Copyright \u00A9 2013 The CyanogenMod Project 1.0 Menu Cancel Edit Lock homescreen Unlock homescreen Trebuchet settings Name Install date System Downloaded Reset Sort your apps Touch & hold the Apps tab to select your sort mode Hidden apps Homescreen is locked, unlock in settings to rearrange Settings Interface App Homescreen Screens and wallpaper General Homescreens Number of screens on the homescreen Default screen Choose the default homescreen Search bar Enable persistent search bar Grid size Choose the number of rows/columns on the homescreen Rows Columns Stretch screens Expand homescreens to fill the size of display Hide icon labels Hide homescreen icon labels Scrolling Transition effect Scrolling effect when scrolling homescreens Scroll wallpaper Scroll wallpaper when scrolling homescreens Wallpaper quick render Use wallpaper hack that increases smoothness on static image wallpapers Wallpaper size How many screens wide the wallpaper should be Fade side screens Fade the side screens when scrolling homescreens Show outlines Show screen outlines when scrolling homescreens Indicator Show page indicator Show current page indicator on the screen Fade indicator Fade away the indicator after the homescreen has changed Indicator position Choose where to show the indicator on the screen Drawer Apps and widgets drawer Orientation Choose which way the drawer scrolls Apps Hidden apps Hide apps from the drawer Hidden apps (shortcuts) Remove hidden apps\' shortcuts from homescreen Hidden apps (widgets) Remove hidden apps\' widgets from homescreen Widgets Join with apps Swipe from apps drawer to widgets drawer without changing tabs Scrolling Transition effect Scrolling effect when scrolling screens Fade side pages Fade the side pages when scrolling screens Indicator Show page indicator Show current page indicator at the bottom of the screen Fade indicator Fade away the indicator after the page has changed Indicator position Choose where to show the indicator on the screen Dock Show dock Show the dock underneath the homescreen Pages Number of pages in the dock Default page Choose the default page Icons Number of icons/columns in the dock Hide icon labels Hide dock icon labels Icon scale Scale of icons in the dock Show dock divider Show divider between homescreen and dock Icons General Auto-rotate screen Lock homescreen Lock shortcuts and folders positions in the homescreen, dock and apps and widgets drawer Fullscreen mode Hide the status bar to extend the homescreen No items found Icon pack Icon packs replace the default application icon Pick icon pack Default No icon packs installed Standard Tablet Zoom in Zoom out Rotate up Rotate down Cylinder in Cylinder out Cube in Cube out Spin Flip Stack Accordion Carousel left Carousel right Live folders Live folders allow app developers to create folders with dynamic content. Folder contents can be removed with a long press on a single entry. Unlike normal folders, items can only be added by the application creating the folder Conversations Google