/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.gallery3d.exif; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class ExifInterfaceTest extends ExifXmlDataTestCase { private File mTmpFile; private List>> mGroundTruth; private ExifInterface mInterface; private ExifTag mVersionTag; private ExifTag mGpsVersionTag; private ExifTag mModelTag; private ExifTag mDateTimeTag; private ExifTag mCompressionTag; private ExifTag mThumbnailFormatTag; private ExifTag mLongitudeTag; private ExifTag mShutterTag; Map mTestTags; Map mTagDefinitions; public ExifInterfaceTest(int imageRes, int xmlRes) { super(imageRes, xmlRes); } public ExifInterfaceTest(String imagePath, String xmlPath) { super(imagePath, xmlPath); } @MediumTest public void testInterface() throws Exception { InputStream imageInputStream = null; try { // Basic checks // Check if bitmap is valid byte[] imgData = Util.readToByteArray(getImageInputStream()); imageInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(imgData); checkBitmap(imageInputStream); // Check defines int tag = ExifInterface.defineTag(1, (short) 0x0100); assertTrue(getImageTitle(), tag == 0x00010100); int tagDef = mInterface.getTagDefinition((short) 0x0100, IfdId.TYPE_IFD_0); assertTrue(getImageTitle(), tagDef == 0x03040001); int[] allowed = ExifInterface.getAllowedIfdsFromInfo(mInterface.getTagInfo().get( ExifInterface.TAG_IMAGE_WIDTH)); assertTrue(getImageTitle(), allowed.length == 2 && allowed[0] == IfdId.TYPE_IFD_0 && allowed[1] == IfdId.TYPE_IFD_1); // Check if there are any initial tags assertTrue(getImageTitle(), mInterface.getAllTags() == null); // ///////// Basic read/write testing // Make sure we can read imageInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(imgData); mInterface.readExif(imageInputStream); // Check tags against ground truth checkTagsAgainstXml(mInterface.getAllTags()); // Make sure clearing Exif works mInterface.clearExif(); assertTrue(getImageTitle(), mInterface.getAllTags() == null); // Make sure setting tags works mInterface.setTags(mTestTags.values()); checkTagsAgainstHash(mInterface.getAllTags(), mTestTags); // Try writing over bitmap exif ByteArrayOutputStream imgModified = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); mInterface.writeExif(imgData, imgModified); // Check if bitmap is valid byte[] imgData2 = imgModified.toByteArray(); imageInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(imgData2); checkBitmap(imageInputStream); // Make sure we get the same tags out imageInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(imgData2); mInterface.readExif(imageInputStream); checkTagsAgainstHash(mInterface.getAllTags(), mTestTags); // Reread original image imageInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(imgData); mInterface.readExif(imageInputStream); // Write out with original exif imgModified = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); mInterface.writeExif(imgData2, imgModified); // Read back in exif and check tags imgData2 = imgModified.toByteArray(); imageInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(imgData2); mInterface.readExif(imageInputStream); checkTagsAgainstXml(mInterface.getAllTags()); // Check if bitmap is valid imageInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(imgData2); checkBitmap(imageInputStream); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(getImageTitle(), e); } finally { Util.closeSilently(imageInputStream); } } @MediumTest public void testInterfaceModify() throws Exception { // TODO: This test is dependent on galaxy_nexus jpeg/xml file. InputStream imageInputStream = null; try { // Check if bitmap is valid byte[] imgData = Util.readToByteArray(getImageInputStream()); imageInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(imgData); checkBitmap(imageInputStream); // ///////// Exif modifier testing. // Read exif and write to temp file imageInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(imgData); mInterface.readExif(imageInputStream); mInterface.writeExif(imgData, mTmpFile.getPath()); // Check if bitmap is valid imageInputStream = new FileInputStream(mTmpFile); checkBitmap(imageInputStream); // Create some tags to overwrite with ArrayList tags = new ArrayList(); tags.add(mInterface.buildTag(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, ExifInterface.Orientation.RIGHT_TOP)); tags.add(mInterface.buildTag(ExifInterface.TAG_USER_COMMENT, "goooooooooooooooooogle")); // Attempt to rewrite tags assertTrue(getImageTitle(), mInterface.rewriteExif(mTmpFile.getPath(), tags)); imageInputStream.close(); // Check if bitmap is valid imageInputStream = new FileInputStream(mTmpFile); checkBitmap(imageInputStream); // Read tags and check against xml mInterface.readExif(mTmpFile.getPath()); for (ExifTag t : mInterface.getAllTags()) { short tid = t.getTagId(); if (tid != ExifInterface.getTrueTagKey(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION) && tid != ExifInterface.getTrueTagKey(ExifInterface.TAG_USER_COMMENT)) { checkTagAgainstXml(t); } } assertTrue(getImageTitle(), mInterface.getTagIntValue(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION) .shortValue() == ExifInterface.Orientation.RIGHT_TOP); String valString = mInterface.getTagStringValue(ExifInterface.TAG_USER_COMMENT); assertTrue(getImageTitle(), valString.equals("goooooooooooooooooogle")); // Test forced modify // Create some tags to overwrite with tags = new ArrayList(); tags.add(mInterface.buildTag(ExifInterface.TAG_SOFTWARE, "magic super photomaker pro")); tags.add(mInterface.buildTag(ExifInterface.TAG_USER_COMMENT, "noodles")); tags.add(mInterface.buildTag(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, ExifInterface.Orientation.TOP_LEFT)); // Force rewrite tags mInterface.forceRewriteExif(mTmpFile.getPath(), tags); imageInputStream.close(); // Check if bitmap is valid imageInputStream = new FileInputStream(mTmpFile); checkBitmap(imageInputStream); // Read tags and check against xml mInterface.readExif(mTmpFile.getPath()); for (ExifTag t : mInterface.getAllTags()) { short tid = t.getTagId(); if (!ExifInterface.isOffsetTag(tid) && tid != ExifInterface.getTrueTagKey(ExifInterface.TAG_SOFTWARE) && tid != ExifInterface.getTrueTagKey(ExifInterface.TAG_USER_COMMENT)) { checkTagAgainstXml(t); } } valString = mInterface.getTagStringValue(ExifInterface.TAG_SOFTWARE); String compareString = "magic super photomaker pro\0"; assertTrue(getImageTitle(), valString.equals(compareString)); valString = mInterface.getTagStringValue(ExifInterface.TAG_USER_COMMENT); assertTrue(getImageTitle(), valString.equals("noodles")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(getImageTitle(), e); } finally { Util.closeSilently(imageInputStream); } } @MediumTest public void testInterfaceDefines() throws Exception { InputStream imageInputStream = null; try { // Check if bitmap is valid byte[] imgData = Util.readToByteArray(getImageInputStream()); imageInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(imgData); checkBitmap(imageInputStream); // Set some tags. mInterface.setTags(mTestTags.values()); // Check tag definitions against default for (Integer i : mTestTags.keySet()) { int check = mTagDefinitions.get(i).intValue(); int actual = mInterface.getTagInfo().get(i); assertTrue(check == actual); } // Check defines int tag1 = ExifInterface.defineTag(IfdId.TYPE_IFD_1, (short) 42); int tag2 = ExifInterface.defineTag(IfdId.TYPE_IFD_INTEROPERABILITY, (short) 43); assertTrue(tag1 == 0x0001002a); assertTrue(tag2 == 0x0003002b); // Define some non-standard tags assertTrue(mInterface.setTagDefinition((short) 42, IfdId.TYPE_IFD_1, ExifTag.TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (short) 16, new int[] { IfdId.TYPE_IFD_1 }) == tag1); assertTrue(mInterface.getTagInfo().get(tag1) == 0x02010010); assertTrue(mInterface.setTagDefinition((short) 43, IfdId.TYPE_IFD_INTEROPERABILITY, ExifTag.TYPE_ASCII, (short) 5, new int[] { IfdId.TYPE_IFD_GPS, IfdId.TYPE_IFD_INTEROPERABILITY }) == tag2); assertTrue(mInterface.getTagInfo().get(tag2) == 0x18020005); // Make sure these don't work assertTrue(mInterface.setTagDefinition((short) 42, IfdId.TYPE_IFD_1, ExifTag.TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (short) 16, new int[] { IfdId.TYPE_IFD_0 }) == ExifInterface.TAG_NULL); assertTrue(mInterface.setTagDefinition((short) 42, IfdId.TYPE_IFD_1, (short) 0, (short) 16, new int[] { IfdId.TYPE_IFD_1 }) == ExifInterface.TAG_NULL); assertTrue(mInterface.setTagDefinition((short) 42, 5, ExifTag.TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (short) 16, new int[] { 5 }) == ExifInterface.TAG_NULL); assertTrue(mInterface.setTagDefinition((short) 42, IfdId.TYPE_IFD_1, ExifTag.TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (short) 16, new int[] { -1 }) == ExifInterface.TAG_NULL); assertTrue(mInterface.setTagDefinition((short) 43, IfdId.TYPE_IFD_GPS, ExifTag.TYPE_ASCII, (short) 5, new int[] { IfdId.TYPE_IFD_GPS }) == ExifInterface.TAG_NULL); assertTrue(mInterface.setTagDefinition((short) 43, IfdId.TYPE_IFD_0, ExifTag.TYPE_ASCII, (short) 5, new int[] { IfdId.TYPE_IFD_0, IfdId.TYPE_IFD_GPS }) == ExifInterface.TAG_NULL); // Set some tags mInterface.setTags(mTestTags.values()); checkTagsAgainstHash(mInterface.getAllTags(), mTestTags); // Make some tags using new defines ExifTag defTag0 = mInterface.buildTag(tag1, new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 }); assertTrue(defTag0 != null); ExifTag defTag1 = mInterface.buildTag(tag2, "hihi"); assertTrue(defTag1 != null); ExifTag defTag2 = mInterface.buildTag(tag2, IfdId.TYPE_IFD_GPS, "byte"); assertTrue(defTag2 != null); // Make sure these don't work ExifTag badTag = mInterface.buildTag(tag1, new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 }); assertTrue(badTag == null); badTag = mInterface.buildTag(tag1, IfdId.TYPE_IFD_0, new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 }); assertTrue(badTag == null); badTag = mInterface.buildTag(0x0002002a, new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 }); assertTrue(badTag == null); badTag = mInterface.buildTag(tag2, new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 }); assertTrue(badTag == null); // Set the tags assertTrue(mInterface.setTag(defTag0) == null); assertTrue(mInterface.setTag(defTag1) == null); assertTrue(mInterface.setTag(defTag2) == null); assertTrue(mInterface.setTag(defTag0).equals(defTag0)); assertTrue(mInterface.setTag(null) == null); assertTrue(mInterface.setTagValue(tag2, "yoyo") == true); assertTrue(mInterface.setTagValue(tag2, "yaaarggg") == false); assertTrue(mInterface.getTagStringValue(tag2).equals("yoyo\0")); // Try writing over bitmap exif ByteArrayOutputStream imgModified = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); mInterface.writeExif(imgData, imgModified); // Check if bitmap is valid byte[] imgData2 = imgModified.toByteArray(); imageInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(imgData2); checkBitmap(imageInputStream); // Read back in the tags mInterface.readExif(imgData2); // Check tags for (ExifTag t : mInterface.getAllTags()) { int tid = t.getTagId(); if (tid != ExifInterface.getTrueTagKey(tag1) && tid != ExifInterface.getTrueTagKey(tag2)) { checkTagAgainstHash(t, mTestTags); } } assertTrue(Arrays.equals(mInterface.getTagByteValues(tag1), new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 })); assertTrue(mInterface.getTagStringValue(tag2).equals("yoyo\0")); assertTrue(mInterface.getTagStringValue(tag2, IfdId.TYPE_IFD_GPS).equals("byte\0")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(getImageTitle(), e); } finally { Util.closeSilently(imageInputStream); } } @MediumTest public void testInterfaceThumbnails() throws Exception { InputStream imageInputStream = null; try { // Check if bitmap is valid byte[] imgData = Util.readToByteArray(getImageInputStream()); imageInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(imgData); checkBitmap(imageInputStream); // Check thumbnails mInterface.readExif(imgData); Bitmap bmap = mInterface.getThumbnailBitmap(); assertTrue(getImageTitle(), bmap != null); // Make a new thumbnail and set it BitmapFactory.Options opts = new BitmapFactory.Options(); opts.inSampleSize = 16; Bitmap thumb = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(imgData, 0, imgData.length, opts); assertTrue(getImageTitle(), thumb != null); assertTrue(getImageTitle(), mInterface.setCompressedThumbnail(thumb) == true); // Write out image ByteArrayOutputStream outData = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); mInterface.writeExif(imgData, outData); // Make sure bitmap is still valid byte[] imgData2 = outData.toByteArray(); imageInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(imgData2); checkBitmap(imageInputStream); // Read in bitmap and make sure thumbnail is still valid mInterface.readExif(imgData2); bmap = mInterface.getThumbnailBitmap(); assertTrue(getImageTitle(), bmap != null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(getImageTitle(), e); } finally { Util.closeSilently(imageInputStream); } } @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); mTmpFile = File.createTempFile("exif_test", ".jpg"); mGroundTruth = ExifXmlReader.readXml(getXmlParser()); mInterface = new ExifInterface(); // TYPE_UNDEFINED with 4 components mVersionTag = mInterface.buildTag(ExifInterface.TAG_EXIF_VERSION, new byte[] { 5, 4, 3, 2 }); // TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE with 4 components mGpsVersionTag = mInterface.buildTag(ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_VERSION_ID, new byte[] { 6, 7, 8, 9 }); // TYPE ASCII with arbitary length mModelTag = mInterface.buildTag(ExifInterface.TAG_MODEL, "helloworld"); // TYPE_ASCII with 20 components mDateTimeTag = mInterface.buildTag(ExifInterface.TAG_DATE_TIME, "2013:02:11 20:20:20"); // TYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT with 1 components mCompressionTag = mInterface.buildTag(ExifInterface.TAG_COMPRESSION, 100); // TYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG with 1 components mThumbnailFormatTag = mInterface.buildTag(ExifInterface.TAG_JPEG_INTERCHANGE_FORMAT, 100); // TYPE_UNSIGNED_RATIONAL with 3 components mLongitudeTag = mInterface.buildTag(ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE, new Rational[] { new Rational(2, 2), new Rational(11, 11), new Rational(102, 102) }); // TYPE_RATIONAL with 1 components mShutterTag = mInterface .buildTag(ExifInterface.TAG_SHUTTER_SPEED_VALUE, new Rational(4, 6)); mTestTags = new HashMap(); mTestTags.put(ExifInterface.TAG_EXIF_VERSION, mVersionTag); mTestTags.put(ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_VERSION_ID, mGpsVersionTag); mTestTags.put(ExifInterface.TAG_MODEL, mModelTag); mTestTags.put(ExifInterface.TAG_DATE_TIME, mDateTimeTag); mTestTags.put(ExifInterface.TAG_COMPRESSION, mCompressionTag); mTestTags.put(ExifInterface.TAG_JPEG_INTERCHANGE_FORMAT, mThumbnailFormatTag); mTestTags.put(ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE, mLongitudeTag); mTestTags.put(ExifInterface.TAG_SHUTTER_SPEED_VALUE, mShutterTag); mTagDefinitions = new HashMap(); mTagDefinitions.put(ExifInterface.TAG_EXIF_VERSION, 0x04070004); mTagDefinitions.put(ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_VERSION_ID, 0x10010004); mTagDefinitions.put(ExifInterface.TAG_MODEL, 0x03020000); mTagDefinitions.put(ExifInterface.TAG_DATE_TIME, 0x03020014); mTagDefinitions.put(ExifInterface.TAG_COMPRESSION, 0x03030001); mTagDefinitions.put(ExifInterface.TAG_JPEG_INTERCHANGE_FORMAT, 0x02040001); mTagDefinitions.put(ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE, 0x100a0003); mTagDefinitions.put(ExifInterface.TAG_SHUTTER_SPEED_VALUE, 0x040a0001); } @Override public void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); mTmpFile.delete(); } // Helper functions private void checkTagAgainstXml(ExifTag tag) { List truth = mGroundTruth.get(tag.getIfd()).get(tag.getTagId()); if (truth == null) { fail(String.format("Unknown Tag %02x", tag.getTagId()) + ", " + getImageTitle()); } // No value from exiftool. if (truth.contains(null)) return; String dataString = Util.tagValueToString(tag).trim(); assertTrue(String.format("Tag %02x", tag.getTagId()) + ", " + getImageTitle() + ": " + dataString, truth.contains(dataString)); } private void checkTagsAgainstXml(List tags) { for (ExifTag t : tags) { checkTagAgainstXml(t); } } private void checkTagAgainstHash(ExifTag tag, Map testTags) { int tagdef = mInterface.getTagDefinitionForTag(tag); assertTrue(getImageTitle(), tagdef != ExifInterface.TAG_NULL); ExifTag t = testTags.get(tagdef); // Ignore offset tags & other special tags if (!ExifInterface.sBannedDefines.contains(tag.getTagId())) { assertTrue(getImageTitle(), t != null); } else { return; } if (t == tag) return; assertTrue(getImageTitle(), tag.equals(t)); assertTrue(getImageTitle(), tag.getDataType() == t.getDataType()); assertTrue(getImageTitle(), tag.getTagId() == t.getTagId()); assertTrue(getImageTitle(), tag.getIfd() == t.getIfd()); assertTrue(getImageTitle(), tag.getComponentCount() == t.getComponentCount()); } private void checkTagsAgainstHash(List tags, Map testTags) { for (ExifTag t : tags) { checkTagAgainstHash(t, testTags); } } private void checkBitmap(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream); assertTrue(getImageTitle(), bmp != null); } }