path: root/src/com/cyanogenmod/trebuchet/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/com/cyanogenmod/trebuchet/')
1 files changed, 460 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/cyanogenmod/trebuchet/ b/src/com/cyanogenmod/trebuchet/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48d41160d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/cyanogenmod/trebuchet/
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+package com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet;
+import android.animation.AnimatorSet;
+import android.animation.ObjectAnimator;
+import android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder;
+import android.animation.ValueAnimator;
+import android.animation.ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener;
+import android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView;
+import android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo;
+import android.content.Context;
+import android.view.Gravity;
+import android.widget.FrameLayout;
+import android.widget.ImageView;
+public class AppWidgetResizeFrame extends FrameLayout {
+ private LauncherAppWidgetHostView mWidgetView;
+ private CellLayout mCellLayout;
+ private DragLayer mDragLayer;
+ private Workspace mWorkspace;
+ private ImageView mLeftHandle;
+ private ImageView mRightHandle;
+ private ImageView mTopHandle;
+ private ImageView mBottomHandle;
+ private boolean mLeftBorderActive;
+ private boolean mRightBorderActive;
+ private boolean mTopBorderActive;
+ private boolean mBottomBorderActive;
+ private int mWidgetPaddingLeft;
+ private int mWidgetPaddingRight;
+ private int mWidgetPaddingTop;
+ private int mWidgetPaddingBottom;
+ private int mBaselineWidth;
+ private int mBaselineHeight;
+ private int mBaselineX;
+ private int mBaselineY;
+ private int mResizeMode;
+ private int mRunningHInc;
+ private int mRunningVInc;
+ private int mMinHSpan;
+ private int mMinVSpan;
+ private int mDeltaX;
+ private int mDeltaY;
+ private int mDeltaXAddOn;
+ private int mDeltaYAddOn;
+ private int mBackgroundPadding;
+ private int mTouchTargetWidth;
+ private int mTopTouchRegionAdjustment = 0;
+ private int mBottomTouchRegionAdjustment = 0;
+ int[] mDirectionVector = new int[2];
+ int[] mLastDirectionVector = new int[2];
+ final int SNAP_DURATION = 150;
+ final int BACKGROUND_PADDING = 24;
+ final float DIMMED_HANDLE_ALPHA = 0f;
+ final float RESIZE_THRESHOLD = 0.66f;
+ private static Rect mTmpRect = new Rect();
+ private Launcher mLauncher;
+ public AppWidgetResizeFrame(Context context,
+ LauncherAppWidgetHostView widgetView, CellLayout cellLayout, DragLayer dragLayer) {
+ super(context);
+ mLauncher = (Launcher) context;
+ mCellLayout = cellLayout;
+ mWidgetView = widgetView;
+ mResizeMode = widgetView.getAppWidgetInfo().resizeMode;
+ mDragLayer = dragLayer;
+ mWorkspace = (Workspace) dragLayer.findViewById(;
+ final AppWidgetProviderInfo info = widgetView.getAppWidgetInfo();
+ int[] result = Launcher.getMinSpanForWidget(mLauncher, info);
+ mMinHSpan = result[0];
+ mMinVSpan = result[1];
+ setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.widget_resize_frame_holo);
+ setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ LayoutParams lp;
+ mLeftHandle = new ImageView(context);
+ mLeftHandle.setImageResource(R.drawable.widget_resize_handle_left);
+ lp = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,
+ Gravity.LEFT | Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL);
+ addView(mLeftHandle, lp);
+ mRightHandle = new ImageView(context);
+ mRightHandle.setImageResource(R.drawable.widget_resize_handle_right);
+ lp = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,
+ Gravity.RIGHT | Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL);
+ addView(mRightHandle, lp);
+ mTopHandle = new ImageView(context);
+ mTopHandle.setImageResource(R.drawable.widget_resize_handle_top);
+ lp = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,
+ Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL | Gravity.TOP);
+ addView(mTopHandle, lp);
+ mBottomHandle = new ImageView(context);
+ mBottomHandle.setImageResource(R.drawable.widget_resize_handle_bottom);
+ lp = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,
+ addView(mBottomHandle, lp);
+ Rect p = AppWidgetHostView.getDefaultPaddingForWidget(context,
+ widgetView.getAppWidgetInfo().provider, null);
+ mWidgetPaddingLeft = p.left;
+ mWidgetPaddingTop =;
+ mWidgetPaddingRight = p.right;
+ mWidgetPaddingBottom = p.bottom;
+ // Resize any widget
+ mResizeMode = AppWidgetProviderInfo.RESIZE_BOTH;
+ mMinHSpan = 1;
+ mMinVSpan = 1;
+ final float density = mLauncher.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
+ mBackgroundPadding = (int) Math.ceil(density * BACKGROUND_PADDING);
+ mTouchTargetWidth = 2 * mBackgroundPadding;
+ // When we create the resize frame, we first mark all cells as unoccupied. The appropriate
+ // cells (same if not resized, or different) will be marked as occupied when the resize
+ // frame is dismissed.
+ mCellLayout.markCellsAsUnoccupiedForView(mWidgetView);
+ }
+ public boolean beginResizeIfPointInRegion(int x, int y) {
+ boolean horizontalActive = (mResizeMode & AppWidgetProviderInfo.RESIZE_HORIZONTAL) != 0;
+ boolean verticalActive = (mResizeMode & AppWidgetProviderInfo.RESIZE_VERTICAL) != 0;
+ mLeftBorderActive = (x < mTouchTargetWidth) && horizontalActive;
+ mRightBorderActive = (x > getWidth() - mTouchTargetWidth) && horizontalActive;
+ mTopBorderActive = (y < mTouchTargetWidth + mTopTouchRegionAdjustment) && verticalActive;
+ mBottomBorderActive = (y > getHeight() - mTouchTargetWidth + mBottomTouchRegionAdjustment)
+ && verticalActive;
+ boolean anyBordersActive = mLeftBorderActive || mRightBorderActive
+ || mTopBorderActive || mBottomBorderActive;
+ mBaselineWidth = getMeasuredWidth();
+ mBaselineHeight = getMeasuredHeight();
+ mBaselineX = getLeft();
+ mBaselineY = getTop();
+ if (anyBordersActive) {
+ mLeftHandle.setAlpha(mLeftBorderActive ? 1.0f : DIMMED_HANDLE_ALPHA);
+ mRightHandle.setAlpha(mRightBorderActive ? 1.0f :DIMMED_HANDLE_ALPHA);
+ mTopHandle.setAlpha(mTopBorderActive ? 1.0f : DIMMED_HANDLE_ALPHA);
+ mBottomHandle.setAlpha(mBottomBorderActive ? 1.0f : DIMMED_HANDLE_ALPHA);
+ }
+ return anyBordersActive;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Here we bound the deltas such that the frame cannot be stretched beyond the extents
+ * of the CellLayout, and such that the frame's borders can't cross.
+ */
+ public void updateDeltas(int deltaX, int deltaY) {
+ if (mLeftBorderActive) {
+ mDeltaX = Math.max(-mBaselineX, deltaX);
+ mDeltaX = Math.min(mBaselineWidth - 2 * mTouchTargetWidth, mDeltaX);
+ } else if (mRightBorderActive) {
+ mDeltaX = Math.min(mDragLayer.getWidth() - (mBaselineX + mBaselineWidth), deltaX);
+ mDeltaX = Math.max(-mBaselineWidth + 2 * mTouchTargetWidth, mDeltaX);
+ }
+ if (mTopBorderActive) {
+ mDeltaY = Math.max(-mBaselineY, deltaY);
+ mDeltaY = Math.min(mBaselineHeight - 2 * mTouchTargetWidth, mDeltaY);
+ } else if (mBottomBorderActive) {
+ mDeltaY = Math.min(mDragLayer.getHeight() - (mBaselineY + mBaselineHeight), deltaY);
+ mDeltaY = Math.max(-mBaselineHeight + 2 * mTouchTargetWidth, mDeltaY);
+ }
+ }
+ public void visualizeResizeForDelta(int deltaX, int deltaY) {
+ visualizeResizeForDelta(deltaX, deltaY, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Based on the deltas, we resize the frame, and, if needed, we resize the widget.
+ */
+ private void visualizeResizeForDelta(int deltaX, int deltaY, boolean onDismiss) {
+ updateDeltas(deltaX, deltaY);
+ DragLayer.LayoutParams lp = (DragLayer.LayoutParams) getLayoutParams();
+ if (mLeftBorderActive) {
+ lp.x = mBaselineX + mDeltaX;
+ lp.width = mBaselineWidth - mDeltaX;
+ } else if (mRightBorderActive) {
+ lp.width = mBaselineWidth + mDeltaX;
+ }
+ if (mTopBorderActive) {
+ lp.y = mBaselineY + mDeltaY;
+ lp.height = mBaselineHeight - mDeltaY;
+ } else if (mBottomBorderActive) {
+ lp.height = mBaselineHeight + mDeltaY;
+ }
+ resizeWidgetIfNeeded(onDismiss);
+ requestLayout();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Based on the current deltas, we determine if and how to resize the widget.
+ */
+ private void resizeWidgetIfNeeded(boolean onDismiss) {
+ int xThreshold = mCellLayout.getCellWidth() + mCellLayout.getWidthGap();
+ int yThreshold = mCellLayout.getCellHeight() + mCellLayout.getHeightGap();
+ int deltaX = mDeltaX + mDeltaXAddOn;
+ int deltaY = mDeltaY + mDeltaYAddOn;
+ float hSpanIncF = 1.0f * deltaX / xThreshold - mRunningHInc;
+ float vSpanIncF = 1.0f * deltaY / yThreshold - mRunningVInc;
+ int hSpanInc = 0;
+ int vSpanInc = 0;
+ int cellXInc = 0;
+ int cellYInc = 0;
+ int countX = mCellLayout.getCountX();
+ int countY = mCellLayout.getCountY();
+ if (Math.abs(hSpanIncF) > RESIZE_THRESHOLD) {
+ hSpanInc = Math.round(hSpanIncF);
+ }
+ if (Math.abs(vSpanIncF) > RESIZE_THRESHOLD) {
+ vSpanInc = Math.round(vSpanIncF);
+ }
+ if (!onDismiss && (hSpanInc == 0 && vSpanInc == 0)) return;
+ CellLayout.LayoutParams lp = (CellLayout.LayoutParams) mWidgetView.getLayoutParams();
+ int spanX = lp.cellHSpan;
+ int spanY = lp.cellVSpan;
+ int cellX = lp.useTmpCoords ? lp.tmpCellX : lp.cellX;
+ int cellY = lp.useTmpCoords ? lp.tmpCellY : lp.cellY;
+ int hSpanDelta = 0;
+ int vSpanDelta = 0;
+ // For each border, we bound the resizing based on the minimum width, and the maximum
+ // expandability.
+ if (mLeftBorderActive) {
+ cellXInc = Math.max(-cellX, hSpanInc);
+ cellXInc = Math.min(lp.cellHSpan - mMinHSpan, cellXInc);
+ hSpanInc *= -1;
+ hSpanInc = Math.min(cellX, hSpanInc);
+ hSpanInc = Math.max(-(lp.cellHSpan - mMinHSpan), hSpanInc);
+ hSpanDelta = -hSpanInc;
+ } else if (mRightBorderActive) {
+ hSpanInc = Math.min(countX - (cellX + spanX), hSpanInc);
+ hSpanInc = Math.max(-(lp.cellHSpan - mMinHSpan), hSpanInc);
+ hSpanDelta = hSpanInc;
+ }
+ if (mTopBorderActive) {
+ cellYInc = Math.max(-cellY, vSpanInc);
+ cellYInc = Math.min(lp.cellVSpan - mMinVSpan, cellYInc);
+ vSpanInc *= -1;
+ vSpanInc = Math.min(cellY, vSpanInc);
+ vSpanInc = Math.max(-(lp.cellVSpan - mMinVSpan), vSpanInc);
+ vSpanDelta = -vSpanInc;
+ } else if (mBottomBorderActive) {
+ vSpanInc = Math.min(countY - (cellY + spanY), vSpanInc);
+ vSpanInc = Math.max(-(lp.cellVSpan - mMinVSpan), vSpanInc);
+ vSpanDelta = vSpanInc;
+ }
+ mDirectionVector[0] = 0;
+ mDirectionVector[1] = 0;
+ // Update the widget's dimensions and position according to the deltas computed above
+ if (mLeftBorderActive || mRightBorderActive) {
+ spanX += hSpanInc;
+ cellX += cellXInc;
+ if (hSpanDelta != 0) {
+ mDirectionVector[0] = mLeftBorderActive ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mTopBorderActive || mBottomBorderActive) {
+ spanY += vSpanInc;
+ cellY += cellYInc;
+ if (vSpanDelta != 0) {
+ mDirectionVector[1] = mTopBorderActive ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!onDismiss && vSpanDelta == 0 && hSpanDelta == 0) return;
+ // We always want the final commit to match the feedback, so we make sure to use the
+ // last used direction vector when committing the resize / reorder.
+ if (onDismiss) {
+ mDirectionVector[0] = mLastDirectionVector[0];
+ mDirectionVector[1] = mLastDirectionVector[1];
+ } else {
+ mLastDirectionVector[0] = mDirectionVector[0];
+ mLastDirectionVector[1] = mDirectionVector[1];
+ }
+ if (mCellLayout.createAreaForResize(cellX, cellY, spanX, spanY, mWidgetView,
+ mDirectionVector, onDismiss)) {
+ lp.tmpCellX = cellX;
+ lp.tmpCellY = cellY;
+ lp.cellHSpan = spanX;
+ lp.cellVSpan = spanY;
+ mRunningVInc += vSpanDelta;
+ mRunningHInc += hSpanDelta;
+ if (!onDismiss) {
+ updateWidgetSizeRanges(mWidgetView, mLauncher, spanX, spanY);
+ }
+ }
+ mWidgetView.requestLayout();
+ }
+ static void updateWidgetSizeRanges(AppWidgetHostView widgetView, Launcher launcher,
+ int spanX, int spanY) {
+ getWidgetSizeRanges(launcher, spanX, spanY, mTmpRect);
+ widgetView.updateAppWidgetSize(null, mTmpRect.left,,
+ mTmpRect.right, mTmpRect.bottom);
+ }
+ static Rect getWidgetSizeRanges(Launcher launcher, int spanX, int spanY, Rect rect) {
+ if (rect == null) {
+ rect = new Rect();
+ }
+ Rect landMetrics = Workspace.getCellLayoutMetrics(launcher, CellLayout.LANDSCAPE);
+ Rect portMetrics = Workspace.getCellLayoutMetrics(launcher, CellLayout.PORTRAIT);
+ final float density = launcher.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
+ // Compute landscape size
+ int cellWidth = landMetrics.left;
+ int cellHeight =;
+ int widthGap = landMetrics.right;
+ int heightGap = landMetrics.bottom;
+ int landWidth = (int) ((spanX * cellWidth + (spanX - 1) * widthGap) / density);
+ int landHeight = (int) ((spanY * cellHeight + (spanY - 1) * heightGap) / density);
+ // Compute portrait size
+ cellWidth = portMetrics.left;
+ cellHeight =;
+ widthGap = portMetrics.right;
+ heightGap = portMetrics.bottom;
+ int portWidth = (int) ((spanX * cellWidth + (spanX - 1) * widthGap) / density);
+ int portHeight = (int) ((spanY * cellHeight + (spanY - 1) * heightGap) / density);
+ rect.set(portWidth, landHeight, landWidth, portHeight);
+ return rect;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This is the final step of the resize. Here we save the new widget size and position
+ * to LauncherModel and animate the resize frame.
+ */
+ public void commitResize() {
+ resizeWidgetIfNeeded(true);
+ requestLayout();
+ }
+ public void onTouchUp() {
+ int xThreshold = mCellLayout.getCellWidth() + mCellLayout.getWidthGap();
+ int yThreshold = mCellLayout.getCellHeight() + mCellLayout.getHeightGap();
+ mDeltaXAddOn = mRunningHInc * xThreshold;
+ mDeltaYAddOn = mRunningVInc * yThreshold;
+ mDeltaX = 0;
+ mDeltaY = 0;
+ post(new Runnable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ snapToWidget(true);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ public void snapToWidget(boolean animate) {
+ final DragLayer.LayoutParams lp = (DragLayer.LayoutParams) getLayoutParams();
+ int xOffset = mCellLayout.getLeft() + mCellLayout.getPaddingLeft()
+ + mDragLayer.getPaddingLeft() - mWorkspace.getScrollX();
+ int yOffset = mCellLayout.getTop() + mCellLayout.getPaddingTop()
+ + mDragLayer.getPaddingTop() - mWorkspace.getScrollY();
+ int newWidth = mWidgetView.getWidth() + 2 * mBackgroundPadding - mWidgetPaddingLeft -
+ mWidgetPaddingRight;
+ int newHeight = mWidgetView.getHeight() + 2 * mBackgroundPadding - mWidgetPaddingTop -
+ mWidgetPaddingBottom;
+ int newX = mWidgetView.getLeft() - mBackgroundPadding + xOffset + mWidgetPaddingLeft;
+ int newY = mWidgetView.getTop() - mBackgroundPadding + yOffset + mWidgetPaddingTop;
+ // We need to make sure the frame's touchable regions lie fully within the bounds of the
+ // DragLayer. We allow the actual handles to be clipped, but we shift the touch regions
+ // down accordingly to provide a proper touch target.
+ if (newY < 0) {
+ // In this case we shift the touch region down to start at the top of the DragLayer
+ mTopTouchRegionAdjustment = -newY;
+ } else {
+ mTopTouchRegionAdjustment = 0;
+ }
+ if (newY + newHeight > mDragLayer.getHeight()) {
+ // In this case we shift the touch region up to end at the bottom of the DragLayer
+ mBottomTouchRegionAdjustment = -(newY + newHeight - mDragLayer.getHeight());
+ } else {
+ mBottomTouchRegionAdjustment = 0;
+ }
+ if (!animate) {
+ lp.width = newWidth;
+ lp.height = newHeight;
+ lp.x = newX;
+ lp.y = newY;
+ mLeftHandle.setAlpha(1.0f);
+ mRightHandle.setAlpha(1.0f);
+ mTopHandle.setAlpha(1.0f);
+ mBottomHandle.setAlpha(1.0f);
+ requestLayout();
+ } else {
+ PropertyValuesHolder width = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("width", lp.width, newWidth);
+ PropertyValuesHolder height = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("height", lp.height,
+ newHeight);
+ PropertyValuesHolder x = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("x", lp.x, newX);
+ PropertyValuesHolder y = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("y", lp.y, newY);
+ ObjectAnimator oa = LauncherAnimUtils.ofPropertyValuesHolder(lp, width, height, x, y);
+ ObjectAnimator leftOa = LauncherAnimUtils.ofFloat(mLeftHandle, "alpha", 1.0f);
+ ObjectAnimator rightOa = LauncherAnimUtils.ofFloat(mRightHandle, "alpha", 1.0f);
+ ObjectAnimator topOa = LauncherAnimUtils.ofFloat(mTopHandle, "alpha", 1.0f);
+ ObjectAnimator bottomOa = LauncherAnimUtils.ofFloat(mBottomHandle, "alpha", 1.0f);
+ oa.addUpdateListener(new AnimatorUpdateListener() {
+ public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
+ requestLayout();
+ }
+ });
+ AnimatorSet set = LauncherAnimUtils.createAnimatorSet();
+ if (mResizeMode == AppWidgetProviderInfo.RESIZE_VERTICAL) {
+ set.playTogether(oa, topOa, bottomOa);
+ } else if (mResizeMode == AppWidgetProviderInfo.RESIZE_HORIZONTAL) {
+ set.playTogether(oa, leftOa, rightOa);
+ } else {
+ set.playTogether(oa, leftOa, rightOa, topOa, bottomOa);
+ }
+ set.setDuration(SNAP_DURATION);
+ set.start();
+ }
+ }