"Launcher" "Android Core Apps" "Select wallpaper from" "Set wallpaper" "Wallpaper" "Application is not installed." "Widgets" "Touch & hold to pick up a widget" "Shop" "Could not drop item onto this home screen" "Select widget to create" "Folder name" "Rename folder" "OK" "Cancel" "Add to Home screen" "Applications" "Shortcuts" "Widgets" "Wallpaper" "No more room on this Home screen." "This widget is too large for the hot-seat." "%sShortcut \"\" created." "%sShortcut \"\" was removed." "%sShortcut \"\" already exists." "Select shortcut" "Select application" "Apps" "Home" "Remove" "Uninstall" "Remove" "Uninstall" "App info" "Search" "Voice Search" "Applications" "Remove" "Uninstall update" "Add" "Manage apps" "Wallpaper" "Search" "Notifications" "System settings" "Help" "Uninstall application" "Application details" "1 application selected" "1 widget selected" "1 folder selected" "1 shortcut selected" "install shortcuts" "Allows an application to add shortcuts without user intervention." "uninstall shortcuts" "Allows an application to remove shortcuts without user intervention." "read Home settings and short cuts" "Allows an application to read the settings and shortcuts in Home." "write Home settings and shortcuts" "Allows an application to change the settings and shortcuts in Home." "Problem loading widget" "This is a system application and cannot be uninstalled." "Rocket Launcher" "Unnamed Folder" "Make yourself at home" "You can put your favourite apps here." "To see all your apps, touch the circle." "Choose some apps" "To add an app to your home screen, touch & hold it." "Organise your apps with folders" "To move an app, touch & hold it." "To make a new folder on your home screen, stack one app on top of another." "OK"