksum.update(key.name.getBytes()); } return checksum.getValue(); } /** Serialize a Favorite for persistence, including a checksum wrapper. */ private byte[] packFavorite(Cursor c) { Favorite favorite = new Favorite(); favorite.id = c.getLong(ID_INDEX); favorite.screen = c.getInt(SCREEN_INDEX); favorite.container = c.getInt(CONTAINER_INDEX); favorite.cellX = c.getInt(CELLX_INDEX); favorite.cellY = c.getInt(CELLY_INDEX); favorite.spanX = c.getInt(SPANX_INDEX); favorite.spanY = c.getInt(SPANY_INDEX); favorite.iconType = c.getInt(ICON_TYPE_INDEX); if (favorite.iconType == Favorites.ICON_TYPE_RESOURCE) { String iconPackage = c.getString(ICON_PACKAGE_INDEX); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(iconPackage)) { favorite.iconPackage = iconPackage; } String iconResource = c.getString(ICON_RESOURCE_INDEX); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(iconResource)) { favorite.iconResource = iconResource; } } if (favorite.iconType == Favorites.ICON_TYPE_BITMAP) { byte[] blob = c.getBlob(ICON_INDEX); if (blob != null && blob.length > 0) { favorite.icon = blob; } } String title = c.getString(TITLE_INDEX); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(title)) { favorite.title = title; } String intentDescription = c.getString(INTENT_INDEX); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(intentDescription)) { try { Intent intent = Intent.parseUri(intentDescription, 0); intent.removeExtra(ItemInfo.EXTRA_PROFILE); favorite.intent = intent.toUri(0); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid intent", e); } } favorite.itemType = c.getInt(ITEM_TYPE_INDEX); if (favorite.itemType == Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET) { favorite.appWidgetId = c.getInt(APPWIDGET_ID_INDEX); String appWidgetProvider = c.getString(APPWIDGET_PROVIDER_INDEX); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(appWidgetProvider)) { favorite.appWidgetProvider = appWidgetProvider; } } return writeCheckedBytes(favorite); } /** Deserialize a Favorite from persistence, after verifying checksum wrapper. */ private ContentValues unpackFavorite(byte[] buffer, int offset, int dataSize) throws InvalidProtocolBufferNanoException { Favorite favorite = new Favorite(); MessageNano.mergeFrom(favorite, readCheckedBytes(buffer, offset, dataSize)); if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "unpacked favorite " + favorite.itemType + ", " + (TextUtils.isEmpty(favorite.title) ? favorite.id : favorite.title)); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(Favorites._ID, favorite.id); values.put(Favorites.SCREEN, favorite.screen); values.put(Favorites.CONTAINER, favorite.container); values.put(Favorites.CELLX, favorite.cellX); values.put(Favorites.CELLY, favorite.cellY); values.put(Favorites.SPANX, favorite.spanX); values.put(Favorites.SPANY, favorite.spanY); values.put(Favorites.ICON_TYPE, favorite.iconType); if (favorite.iconType == Favorites.ICON_TYPE_RESOURCE) { values.put(Favorites.ICON_PACKAGE, favorite.iconPackage); values.put(Favorites.ICON_RESOURCE, favorite.iconResource); } if (favorite.iconType == Favorites.ICON_TYPE_BITMAP) { values.put(Favorites.ICON, favorite.icon); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(favorite.title)) { values.put(Favorites.TITLE, favorite.title); } else { values.put(Favorites.TITLE, ""); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(favorite.intent)) { values.put(Favorites.INTENT, favorite.intent); } values.put(Favorites.ITEM_TYPE, favorite.itemType); UserHandleCompat myUserHandle = UserHandleCompat.myUserHandle(); long userSerialNumber = UserManagerCompat.getInstance(mContext).getSerialNumberForUser(myUserHandle); values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.PROFILE_ID, userSerialNumber); if (favorite.itemType == Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(favorite.appWidgetProvider)) { values.put(Favorites.APPWIDGET_PROVIDER, favorite.appWidgetProvider); } values.put(Favorites.APPWIDGET_ID, favorite.appWidgetId); values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.RESTORED, LauncherAppWidgetInfo.FLAG_ID_NOT_VALID | LauncherAppWidgetInfo.FLAG_PROVIDER_NOT_READY | LauncherAppWidgetInfo.FLAG_UI_NOT_READY); } else { // Let LauncherModel know we've been here. values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.RESTORED, 1); } return values; } /** Serialize a Screen for persistence, including a checksum wrapper. */ private byte[] packScreen(Cursor c) { Screen screen = new Screen(); screen.id = c.getLong(ID_INDEX); screen.rank = c.getInt(SCREEN_RANK_INDEX); return writeCheckedBytes(screen); } /** Deserialize a Screen from persistence, after verifying checksum wrapper. */ private ContentValues unpackScreen(byte[] buffer, int offset, int dataSize) throws InvalidProtocolBufferNanoException { Screen screen = new Screen(); MessageNano.mergeFrom(screen, readCheckedBytes(buffer, offset, dataSize)); if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "unpacked screen " + screen.id + "/" + screen.rank); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(WorkspaceScreens._ID, screen.id); values.put(WorkspaceScreens.SCREEN_RANK, screen.rank); return values; } /** Serialize an icon Resource for persistence, including a checksum wrapper. */ private byte[] packIcon(int dpi, Bitmap icon) { Resource res = new Resource(); res.dpi = dpi; ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); if (icon.compress(IMAGE_FORMAT, IMAGE_COMPRESSION_QUALITY, os)) { res.data = os.toByteArray(); } return writeCheckedBytes(res); } /** Deserialize an icon resource from persistence, after verifying checksum wrapper. */ private static Resource unpackIcon(byte[] buffer, int offset, int dataSize) throws InvalidProtocolBufferNanoException { Resource res = new Resource(); MessageNano.mergeFrom(res, readCheckedBytes(buffer, offset, dataSize)); if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "unpacked icon " + res.dpi + "/" + res.data.length); return res; } /** Serialize a widget for persistence, including a checksum wrapper. */ private byte[] packWidget(int dpi, WidgetPreviewLoader previewLoader, IconCache iconCache, ComponentName provider) { final AppWidgetProviderInfo info = findAppWidgetProviderInfo(provider); Widget widget = new Widget(); widget.provider = provider.flattenToShortString(); widget.label = info.label; widget.configure = info.configure != null; if (info.icon != 0) { widget.icon = new Resource(); Drawable fullResIcon = iconCache.getFullResIcon(provider.getPackageName(), info.icon); Bitmap icon = Utilities.createIconBitmap(fullResIcon, mContext); ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); if (icon.compress(IMAGE_FORMAT, IMAGE_COMPRESSION_QUALITY, os)) { widget.icon.data = os.toByteArray(); widget.icon.dpi = dpi; } } if (info.previewImage != 0) { widget.preview = new Resource(); Bitmap preview = previewLoader.generateWidgetPreview(info, null); ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); if (preview.compress(IMAGE_FORMAT, IMAGE_COMPRESSION_QUALITY, os)) { widget.preview.data = os.toByteArray(); widget.preview.dpi = dpi; } } return writeCheckedBytes(widget); } /** Deserialize a widget from persistence, after verifying checksum wrapper. */ private Widget unpackWidget(byte[] buffer, int offset, int dataSize) throws InvalidProtocolBufferNanoException { Widget widget = new Widget(); MessageNano.mergeFrom(widget, readCheckedBytes(buffer, offset, dataSize)); if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "unpacked widget " + widget.provider); return widget; } /** * Read the old journal from the input file. * * In the event of any error, just pretend we didn't have a journal, * in that case, do a full backup. * * @param oldState the read-0only file descriptor pointing to the old journal * @return a Journal protocol buffer */ private Journal readJournal(ParcelFileDescriptor oldState) { Journal journal = new Journal(); if (oldState == null) { return journal; } FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(oldState.getFileDescriptor()); try { int availableBytes = inStream.available(); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "available " + availableBytes); if (availableBytes < MAX_JOURNAL_SIZE) { byte[] buffer = new byte[availableBytes]; int bytesRead = 0; boolean valid = false; InvalidProtocolBufferNanoException lastProtoException = null; while (availableBytes > 0) { try { // OMG what are you doing? This is crazy inefficient! // If we read a byte that is not ours, we will cause trouble: b/12491813 // However, we don't know how many bytes to expect (oops). // So we have to step through *slowly*, watching for the end. int result = inStream.read(buffer, bytesRead, 1); if (result > 0) { availableBytes -= result; bytesRead += result; if (DEBUG && (bytesRead % 100 == 0)) { Log.d(TAG, "read some bytes: " + bytesRead); } } else { Log.w(TAG, "unexpected end of file while reading journal."); // stop reading and see what there is to parse availableBytes = 0; } } catch (IOException e) { buffer = null; availableBytes = 0; } // check the buffer to see if we have a valid journal try { MessageNano.mergeFrom(journal, readCheckedBytes(buffer, 0, bytesRead)); // if we are here, then we have read a valid, checksum-verified journal valid = true; availableBytes = 0; if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "read " + bytesRead + " bytes of journal"); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferNanoException e) { // if we don't have the whole journal yet, mergeFrom will throw. keep going. lastProtoException = e; journal.clear(); } } if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "journal bytes read: " + bytesRead); if (!valid) { Log.w(TAG, "could not find a valid journal", lastProtoException); } } } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "failed to close the journal", e); } finally { try { inStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "failed to close the journal", e); } } return journal; } private void writeRowToBackup(Key key, byte[] blob, Journal out, BackupDataOutput data) throws IOException { String backupKey = keyToBackupKey(key); data.writeEntityHeader(backupKey, blob.length); data.writeEntityData(blob, blob.length); out.rows++; out.bytes += blob.length; if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "saving " + geKeyType(key) + " " + backupKey + ": " + getKeyName(key) + "/" + blob.length); if(DEBUG_PAYLOAD) { String encoded = Base64.encodeToString(blob, 0, blob.length, Base64.NO_WRAP); final int chunkSize = 1024; for (int offset = 0; offset < encoded.length(); offset += chunkSize) { int end = offset + chunkSize; end = Math.min(end, encoded.length()); Log.w(TAG, "wrote " + encoded.substring(offset, end)); } } } private Set getSavedIdsByType(int type, Journal in) { Set savedIds = new HashSet(); for(int i = 0; i < in.key.length; i++) { Key key = in.key[i]; if (key.type == type) { savedIds.add(keyToBackupKey(key)); } } return savedIds; } private int removeDeletedKeysFromBackup(Set deletedIds, BackupDataOutput data) throws IOException { int rows = 0; for(String deleted: deletedIds) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "dropping deleted item " + deleted); data.writeEntityHeader(deleted, -1); rows++; } return rows; } /** * Write the new journal to the output file. * * In the event of any error, just pretend we didn't have a journal, * in that case, do a full backup. * @param newState the write-only file descriptor pointing to the new journal * @param journal a Journal protocol buffer */ private void writeJournal(ParcelFileDescriptor newState, Journal journal) { FileOutputStream outStream = null; try { outStream = new FileOutputStream(newState.getFileDescriptor()); final byte[] journalBytes = writeCheckedBytes(journal); outStream.write(journalBytes); outStream.close(); if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "wrote " + journalBytes.length + " bytes of journal"); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "failed to write backup journal", e); } } /** Wrap a proto in a CheckedMessage and compute the checksum. */ private byte[] writeCheckedBytes(MessageNano proto) { CheckedMessage wrapper = new CheckedMessage(); wrapper.payload = MessageNano.toByteArray(proto); CRC32 checksum = new CRC32(); checksum.update(wrapper.payload); wrapper.checksum = checksum.getValue(); return MessageNano.toByteArray(wrapper); } /** Unwrap a proto message from a CheckedMessage, verifying the checksum. */ private static byte[] readCheckedBytes(byte[] buffer, int offset, int dataSize) throws InvalidProtocolBufferNanoException { CheckedMessage wrapper = new CheckedMessage(); MessageNano.mergeFrom(wrapper, buffer, offset, dataSize); CRC32 checksum = new CRC32(); checksum.update(wrapper.payload); if (wrapper.checksum != checksum.getValue()) { throw new InvalidProtocolBufferNanoException("checksum does not match"); } return wrapper.payload; } private AppWidgetProviderInfo findAppWidgetProviderInfo(ComponentName component) { if (mWidgetMap == null) { List widgets = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(mContext).getInstalledProviders(); mWidgetMap = new HashMap(widgets.size()); for (AppWidgetProviderInfo info : widgets) { mWidgetMap.put(info.provider, info); } } return mWidgetMap.get(component); } private boolean initializeIconCache() { if (mIconCache != null) { return true; } final LauncherAppState appState = LauncherAppState.getInstanceNoCreate(); if (appState == null) { Throwable stackTrace = new Throwable(); stackTrace.fillInStackTrace(); Log.w(TAG, "Failed to get app state during backup/restore", stackTrace); return false; } mIconCache = appState.getIconCache(); return mIconCache != null; } // check if the launcher is in a state to support backup private boolean launcherIsReady() { ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); Cursor cursor = cr.query(Favorites.CONTENT_URI, FAVORITE_PROJECTION, null, null, null); if (cursor == null) { // launcher data has been wiped, do nothing return false; } cursor.close(); if (!initializeIconCache()) { // launcher services are unavailable, try again later dataChanged(); return false; } return true; } private class KeyParsingException extends Throwable { private KeyParsingException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } public KeyParsingException(String reason) { super(reason); } } }