/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.launcher3; import static android.content.pm.ActivityInfo.CONFIG_ORIENTATION; import static android.content.pm.ActivityInfo.CONFIG_SCREEN_SIZE; import static com.android.launcher3.AbstractFloatingView.TYPE_ALL; import static com.android.launcher3.AbstractFloatingView.TYPE_REBIND_SAFE; import static com.android.launcher3.AbstractFloatingView.TYPE_SNACKBAR; import static com.android.launcher3.LauncherAnimUtils.SPRING_LOADED_EXIT_DELAY; import static com.android.launcher3.LauncherState.ALL_APPS; import static com.android.launcher3.LauncherState.NORMAL; import static com.android.launcher3.LauncherState.OVERVIEW; import static com.android.launcher3.LauncherState.OVERVIEW_PEEK; import static com.android.launcher3.dragndrop.DragLayer.ALPHA_INDEX_LAUNCHER_LOAD; import static com.android.launcher3.logging.LoggerUtils.newContainerTarget; import static com.android.launcher3.logging.LoggerUtils.newTarget; import static com.android.launcher3.states.RotationHelper.REQUEST_NONE; import static com.android.launcher3.util.RaceConditionTracker.ENTER; import static com.android.launcher3.util.RaceConditionTracker.EXIT; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.animation.AnimatorSet; import android.animation.ObjectAnimator; import android.animation.ValueAnimator; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.app.ActivityOptions; import android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView; import android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager; import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ComponentCallbacks2; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.IntentSender; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.graphics.Point; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.os.Process; import android.os.StrictMode; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.method.TextKeyListener; import android.util.Log; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.view.Display; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.KeyboardShortcutGroup; import android.view.KeyboardShortcutInfo; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent; import android.view.animation.OvershootInterpolator; import android.widget.Toast; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting; import com.android.launcher3.DropTarget.DragObject; import com.android.launcher3.accessibility.LauncherAccessibilityDelegate; import com.android.launcher3.allapps.AllAppsContainerView; import com.android.launcher3.allapps.AllAppsStore; import com.android.launcher3.allapps.AllAppsTransitionController; import com.android.launcher3.allapps.DiscoveryBounce; import com.android.launcher3.anim.PropertyListBuilder; import com.android.launcher3.compat.AppWidgetManagerCompat; import com.android.launcher3.compat.LauncherAppsCompatVO; import com.android.launcher3.config.FeatureFlags; import com.android.launcher3.dot.DotInfo; import com.android.launcher3.dragndrop.DragController; import com.android.launcher3.dragndrop.DragLayer; import com.android.launcher3.dragndrop.DragView; import com.android.launcher3.folder.FolderGridOrganizer; import com.android.launcher3.folder.FolderIcon; import com.android.launcher3.graphics.RotationMode; import com.android.launcher3.icons.IconCache; import com.android.launcher3.keyboard.CustomActionsPopup; import com.android.launcher3.keyboard.ViewGroupFocusHelper; import com.android.launcher3.logging.FileLog; import com.android.launcher3.logging.StatsLogUtils; import com.android.launcher3.logging.UserEventDispatcher; import com.android.launcher3.logging.UserEventDispatcher.UserEventDelegate; import com.android.launcher3.model.AppLaunchTracker; import com.android.launcher3.model.BgDataModel.Callbacks; import com.android.launcher3.model.ModelWriter; import com.android.launcher3.notification.NotificationListener; import com.android.launcher3.popup.PopupContainerWithArrow; import com.android.launcher3.popup.PopupDataProvider; import com.android.launcher3.qsb.QsbContainerView; import com.android.launcher3.states.InternalStateHandler; import com.android.launcher3.states.RotationHelper; import com.android.launcher3.touch.ItemClickHandler; import com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.UiFactory; import com.android.launcher3.userevent.nano.LauncherLogProto; import com.android.launcher3.userevent.nano.LauncherLogProto.Action; import com.android.launcher3.userevent.nano.LauncherLogProto.ContainerType; import com.android.launcher3.userevent.nano.LauncherLogProto.Target; import com.android.launcher3.util.ActivityResultInfo; import com.android.launcher3.util.ComponentKey; import com.android.launcher3.util.IntArray; import com.android.launcher3.util.ItemInfoMatcher; import com.android.launcher3.util.MultiValueAlpha; import com.android.launcher3.util.MultiValueAlpha.AlphaProperty; import com.android.launcher3.util.PackageManagerHelper; import com.android.launcher3.util.PackageUserKey; import com.android.launcher3.util.PendingRequestArgs; import com.android.launcher3.util.RaceConditionTracker; import com.android.launcher3.util.ShortcutUtil; import com.android.launcher3.util.SystemUiController; import com.android.launcher3.util.Themes; import com.android.launcher3.util.Thunk; import com.android.launcher3.util.TraceHelper; import com.android.launcher3.util.UiThreadHelper; import com.android.launcher3.util.ViewOnDrawExecutor; import com.android.launcher3.views.ActivityContext; import com.android.launcher3.views.OptionsPopupView; import com.android.launcher3.views.ScrimView; import com.android.launcher3.widget.LauncherAppWidgetHostView; import com.android.launcher3.widget.PendingAddShortcutInfo; import com.android.launcher3.widget.PendingAddWidgetInfo; import com.android.launcher3.widget.PendingAppWidgetHostView; import com.android.launcher3.widget.WidgetAddFlowHandler; import com.android.launcher3.widget.WidgetHostViewLoader; import com.android.launcher3.widget.WidgetListRowEntry; import com.android.launcher3.widget.WidgetsFullSheet; import com.android.launcher3.widget.custom.CustomWidgetManager; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Predicate; /** * Default launcher application. */ public class Launcher extends BaseDraggingActivity implements LauncherExterns, Callbacks, LauncherProviderChangeListener, UserEventDelegate, InvariantDeviceProfile.OnIDPChangeListener { public static final String TAG = "Launcher"; static final boolean LOGD = false; static final boolean DEBUG_STRICT_MODE = false; private static final int REQUEST_CREATE_SHORTCUT = 1; private static final int REQUEST_CREATE_APPWIDGET = 5; private static final int REQUEST_PICK_APPWIDGET = 9; private static final int REQUEST_BIND_APPWIDGET = 11; public static final int REQUEST_BIND_PENDING_APPWIDGET = 12; public static final int REQUEST_RECONFIGURE_APPWIDGET = 13; private static final int REQUEST_PERMISSION_CALL_PHONE = 14; private static final float BOUNCE_ANIMATION_TENSION = 1.3f; /** * IntentStarter uses request codes starting with this. This must be greater than all activity * request codes used internally. */ protected static final int REQUEST_LAST = 100; // Type: int private static final String RUNTIME_STATE_CURRENT_SCREEN = "launcher.current_screen"; // Type: int private static final String RUNTIME_STATE = "launcher.state"; // Type: PendingRequestArgs private static final String RUNTIME_STATE_PENDING_REQUEST_ARGS = "launcher.request_args"; // Type: int private static final String RUNTIME_STATE_PENDING_REQUEST_CODE = "launcher.request_code"; // Type: ActivityResultInfo private static final String RUNTIME_STATE_PENDING_ACTIVITY_RESULT = "launcher.activity_result"; // Type: SparseArray private static final String RUNTIME_STATE_WIDGET_PANEL = "launcher.widget_panel"; public static final String ON_CREATE_EVT = "Launcher.onCreate"; private static final String ON_START_EVT = "Launcher.onStart"; private static final String ON_RESUME_EVT = "Launcher.onResume"; private LauncherStateManager mStateManager; private static final int ON_ACTIVITY_RESULT_ANIMATION_DELAY = 500; // How long to wait before the new-shortcut animation automatically pans the workspace @VisibleForTesting public static final int NEW_APPS_PAGE_MOVE_DELAY = 500; private static final int NEW_APPS_ANIMATION_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 5; @Thunk @VisibleForTesting public static final int NEW_APPS_ANIMATION_DELAY = 500; private static final int APPS_VIEW_ALPHA_CHANNEL_INDEX = 1; private static final int SCRIM_VIEW_ALPHA_CHANNEL_INDEX = 0; private LauncherAppTransitionManager mAppTransitionManager; private Configuration mOldConfig; @Thunk Workspace mWorkspace; private View mLauncherView; @Thunk DragLayer mDragLayer; private DragController mDragController; private AppWidgetManagerCompat mAppWidgetManager; private LauncherAppWidgetHost mAppWidgetHost; private final int[] mTmpAddItemCellCoordinates = new int[2]; @Thunk Hotseat mHotseat; private DropTargetBar mDropTargetBar; // Main container view for the all apps screen. @Thunk AllAppsContainerView mAppsView; AllAppsTransitionController mAllAppsController; // Scrim view for the all apps and overview state. @Thunk ScrimView mScrimView; // UI and state for the overview panel private View mOverviewPanel; @Thunk boolean mWorkspaceLoading = true; private ArrayList mOnResumeCallbacks = new ArrayList<>(); private ViewOnDrawExecutor mPendingExecutor; private LauncherModel mModel; private ModelWriter mModelWriter; private IconCache mIconCache; private LauncherAccessibilityDelegate mAccessibilityDelegate; private PopupDataProvider mPopupDataProvider; private int mSynchronouslyBoundPage = PagedView.INVALID_PAGE; // We only want to get the SharedPreferences once since it does an FS stat each time we get // it from the context. private SharedPreferences mSharedPrefs; // Activity result which needs to be processed after workspace has loaded. private ActivityResultInfo mPendingActivityResult; /** * Holds extra information required to handle a result from an external call, like * {@link #startActivityForResult(Intent, int)} or {@link #requestPermissions(String[], int)} */ private PendingRequestArgs mPendingRequestArgs; // Request id for any pending activity result private int mPendingActivityRequestCode = -1; public ViewGroupFocusHelper mFocusHandler; private RotationHelper mRotationHelper; private Runnable mCancelTouchController; final Handler mHandler = new Handler(); private final Runnable mHandleDeferredResume = this::handleDeferredResume; private boolean mDeferredResumePending; private float mCurrentAssistantVisibility = 0f; private DeviceProfile mStableDeviceProfile; private RotationMode mRotationMode = RotationMode.NORMAL; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { RaceConditionTracker.onEvent(ON_CREATE_EVT, ENTER); if (DEBUG_STRICT_MODE) { StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder() .detectDiskReads() .detectDiskWrites() .detectNetwork() // or .detectAll() for all detectable problems .penaltyLog() .build()); StrictMode.setVmPolicy(new StrictMode.VmPolicy.Builder() .detectLeakedSqlLiteObjects() .detectLeakedClosableObjects() .penaltyLog() .penaltyDeath() .build()); } TraceHelper.beginSection("Launcher-onCreate"); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); TraceHelper.partitionSection("Launcher-onCreate", "super call"); LauncherAppState app = LauncherAppState.getInstance(this); mOldConfig = new Configuration(getResources().getConfiguration()); mModel = app.setLauncher(this); mRotationHelper = new RotationHelper(this); InvariantDeviceProfile idp = app.getInvariantDeviceProfile(); initDeviceProfile(idp); idp.addOnChangeListener(this); mSharedPrefs = Utilities.getPrefs(this); mIconCache = app.getIconCache(); mAccessibilityDelegate = new LauncherAccessibilityDelegate(this); mDragController = new DragController(this); mAllAppsController = new AllAppsTransitionController(this); mStateManager = new LauncherStateManager(this); UiFactory.onCreate(this); mAppWidgetManager = AppWidgetManagerCompat.getInstance(this); mAppWidgetHost = new LauncherAppWidgetHost(this, appWidgetId -> getWorkspace().removeWidget(appWidgetId)); mAppWidgetHost.startListening(); mLauncherView = LayoutInflater.from(this).inflate(R.layout.launcher, null); setupViews(); mPopupDataProvider = new PopupDataProvider(this); mAppTransitionManager = LauncherAppTransitionManager.newInstance(this); boolean internalStateHandled = InternalStateHandler.handleCreate(this, getIntent()); if (internalStateHandled) { if (savedInstanceState != null) { // InternalStateHandler has already set the appropriate state. // We dont need to do anything. savedInstanceState.remove(RUNTIME_STATE); } } restoreState(savedInstanceState); mStateManager.reapplyState(); // We only load the page synchronously if the user rotates (or triggers a // configuration change) while launcher is in the foreground int currentScreen = PagedView.INVALID_RESTORE_PAGE; if (savedInstanceState != null) { currentScreen = savedInstanceState.getInt(RUNTIME_STATE_CURRENT_SCREEN, currentScreen); } if (!mModel.startLoader(currentScreen)) { if (!internalStateHandled) { // If we are not binding synchronously, show a fade in animation when // the first page bind completes. mDragLayer.getAlphaProperty(ALPHA_INDEX_LAUNCHER_LOAD).setValue(0); } } else { // Pages bound synchronously. mWorkspace.setCurrentPage(currentScreen); setWorkspaceLoading(true); } // For handling default keys setDefaultKeyMode(DEFAULT_KEYS_SEARCH_LOCAL); setContentView(mLauncherView); getRootView().dispatchInsets(); // Listen for broadcasts registerReceiver(mScreenOffReceiver, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF)); getSystemUiController().updateUiState(SystemUiController.UI_STATE_BASE_WINDOW, Themes.getAttrBoolean(this, R.attr.isWorkspaceDarkText)); if (mLauncherCallbacks != null) { mLauncherCallbacks.onCreate(savedInstanceState); } mRotationHelper.initialize(); TraceHelper.endSection("Launcher-onCreate"); RaceConditionTracker.onEvent(ON_CREATE_EVT, EXIT); mStateManager.addStateListener(new LauncherStateManager.StateListener() { @Override public void onStateTransitionStart(LauncherState toState) { } @Override public void onStateTransitionComplete(LauncherState finalState) { float alpha = 1f - mCurrentAssistantVisibility; if (finalState == NORMAL) { mAppsView.getAlphaProperty(APPS_VIEW_ALPHA_CHANNEL_INDEX).setValue(alpha); } else if (finalState == OVERVIEW || finalState == OVERVIEW_PEEK) { mAppsView.getAlphaProperty(APPS_VIEW_ALPHA_CHANNEL_INDEX).setValue(alpha); mScrimView.getAlphaProperty(SCRIM_VIEW_ALPHA_CHANNEL_INDEX).setValue(alpha); } else { mAppsView.getAlphaProperty(APPS_VIEW_ALPHA_CHANNEL_INDEX).setValue(1f); mScrimView.getAlphaProperty(SCRIM_VIEW_ALPHA_CHANNEL_INDEX).setValue(1f); } } }); } @Override public void onEnterAnimationComplete() { super.onEnterAnimationComplete(); UiFactory.onEnterAnimationComplete(this); mAllAppsController.highlightWorkTabIfNecessary(); mRotationHelper.setCurrentTransitionRequest(REQUEST_NONE); } @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { int diff = newConfig.diff(mOldConfig); if ((diff & (CONFIG_ORIENTATION | CONFIG_SCREEN_SIZE)) != 0) { onIdpChanged(mDeviceProfile.inv); } mOldConfig.setTo(newConfig); UiFactory.onLauncherStateOrResumeChanged(this); super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); } public void reload() { onIdpChanged(mDeviceProfile.inv); } private boolean supportsFakeLandscapeUI() { return FeatureFlags.FAKE_LANDSCAPE_UI.get() && !mRotationHelper.homeScreenCanRotate(); } @Override public void reapplyUi() { if (supportsFakeLandscapeUI()) { mRotationMode = mStableDeviceProfile == null ? RotationMode.NORMAL : UiFactory.getRotationMode(mDeviceProfile); } getRootView().dispatchInsets(); getStateManager().reapplyState(true /* cancelCurrentAnimation */); } @Override public void rebindModel() { int currentPage = mWorkspace.getNextPage(); if (mModel.startLoader(currentPage)) { mWorkspace.setCurrentPage(currentPage); setWorkspaceLoading(true); } } @Override public void onIdpChanged(int changeFlags, InvariantDeviceProfile idp) { onIdpChanged(idp); } private void onIdpChanged(InvariantDeviceProfile idp) { mUserEventDispatcher = null; DeviceProfile oldWallpaperProfile = getWallpaperDeviceProfile(); initDeviceProfile(idp); dispatchDeviceProfileChanged(); reapplyUi(); mDragLayer.recreateControllers(); // Calling onSaveInstanceState ensures that static cache used by listWidgets is // initialized properly. onSaveInstanceState(new Bundle()); if (oldWallpaperProfile != getWallpaperDeviceProfile()) { rebindModel(); } } public void onAssistantVisibilityChanged(float visibility) { mCurrentAssistantVisibility = visibility; float alpha = 1f - visibility; LauncherState state = mStateManager.getState(); if (state == NORMAL) { mAppsView.getAlphaProperty(APPS_VIEW_ALPHA_CHANNEL_INDEX).setValue(alpha); } else if (state == OVERVIEW || state == OVERVIEW_PEEK) { mAppsView.getAlphaProperty(APPS_VIEW_ALPHA_CHANNEL_INDEX).setValue(alpha); mScrimView.getAlphaProperty(SCRIM_VIEW_ALPHA_CHANNEL_INDEX).setValue(alpha); } } private void initDeviceProfile(InvariantDeviceProfile idp) { // Load configuration-specific DeviceProfile mDeviceProfile = idp.getDeviceProfile(this); if (isInMultiWindowMode()) { // Note: Calls to getSize() can't rely on our cached DefaultDisplay since it can return // the app window size Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); Point mwSize = new Point(); display.getSize(mwSize); mDeviceProfile = mDeviceProfile.getMultiWindowProfile(this, mwSize); } if (supportsFakeLandscapeUI() && mDeviceProfile.isVerticalBarLayout()) { mStableDeviceProfile = mDeviceProfile.inv.portraitProfile; mRotationMode = UiFactory.getRotationMode(mDeviceProfile); } else { mStableDeviceProfile = null; mRotationMode = RotationMode.NORMAL; } mRotationHelper.updateRotationAnimation(); onDeviceProfileInitiated(); mModelWriter = mModel.getWriter(getWallpaperDeviceProfile().isVerticalBarLayout(), true); } public void updateInsets(Rect insets) { mDeviceProfile.updateInsets(insets); if (mStableDeviceProfile != null) { Rect r = mStableDeviceProfile.getInsets(); mRotationMode.mapInsets(this, insets, r); mStableDeviceProfile.updateInsets(r); } } @Override public RotationMode getRotationMode() { return mRotationMode; } /** * Device profile to be used by UI elements which are shown directly on top of the wallpaper * and whose presentation is tied to the wallpaper (and physical device) and not the activity * configuration. */ @Override public DeviceProfile getWallpaperDeviceProfile() { return mStableDeviceProfile == null ? mDeviceProfile : mStableDeviceProfile; } public RotationHelper getRotationHelper() { return mRotationHelper; } public LauncherStateManager getStateManager() { return mStateManager; } @Override public T findViewById(int id) { return mLauncherView.findViewById(id); } @Override public void onAppWidgetHostReset() { if (mAppWidgetHost != null) { mAppWidgetHost.startListening(); } } private LauncherCallbacks mLauncherCallbacks; /** * Call this after onCreate to set or clear overlay. */ public void setLauncherOverlay(LauncherOverlay overlay) { if (overlay != null) { overlay.setOverlayCallbacks(new LauncherOverlayCallbacksImpl()); } mWorkspace.setLauncherOverlay(overlay); } public boolean setLauncherCallbacks(LauncherCallbacks callbacks) { mLauncherCallbacks = callbacks; return true; } @Override public void onLauncherProviderChanged() { if (mLauncherCallbacks != null) { mLauncherCallbacks.onLauncherProviderChange(); } } public boolean isDraggingEnabled() { // We prevent dragging when we are loading the workspace as it is possible to pick up a view // that is subsequently removed from the workspace in startBinding(). return !isWorkspaceLoading(); } public PopupDataProvider getPopupDataProvider() { return mPopupDataProvider; } @Override public DotInfo getDotInfoForItem(ItemInfo info) { return mPopupDataProvider.getDotInfoForItem(info); } @Override public void invalidateParent(ItemInfo info) { if (info.container >= 0) { View folderIcon = getWorkspace().getHomescreenIconByItemId(info.container); if (folderIcon instanceof FolderIcon && folderIcon.getTag() instanceof FolderInfo) { if (new FolderGridOrganizer(getDeviceProfile().inv) .setFolderInfo((FolderInfo) folderIcon.getTag()) .isItemInPreview(info.rank)) { folderIcon.invalidate(); } } } } /** * Returns whether we should delay spring loaded mode -- for shortcuts and widgets that have * a configuration step, this allows the proper animations to run after other transitions. */ private int completeAdd( int requestCode, Intent intent, int appWidgetId, PendingRequestArgs info) { int screenId = info.screenId; if (info.container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP) { // When the screen id represents an actual screen (as opposed to a rank) we make sure // that the drop page actually exists. screenId = ensurePendingDropLayoutExists(info.screenId); } switch (requestCode) { case REQUEST_CREATE_SHORTCUT: completeAddShortcut(intent, info.container, screenId, info.cellX, info.cellY, info); break; case REQUEST_CREATE_APPWIDGET: completeAddAppWidget(appWidgetId, info, null, null); break; case REQUEST_RECONFIGURE_APPWIDGET: completeRestoreAppWidget(appWidgetId, LauncherAppWidgetInfo.RESTORE_COMPLETED); break; case REQUEST_BIND_PENDING_APPWIDGET: { int widgetId = appWidgetId; LauncherAppWidgetInfo widgetInfo = completeRestoreAppWidget(widgetId, LauncherAppWidgetInfo.FLAG_UI_NOT_READY); if (widgetInfo != null) { // Since the view was just bound, also launch the configure activity if needed LauncherAppWidgetProviderInfo provider = mAppWidgetManager .getLauncherAppWidgetInfo(widgetId); if (provider != null) { new WidgetAddFlowHandler(provider) .startConfigActivity(this, widgetInfo, REQUEST_RECONFIGURE_APPWIDGET); } } break; } } return screenId; } private void handleActivityResult( final int requestCode, final int resultCode, final Intent data) { if (isWorkspaceLoading()) { // process the result once the workspace has loaded. mPendingActivityResult = new ActivityResultInfo(requestCode, resultCode, data); return; } mPendingActivityResult = null; // Reset the startActivity waiting flag final PendingRequestArgs requestArgs = mPendingRequestArgs; setWaitingForResult(null); if (requestArgs == null) { return; } final int pendingAddWidgetId = requestArgs.getWidgetId(); Runnable exitSpringLoaded = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mStateManager.goToState(NORMAL, SPRING_LOADED_EXIT_DELAY); } }; if (requestCode == REQUEST_BIND_APPWIDGET) { // This is called only if the user did not previously have permissions to bind widgets final int appWidgetId = data != null ? data.getIntExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID, -1) : -1; if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) { completeTwoStageWidgetDrop(RESULT_CANCELED, appWidgetId, requestArgs); mWorkspace.removeExtraEmptyScreenDelayed(true, exitSpringLoaded, ON_ACTIVITY_RESULT_ANIMATION_DELAY, false); } else if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { addAppWidgetImpl( appWidgetId, requestArgs, null, requestArgs.getWidgetHandler(), ON_ACTIVITY_RESULT_ANIMATION_DELAY); } return; } boolean isWidgetDrop = (requestCode == REQUEST_PICK_APPWIDGET || requestCode == REQUEST_CREATE_APPWIDGET); // We have special handling for widgets if (isWidgetDrop) { final int appWidgetId; int widgetId = data != null ? data.getIntExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID, -1) : -1; if (widgetId < 0) { appWidgetId = pendingAddWidgetId; } else { appWidgetId = widgetId; } final int result; if (appWidgetId < 0 || resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) { Log.e(TAG, "Error: appWidgetId (EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID) was not " + "returned from the widget configuration activity."); result = RESULT_CANCELED; completeTwoStageWidgetDrop(result, appWidgetId, requestArgs); final Runnable onComplete = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { getStateManager().goToState(NORMAL); } }; mWorkspace.removeExtraEmptyScreenDelayed(true, onComplete, ON_ACTIVITY_RESULT_ANIMATION_DELAY, false); } else { if (requestArgs.container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP) { // When the screen id represents an actual screen (as opposed to a rank) // we make sure that the drop page actually exists. requestArgs.screenId = ensurePendingDropLayoutExists(requestArgs.screenId); } final CellLayout dropLayout = mWorkspace.getScreenWithId(requestArgs.screenId); dropLayout.setDropPending(true); final Runnable onComplete = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { completeTwoStageWidgetDrop(resultCode, appWidgetId, requestArgs); dropLayout.setDropPending(false); } }; mWorkspace.removeExtraEmptyScreenDelayed(true, onComplete, ON_ACTIVITY_RESULT_ANIMATION_DELAY, false); } return; } if (requestCode == REQUEST_RECONFIGURE_APPWIDGET || requestCode == REQUEST_BIND_PENDING_APPWIDGET) { if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { // Update the widget view. completeAdd(requestCode, data, pendingAddWidgetId, requestArgs); } // Leave the widget in the pending state if the user canceled the configure. return; } if (requestCode == REQUEST_CREATE_SHORTCUT) { // Handle custom shortcuts created using ACTION_CREATE_SHORTCUT. if (resultCode == RESULT_OK && requestArgs.container != ItemInfo.NO_ID) { completeAdd(requestCode, data, -1, requestArgs); mWorkspace.removeExtraEmptyScreenDelayed(true, exitSpringLoaded, ON_ACTIVITY_RESULT_ANIMATION_DELAY, false); } else if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) { mWorkspace.removeExtraEmptyScreenDelayed(true, exitSpringLoaded, ON_ACTIVITY_RESULT_ANIMATION_DELAY, false); } } mDragLayer.clearAnimatedView(); } @Override public void onActivityResult( final int requestCode, final int resultCode, final Intent data) { mPendingActivityRequestCode = -1; handleActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if (mLauncherCallbacks != null) { mLauncherCallbacks.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); } } @Override public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions, int[] grantResults) { PendingRequestArgs pendingArgs = mPendingRequestArgs; if (requestCode == REQUEST_PERMISSION_CALL_PHONE && pendingArgs != null && pendingArgs.getRequestCode() == REQUEST_PERMISSION_CALL_PHONE) { setWaitingForResult(null); View v = null; CellLayout layout = getCellLayout(pendingArgs.container, pendingArgs.screenId); if (layout != null) { v = layout.getChildAt(pendingArgs.cellX, pendingArgs.cellY); } Intent intent = pendingArgs.getPendingIntent(); if (grantResults.length > 0 && grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { startActivitySafely(v, intent, null, null); } else { // TODO: Show a snack bar with link to settings Toast.makeText(this, getString(R.string.msg_no_phone_permission, getString(R.string.derived_app_name)), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } if (mLauncherCallbacks != null) { mLauncherCallbacks.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults); } } /** * Check to see if a given screen id exists. If not, create it at the end, return the new id. * * @param screenId the screen id to check * @return the new screen, or screenId if it exists */ private int ensurePendingDropLayoutExists(int screenId) { CellLayout dropLayout = mWorkspace.getScreenWithId(screenId); if (dropLayout == null) { // it's possible that the add screen was removed because it was // empty and a re-bind occurred mWorkspace.addExtraEmptyScreen(); return mWorkspace.commitExtraEmptyScreen(); } else { return screenId; } } @Thunk void completeTwoStageWidgetDrop( final int resultCode, final int appWidgetId, final PendingRequestArgs requestArgs) { CellLayout cellLayout = mWorkspace.getScreenWithId(requestArgs.screenId); Runnable onCompleteRunnable = null; int animationType = 0; AppWidgetHostView boundWidget = null; if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { animationType = Workspace.COMPLETE_TWO_STAGE_WIDGET_DROP_ANIMATION; final AppWidgetHostView layout = mAppWidgetHost.createView(this, appWidgetId, requestArgs.getWidgetHandler().getProviderInfo(this)); boundWidget = layout; onCompleteRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { completeAddAppWidget(appWidgetId, requestArgs, layout, null); mStateManager.goToState(NORMAL, SPRING_LOADED_EXIT_DELAY); } }; } else if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) { mAppWidgetHost.deleteAppWidgetId(appWidgetId); animationType = Workspace.CANCEL_TWO_STAGE_WIDGET_DROP_ANIMATION; } if (mDragLayer.getAnimatedView() != null) { mWorkspace.animateWidgetDrop(requestArgs, cellLayout, (DragView) mDragLayer.getAnimatedView(), onCompleteRunnable, animationType, boundWidget, true); } else if (onCompleteRunnable != null) { // The animated view may be null in the case of a rotation during widget configuration onCompleteRunnable.run(); } } @Override protected void onStop() { super.onStop(); if (mLauncherCallbacks != null) { mLauncherCallbacks.onStop(); } logStopAndResume(Action.Command.STOP); mAppWidgetHost.setListenIfResumed(false); NotificationListener.removeNotificationsChangedListener(); getStateManager().moveToRestState(); UiFactory.onLauncherStateOrResumeChanged(this); // Workaround for b/78520668, explicitly trim memory once UI is hidden onTrimMemory(TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN); } @Override protected void onStart() { RaceConditionTracker.onEvent(ON_START_EVT, ENTER); super.onStart(); if (mLauncherCallbacks != null) { mLauncherCallbacks.onStart(); } mAppWidgetHost.setListenIfResumed(true); RaceConditionTracker.onEvent(ON_START_EVT, EXIT); } private void handleDeferredResume() { if (hasBeenResumed() && !mStateManager.getState().disableInteraction) { logStopAndResume(Action.Command.RESUME); getUserEventDispatcher().startSession(); UiFactory.onLauncherStateOrResumeChanged(this); AppLaunchTracker.INSTANCE.get(this).onReturnedToHome(); // Process any items that were added while Launcher was away. InstallShortcutReceiver.disableAndFlushInstallQueue( InstallShortcutReceiver.FLAG_ACTIVITY_PAUSED, this); // Refresh shortcuts if the permission changed. mModel.refreshShortcutsIfRequired(); // Set the notification listener and fetch updated notifications when we resume NotificationListener.setNotificationsChangedListener(mPopupDataProvider); DiscoveryBounce.showForHomeIfNeeded(this); if (mPendingActivityRequestCode != -1 && isInState(NORMAL)) { UiFactory.resetPendingActivityResults(this, mPendingActivityRequestCode); } mDeferredResumePending = false; } else { mDeferredResumePending = true; } } private void logStopAndResume(int command) { int containerType = mStateManager.getState().containerType; if (containerType == ContainerType.WORKSPACE && mWorkspace != null) { getUserEventDispatcher().logActionCommand(command, containerType, -1, mWorkspace.isOverlayShown() ? -1 : 0); } else { getUserEventDispatcher().logActionCommand(command, containerType, -1); } } public void onStateSetStart(LauncherState state) { if (mDeferredResumePending) { handleDeferredResume(); } if (mLauncherCallbacks != null) { mLauncherCallbacks.onStateChanged(); } } public void onStateSetEnd(LauncherState state) { getAppWidgetHost().setResumed(state == LauncherState.NORMAL); getWorkspace().setClipChildren(!state.disablePageClipping); finishAutoCancelActionMode(); } @Override protected void onResume() { RaceConditionTracker.onEvent(ON_RESUME_EVT, ENTER); TraceHelper.beginSection("ON_RESUME"); super.onResume(); TraceHelper.partitionSection("ON_RESUME", "superCall"); mHandler.removeCallbacks(mHandleDeferredResume); Utilities.postAsyncCallback(mHandler, mHandleDeferredResume); if (!mOnResumeCallbacks.isEmpty()) { final ArrayList resumeCallbacks = new ArrayList<>(mOnResumeCallbacks); mOnResumeCallbacks.clear(); for (int i = resumeCallbacks.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { resumeCallbacks.get(i).onLauncherResume(); } resumeCallbacks.clear(); } if (mLauncherCallbacks != null) { mLauncherCallbacks.onResume(); } TraceHelper.endSection("ON_RESUME"); RaceConditionTracker.onEvent(ON_RESUME_EVT, EXIT); } @Override protected void onPause() { // Ensure that items added to Launcher are queued until Launcher returns InstallShortcutReceiver.enableInstallQueue(InstallShortcutReceiver.FLAG_ACTIVITY_PAUSED); super.onPause(); mDragController.cancelDrag(); mDragController.resetLastGestureUpTime(); mDropTargetBar.animateToVisibility(false); if (mLauncherCallbacks != null) { mLauncherCallbacks.onPause(); } } @Override protected void onUserLeaveHint() { super.onUserLeaveHint(); UiFactory.onLauncherStateOrResumeChanged(this); } @Override public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus) { super.onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus); mStateManager.onWindowFocusChanged(); } public interface LauncherOverlay { /** * Touch interaction leading to overscroll has begun */ void onScrollInteractionBegin(); /** * Touch interaction related to overscroll has ended */ void onScrollInteractionEnd(); /** * Scroll progress, between 0 and 100, when the user scrolls beyond the leftmost * screen (or in the case of RTL, the rightmost screen). */ void onScrollChange(float progress, boolean rtl); /** * Called when the launcher is ready to use the overlay * @param callbacks A set of callbacks provided by Launcher in relation to the overlay */ void setOverlayCallbacks(LauncherOverlayCallbacks callbacks); } public interface LauncherOverlayCallbacks { void onScrollChanged(float progress); } class LauncherOverlayCallbacksImpl implements LauncherOverlayCallbacks { public void onScrollChanged(float progress) { if (mWorkspace != null) { mWorkspace.onOverlayScrollChanged(progress); } } } public boolean isInState(LauncherState state) { return mStateManager.getState() == state; } /** * Restores the previous state, if it exists. * * @param savedState The previous state. */ private void restoreState(Bundle savedState) { if (savedState == null) { return; } int stateOrdinal = savedState.getInt(RUNTIME_STATE, NORMAL.ordinal); LauncherState[] stateValues = LauncherState.values(); LauncherState state = stateValues[stateOrdinal]; if (!state.disableRestore) { mStateManager.goToState(state, false /* animated */); } PendingRequestArgs requestArgs = savedState.getParcelable( RUNTIME_STATE_PENDING_REQUEST_ARGS); if (requestArgs != null) { setWaitingForResult(requestArgs); } mPendingActivityRequestCode = savedState.getInt(RUNTIME_STATE_PENDING_REQUEST_CODE); mPendingActivityResult = savedState.getParcelable(RUNTIME_STATE_PENDING_ACTIVITY_RESULT); SparseArray widgetsState = savedState.getSparseParcelableArray(RUNTIME_STATE_WIDGET_PANEL); if (widgetsState != null) { WidgetsFullSheet.show(this, false).restoreHierarchyState(widgetsState); } } /** * Finds all the views we need and configure them properly. */ private void setupViews() { mDragLayer = findViewById(R.id.drag_layer); mFocusHandler = mDragLayer.getFocusIndicatorHelper(); mWorkspace = mDragLayer.findViewById(R.id.workspace); mWorkspace.initParentViews(mDragLayer); mOverviewPanel = findViewById(R.id.overview_panel); mHotseat = findViewById(R.id.hotseat); mLauncherView.setSystemUiVisibility(View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE); // Setup the drag layer mDragLayer.setup(mDragController, mWorkspace); mCancelTouchController = UiFactory.enableLiveUIChanges(this); mWorkspace.setup(mDragController); // Until the workspace is bound, ensure that we keep the wallpaper offset locked to the // default state, otherwise we will update to the wrong offsets in RTL mWorkspace.lockWallpaperToDefaultPage(); mWorkspace.bindAndInitFirstWorkspaceScreen(null /* recycled qsb */); mDragController.addDragListener(mWorkspace); // Get the search/delete/uninstall bar mDropTargetBar = mDragLayer.findViewById(R.id.drop_target_bar); // Setup Apps mAppsView = findViewById(R.id.apps_view); // Setup Scrim mScrimView = findViewById(R.id.scrim_view); // Setup the drag controller (drop targets have to be added in reverse order in priority) mDragController.setMoveTarget(mWorkspace); mDropTargetBar.setup(mDragController); mAllAppsController.setupViews(mAppsView); } /** * Creates a view representing a shortcut. * * @param info The data structure describing the shortcut. */ View createShortcut(WorkspaceItemInfo info) { return createShortcut((ViewGroup) mWorkspace.getChildAt(mWorkspace.getCurrentPage()), info); } /** * Creates a view representing a shortcut inflated from the specified resource. * * @param parent The group the shortcut belongs to. * @param info The data structure describing the shortcut. * @return A View inflated from layoutResId. */ public View createShortcut(ViewGroup parent, WorkspaceItemInfo info) { BubbleTextView favorite = (BubbleTextView) LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()) .inflate(R.layout.app_icon, parent, false); favorite.applyFromWorkspaceItem(info); favorite.setOnClickListener(ItemClickHandler.INSTANCE); favorite.setOnFocusChangeListener(mFocusHandler); return favorite; } /** * Add a shortcut to the workspace or to a Folder. * * @param data The intent describing the shortcut. */ private void completeAddShortcut(Intent data, int container, int screenId, int cellX, int cellY, PendingRequestArgs args) { if (args.getRequestCode() != REQUEST_CREATE_SHORTCUT || args.getPendingIntent().getComponent() == null) { return; } int[] cellXY = mTmpAddItemCellCoordinates; CellLayout layout = getCellLayout(container, screenId); WorkspaceItemInfo info = null; if (Utilities.ATLEAST_OREO) { info = LauncherAppsCompatVO.createWorkspaceItemFromPinItemRequest( this, LauncherAppsCompatVO.getPinItemRequest(data), 0); } if (info == null) { // Legacy shortcuts are only supported for primary profile. info = Process.myUserHandle().equals(args.user) ? InstallShortcutReceiver.fromShortcutIntent(this, data) : null; if (info == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to parse a valid custom shortcut result"); return; } else if (!new PackageManagerHelper(this).hasPermissionForActivity( info.intent, args.getPendingIntent().getComponent().getPackageName())) { // The app is trying to add a shortcut without sufficient permissions Log.e(TAG, "Ignoring malicious intent " + info.intent.toUri(0)); return; } } if (container < 0) { // Adding a shortcut to the Workspace. final View view = createShortcut(info); boolean foundCellSpan = false; // First we check if we already know the exact location where we want to add this item. if (cellX >= 0 && cellY >= 0) { cellXY[0] = cellX; cellXY[1] = cellY; foundCellSpan = true; // If appropriate, either create a folder or add to an existing folder if (mWorkspace.createUserFolderIfNecessary(view, container, layout, cellXY, 0, true, null)) { return; } DragObject dragObject = new DragObject(); dragObject.dragInfo = info; if (mWorkspace.addToExistingFolderIfNecessary(view, layout, cellXY, 0, dragObject, true)) { return; } } else { foundCellSpan = layout.findCellForSpan(cellXY, 1, 1); } if (!foundCellSpan) { mWorkspace.onNoCellFound(layout); return; } getModelWriter().addItemToDatabase(info, container, screenId, cellXY[0], cellXY[1]); mWorkspace.addInScreen(view, info); } else { // Adding a shortcut to a Folder. FolderIcon folderIcon = findFolderIcon(container); if (folderIcon != null) { FolderInfo folderInfo = (FolderInfo) folderIcon.getTag(); folderInfo.add(info, args.rank, false); } else { Log.e(TAG, "Could not find folder with id " + container + " to add shortcut."); } } } public FolderIcon findFolderIcon(final int folderIconId) { return (FolderIcon) mWorkspace.getHomescreenIconByItemId(folderIconId); } /** * Add a widget to the workspace. * * @param appWidgetId The app widget id */ @Thunk void completeAddAppWidget(int appWidgetId, ItemInfo itemInfo, AppWidgetHostView hostView, LauncherAppWidgetProviderInfo appWidgetInfo) { if (appWidgetInfo == null) { appWidgetInfo = mAppWidgetManager.getLauncherAppWidgetInfo(appWidgetId); } LauncherAppWidgetInfo launcherInfo; launcherInfo = new LauncherAppWidgetInfo(appWidgetId, appWidgetInfo.provider); launcherInfo.spanX = itemInfo.spanX; launcherInfo.spanY = itemInfo.spanY; launcherInfo.minSpanX = itemInfo.minSpanX; launcherInfo.minSpanY = itemInfo.minSpanY; launcherInfo.user = appWidgetInfo.getProfile(); getModelWriter().addItemToDatabase(launcherInfo, itemInfo.container, itemInfo.screenId, itemInfo.cellX, itemInfo.cellY); if (hostView == null) { // Perform actual inflation because we're live hostView = mAppWidgetHost.createView(this, appWidgetId, appWidgetInfo); } hostView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); prepareAppWidget(hostView, launcherInfo); mWorkspace.addInScreen(hostView, launcherInfo); } private void prepareAppWidget(AppWidgetHostView hostView, LauncherAppWidgetInfo item) { hostView.setTag(item); item.onBindAppWidget(this, hostView); hostView.setFocusable(true); hostView.setOnFocusChangeListener(mFocusHandler); } private final BroadcastReceiver mScreenOffReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { // Reset AllApps to its initial state only if we are not in the middle of // processing a multi-step drop if (mPendingRequestArgs == null) { mStateManager.goToState(NORMAL); } } }; public void updateNotificationDots(Predicate updatedDots) { mWorkspace.updateNotificationDots(updatedDots); mAppsView.getAppsStore().updateNotificationDots(updatedDots); } @Override public void onAttachedToWindow() { super.onAttachedToWindow(); if (mLauncherCallbacks != null) { mLauncherCallbacks.onAttachedToWindow(); } } @Override public void onDetachedFromWindow() { super.onDetachedFromWindow(); if (mLauncherCallbacks != null) { mLauncherCallbacks.onDetachedFromWindow(); } } public AllAppsTransitionController getAllAppsController() { return mAllAppsController; } @Override public LauncherRootView getRootView() { return (LauncherRootView) mLauncherView; } @Override public DragLayer getDragLayer() { return mDragLayer; } public AllAppsContainerView getAppsView() { return mAppsView; } public Workspace getWorkspace() { return mWorkspace; } public Hotseat getHotseat() { return mHotseat; } public T getOverviewPanel() { return (T) mOverviewPanel; } public DropTargetBar getDropTargetBar() { return mDropTargetBar; } public LauncherAppWidgetHost getAppWidgetHost() { return mAppWidgetHost; } public LauncherModel getModel() { return mModel; } public ModelWriter getModelWriter() { return mModelWriter; } public SharedPreferences getSharedPrefs() { return mSharedPrefs; } public int getOrientation() { return mOldConfig.orientation; } @Override protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { TraceHelper.beginSection("NEW_INTENT"); super.onNewIntent(intent); boolean alreadyOnHome = hasWindowFocus() && ((intent.getFlags() & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT) != Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT); // Check this condition before handling isActionMain, as this will get reset. boolean shouldMoveToDefaultScreen = alreadyOnHome && isInState(NORMAL) && AbstractFloatingView.getTopOpenView(this) == null; boolean isActionMain = Intent.ACTION_MAIN.equals(intent.getAction()); boolean internalStateHandled = InternalStateHandler .handleNewIntent(this, intent, isStarted()); if (isActionMain) { if (!internalStateHandled) { // In all these cases, only animate if we're already on home AbstractFloatingView.closeAllOpenViews(this, isStarted()); if (!isInState(NORMAL)) { // Only change state, if not already the same. This prevents cancelling any // animations running as part of resume mStateManager.goToState(NORMAL); } // Reset the apps view if (!alreadyOnHome) { mAppsView.reset(isStarted() /* animate */); } if (shouldMoveToDefaultScreen && !mWorkspace.isHandlingTouch()) { mWorkspace.post(mWorkspace::moveToDefaultScreen); } } // Handle HOME_INTENT UserEventDispatcher ued = getUserEventDispatcher(); Target target = newContainerTarget(mStateManager.getState().containerType); target.pageIndex = mWorkspace.getCurrentPage(); ued.logActionCommand(Action.Command.HOME_INTENT, target, newContainerTarget(ContainerType.WORKSPACE)); final View v = getWindow().peekDecorView(); if (v != null && v.getWindowToken() != null) { UiThreadHelper.hideKeyboardAsync(this, v.getWindowToken()); } if (mLauncherCallbacks != null) { mLauncherCallbacks.onHomeIntent(internalStateHandled); } } TraceHelper.endSection("NEW_INTENT"); } @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle state) { super.onRestoreInstanceState(state); mWorkspace.restoreInstanceStateForChild(mSynchronouslyBoundPage); } @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { if (mWorkspace.getChildCount() > 0) { outState.putInt(RUNTIME_STATE_CURRENT_SCREEN, mWorkspace.getNextPage()); } outState.putInt(RUNTIME_STATE, mStateManager.getState().ordinal); AbstractFloatingView widgets = AbstractFloatingView .getOpenView(this, AbstractFloatingView.TYPE_WIDGETS_FULL_SHEET); if (widgets != null) { SparseArray widgetsState = new SparseArray<>(); widgets.saveHierarchyState(widgetsState); outState.putSparseParcelableArray(RUNTIME_STATE_WIDGET_PANEL, widgetsState); } else { outState.remove(RUNTIME_STATE_WIDGET_PANEL); } // We close any open folders and shortcut containers that are not safe for rebind, // and we need to make sure this state is reflected. AbstractFloatingView.closeOpenViews(this, false, TYPE_ALL & ~TYPE_REBIND_SAFE); finishAutoCancelActionMode(); if (mPendingRequestArgs != null) { outState.putParcelable(RUNTIME_STATE_PENDING_REQUEST_ARGS, mPendingRequestArgs); } outState.putInt(RUNTIME_STATE_PENDING_REQUEST_CODE, mPendingActivityRequestCode); if (mPendingActivityResult != null) { outState.putParcelable(RUNTIME_STATE_PENDING_ACTIVITY_RESULT, mPendingActivityResult); } super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); if (mLauncherCallbacks != null) { mLauncherCallbacks.onSaveInstanceState(outState); } } @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); unregisterReceiver(mScreenOffReceiver); mWorkspace.removeFolderListeners(); if (mCancelTouchController != null) { mCancelTouchController.run(); mCancelTouchController = null; } // Stop callbacks from LauncherModel // It's possible to receive onDestroy after a new Launcher activity has // been created. In this case, don't interfere with the new Launcher. if (mModel.isCurrentCallbacks(this)) { mModel.stopLoader(); LauncherAppState.getInstance(this).setLauncher(null); } mRotationHelper.destroy(); try { mAppWidgetHost.stopListening(); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { Log.w(TAG, "problem while stopping AppWidgetHost during Launcher destruction", ex); } TextKeyListener.getInstance().release(); clearPendingBinds(); LauncherAppState.getIDP(this).removeOnChangeListener(this); if (mLauncherCallbacks != null) { mLauncherCallbacks.onDestroy(); } } public LauncherAccessibilityDelegate getAccessibilityDelegate() { return mAccessibilityDelegate; } public DragController getDragController() { return mDragController; } @Override public void startActivityForResult(Intent intent, int requestCode, Bundle options) { if (requestCode != -1) { mPendingActivityRequestCode = requestCode; } if (requestCode == -1 || !UiFactory.startActivityForResult(this, intent, requestCode, options)) { super.startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode, options); } } @Override public void startIntentSenderForResult(IntentSender intent, int requestCode, Intent fillInIntent, int flagsMask, int flagsValues, int extraFlags, Bundle options) { if (requestCode != -1) { mPendingActivityRequestCode = requestCode; } if (requestCode == -1 || !UiFactory.startIntentSenderForResult(this, intent, requestCode, fillInIntent, flagsMask, flagsValues, extraFlags, options)) { try { super.startIntentSenderForResult(intent, requestCode, fillInIntent, flagsMask, flagsValues, extraFlags, options); } catch (IntentSender.SendIntentException e) { throw new ActivityNotFoundException(); } } } /** * Indicates that we want global search for this activity by setting the globalSearch * argument for {@link #startSearch} to true. */ @Override public void startSearch(String initialQuery, boolean selectInitialQuery, Bundle appSearchData, boolean globalSearch) { if (appSearchData == null) { appSearchData = new Bundle(); appSearchData.putString("source", "launcher-search"); } if (mLauncherCallbacks == null || !mLauncherCallbacks.startSearch(initialQuery, selectInitialQuery, appSearchData)) { // Starting search from the callbacks failed. Start the default global search. super.startSearch(initialQuery, selectInitialQuery, appSearchData, true); } // We need to show the workspace after starting the search mStateManager.goToState(NORMAL); } public boolean isWorkspaceLocked() { return mWorkspaceLoading || mPendingRequestArgs != null; } public boolean isWorkspaceLoading() { return mWorkspaceLoading; } private void setWorkspaceLoading(boolean value) { mWorkspaceLoading = value; } public void setWaitingForResult(PendingRequestArgs args) { mPendingRequestArgs = args; } void addAppWidgetFromDropImpl(int appWidgetId, ItemInfo info, AppWidgetHostView boundWidget, WidgetAddFlowHandler addFlowHandler) { if (LOGD) { Log.d(TAG, "Adding widget from drop"); } addAppWidgetImpl(appWidgetId, info, boundWidget, addFlowHandler, 0); } void addAppWidgetImpl(int appWidgetId, ItemInfo info, AppWidgetHostView boundWidget, WidgetAddFlowHandler addFlowHandler, int delay) { if (!addFlowHandler.startConfigActivity(this, appWidgetId, info, REQUEST_CREATE_APPWIDGET)) { // If the configuration flow was not started, add the widget Runnable onComplete = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Exit spring loaded mode if necessary after adding the widget mStateManager.goToState(NORMAL, SPRING_LOADED_EXIT_DELAY); } }; completeAddAppWidget(appWidgetId, info, boundWidget, addFlowHandler.getProviderInfo(this)); mWorkspace.removeExtraEmptyScreenDelayed(true, onComplete, delay, false); } } public void addPendingItem(PendingAddItemInfo info, int container, int screenId, int[] cell, int spanX, int spanY) { info.container = container; info.screenId = screenId; if (cell != null) { info.cellX = cell[0]; info.cellY = cell[1]; } info.spanX = spanX; info.spanY = spanY; switch (info.itemType) { case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_CUSTOM_APPWIDGET: case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET: addAppWidgetFromDrop((PendingAddWidgetInfo) info); break; case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT: processShortcutFromDrop((PendingAddShortcutInfo) info); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown item type: " + info.itemType); } } /** * Process a shortcut drop. */ private void processShortcutFromDrop(PendingAddShortcutInfo info) { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CREATE_SHORTCUT).setComponent(info.componentName); setWaitingForResult(PendingRequestArgs.forIntent(REQUEST_CREATE_SHORTCUT, intent, info)); if (!info.activityInfo.startConfigActivity(this, REQUEST_CREATE_SHORTCUT)) { handleActivityResult(REQUEST_CREATE_SHORTCUT, RESULT_CANCELED, null); } } /** * Process a widget drop. */ private void addAppWidgetFromDrop(PendingAddWidgetInfo info) { AppWidgetHostView hostView = info.boundWidget; final int appWidgetId; WidgetAddFlowHandler addFlowHandler = info.getHandler(); if (hostView != null) { // In the case where we've prebound the widget, we remove it from the DragLayer if (LOGD) { Log.d(TAG, "Removing widget view from drag layer and setting boundWidget to null"); } getDragLayer().removeView(hostView); appWidgetId = hostView.getAppWidgetId(); addAppWidgetFromDropImpl(appWidgetId, info, hostView, addFlowHandler); // Clear the boundWidget so that it doesn't get destroyed. info.boundWidget = null; } else { // In this case, we either need to start an activity to get permission to bind // the widget, or we need to start an activity to configure the widget, or both. if (info.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_CUSTOM_APPWIDGET) { appWidgetId = CustomWidgetManager.INSTANCE.get(this).getWidgetIdForCustomProvider( info.componentName); } else { appWidgetId = getAppWidgetHost().allocateAppWidgetId(); } Bundle options = info.bindOptions; boolean success = mAppWidgetManager.bindAppWidgetIdIfAllowed( appWidgetId, info.info, options); if (success) { addAppWidgetFromDropImpl(appWidgetId, info, null, addFlowHandler); } else { addFlowHandler.startBindFlow(this, appWidgetId, info, REQUEST_BIND_APPWIDGET); } } } FolderIcon addFolder(CellLayout layout, int container, final int screenId, int cellX, int cellY) { final FolderInfo folderInfo = new FolderInfo(); folderInfo.title = ""; // Update the model getModelWriter().addItemToDatabase(folderInfo, container, screenId, cellX, cellY); // Create the view FolderIcon newFolder = FolderIcon.fromXml(R.layout.folder_icon, this, layout, folderInfo); mWorkspace.addInScreen(newFolder, folderInfo); // Force measure the new folder icon CellLayout parent = mWorkspace.getParentCellLayoutForView(newFolder); parent.getShortcutsAndWidgets().measureChild(newFolder); return newFolder; } /** * Unbinds the view for the specified item, and removes the item and all its children. * * @param v the view being removed. * @param itemInfo the {@link ItemInfo} for this view. * @param deleteFromDb whether or not to delete this item from the db. */ public boolean removeItem(View v, final ItemInfo itemInfo, boolean deleteFromDb) { if (itemInfo instanceof WorkspaceItemInfo) { // Remove the shortcut from the folder before removing it from launcher View folderIcon = mWorkspace.getHomescreenIconByItemId(itemInfo.container); if (folderIcon instanceof FolderIcon) { ((FolderInfo) folderIcon.getTag()).remove((WorkspaceItemInfo) itemInfo, true); } else { mWorkspace.removeWorkspaceItem(v); } if (deleteFromDb) { getModelWriter().deleteItemFromDatabase(itemInfo); } } else if (itemInfo instanceof FolderInfo) { final FolderInfo folderInfo = (FolderInfo) itemInfo; if (v instanceof FolderIcon) { ((FolderIcon) v).removeListeners(); } mWorkspace.removeWorkspaceItem(v); if (deleteFromDb) { getModelWriter().deleteFolderAndContentsFromDatabase(folderInfo); } } else if (itemInfo instanceof LauncherAppWidgetInfo) { final LauncherAppWidgetInfo widgetInfo = (LauncherAppWidgetInfo) itemInfo; mWorkspace.removeWorkspaceItem(v); if (deleteFromDb) { getModelWriter().deleteWidgetInfo(widgetInfo, getAppWidgetHost()); } } else { return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) { return (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME) || super.dispatchKeyEvent(event); } @Override public void onBackPressed() { if (finishAutoCancelActionMode()) { return; } if (mLauncherCallbacks != null && mLauncherCallbacks.handleBackPressed()) { return; } if (mDragController.isDragging()) { mDragController.cancelDrag(); return; } // Note: There should be at most one log per method call. This is enforced implicitly // by using if-else statements. UserEventDispatcher ued = getUserEventDispatcher(); AbstractFloatingView topView = AbstractFloatingView.getTopOpenView(this); if (topView != null && topView.onBackPressed()) { // Handled by the floating view. } else { mStateManager.getState().onBackPressed(this); } } @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.M) @Override public ActivityOptions getActivityLaunchOptions(View v) { return mAppTransitionManager.getActivityLaunchOptions(this, v); } public LauncherAppTransitionManager getAppTransitionManager() { return mAppTransitionManager; } @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.M) @Override protected boolean onErrorStartingShortcut(Intent intent, ItemInfo info) { // Due to legacy reasons, direct call shortcuts require Launchers to have the // corresponding permission. Show the appropriate permission prompt if that // is the case. if (intent.getComponent() == null && Intent.ACTION_CALL.equals(intent.getAction()) && checkSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.CALL_PHONE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { setWaitingForResult(PendingRequestArgs .forIntent(REQUEST_PERMISSION_CALL_PHONE, intent, info)); requestPermissions(new String[]{android.Manifest.permission.CALL_PHONE}, REQUEST_PERMISSION_CALL_PHONE); return true; } else { return false; } } @Override public int getCurrentState() { if (mStateManager.getState() == LauncherState.ALL_APPS) { return StatsLogUtils.LAUNCHER_STATE_ALLAPPS; } else if (mStateManager.getState() == OVERVIEW) { return StatsLogUtils.LAUNCHER_STATE_OVERVIEW; } return StatsLogUtils.LAUNCHER_STATE_HOME; } @Override public void modifyUserEvent(LauncherLogProto.LauncherEvent event) { if (event.srcTarget != null && event.srcTarget.length > 0 && event.srcTarget[1].containerType == ContainerType.PREDICTION) { Target[] targets = new Target[3]; targets[0] = event.srcTarget[0]; targets[1] = event.srcTarget[1]; targets[2] = newTarget(Target.Type.CONTAINER); event.srcTarget = targets; LauncherState state = mStateManager.getState(); if (state == LauncherState.ALL_APPS) { event.srcTarget[2].containerType = ContainerType.ALLAPPS; } else if (state == OVERVIEW) { event.srcTarget[2].containerType = ContainerType.TASKSWITCHER; } } } public boolean startActivitySafely(View v, Intent intent, ItemInfo item, @Nullable String sourceContainer) { if (!hasBeenResumed()) { // Workaround an issue where the WM launch animation is clobbered when finishing the // recents animation into launcher. Defer launching the activity until Launcher is // next resumed. addOnResumeCallback(() -> startActivitySafely(v, intent, item, sourceContainer)); UiFactory.clearSwipeSharedState(true /* finishAnimation */); return true; } boolean success = super.startActivitySafely(v, intent, item, sourceContainer); if (success && v instanceof BubbleTextView) { // This is set to the view that launched the activity that navigated the user away // from launcher. Since there is no callback for when the activity has finished // launching, enable the press state and keep this reference to reset the press // state when we return to launcher. BubbleTextView btv = (BubbleTextView) v; btv.setStayPressed(true); addOnResumeCallback(btv); } return success; } boolean isHotseatLayout(View layout) { // TODO: Remove this method return mHotseat != null && (layout == mHotseat); } /** * Returns the CellLayout of the specified container at the specified screen. */ public CellLayout getCellLayout(int container, int screenId) { return (container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT) ? mHotseat : mWorkspace.getScreenWithId(screenId); } @Override public void onTrimMemory(int level) { super.onTrimMemory(level); if (level >= ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN) { // The widget preview db can result in holding onto over // 3MB of memory for caching which isn't necessary. SQLiteDatabase.releaseMemory(); // This clears all widget bitmaps from the widget tray // TODO(hyunyoungs) } if (mLauncherCallbacks != null) { mLauncherCallbacks.onTrimMemory(level); } UiFactory.onTrimMemory(this, level); } @Override public boolean dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) { final boolean result = super.dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(event); final List text = event.getText(); text.clear(); // Populate event with a fake title based on the current state. // TODO: When can workspace be null? text.add(mWorkspace == null ? getString(R.string.all_apps_home_button_label) : mStateManager.getState().getDescription(this)); return result; } public void addOnResumeCallback(OnResumeCallback callback) { mOnResumeCallbacks.add(callback); } /** * Implementation of the method from LauncherModel.Callbacks. */ @Override public int getCurrentWorkspaceScreen() { if (mWorkspace != null) { return mWorkspace.getCurrentPage(); } else { return 0; } } /** * Clear any pending bind callbacks. This is called when is loader is planning to * perform a full rebind from scratch. */ @Override public void clearPendingBinds() { if (mPendingExecutor != null) { mPendingExecutor.markCompleted(); mPendingExecutor = null; // We might have set this flag previously and forgot to clear it. mAppsView.getAppsStore() .disableDeferUpdatesSilently(AllAppsStore.DEFER_UPDATES_NEXT_DRAW); } } /** * Refreshes the shortcuts shown on the workspace. * * Implementation of the method from LauncherModel.Callbacks. */ public void startBinding() { TraceHelper.beginSection("startBinding"); // Floating panels (except the full widget sheet) are associated with individual icons. If // we are starting a fresh bind, close all such panels as all the icons are about // to go away. AbstractFloatingView.closeOpenViews(this, true, TYPE_ALL & ~TYPE_REBIND_SAFE); setWorkspaceLoading(true); // Clear the workspace because it's going to be rebound mDragController.cancelDrag(); mWorkspace.clearDropTargets(); mWorkspace.removeAllWorkspaceScreens(); mAppWidgetHost.clearViews(); if (mHotseat != null) { mHotseat.resetLayout(getWallpaperDeviceProfile().isVerticalBarLayout()); } TraceHelper.endSection("startBinding"); } @Override public void bindScreens(IntArray orderedScreenIds) { // Make sure the first screen is always at the start. if (FeatureFlags.QSB_ON_FIRST_SCREEN && orderedScreenIds.indexOf(Workspace.FIRST_SCREEN_ID) != 0) { orderedScreenIds.removeValue(Workspace.FIRST_SCREEN_ID); orderedScreenIds.add(0, Workspace.FIRST_SCREEN_ID); } else if (!FeatureFlags.QSB_ON_FIRST_SCREEN && orderedScreenIds.isEmpty()) { // If there are no screens, we need to have an empty screen mWorkspace.addExtraEmptyScreen(); } bindAddScreens(orderedScreenIds); // After we have added all the screens, if the wallpaper was locked to the default state, // then notify to indicate that it can be released and a proper wallpaper offset can be // computed before the next layout mWorkspace.unlockWallpaperFromDefaultPageOnNextLayout(); } private void bindAddScreens(IntArray orderedScreenIds) { int count = orderedScreenIds.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int screenId = orderedScreenIds.get(i); if (!FeatureFlags.QSB_ON_FIRST_SCREEN || screenId != Workspace.FIRST_SCREEN_ID) { // No need to bind the first screen, as its always bound. mWorkspace.insertNewWorkspaceScreenBeforeEmptyScreen(screenId); } } } @Override public void preAddApps() { // If there's an undo snackbar, force it to complete to ensure empty screens are removed // before trying to add new items. mModelWriter.commitDelete(); AbstractFloatingView snackbar = AbstractFloatingView.getOpenView(this, TYPE_SNACKBAR); if (snackbar != null) { snackbar.post(() -> snackbar.close(true)); } } @Override public void bindAppsAdded(IntArray newScreens, ArrayList addNotAnimated, ArrayList addAnimated) { // Add the new screens if (newScreens != null) { bindAddScreens(newScreens); } // We add the items without animation on non-visible pages, and with // animations on the new page (which we will try and snap to). if (addNotAnimated != null && !addNotAnimated.isEmpty()) { bindItems(addNotAnimated, false); } if (addAnimated != null && !addAnimated.isEmpty()) { bindItems(addAnimated, true); } // Remove the extra empty screen mWorkspace.removeExtraEmptyScreen(false, false); } /** * Bind the items start-end from the list. * * Implementation of the method from LauncherModel.Callbacks. */ @Override public void bindItems(final List items, final boolean forceAnimateIcons) { // Get the list of added items and intersect them with the set of items here final Collection bounceAnims = new ArrayList<>(); final boolean animateIcons = forceAnimateIcons && canRunNewAppsAnimation(); Workspace workspace = mWorkspace; int newItemsScreenId = -1; int end = items.size(); for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { final ItemInfo item = items.get(i); // Short circuit if we are loading dock items for a configuration which has no dock if (item.container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT && mHotseat == null) { continue; } final View view; switch (item.itemType) { case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION: case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT: case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_DEEP_SHORTCUT: { WorkspaceItemInfo info = (WorkspaceItemInfo) item; view = createShortcut(info); break; } case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_FOLDER: { view = FolderIcon.fromXml(R.layout.folder_icon, this, (ViewGroup) workspace.getChildAt(workspace.getCurrentPage()), (FolderInfo) item); break; } case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET: case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_CUSTOM_APPWIDGET: { view = inflateAppWidget((LauncherAppWidgetInfo) item); if (view == null) { continue; } break; } default: throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Item Type"); } /* * Remove colliding items. */ if (item.container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP) { CellLayout cl = mWorkspace.getScreenWithId(item.screenId); if (cl != null && cl.isOccupied(item.cellX, item.cellY)) { View v = cl.getChildAt(item.cellX, item.cellY); Object tag = v.getTag(); String desc = "Collision while binding workspace item: " + item + ". Collides with " + tag; if (FeatureFlags.IS_DOGFOOD_BUILD) { throw (new RuntimeException(desc)); } else { Log.d(TAG, desc); getModelWriter().deleteItemFromDatabase(item); continue; } } } workspace.addInScreenFromBind(view, item); if (animateIcons) { // Animate all the applications up now view.setAlpha(0f); view.setScaleX(0f); view.setScaleY(0f); bounceAnims.add(createNewAppBounceAnimation(view, i)); newItemsScreenId = item.screenId; } } // Animate to the correct page if (animateIcons && newItemsScreenId > -1) { AnimatorSet anim = new AnimatorSet(); anim.playTogether(bounceAnims); int currentScreenId = mWorkspace.getScreenIdForPageIndex(mWorkspace.getNextPage()); final int newScreenIndex = mWorkspace.getPageIndexForScreenId(newItemsScreenId); final Runnable startBounceAnimRunnable = anim::start; if (newItemsScreenId != currentScreenId) { // We post the animation slightly delayed to prevent slowdowns // when we are loading right after we return to launcher. mWorkspace.postDelayed(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (mWorkspace != null) { AbstractFloatingView.closeAllOpenViews(Launcher.this, false); mWorkspace.snapToPage(newScreenIndex); mWorkspace.postDelayed(startBounceAnimRunnable, NEW_APPS_ANIMATION_DELAY); } } }, NEW_APPS_PAGE_MOVE_DELAY); } else { mWorkspace.postDelayed(startBounceAnimRunnable, NEW_APPS_ANIMATION_DELAY); } } workspace.requestLayout(); } /** * Add the views for a widget to the workspace. */ public void bindAppWidget(LauncherAppWidgetInfo item) { View view = inflateAppWidget(item); if (view != null) { mWorkspace.addInScreen(view, item); mWorkspace.requestLayout(); } } private View inflateAppWidget(LauncherAppWidgetInfo item) { if (item.hasOptionFlag(LauncherAppWidgetInfo.OPTION_SEARCH_WIDGET)) { item.providerName = QsbContainerView.getSearchComponentName(this); if (item.providerName == null) { getModelWriter().deleteItemFromDatabase(item); return null; } } if (mIsSafeModeEnabled) { PendingAppWidgetHostView view = new PendingAppWidgetHostView(this, item, mIconCache, true); prepareAppWidget(view, item); return view; } TraceHelper.beginSection("BIND_WIDGET"); final LauncherAppWidgetProviderInfo appWidgetInfo; if (item.hasRestoreFlag(LauncherAppWidgetInfo.FLAG_PROVIDER_NOT_READY)) { // If the provider is not ready, bind as a pending widget. appWidgetInfo = null; } else if (item.hasRestoreFlag(LauncherAppWidgetInfo.FLAG_ID_NOT_VALID)) { // The widget id is not valid. Try to find the widget based on the provider info. appWidgetInfo = mAppWidgetManager.findProvider(item.providerName, item.user); } else { appWidgetInfo = mAppWidgetManager.getLauncherAppWidgetInfo(item.appWidgetId); } // If the provider is ready, but the width is not yet restored, try to restore it. if (!item.hasRestoreFlag(LauncherAppWidgetInfo.FLAG_PROVIDER_NOT_READY) && (item.restoreStatus != LauncherAppWidgetInfo.RESTORE_COMPLETED)) { if (appWidgetInfo == null) { Log.d(TAG, "Removing restored widget: id=" + item.appWidgetId + " belongs to component " + item.providerName + ", as the provider is null"); getModelWriter().deleteItemFromDatabase(item); return null; } // If we do not have a valid id, try to bind an id. if (item.hasRestoreFlag(LauncherAppWidgetInfo.FLAG_ID_NOT_VALID)) { if (!item.hasRestoreFlag(LauncherAppWidgetInfo.FLAG_ID_ALLOCATED)) { // Id has not been allocated yet. Allocate a new id. item.appWidgetId = mAppWidgetHost.allocateAppWidgetId(); item.restoreStatus |= LauncherAppWidgetInfo.FLAG_ID_ALLOCATED; // Also try to bind the widget. If the bind fails, the user will be shown // a click to setup UI, which will ask for the bind permission. PendingAddWidgetInfo pendingInfo = new PendingAddWidgetInfo(appWidgetInfo); pendingInfo.spanX = item.spanX; pendingInfo.spanY = item.spanY; pendingInfo.minSpanX = item.minSpanX; pendingInfo.minSpanY = item.minSpanY; Bundle options = WidgetHostViewLoader.getDefaultOptionsForWidget(this, pendingInfo); boolean isDirectConfig = item.hasRestoreFlag(LauncherAppWidgetInfo.FLAG_DIRECT_CONFIG); if (isDirectConfig && item.bindOptions != null) { Bundle newOptions = item.bindOptions.getExtras(); if (options != null) { newOptions.putAll(options); } options = newOptions; } boolean success = mAppWidgetManager.bindAppWidgetIdIfAllowed( item.appWidgetId, appWidgetInfo, options); // We tried to bind once. If we were not able to bind, we would need to // go through the permission dialog, which means we cannot skip the config // activity. item.bindOptions = null; item.restoreStatus &= ~LauncherAppWidgetInfo.FLAG_DIRECT_CONFIG; // Bind succeeded if (success) { // If the widget has a configure activity, it is still needs to set it up, // otherwise the widget is ready to go. item.restoreStatus = (appWidgetInfo.configure == null) || isDirectConfig ? LauncherAppWidgetInfo.RESTORE_COMPLETED : LauncherAppWidgetInfo.FLAG_UI_NOT_READY; } getModelWriter().updateItemInDatabase(item); } } else if (item.hasRestoreFlag(LauncherAppWidgetInfo.FLAG_UI_NOT_READY) && (appWidgetInfo.configure == null)) { // The widget was marked as UI not ready, but there is no configure activity to // update the UI. item.restoreStatus = LauncherAppWidgetInfo.RESTORE_COMPLETED; getModelWriter().updateItemInDatabase(item); } } final AppWidgetHostView view; if (item.restoreStatus == LauncherAppWidgetInfo.RESTORE_COMPLETED) { // Verify that we own the widget if (appWidgetInfo == null) { FileLog.e(TAG, "Removing invalid widget: id=" + item.appWidgetId); getModelWriter().deleteWidgetInfo(item, getAppWidgetHost()); return null; } item.minSpanX = appWidgetInfo.minSpanX; item.minSpanY = appWidgetInfo.minSpanY; view = mAppWidgetHost.createView(this, item.appWidgetId, appWidgetInfo); } else { view = new PendingAppWidgetHostView(this, item, mIconCache, false); } prepareAppWidget(view, item); TraceHelper.endSection("BIND_WIDGET", "id=" + item.appWidgetId); return view; } /** * Restores a pending widget. * * @param appWidgetId The app widget id */ private LauncherAppWidgetInfo completeRestoreAppWidget(int appWidgetId, int finalRestoreFlag) { LauncherAppWidgetHostView view = mWorkspace.getWidgetForAppWidgetId(appWidgetId); if ((view == null) || !(view instanceof PendingAppWidgetHostView)) { Log.e(TAG, "Widget update called, when the widget no longer exists."); return null; } LauncherAppWidgetInfo info = (LauncherAppWidgetInfo) view.getTag(); info.restoreStatus = finalRestoreFlag; if (info.restoreStatus == LauncherAppWidgetInfo.RESTORE_COMPLETED) { info.pendingItemInfo = null; } if (((PendingAppWidgetHostView) view).isReinflateIfNeeded()) { view.reInflate(); } getModelWriter().updateItemInDatabase(info); return info; } public void onPageBoundSynchronously(int page) { mSynchronouslyBoundPage = page; } @Override public void executeOnNextDraw(ViewOnDrawExecutor executor) { clearPendingBinds(); mPendingExecutor = executor; if (!isInState(ALL_APPS)) { mAppsView.getAppsStore().enableDeferUpdates(AllAppsStore.DEFER_UPDATES_NEXT_DRAW); mPendingExecutor.execute(() -> mAppsView.getAppsStore().disableDeferUpdates( AllAppsStore.DEFER_UPDATES_NEXT_DRAW)); } executor.attachTo(this); } public void clearPendingExecutor(ViewOnDrawExecutor executor) { if (mPendingExecutor == executor) { mPendingExecutor = null; } } @Override public void finishFirstPageBind(final ViewOnDrawExecutor executor) { AlphaProperty property = mDragLayer.getAlphaProperty(ALPHA_INDEX_LAUNCHER_LOAD); if (property.getValue() < 1) { ObjectAnimator anim = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(property, MultiValueAlpha.VALUE, 1); if (executor != null) { anim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { executor.onLoadAnimationCompleted(); } }); } anim.start(); } else if (executor != null) { executor.onLoadAnimationCompleted(); } } /** * Callback saying that there aren't any more items to bind. * * Implementation of the method from LauncherModel.Callbacks. */ public void finishBindingItems(int pageBoundFirst) { TraceHelper.beginSection("finishBindingItems"); mWorkspace.restoreInstanceStateForRemainingPages(); setWorkspaceLoading(false); if (mPendingActivityResult != null) { handleActivityResult(mPendingActivityResult.requestCode, mPendingActivityResult.resultCode, mPendingActivityResult.data); mPendingActivityResult = null; } InstallShortcutReceiver.disableAndFlushInstallQueue( InstallShortcutReceiver.FLAG_LOADER_RUNNING, this); // When undoing the removal of the last item on a page, return to that page. // Since we are just resetting the current page without user interaction, // override the previous page so we don't log the page switch. mWorkspace.setCurrentPage(pageBoundFirst, pageBoundFirst /* overridePrevPage */); // Cache one page worth of icons getViewCache().setCacheSize(R.layout.folder_application, mDeviceProfile.inv.numFolderColumns * mDeviceProfile.inv.numFolderRows); getViewCache().setCacheSize(R.layout.folder_page, 2); TraceHelper.endSection("finishBindingItems"); } private boolean canRunNewAppsAnimation() { long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - mDragController.getLastGestureUpTime(); return diff > (NEW_APPS_ANIMATION_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS * 1000); } private ValueAnimator createNewAppBounceAnimation(View v, int i) { ValueAnimator bounceAnim = new PropertyListBuilder().alpha(1).scale(1).build(v) .setDuration(InstallShortcutReceiver.NEW_SHORTCUT_BOUNCE_DURATION); bounceAnim.setStartDelay(i * InstallShortcutReceiver.NEW_SHORTCUT_STAGGER_DELAY); bounceAnim.setInterpolator(new OvershootInterpolator(BOUNCE_ANIMATION_TENSION)); return bounceAnim; } /** * Add the icons for all apps. * * Implementation of the method from LauncherModel.Callbacks. */ public void bindAllApplications(AppInfo[] apps) { mAppsView.getAppsStore().setApps(apps); } /** * Copies LauncherModel's map of activities to shortcut counts to Launcher's. This is necessary * because LauncherModel's map is updated in the background, while Launcher runs on the UI. */ @Override public void bindDeepShortcutMap(HashMap deepShortcutMapCopy) { mPopupDataProvider.setDeepShortcutMap(deepShortcutMapCopy); } @Override public void bindPromiseAppProgressUpdated(PromiseAppInfo app) { mAppsView.getAppsStore().updatePromiseAppProgress(app); } @Override public void bindWidgetsRestored(ArrayList widgets) { mWorkspace.widgetsRestored(widgets); } /** * Some shortcuts were updated in the background. * Implementation of the method from LauncherModel.Callbacks. * * @param updated list of shortcuts which have changed. */ @Override public void bindWorkspaceItemsChanged(ArrayList updated) { if (!updated.isEmpty()) { mWorkspace.updateShortcuts(updated); } } /** * Update the state of a package, typically related to install state. * * Implementation of the method from LauncherModel.Callbacks. */ @Override public void bindRestoreItemsChange(HashSet updates) { mWorkspace.updateRestoreItems(updates); } /** * A package was uninstalled/updated. We take both the super set of packageNames * in addition to specific applications to remove, the reason being that * this can be called when a package is updated as well. In that scenario, * we only remove specific components from the workspace and hotseat, where as * package-removal should clear all items by package name. */ @Override public void bindWorkspaceComponentsRemoved(final ItemInfoMatcher matcher) { mWorkspace.removeItemsByMatcher(matcher); mDragController.onAppsRemoved(matcher); } @Override public void bindAllWidgets(final ArrayList allWidgets) { mPopupDataProvider.setAllWidgets(allWidgets); } /** * @param packageUser if null, refreshes all widgets and shortcuts, otherwise only * refreshes the widgets and shortcuts associated with the given package/user */ public void refreshAndBindWidgetsForPackageUser(@Nullable PackageUserKey packageUser) { mModel.refreshAndBindWidgetsAndShortcuts(packageUser); } /** * $ adb shell dumpsys activity com.android.launcher3.Launcher [--all] */ @Override public void dump(String prefix, FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter writer, String[] args) { super.dump(prefix, fd, writer, args); if (args.length > 0 && TextUtils.equals(args[0], "--all")) { writer.println(prefix + "Workspace Items"); for (int i = 0; i < mWorkspace.getPageCount(); i++) { writer.println(prefix + " Homescreen " + i); ViewGroup layout = ((CellLayout) mWorkspace.getPageAt(i)).getShortcutsAndWidgets(); for (int j = 0; j < layout.getChildCount(); j++) { Object tag = layout.getChildAt(j).getTag(); if (tag != null) { writer.println(prefix + " " + tag.toString()); } } } writer.println(prefix + " Hotseat"); ViewGroup layout = mHotseat.getShortcutsAndWidgets(); for (int j = 0; j < layout.getChildCount(); j++) { Object tag = layout.getChildAt(j).getTag(); if (tag != null) { writer.println(prefix + " " + tag.toString()); } } } writer.println(prefix + "Misc:"); dumpMisc(prefix + "\t", writer); writer.println(prefix + "\tmWorkspaceLoading=" + mWorkspaceLoading); writer.println(prefix + "\tmPendingRequestArgs=" + mPendingRequestArgs + " mPendingActivityResult=" + mPendingActivityResult); writer.println(prefix + "\tmRotationHelper: " + mRotationHelper); writer.println(prefix + "\tmAppWidgetHost.isListening: " + mAppWidgetHost.isListening()); // Extra logging for b/116853349 mDragLayer.dump(prefix, writer); mStateManager.dump(prefix, writer); try { FileLog.flushAll(writer); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore } mModel.dumpState(prefix, fd, writer, args); if (mLauncherCallbacks != null) { mLauncherCallbacks.dump(prefix, fd, writer, args); } } @Override public void onProvideKeyboardShortcuts( List data, Menu menu, int deviceId) { ArrayList shortcutInfos = new ArrayList<>(); if (isInState(NORMAL)) { shortcutInfos.add(new KeyboardShortcutInfo(getString(R.string.all_apps_button_label), KeyEvent.KEYCODE_A, KeyEvent.META_CTRL_ON)); shortcutInfos.add(new KeyboardShortcutInfo(getString(R.string.widget_button_text), KeyEvent.KEYCODE_W, KeyEvent.META_CTRL_ON)); } final View currentFocus = getCurrentFocus(); if (currentFocus != null) { if (new CustomActionsPopup(this, currentFocus).canShow()) { shortcutInfos.add(new KeyboardShortcutInfo(getString(R.string.custom_actions), KeyEvent.KEYCODE_O, KeyEvent.META_CTRL_ON)); } if (currentFocus.getTag() instanceof ItemInfo && ShortcutUtil.supportsShortcuts((ItemInfo) currentFocus.getTag())) { shortcutInfos.add(new KeyboardShortcutInfo( getString(R.string.shortcuts_menu_with_notifications_description), KeyEvent.KEYCODE_S, KeyEvent.META_CTRL_ON)); } } if (!shortcutInfos.isEmpty()) { data.add(new KeyboardShortcutGroup(getString(R.string.home_screen), shortcutInfos)); } super.onProvideKeyboardShortcuts(data, menu, deviceId); } @Override public boolean onKeyShortcut(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (event.hasModifiers(KeyEvent.META_CTRL_ON)) { switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_A: if (isInState(NORMAL)) { getStateManager().goToState(ALL_APPS); return true; } break; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_S: { View focusedView = getCurrentFocus(); if (focusedView instanceof BubbleTextView && focusedView.getTag() instanceof ItemInfo && mAccessibilityDelegate.performAction(focusedView, (ItemInfo) focusedView.getTag(), LauncherAccessibilityDelegate.DEEP_SHORTCUTS)) { PopupContainerWithArrow.getOpen(this).requestFocus(); return true; } break; } case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_O: if (new CustomActionsPopup(this, getCurrentFocus()).show()) { return true; } break; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_W: if (isInState(NORMAL)) { OptionsPopupView.openWidgets(this); return true; } break; } } return super.onKeyShortcut(keyCode, event); } @Override public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU) { // KEYCODE_MENU is sent by some tests, for example // LauncherJankTests#testWidgetsContainerFling. Don't just remove its handling. if (!mDragController.isDragging() && !mWorkspace.isSwitchingState() && isInState(NORMAL)) { // Close any open floating views. AbstractFloatingView.closeAllOpenViews(this); // Setting the touch point to (-1, -1) will show the options popup in the center of // the screen. OptionsPopupView.showDefaultOptions(this, -1, -1); } return true; } return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event); } public static Launcher getLauncher(Context context) { return (Launcher) fromContext(context); } @Override public void returnToHomescreen() { super.returnToHomescreen(); getStateManager().goToState(LauncherState.NORMAL); } /** * Just a wrapper around the type cast to allow easier tracking of calls. */ public static T cast(ActivityContext activityContext) { return (T) activityContext; } /** * Callback for listening for onResume */ public interface OnResumeCallback { void onLauncherResume(); } }