/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.launcher3; import android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.Paint.FontMetrics; import android.graphics.Point; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams; import android.view.ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import com.android.launcher3.config.FeatureFlags; public class DeviceProfile { public final InvariantDeviceProfile inv; // Device properties public final boolean isTablet; public final boolean isLargeTablet; public final boolean isPhone; public final boolean transposeLayoutWithOrientation; // Device properties in current orientation public final boolean isLandscape; public final int widthPx; public final int heightPx; public final int availableWidthPx; public final int availableHeightPx; /** * The maximum amount of left/right workspace padding as a percentage of the screen width. * To be clear, this means that up to 7% of the screen width can be used as left padding, and * 7% of the screen width can be used as right padding. */ private static final float MAX_HORIZONTAL_PADDING_PERCENT = 0.14f; // Overview mode private final int overviewModeMinIconZoneHeightPx; private final int overviewModeMaxIconZoneHeightPx; private final int overviewModeBarItemWidthPx; private final int overviewModeBarSpacerWidthPx; private final float overviewModeIconZoneRatio; // Workspace private int desiredWorkspaceLeftRightMarginPx; public final int edgeMarginPx; public final Rect defaultWidgetPadding; private final int pageIndicatorHeightPx; private final int defaultPageSpacingPx; private float dragViewScale; // Workspace icons public int iconSizePx; public int iconTextSizePx; public int iconDrawablePaddingPx; public int iconDrawablePaddingOriginalPx; public int cellWidthPx; public int cellHeightPx; // Folder public int folderBackgroundOffset; public int folderIconSizePx; public int folderIconPreviewPadding; public int folderCellWidthPx; public int folderCellHeightPx; // Hotseat public int hotseatCellWidthPx; public int hotseatCellHeightPx; public int hotseatIconSizePx; private int normalHotseatBarHeightPx, shortHotseatBarHeightPx; private int hotseatBarHeightPx; // One of the above. // All apps public int allAppsNumCols; public int allAppsNumPredictiveCols; public int allAppsButtonVisualSize; public final int allAppsIconSizePx; public final float allAppsIconTextSizeSp; // QSB private int searchBarWidgetInternalPaddingTop, searchBarWidgetInternalPaddingBottom; private int searchBarTopPaddingPx; private int tallSearchBarNegativeTopPaddingPx, normalSearchBarTopExtraPaddingPx; private int searchBarTopExtraPaddingPx; // One of the above. private int normalSearchBarBottomPaddingPx, tallSearchBarBottomPaddingPx; private int searchBarBottomPaddingPx; // One of the above. private int normalSearchBarSpaceHeightPx, tallSearchBarSpaceHeightPx; private int searchBarSpaceHeightPx; // One of the above. public DeviceProfile(Context context, InvariantDeviceProfile inv, Point minSize, Point maxSize, int width, int height, boolean isLandscape) { this.inv = inv; this.isLandscape = isLandscape; Resources res = context.getResources(); DisplayMetrics dm = res.getDisplayMetrics(); // Constants from resources isTablet = res.getBoolean(R.bool.is_tablet); isLargeTablet = res.getBoolean(R.bool.is_large_tablet); isPhone = !isTablet && !isLargeTablet; // Some more constants transposeLayoutWithOrientation = res.getBoolean(R.bool.hotseat_transpose_layout_with_orientation); ComponentName cn = new ComponentName(context.getPackageName(), this.getClass().getName()); defaultWidgetPadding = AppWidgetHostView.getDefaultPaddingForWidget(context, cn, null); edgeMarginPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dynamic_grid_edge_margin); desiredWorkspaceLeftRightMarginPx = 2 * edgeMarginPx; pageIndicatorHeightPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dynamic_grid_page_indicator_height); defaultPageSpacingPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dynamic_grid_workspace_page_spacing); overviewModeMinIconZoneHeightPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dynamic_grid_overview_min_icon_zone_height); overviewModeMaxIconZoneHeightPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dynamic_grid_overview_max_icon_zone_height); overviewModeBarItemWidthPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dynamic_grid_overview_bar_item_width); overviewModeBarSpacerWidthPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dynamic_grid_overview_bar_spacer_width); overviewModeIconZoneRatio = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_dynamic_grid_overview_icon_zone_percentage) / 100f; iconDrawablePaddingOriginalPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dynamic_grid_icon_drawable_padding); // AllApps uses the original non-scaled icon text size allAppsIconTextSizeSp = inv.iconTextSize; // AllApps uses the original non-scaled icon size allAppsIconSizePx = Utilities.pxFromDp(inv.iconSize, dm); // Determine sizes. widthPx = width; heightPx = height; if (isLandscape) { availableWidthPx = maxSize.x; availableHeightPx = minSize.y; } else { availableWidthPx = minSize.x; availableHeightPx = maxSize.y; } // Calculate the remaining vars updateAvailableDimensions(dm, res); computeAllAppsButtonSize(context); } /** * Determine the exact visual footprint of the all apps button, taking into account scaling * and internal padding of the drawable. */ private void computeAllAppsButtonSize(Context context) { Resources res = context.getResources(); float padding = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_allAppsButtonPaddingPercent) / 100f; allAppsButtonVisualSize = (int) (hotseatIconSizePx * (1 - padding)) - context.getResources() .getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.all_apps_button_scale_down); } private void updateAvailableDimensions(DisplayMetrics dm, Resources res) { // Check to see if the icons fit in the new available height. If not, then we need to // shrink the icon size. float scale = 1f; int drawablePadding = iconDrawablePaddingOriginalPx; updateIconSize(1f, drawablePadding, res, dm); float usedHeight = (cellHeightPx * inv.numRows); // We only care about the top and bottom workspace padding, which is not affected by RTL. Rect workspacePadding = getWorkspacePadding(false /* isLayoutRtl */); int maxHeight = (availableHeightPx - workspacePadding.top - workspacePadding.bottom); if (usedHeight > maxHeight) { scale = maxHeight / usedHeight; drawablePadding = 0; } updateIconSize(scale, drawablePadding, res, dm); } private void updateIconSize(float scale, int drawablePadding, Resources res, DisplayMetrics dm) { iconSizePx = (int) (Utilities.pxFromDp(inv.iconSize, dm) * scale); iconTextSizePx = (int) (Utilities.pxFromSp(inv.iconTextSize, dm) * scale); iconDrawablePaddingPx = drawablePadding; hotseatIconSizePx = (int) (Utilities.pxFromDp(inv.hotseatIconSize, dm) * scale); // Search Bar normalSearchBarSpaceHeightPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.dynamic_grid_search_bar_height); tallSearchBarSpaceHeightPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.dynamic_grid_search_bar_height_tall); searchBarWidgetInternalPaddingTop = res.getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.qsb_internal_padding_top); searchBarWidgetInternalPaddingBottom = res.getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.qsb_internal_padding_bottom); normalSearchBarTopExtraPaddingPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.dynamic_grid_search_bar_extra_top_padding); tallSearchBarNegativeTopPaddingPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.dynamic_grid_search_bar_negative_top_padding_short); if (isTablet && !isVerticalBarLayout()) { searchBarTopPaddingPx = searchBarWidgetInternalPaddingTop; normalSearchBarBottomPaddingPx = searchBarWidgetInternalPaddingBottom + res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dynamic_grid_search_bar_bottom_padding_tablet); tallSearchBarBottomPaddingPx = normalSearchBarBottomPaddingPx; } else { searchBarTopPaddingPx = searchBarWidgetInternalPaddingTop; normalSearchBarBottomPaddingPx = searchBarWidgetInternalPaddingBottom + res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dynamic_grid_search_bar_bottom_padding); tallSearchBarBottomPaddingPx = searchBarWidgetInternalPaddingBottom + res.getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.dynamic_grid_search_bar_bottom_negative_padding_short); } // Calculate the actual text height Paint textPaint = new Paint(); textPaint.setTextSize(iconTextSizePx); FontMetrics fm = textPaint.getFontMetrics(); cellWidthPx = iconSizePx; cellHeightPx = iconSizePx + iconDrawablePaddingPx + (int) Math.ceil(fm.bottom - fm.top); final float scaleDps = !FeatureFlags.LAUNCHER3_LEGACY_WORKSPACE_DND ? 0f : res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dragViewScale); dragViewScale = (iconSizePx + scaleDps) / iconSizePx; // Hotseat normalHotseatBarHeightPx = iconSizePx + 4 * edgeMarginPx; shortHotseatBarHeightPx = iconSizePx + 2 * edgeMarginPx; hotseatCellWidthPx = iconSizePx; hotseatCellHeightPx = iconSizePx; // Folder int folderCellPadding = isTablet || isLandscape ? 6 * edgeMarginPx : 3 * edgeMarginPx; // Don't let the folder get too close to the edges of the screen. folderCellWidthPx = Math.min(cellWidthPx + folderCellPadding, (availableWidthPx - 4 * edgeMarginPx) / inv.numFolderColumns); folderCellHeightPx = cellHeightPx + edgeMarginPx; folderBackgroundOffset = -edgeMarginPx; folderIconSizePx = iconSizePx + 2 * -folderBackgroundOffset; folderIconPreviewPadding = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.folder_preview_padding); } /** * @param recyclerViewWidth the available width of the AllAppsRecyclerView */ public void updateAppsViewNumCols(Resources res, int recyclerViewWidth) { int appsViewLeftMarginPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.all_apps_grid_view_start_margin); int allAppsCellWidthGap = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.all_apps_icon_width_gap); int availableAppsWidthPx = (recyclerViewWidth > 0) ? recyclerViewWidth : availableWidthPx; int numAppsCols = (availableAppsWidthPx + allAppsCellWidthGap - appsViewLeftMarginPx) / (allAppsIconSizePx + allAppsCellWidthGap); int numPredictiveAppCols = Math.max(inv.minAllAppsPredictionColumns, numAppsCols); allAppsNumCols = numAppsCols; allAppsNumPredictiveCols = numPredictiveAppCols; } /** Returns the amount of extra space to allocate to the search bar for vertical padding. */ private int getSearchBarTotalVerticalPadding() { return searchBarTopPaddingPx + searchBarTopExtraPaddingPx + searchBarBottomPaddingPx; } /** Returns the width and height of the search bar, ignoring any padding. */ public Point getSearchBarDimensForWidgetOpts(Resources res) { Rect searchBarBounds = getSearchBarBounds(Utilities.isRtl(res)); if (isVerticalBarLayout()) { return new Point(searchBarBounds.width(), searchBarBounds.height()); } int widgetInternalPadding = searchBarWidgetInternalPaddingTop + searchBarWidgetInternalPaddingBottom; return new Point(searchBarBounds.width(), searchBarSpaceHeightPx + widgetInternalPadding); } /** Returns the search bar bounds in the current orientation */ public Rect getSearchBarBounds(boolean isLayoutRtl) { Rect bounds = new Rect(); if (isVerticalBarLayout()) { if (isLayoutRtl) { bounds.set(availableWidthPx - normalSearchBarSpaceHeightPx, edgeMarginPx, availableWidthPx, availableHeightPx - edgeMarginPx); } else { bounds.set(0, edgeMarginPx, normalSearchBarSpaceHeightPx, availableHeightPx - edgeMarginPx); } } else { int boundsBottom = searchBarSpaceHeightPx + getSearchBarTotalVerticalPadding(); if (isTablet) { // Pad the left and right of the workspace to ensure consistent spacing // between all icons int width = getCurrentWidth(); // XXX: If the icon size changes across orientations, we will have to take // that into account here too. int gap = (int) ((width - 2 * edgeMarginPx - (inv.numColumns * cellWidthPx)) / (2 * (inv.numColumns + 1))); bounds.set(edgeMarginPx + gap, 0, availableWidthPx - (edgeMarginPx + gap), boundsBottom); } else { bounds.set(desiredWorkspaceLeftRightMarginPx - defaultWidgetPadding.left, 0, availableWidthPx - (desiredWorkspaceLeftRightMarginPx - defaultWidgetPadding.right), boundsBottom); } } return bounds; } public Point getCellSize() { Point result = new Point(); // Since we are only concerned with the overall padding, layout direction does // not matter. Rect padding = getWorkspacePadding(false /* isLayoutRtl */ ); result.x = calculateCellWidth(availableWidthPx - padding.left - padding.right, inv.numColumns); result.y = calculateCellHeight(availableHeightPx - padding.top - padding.bottom, inv.numRows); return result; } /** Returns the workspace padding in the specified orientation */ public Rect getWorkspacePadding(boolean isLayoutRtl) { Rect searchBarBounds = getSearchBarBounds(isLayoutRtl); Rect padding = new Rect(); if (isVerticalBarLayout()) { // Pad the left and right of the workspace with search/hotseat bar sizes if (isLayoutRtl) { padding.set(normalHotseatBarHeightPx, edgeMarginPx, searchBarBounds.width(), edgeMarginPx); } else { padding.set(searchBarBounds.width(), edgeMarginPx, normalHotseatBarHeightPx, edgeMarginPx); } } else { int paddingTop = searchBarBounds.bottom; int paddingBottom = hotseatBarHeightPx + pageIndicatorHeightPx; if (isTablet) { // Pad the left and right of the workspace to ensure consistent spacing // between all icons float gapScale = 1f + (dragViewScale - 1f) / 2f; int width = getCurrentWidth(); int height = getCurrentHeight(); // The amount of screen space available for left/right padding. int availablePaddingX = Math.max(0, width - (int) ((inv.numColumns * cellWidthPx) + ((inv.numColumns - 1) * gapScale * cellWidthPx))); availablePaddingX = (int) Math.min(availablePaddingX, width * MAX_HORIZONTAL_PADDING_PERCENT); int availablePaddingY = Math.max(0, height - paddingTop - paddingBottom - (int) (2 * inv.numRows * cellHeightPx)); padding.set(availablePaddingX / 2, paddingTop + availablePaddingY / 2, availablePaddingX / 2, paddingBottom + availablePaddingY / 2); } else { // Pad the top and bottom of the workspace with search/hotseat bar sizes padding.set(desiredWorkspaceLeftRightMarginPx - defaultWidgetPadding.left, paddingTop, desiredWorkspaceLeftRightMarginPx - defaultWidgetPadding.right, paddingBottom); } } return padding; } private int getWorkspacePageSpacing(boolean isLayoutRtl) { if (isVerticalBarLayout() || isLargeTablet) { // In landscape mode the page spacing is set to the default. return defaultPageSpacingPx; } else { // In portrait, we want the pages spaced such that there is no // overhang of the previous / next page into the current page viewport. // We assume symmetrical padding in portrait mode. return Math.max(defaultPageSpacingPx, 2 * getWorkspacePadding(isLayoutRtl).left); } } int getOverviewModeButtonBarHeight() { int zoneHeight = (int) (overviewModeIconZoneRatio * availableHeightPx); zoneHeight = Math.min(overviewModeMaxIconZoneHeightPx, Math.max(overviewModeMinIconZoneHeightPx, zoneHeight)); return zoneHeight; } // The rect returned will be extended to below the system ui that covers the workspace public boolean isInHotseatRect(int x, int y) { if (isVerticalBarLayout()) { return (x >= (availableWidthPx - hotseatBarHeightPx)) && (y >= 0) && (y <= availableHeightPx); } else { return (x >= 0) && (x <= availableWidthPx) && (y >= (availableHeightPx - hotseatBarHeightPx)); } } public static int calculateCellWidth(int width, int countX) { return width / countX; } public static int calculateCellHeight(int height, int countY) { return height / countY; } /** * When {@code true}, the device is in landscape mode and the hotseat is on the right column. * When {@code false}, either device is in portrait mode or the device is in landscape mode and * the hotseat is on the bottom row. */ public boolean isVerticalBarLayout() { return isLandscape && transposeLayoutWithOrientation; } boolean shouldFadeAdjacentWorkspaceScreens() { return isVerticalBarLayout() || isLargeTablet; } private int getVisibleChildCount(ViewGroup parent) { int visibleChildren = 0; for (int i = 0; i < parent.getChildCount(); i++) { if (parent.getChildAt(i).getVisibility() != View.GONE) { visibleChildren++; } } return visibleChildren; } // TODO(twickham): b/25154513 public void setSearchBarHeight(int searchBarHeight) { if (searchBarHeight == LauncherCallbacks.SEARCH_BAR_HEIGHT_TALL) { hotseatBarHeightPx = shortHotseatBarHeightPx; searchBarSpaceHeightPx = tallSearchBarSpaceHeightPx; searchBarBottomPaddingPx = tallSearchBarBottomPaddingPx; searchBarTopExtraPaddingPx = isPhone ? tallSearchBarNegativeTopPaddingPx : normalSearchBarTopExtraPaddingPx; } else { hotseatBarHeightPx = normalHotseatBarHeightPx; searchBarSpaceHeightPx = normalSearchBarSpaceHeightPx; searchBarBottomPaddingPx = normalSearchBarBottomPaddingPx; searchBarTopExtraPaddingPx = normalSearchBarTopExtraPaddingPx; } } public void layout(Launcher launcher) { FrameLayout.LayoutParams lp; boolean hasVerticalBarLayout = isVerticalBarLayout(); final boolean isLayoutRtl = Utilities.isRtl(launcher.getResources()); // Layout the search bar space Rect searchBarBounds = getSearchBarBounds(isLayoutRtl); View searchBar = launcher.getSearchDropTargetBar(); lp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) searchBar.getLayoutParams(); lp.width = searchBarBounds.width(); lp.height = searchBarBounds.height(); lp.topMargin = searchBarTopExtraPaddingPx; searchBar.setLayoutParams(lp); // Layout the app info bar space View appInfoBar = launcher.getAppInfoDropTargetBar(); lp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) appInfoBar.getLayoutParams(); lp.bottomMargin = hotseatBarHeightPx; appInfoBar.setLayoutParams(lp); // Layout the workspace PagedView workspace = (PagedView) launcher.findViewById(R.id.workspace); lp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) workspace.getLayoutParams(); lp.gravity = Gravity.CENTER; Rect padding = getWorkspacePadding(isLayoutRtl); workspace.setLayoutParams(lp); workspace.setPadding(padding.left, padding.top, padding.right, padding.bottom); workspace.setPageSpacing(getWorkspacePageSpacing(isLayoutRtl)); // Layout the hotseat View hotseat = launcher.findViewById(R.id.hotseat); lp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) hotseat.getLayoutParams(); // We want the edges of the hotseat to line up with the edges of the workspace, but the // icons in the hotseat are a different size, and so don't line up perfectly. To account for // this, we pad the left and right of the hotseat with half of the difference of a workspace // cell vs a hotseat cell. float workspaceCellWidth = (float) getCurrentWidth() / inv.numColumns; float hotseatCellWidth = (float) getCurrentWidth() / inv.numHotseatIcons; int hotseatAdjustment = Math.round((workspaceCellWidth - hotseatCellWidth) / 2); if (hasVerticalBarLayout) { // Vertical hotseat -- The hotseat is fixed in the layout to be on the right of the // screen regardless of RTL lp.gravity = Gravity.RIGHT; lp.width = normalHotseatBarHeightPx; lp.height = LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT; hotseat.findViewById(R.id.layout).setPadding(0, 2 * edgeMarginPx, 0, 2 * edgeMarginPx); } else if (isTablet) { // Pad the hotseat with the workspace padding calculated above lp.gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM; lp.width = LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT; lp.height = hotseatBarHeightPx; hotseat.findViewById(R.id.layout).setPadding( hotseatAdjustment + padding.left, 0, hotseatAdjustment + padding.right, 2 * edgeMarginPx); } else { // For phones, layout the hotseat without any bottom margin // to ensure that we have space for the folders lp.gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM; lp.width = LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT; lp.height = hotseatBarHeightPx; hotseat.findViewById(R.id.layout).setPadding( hotseatAdjustment + padding.left, 0, hotseatAdjustment + padding.right, 0); } hotseat.setLayoutParams(lp); // Layout the page indicators View pageIndicator = launcher.findViewById(R.id.page_indicator); if (pageIndicator != null) { if (hasVerticalBarLayout) { // Hide the page indicators when we have vertical search/hotseat pageIndicator.setVisibility(View.GONE); } else { // Put the page indicators above the hotseat lp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) pageIndicator.getLayoutParams(); lp.gravity = Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL | Gravity.BOTTOM; lp.width = LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; lp.bottomMargin = hotseatBarHeightPx; pageIndicator.setLayoutParams(lp); } } // Layout the Overview Mode ViewGroup overviewMode = launcher.getOverviewPanel(); if (overviewMode != null) { lp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) overviewMode.getLayoutParams(); lp.gravity = Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL | Gravity.BOTTOM; int visibleChildCount = getVisibleChildCount(overviewMode); int totalItemWidth = visibleChildCount * overviewModeBarItemWidthPx; int maxWidth = totalItemWidth + (visibleChildCount-1) * overviewModeBarSpacerWidthPx; lp.width = Math.min(availableWidthPx, maxWidth); lp.height = getOverviewModeButtonBarHeight(); overviewMode.setLayoutParams(lp); if (lp.width > totalItemWidth && visibleChildCount > 1) { // We have enough space. Lets add some margin too. int margin = (lp.width - totalItemWidth) / (visibleChildCount-1); View lastChild = null; // Set margin of all visible children except the last visible child for (int i = 0; i < visibleChildCount; i++) { if (lastChild != null) { MarginLayoutParams clp = (MarginLayoutParams) lastChild.getLayoutParams(); if (isLayoutRtl) { clp.leftMargin = margin; } else { clp.rightMargin = margin; } lastChild.setLayoutParams(clp); lastChild = null; } View thisChild = overviewMode.getChildAt(i); if (thisChild.getVisibility() != View.GONE) { lastChild = thisChild; } } } } } private int getCurrentWidth() { return isLandscape ? Math.max(widthPx, heightPx) : Math.min(widthPx, heightPx); } private int getCurrentHeight() { return isLandscape ? Math.min(widthPx, heightPx) : Math.max(widthPx, heightPx); } public static final int getContainerPadding(Context context, int availableWidth) { Resources res = context.getResources(); int maxSize = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.container_max_width); int minMargin = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.container_min_margin); if (maxSize > 0) { return Math.max(minMargin, (availableWidth - maxSize) / 2); } else { return Math.max(minMargin, (int) res.getFraction(R.fraction.container_margin, availableWidth, 1)); } } }