/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.launcher; import android.graphics.drawable.BitmapDrawable; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.graphics.drawable.PaintDrawable; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.PixelFormat; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.PaintFlagsDrawFilter; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.Context; /** * Various utilities shared amongst the Launcher's classes. */ final class Utilities { private static int sIconWidth = -1; private static int sIconHeight = -1; private static final Paint sPaint = new Paint(); private static final Rect sBounds = new Rect(); private static final Rect sOldBounds = new Rect(); private static Canvas sCanvas = new Canvas(); static { sCanvas.setDrawFilter(new PaintFlagsDrawFilter(Paint.DITHER_FLAG, Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG)); } static Bitmap centerToFit(Bitmap bitmap, int width, int height, Context context) { final int bitmapWidth = bitmap.getWidth(); final int bitmapHeight = bitmap.getHeight(); if (bitmapWidth < width || bitmapHeight < height) { int color = context.getResources().getColor(R.color.window_background); Bitmap centered = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmapWidth < width ? width : bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight < height ? height : bitmapHeight, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(centered); canvas.drawColor(color); canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, (width - bitmapWidth) / 2.0f, (height - bitmapHeight) / 2.0f, null); bitmap = centered; } return bitmap; } /** * Returns a Drawable representing the thumbnail of the specified Drawable. * The size of the thumbnail is defined by the dimension * android.R.dimen.launcher_application_icon_size. * * This method is not thread-safe and should be invoked on the UI thread only. * * @param icon The icon to get a thumbnail of. * @param context The application's context. * * @return A thumbnail for the specified icon or the icon itself if the * thumbnail could not be created. */ static Drawable createIconThumbnail(Drawable icon, Context context) { if (sIconWidth == -1) { final Resources resources = context.getResources(); sIconWidth = sIconHeight = (int) resources.getDimension(android.R.dimen.app_icon_size); } int width = sIconWidth; int height = sIconHeight; float scale = 1.0f; if (icon instanceof PaintDrawable) { PaintDrawable painter = (PaintDrawable) icon; painter.setIntrinsicWidth(width); painter.setIntrinsicHeight(height); } else if (icon instanceof BitmapDrawable) { float displayDensity = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; BitmapDrawable bitmapDrawable = (BitmapDrawable) icon; Bitmap bitmap = bitmapDrawable.getBitmap(); float iconDensity = bitmap.getDensityScale(); scale = displayDensity / iconDensity; // Scale the bitmap to the screen density size if it's not loaded at the same density. if (scale != 1.0f) { icon = bitmapDrawable = new BitmapDrawable(bitmap); bitmapDrawable.setDensityScale(scale); } } int iconWidth = icon.getIntrinsicWidth(); int iconHeight = icon.getIntrinsicHeight(); if (width > 0 && height > 0) { if (width < iconWidth || height < iconHeight || scale != 1.0f) { final float ratio = (float) iconWidth / iconHeight; if (iconWidth > iconHeight) { height = (int) (width / ratio); } else if (iconHeight > iconWidth) { width = (int) (height * ratio); } final Bitmap.Config c = icon.getOpacity() != PixelFormat.OPAQUE ? Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 : Bitmap.Config.RGB_565; final Bitmap thumb = Bitmap.createBitmap(sIconWidth, sIconHeight, c); final Canvas canvas = sCanvas; canvas.setBitmap(thumb); // Copy the old bounds to restore them later // If we were to do oldBounds = icon.getBounds(), // the call to setBounds() that follows would // change the same instance and we would lose the // old bounds sOldBounds.set(icon.getBounds()); final int x = (sIconWidth - width) / 2; final int y = (sIconHeight - height) / 2; icon.setBounds(x, y, x + width, y + height); icon.draw(canvas); icon.setBounds(sOldBounds); icon = new FastBitmapDrawable(thumb); } else if (iconWidth < width && iconHeight < height) { final Bitmap.Config c = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888; final Bitmap thumb = Bitmap.createBitmap(sIconWidth, sIconHeight, c); final Canvas canvas = sCanvas; canvas.setBitmap(thumb); sOldBounds.set(icon.getBounds()); final int x = (width - iconWidth) / 2; final int y = (height - iconHeight) / 2; icon.setBounds(x, y, x + iconWidth, y + iconHeight); icon.draw(canvas); icon.setBounds(sOldBounds); icon = new FastBitmapDrawable(thumb); } } return icon; } /** * Returns a Bitmap representing the thumbnail of the specified Bitmap. * The size of the thumbnail is defined by the dimension * android.R.dimen.launcher_application_icon_size. * * This method is not thread-safe and should be invoked on the UI thread only. * * @param bitmap The bitmap to get a thumbnail of. * @param context The application's context. * * @return A thumbnail for the specified bitmap or the bitmap itself if the * thumbnail could not be created. */ static Bitmap createBitmapThumbnail(Bitmap bitmap, Context context) { if (sIconWidth == -1) { final Resources resources = context.getResources(); sIconWidth = sIconHeight = (int) resources.getDimension( android.R.dimen.app_icon_size); } int width = sIconWidth; int height = sIconHeight; final int bitmapWidth = bitmap.getWidth(); final int bitmapHeight = bitmap.getHeight(); if (width > 0 && height > 0 && (width < bitmapWidth || height < bitmapHeight)) { final float ratio = (float) bitmapWidth / bitmapHeight; if (bitmapWidth > bitmapHeight) { height = (int) (width / ratio); } else if (bitmapHeight > bitmapWidth) { width = (int) (height * ratio); } final Bitmap.Config c = (width == sIconWidth && height == sIconHeight) ? bitmap.getConfig() : Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888; final Bitmap thumb = Bitmap.createBitmap(sIconWidth, sIconHeight, c); final Canvas canvas = sCanvas; final Paint paint = sPaint; canvas.setBitmap(thumb); paint.setDither(false); paint.setFilterBitmap(true); sBounds.set((sIconWidth - width) / 2, (sIconHeight - height) / 2, width, height); sOldBounds.set(0, 0, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight); canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, sOldBounds, sBounds, paint); return thumb; } return bitmap; } }