#pragma version(1) #pragma rs java_package_name(com.android.launcher2) #include "rs_graphics.rsh" #define PI 3.14159f // Constants from Java int COLUMNS_PER_PAGE_PORTRAIT; int ROWS_PER_PAGE_PORTRAIT; int COLUMNS_PER_PAGE_LANDSCAPE; int ROWS_PER_PAGE_LANDSCAPE; int gIconCount; int gSelectedIconIndex = -1; rs_allocation gSelectedIconTexture; rs_allocation gHomeButton; rs_program_fragment gPFTexNearest; rs_program_fragment gPFTexMip; rs_program_fragment gPFTexMipAlpha; rs_program_vertex gPVCurve; rs_program_store gPS; rs_mesh gSMCell; rs_allocation *gIconIDs; rs_allocation *gLabelIDs; typedef struct VpConsts { rs_matrix4x4 Proj; float4 Position; float4 ScaleOffset; float2 BendPos; float2 ImgSize; } VpConsts_t; VpConsts_t *vpConstants; #pragma rs export_func(move, moveTo, setZoom, fling) // Attraction to center values from page edge to page center. static float g_AttractionTable[9] = {20.f, 20.f, 20.f, 10.f, -10.f, -20.f, -20.f, -20.f, -20.f}; static float g_FrictionTable[9] = {10.f, 10.f, 11.f, 15.f, 15.f, 11.f, 10.f, 10.f, 10.f}; static float g_PhysicsTableSize = 7; static float gZoomTarget; float gTargetPos; static float g_PosPage = 0.f; static float g_PosVelocity = 0.f; static float g_LastPositionX = 0.f; static bool g_LastTouchDown = false; static float g_DT; static int g_PosMax; static float g_Zoom = 0.f; static float g_Animation = 1.f; static float g_OldPosPage; static float g_OldPosVelocity; static float g_OldZoom; static float g_MoveToTotalTime = 0.2f; static float g_MoveToTime = 0.f; static float g_MoveToOldPos = 0.f; static int g_Cols; static int g_Rows; rs_allocation g_VPConstAlloc; // Drawing constants, should be parameters ====== #define VIEW_ANGLE 1.28700222f static void updateReadback() { if ((g_OldPosPage != g_PosPage) || (g_OldPosVelocity != g_PosVelocity) || (g_OldZoom != g_Zoom)) { g_OldPosPage = g_PosPage; g_OldPosVelocity = g_PosVelocity; g_OldZoom = g_Zoom; int i[3]; i[0] = g_PosPage * (1 << 16); i[1] = g_PosVelocity * (1 << 16); i[2] = g_OldZoom * (1 << 16); rsSendToClientBlocking(1, &i[0], sizeof(i)); } } void init() { } void move(float newPos) { if (g_LastTouchDown) { float dx = -(newPos - g_LastPositionX); g_PosVelocity = 0; g_PosPage += dx * 5.2f; float pmin = -0.49f; float pmax = g_PosMax + 0.49f; g_PosPage = clamp(g_PosPage, pmin, pmax); } g_LastTouchDown = true; g_LastPositionX = newPos; g_MoveToTime = 0; } void moveTo(float targetPos) { gTargetPos = targetPos; g_MoveToTime = g_MoveToTotalTime; g_PosVelocity = 0; g_MoveToOldPos = g_PosPage; } void setZoom(float z, /*bool*/ int animate) { gZoomTarget = z; if (gZoomTarget < 0.001f) { gZoomTarget = 0; } if (!animate) { g_Zoom = gZoomTarget; } updateReadback(); } void fling(float newPos, float vel) { move(newPos); g_LastTouchDown = false; g_PosVelocity = -vel * 4; float av = fabs(g_PosVelocity); float minVel = 3.5f; minVel *= 1.f - (fabs(rsFrac(g_PosPage + 0.5f) - 0.5f) * 0.45f); if (av < minVel && av > 0.2f) { if (g_PosVelocity > 0) { g_PosVelocity = minVel; } else { g_PosVelocity = -minVel; } } if (g_PosPage <= 0) { g_PosVelocity = max(0.f, g_PosVelocity); } if (g_PosPage > g_PosMax) { g_PosVelocity = min(0.f, g_PosVelocity); } } // Interpolates values in the range 0..1 to a curve that eases in // and out. static float getInterpolation(float input) { return (cos((input + 1) * PI) * 0.5f) + 0.5f; } static void updatePos() { if (g_LastTouchDown) { return; } float tablePosNorm = rsFrac(g_PosPage + 0.5f); float tablePosF = tablePosNorm * g_PhysicsTableSize; int tablePosI = tablePosF; float tablePosFrac = tablePosF - tablePosI; float accel = mix(g_AttractionTable[tablePosI], g_AttractionTable[tablePosI + 1], tablePosFrac) * g_DT; float friction = mix(g_FrictionTable[tablePosI], g_FrictionTable[tablePosI + 1], tablePosFrac) * g_DT; if (g_MoveToTime) { // New position is old posiition + (total distance) * (interpolated time) g_PosPage = g_MoveToOldPos + (gTargetPos - g_MoveToOldPos) * getInterpolation((g_MoveToTotalTime - g_MoveToTime) / g_MoveToTotalTime); g_MoveToTime -= g_DT; if (g_MoveToTime <= 0) { g_MoveToTime = 0; g_PosPage = gTargetPos; } return; } // If our velocity is low OR acceleration is opposing it, apply it. if (fabs(g_PosVelocity) < 4.0f || (g_PosVelocity * accel) < 0) { g_PosVelocity += accel; } //RS_DEBUG(g_PosPage); //RS_DEBUG(g_PosVelocity); //RS_DEBUG(friction); //RS_DEBUG(accel); // Normal physics if (g_PosVelocity > 0) { g_PosVelocity -= friction; g_PosVelocity = max(g_PosVelocity, 0.f); } else { g_PosVelocity += friction; g_PosVelocity = min(g_PosVelocity, 0.f); } if ((friction > fabs(g_PosVelocity)) && (friction > fabs(accel))) { // Special get back to center and overcome friction physics. float t = tablePosNorm - 0.5f; if (fabs(t) < (friction * g_DT)) { // really close, just snap g_PosPage = round(g_PosPage); g_PosVelocity = 0; } else { if (t > 0) { g_PosVelocity = -friction; } else { g_PosVelocity = friction; } } } // Check for out of boundry conditions. if (g_PosPage < 0 && g_PosVelocity < 0) { float damp = 1.0f + (g_PosPage * 4); damp = clamp(damp, 0.f, 0.9f); g_PosVelocity *= damp; } if (g_PosPage > g_PosMax && g_PosVelocity > 0) { float damp = 1.0f - ((g_PosPage - g_PosMax) * 4); damp = clamp(damp, 0.f, 0.9f); g_PosVelocity *= damp; } g_PosPage += g_PosVelocity * g_DT; g_PosPage = clamp(g_PosPage, -0.49f, g_PosMax + 0.49f); } static void draw_home_button() { rsgBindTexture(gPFTexNearest, 0, gHomeButton); float w = rsgGetWidth(); float h = rsgGetHeight(); float tw = rsAllocationGetDimX(gHomeButton); float th = rsAllocationGetDimY(gHomeButton); float x; float y; if (w > h) { x = w - (tw * (1 - g_Animation)) + 20; y = (h - th) * 0.5f; } else { x = (w - tw) / 2; y = -g_Animation * th; y -= 30; // move the house to the edge of the screen as it doesn't fill the texture. } rsgDrawSpriteScreenspace(x, y, 0, tw, th); } static void drawFrontGrid(float rowOffset, float p) { float h = rsgGetHeight(); float w = rsgGetWidth(); int intRowOffset = rowOffset; float rowFrac = rowOffset - intRowOffset; float colWidth = 120.f;//w / 4; float rowHeight = colWidth + 25.f; float yoff = 0.5f * h + 1.5f * rowHeight; int row, col; int colCount = 4; if (w > h) { colCount = 6; rowHeight -= 12.f; yoff = 0.47f * h + 1.0f * rowHeight; } int iconNum = (intRowOffset - 5) * colCount; rsgBindProgramVertex(gPVCurve); vpConstants->Position.z = p; for (row = -5; row < 15; row++) { float y = yoff - ((-rowFrac + row) * rowHeight); for (col=0; col < colCount; col++) { if (iconNum >= gIconCount) { return; } if (iconNum >= 0) { float x = colWidth * col + (colWidth / 2); vpConstants->Position.x = x + 0.2f; if (gSelectedIconIndex == iconNum && !p && rsIsObject(gSelectedIconTexture)) { rsgBindProgramFragment(gPFTexNearest); rsgBindTexture(gPFTexNearest, 0, gSelectedIconTexture); vpConstants->ImgSize.x = rsAllocationGetDimX(gSelectedIconTexture); vpConstants->ImgSize.y = rsAllocationGetDimY(gSelectedIconTexture); vpConstants->Position.y = y - (rsAllocationGetDimY(gSelectedIconTexture) - rsAllocationGetDimY(gIconIDs[iconNum])) * 0.5f; rsAllocationMarkDirty(g_VPConstAlloc); rsgDrawMesh(gSMCell); } rsgBindProgramFragment(gPFTexMip); vpConstants->ImgSize.x = rsAllocationGetDimX(gIconIDs[iconNum]); vpConstants->ImgSize.y = rsAllocationGetDimY(gIconIDs[iconNum]); vpConstants->Position.y = y - 0.2f; rsAllocationMarkDirty(g_VPConstAlloc); rsgBindTexture(gPFTexMip, 0, gIconIDs[iconNum]); rsgDrawMesh(gSMCell); rsgBindProgramFragment(gPFTexMipAlpha); vpConstants->ImgSize.x = rsAllocationGetDimX(gLabelIDs[iconNum]); vpConstants->ImgSize.y = rsAllocationGetDimY(gLabelIDs[iconNum]); vpConstants->Position.y = y - 64.f - 0.2f; rsAllocationMarkDirty(g_VPConstAlloc); rsgBindTexture(gPFTexMipAlpha, 0, gLabelIDs[iconNum]); rsgDrawMesh(gSMCell); } iconNum++; } } } int root() { // Compute dt in seconds. // physics may break if DT is large. g_DT = min(rsGetDt(), 0.1f); g_VPConstAlloc = rsGetAllocation(vpConstants); if (g_Zoom != gZoomTarget) { float dz = g_DT * 1.7f; if (gZoomTarget < 0.5f) { dz = -dz; } if (fabs(g_Zoom - gZoomTarget) < fabs(dz)) { g_Zoom = gZoomTarget; } else { g_Zoom += dz; } updateReadback(); } g_Animation = pow(1.f - g_Zoom, 3.f); // Set clear value to dim the background based on the zoom position. if ((g_Zoom < 0.001f) && (gZoomTarget < 0.001f)) { rsgClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // When we're zoomed out and not tracking motion events, reset the pos to 0. if (!g_LastTouchDown) { g_PosPage = 0; } return 0; } else { rsgClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, g_Zoom); } rsgBindProgramStore(gPS); // icons & labels if (rsgGetWidth() > rsgGetHeight()) { g_Cols = COLUMNS_PER_PAGE_LANDSCAPE; g_Rows = ROWS_PER_PAGE_LANDSCAPE; } else { g_Cols = COLUMNS_PER_PAGE_PORTRAIT; g_Rows = ROWS_PER_PAGE_PORTRAIT; } g_PosMax = ((gIconCount + (g_Cols-1)) / g_Cols) - g_Rows; if (g_PosMax < 0) g_PosMax = 0; updatePos(); updateReadback(); // Draw the icons ======================================== drawFrontGrid(g_PosPage, g_Animation); rsgBindProgramFragment(gPFTexNearest); draw_home_button(); return (g_PosVelocity != 0) || rsFrac(g_PosPage) || g_Zoom != gZoomTarget || (g_MoveToTime != 0); }