package; import android.animation.AnimatorSet; import android.animation.ObjectAnimator; import android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder; import android.animation.ValueAnimator; import android.animation.ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener; import android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView; import android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo; import android.content.Context; import; import android.view.Gravity; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.ImageView; import; public class AppWidgetResizeFrame extends FrameLayout { private ItemInfo mItemInfo; private LauncherAppWidgetHostView mWidgetView; private CellLayout mCellLayout; private DragLayer mDragLayer; private Workspace mWorkspace; private ImageView mLeftHandle; private ImageView mRightHandle; private ImageView mTopHandle; private ImageView mBottomHandle; private boolean mLeftBorderActive; private boolean mRightBorderActive; private boolean mTopBorderActive; private boolean mBottomBorderActive; private int mWidgetPaddingLeft; private int mWidgetPaddingRight; private int mWidgetPaddingTop; private int mWidgetPaddingBottom; private int mBaselineWidth; private int mBaselineHeight; private int mBaselineX; private int mBaselineY; private int mResizeMode; private int mRunningHInc; private int mRunningVInc; private int mMinHSpan; private int mMinVSpan; private int mDeltaX; private int mDeltaY; private int mBackgroundPadding; private int mTouchTargetWidth; private int mExpandability[] = new int[4]; final int SNAP_DURATION = 150; final int BACKGROUND_PADDING = 24; final float DIMMED_HANDLE_ALPHA = 0f; final float RESIZE_THRESHOLD = 0.66f; public static final int LEFT = 0; public static final int TOP = 1; public static final int RIGHT = 2; public static final int BOTTOM = 3; private Launcher mLauncher; public AppWidgetResizeFrame(Context context, ItemInfo itemInfo, LauncherAppWidgetHostView widgetView, CellLayout cellLayout, DragLayer dragLayer) { super(context); mLauncher = (Launcher) context; mItemInfo = itemInfo; mCellLayout = cellLayout; mWidgetView = widgetView; mResizeMode = widgetView.getAppWidgetInfo().resizeMode; mDragLayer = dragLayer; mWorkspace = (Workspace) dragLayer.findViewById(; final AppWidgetProviderInfo info = widgetView.getAppWidgetInfo(); int[] result = mLauncher.getMinSpanForWidget(info, null); mMinHSpan = result[0]; mMinVSpan = result[1]; setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.widget_resize_frame_holo); setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0); LayoutParams lp; mLeftHandle = new ImageView(context); mLeftHandle.setImageResource(R.drawable.widget_resize_handle_left); lp = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, Gravity.LEFT | Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL); addView(mLeftHandle, lp); mRightHandle = new ImageView(context); mRightHandle.setImageResource(R.drawable.widget_resize_handle_right); lp = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, Gravity.RIGHT | Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL); addView(mRightHandle, lp); mTopHandle = new ImageView(context); mTopHandle.setImageResource(R.drawable.widget_resize_handle_top); lp = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL | Gravity.TOP); addView(mTopHandle, lp); mBottomHandle = new ImageView(context); mBottomHandle.setImageResource(R.drawable.widget_resize_handle_bottom); lp = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL | Gravity.BOTTOM); addView(mBottomHandle, lp); Rect p = AppWidgetHostView.getDefaultPaddingForWidget(context, widgetView.getAppWidgetInfo().provider, null); mWidgetPaddingLeft = p.left; mWidgetPaddingTop =; mWidgetPaddingRight = p.right; mWidgetPaddingBottom = p.bottom; if (mResizeMode == AppWidgetProviderInfo.RESIZE_HORIZONTAL) { mTopHandle.setVisibility(GONE); mBottomHandle.setVisibility(GONE); } else if (mResizeMode == AppWidgetProviderInfo.RESIZE_VERTICAL) { mLeftHandle.setVisibility(GONE); mRightHandle.setVisibility(GONE); } final float density = mLauncher.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; mBackgroundPadding = (int) Math.ceil(density * BACKGROUND_PADDING); mTouchTargetWidth = 2 * mBackgroundPadding; } public boolean beginResizeIfPointInRegion(int x, int y) { boolean horizontalActive = (mResizeMode & AppWidgetProviderInfo.RESIZE_HORIZONTAL) != 0; boolean verticalActive = (mResizeMode & AppWidgetProviderInfo.RESIZE_VERTICAL) != 0; mLeftBorderActive = (x < mTouchTargetWidth) && horizontalActive; mRightBorderActive = (x > getWidth() - mTouchTargetWidth) && horizontalActive; mTopBorderActive = (y < mTouchTargetWidth) && verticalActive; mBottomBorderActive = (y > getHeight() - mTouchTargetWidth) && verticalActive; boolean anyBordersActive = mLeftBorderActive || mRightBorderActive || mTopBorderActive || mBottomBorderActive; mBaselineWidth = getMeasuredWidth(); mBaselineHeight = getMeasuredHeight(); mBaselineX = getLeft(); mBaselineY = getTop(); mRunningHInc = 0; mRunningVInc = 0; if (anyBordersActive) { mLeftHandle.setAlpha(mLeftBorderActive ? 1.0f : DIMMED_HANDLE_ALPHA); mRightHandle.setAlpha(mRightBorderActive ? 1.0f :DIMMED_HANDLE_ALPHA); mTopHandle.setAlpha(mTopBorderActive ? 1.0f : DIMMED_HANDLE_ALPHA); mBottomHandle.setAlpha(mBottomBorderActive ? 1.0f : DIMMED_HANDLE_ALPHA); } mCellLayout.getExpandabilityArrayForView(mWidgetView, mExpandability); return anyBordersActive; } /** * Here we bound the deltas such that the frame cannot be stretched beyond the extents * of the CellLayout, and such that the frame's borders can't cross. */ public void updateDeltas(int deltaX, int deltaY) { if (mLeftBorderActive) { mDeltaX = Math.max(-mBaselineX, deltaX); mDeltaX = Math.min(mBaselineWidth - 2 * mTouchTargetWidth, mDeltaX); } else if (mRightBorderActive) { mDeltaX = Math.min(mDragLayer.getWidth() - (mBaselineX + mBaselineWidth), deltaX); mDeltaX = Math.max(-mBaselineWidth + 2 * mTouchTargetWidth, mDeltaX); } if (mTopBorderActive) { mDeltaY = Math.max(-mBaselineY, deltaY); mDeltaY = Math.min(mBaselineHeight - 2 * mTouchTargetWidth, mDeltaY); } else if (mBottomBorderActive) { mDeltaY = Math.min(mDragLayer.getHeight() - (mBaselineY + mBaselineHeight), deltaY); mDeltaY = Math.max(-mBaselineHeight + 2 * mTouchTargetWidth, mDeltaY); } } /** * Based on the deltas, we resize the frame, and, if needed, we resize the widget. */ public void visualizeResizeForDelta(int deltaX, int deltaY) { updateDeltas(deltaX, deltaY); DragLayer.LayoutParams lp = (DragLayer.LayoutParams) getLayoutParams(); if (mLeftBorderActive) { lp.x = mBaselineX + mDeltaX; lp.width = mBaselineWidth - mDeltaX; } else if (mRightBorderActive) { lp.width = mBaselineWidth + mDeltaX; } if (mTopBorderActive) { lp.y = mBaselineY + mDeltaY; lp.height = mBaselineHeight - mDeltaY; } else if (mBottomBorderActive) { lp.height = mBaselineHeight + mDeltaY; } resizeWidgetIfNeeded(); requestLayout(); } /** * Based on the current deltas, we determine if and how to resize the widget. */ private void resizeWidgetIfNeeded() { int xThreshold = mCellLayout.getCellWidth() + mCellLayout.getWidthGap(); int yThreshold = mCellLayout.getCellHeight() + mCellLayout.getHeightGap(); float hSpanIncF = 1.0f * mDeltaX / xThreshold - mRunningHInc; float vSpanIncF = 1.0f * mDeltaY / yThreshold - mRunningVInc; int hSpanInc = 0; int vSpanInc = 0; int cellXInc = 0; int cellYInc = 0; if (Math.abs(hSpanIncF) > RESIZE_THRESHOLD) { hSpanInc = Math.round(hSpanIncF); } if (Math.abs(vSpanIncF) > RESIZE_THRESHOLD) { vSpanInc = Math.round(vSpanIncF); } if (hSpanInc == 0 && vSpanInc == 0) return; // Before we change the widget, we clear the occupied cells associated with it. // The new set of occupied cells is marked below, once the layout params are updated. mCellLayout.markCellsAsUnoccupiedForView(mWidgetView); CellLayout.LayoutParams lp = (CellLayout.LayoutParams) mWidgetView.getLayoutParams(); // For each border, we bound the resizing based on the minimum width, and the maximum // expandability. if (mLeftBorderActive) { cellXInc = Math.max(-mExpandability[LEFT], hSpanInc); cellXInc = Math.min(lp.cellHSpan - mMinHSpan, cellXInc); hSpanInc *= -1; hSpanInc = Math.min(mExpandability[LEFT], hSpanInc); hSpanInc = Math.max(-(lp.cellHSpan - mMinHSpan), hSpanInc); mRunningHInc -= hSpanInc; } else if (mRightBorderActive) { hSpanInc = Math.min(mExpandability[RIGHT], hSpanInc); hSpanInc = Math.max(-(lp.cellHSpan - mMinHSpan), hSpanInc); mRunningHInc += hSpanInc; } if (mTopBorderActive) { cellYInc = Math.max(-mExpandability[TOP], vSpanInc); cellYInc = Math.min(lp.cellVSpan - mMinVSpan, cellYInc); vSpanInc *= -1; vSpanInc = Math.min(mExpandability[TOP], vSpanInc); vSpanInc = Math.max(-(lp.cellVSpan - mMinVSpan), vSpanInc); mRunningVInc -= vSpanInc; } else if (mBottomBorderActive) { vSpanInc = Math.min(mExpandability[BOTTOM], vSpanInc); vSpanInc = Math.max(-(lp.cellVSpan - mMinVSpan), vSpanInc); mRunningVInc += vSpanInc; } // Update the widget's dimensions and position according to the deltas computed above if (mLeftBorderActive || mRightBorderActive) { lp.cellHSpan += hSpanInc; lp.cellX += cellXInc; } if (mTopBorderActive || mBottomBorderActive) { lp.cellVSpan += vSpanInc; lp.cellY += cellYInc; } // Update the expandability array, as we have changed the widget's size. mCellLayout.getExpandabilityArrayForView(mWidgetView, mExpandability); // Update the cells occupied by this widget mCellLayout.markCellsAsOccupiedForView(mWidgetView); mWidgetView.requestLayout(); } /** * This is the final step of the resize. Here we save the new widget size and position * to LauncherModel and animate the resize frame. */ public void commitResizeForDelta(int deltaX, int deltaY) { visualizeResizeForDelta(deltaX, deltaY); CellLayout.LayoutParams lp = (CellLayout.LayoutParams) mWidgetView.getLayoutParams(); LauncherModel.resizeItemInDatabase(getContext(), mItemInfo, lp.cellX, lp.cellY, lp.cellHSpan, lp.cellVSpan); mWidgetView.requestLayout(); // Once our widget resizes (hence the post), we want to snap the resize frame to it post(new Runnable() { public void run() { snapToWidget(true); } }); } public void snapToWidget(boolean animate) { final DragLayer.LayoutParams lp = (DragLayer.LayoutParams) getLayoutParams(); int xOffset = mCellLayout.getLeft() + mCellLayout.getPaddingLeft() - mWorkspace.getScrollX(); int yOffset = mCellLayout.getTop() + mCellLayout.getPaddingTop() - mWorkspace.getScrollY(); int newWidth = mWidgetView.getWidth() + 2 * mBackgroundPadding - mWidgetPaddingLeft - mWidgetPaddingRight; int newHeight = mWidgetView.getHeight() + 2 * mBackgroundPadding - mWidgetPaddingTop - mWidgetPaddingBottom; int newX = mWidgetView.getLeft() - mBackgroundPadding + xOffset + mWidgetPaddingLeft; int newY = mWidgetView.getTop() - mBackgroundPadding + yOffset + mWidgetPaddingTop; // We need to make sure the frame stays within the bounds of the CellLayout if (newY < 0) { newHeight -= -newY; newY = 0; } if (newY + newHeight > mDragLayer.getHeight()) { newHeight -= newY + newHeight - mDragLayer.getHeight(); } if (!animate) { lp.width = newWidth; lp.height = newHeight; lp.x = newX; lp.y = newY; mLeftHandle.setAlpha(1.0f); mRightHandle.setAlpha(1.0f); mTopHandle.setAlpha(1.0f); mBottomHandle.setAlpha(1.0f); requestLayout(); } else { PropertyValuesHolder width = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("width", lp.width, newWidth); PropertyValuesHolder height = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("height", lp.height, newHeight); PropertyValuesHolder x = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("x", lp.x, newX); PropertyValuesHolder y = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("y", lp.y, newY); ObjectAnimator oa = ObjectAnimator.ofPropertyValuesHolder(lp, width, height, x, y); ObjectAnimator leftOa = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mLeftHandle, "alpha", 1.0f); ObjectAnimator rightOa = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mRightHandle, "alpha", 1.0f); ObjectAnimator topOa = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mTopHandle, "alpha", 1.0f); ObjectAnimator bottomOa = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mBottomHandle, "alpha", 1.0f); oa.addUpdateListener(new AnimatorUpdateListener() { public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) { requestLayout(); } }); AnimatorSet set = new AnimatorSet(); if (mResizeMode == AppWidgetProviderInfo.RESIZE_VERTICAL) { set.playTogether(oa, topOa, bottomOa); } else if (mResizeMode == AppWidgetProviderInfo.RESIZE_HORIZONTAL) { set.playTogether(oa, leftOa, rightOa); } else { set.playTogether(oa, leftOa, rightOa, topOa, bottomOa); } set.setDuration(SNAP_DURATION); set.start(); } } }