/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.imageshow; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.Matrix; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.Paint.Style; import android.graphics.Path; import android.graphics.RectF; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.imageshow.GeometryMetadata.FLIP; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.presets.ImagePreset; public abstract class ImageGeometry extends ImageShow { protected boolean mVisibilityGained = false; private boolean mHasDrawn = false; protected static final float MAX_STRAIGHTEN_ANGLE = 45; protected static final float MIN_STRAIGHTEN_ANGLE = -45; protected float mCenterX; protected float mCenterY; protected float mCurrentX; protected float mCurrentY; protected float mTouchCenterX; protected float mTouchCenterY; // Local geometry data private GeometryMetadata mLocalGeometry = null; private RectF mLocalDisplayBounds = null; protected float mXOffset = 0; protected float mYOffset = 0; protected enum MODES { NONE, DOWN, UP, MOVE } protected MODES mMode = MODES.NONE; private static final String LOGTAG = "ImageGeometry"; public ImageGeometry(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); } public ImageGeometry(Context context) { super(context); } private void setupLocalDisplayBounds(RectF b) { mLocalDisplayBounds = b; calculateLocalScalingFactorAndOffset(); } protected static float angleFor(float dx, float dy) { return (float) (Math.atan2(dx, dy) * 180 / Math.PI); } protected static int snappedAngle(float angle) { float remainder = angle % 90; int current = (int) (angle / 90); // truncates if (remainder < -45) { --current; } else if (remainder > 45) { ++current; } return current * 90; } protected float getCurrentTouchAngle() { if (mCurrentX == mTouchCenterX && mCurrentY == mTouchCenterY) { return 0; } float dX1 = mTouchCenterX - mCenterX; float dY1 = mTouchCenterY - mCenterY; float dX2 = mCurrentX - mCenterX; float dY2 = mCurrentY - mCenterY; float angleA = angleFor(dX1, dY1); float angleB = angleFor(dX2, dY2); return (angleB - angleA) % 360; } protected float computeScale(float width, float height) { float imageWidth = mLocalGeometry.getPhotoBounds().width(); float imageHeight = mLocalGeometry.getPhotoBounds().height(); return GeometryMath.scale(imageWidth, imageHeight, width, height); } private void calculateLocalScalingFactorAndOffset() { if (mLocalGeometry == null || mLocalDisplayBounds == null) return; RectF imageBounds = mLocalGeometry.getPhotoBounds(); float imageWidth = imageBounds.width(); float imageHeight = imageBounds.height(); float displayWidth = mLocalDisplayBounds.width(); float displayHeight = mLocalDisplayBounds.height(); mCenterX = displayWidth / 2; mCenterY = displayHeight / 2; mYOffset = (displayHeight - imageHeight) / 2.0f; mXOffset = (displayWidth - imageWidth) / 2.0f; updateScale(); } @Override public void resetParameter() { super.resetParameter(); setLocalRotation(0); setLocalStraighten(0); setLocalCropBounds(getLocalPhotoBounds()); setLocalFlip(FLIP.NONE); saveAndSetPreset(); invalidate(); } // Overwrites local with master public void syncLocalToMasterGeometry() { mLocalGeometry = getGeometry(); calculateLocalScalingFactorAndOffset(); } protected RectF getLocalPhotoBounds() { return mLocalGeometry.getPhotoBounds(); } protected RectF getLocalCropBounds() { return mLocalGeometry.getPreviewCropBounds(); } protected RectF getLocalDisplayBounds() { return new RectF(mLocalDisplayBounds); } protected float getLocalScale() { return mLocalGeometry.getScaleFactor(); } protected float getLocalRotation() { return mLocalGeometry.getRotation(); } protected float getLocalStraighten() { return mLocalGeometry.getStraightenRotation(); } protected void setLocalScale(float s) { mLocalGeometry.setScaleFactor(s); } protected void updateScale() { RectF bounds = getUntranslatedStraightenCropBounds(mLocalGeometry.getPhotoBounds(), getLocalStraighten()); float zoom = computeScale(bounds.width(), bounds.height()); setLocalScale(zoom); } protected void setLocalRotation(float r) { mLocalGeometry.setRotation(r); updateScale(); } /** * Constrains rotation to be in [0, 90, 180, 270]. */ protected int constrainedRotation(float rotation) { int r = (int) ((rotation % 360) / 90); r = (r < 0) ? (r + 4) : r; return r * 90; } protected boolean isHeightWidthSwapped() { return ((int) (getLocalRotation() / 90)) % 2 != 0; } protected void setLocalStraighten(float r) { mLocalGeometry.setStraightenRotation(r); updateScale(); } protected void setLocalCropBounds(RectF c) { mLocalGeometry.setCropBounds(c); updateScale(); } protected FLIP getLocalFlip() { return mLocalGeometry.getFlipType(); } protected void setLocalFlip(FLIP flip) { mLocalGeometry.setFlipType(flip); } protected float getTotalLocalRotation() { return getLocalRotation() + getLocalStraighten(); } protected static Path drawClosedPath(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float[] points) { Path crop = new Path(); crop.moveTo(points[0], points[1]); crop.lineTo(points[2], points[3]); crop.lineTo(points[4], points[5]); crop.lineTo(points[6], points[7]); crop.close(); canvas.drawPath(crop, paint); return crop; } protected static float getNewHeightForWidthAspect(float width, float w, float h) { return width * h / w; } protected static float getNewWidthForHeightAspect(float height, float w, float h) { return height * w / h; } @Override protected void onVisibilityChanged(View changedView, int visibility) { super.onVisibilityChanged(changedView, visibility); if (visibility == View.VISIBLE) { mVisibilityGained = true; MasterImage.getImage().invalidateFiltersOnly(); syncLocalToMasterGeometry(); updateScale(); gainedVisibility(); } else { if (mVisibilityGained == true && mHasDrawn == true) { lostVisibility(); } mVisibilityGained = false; mHasDrawn = false; } } protected void gainedVisibility() { // Override this stub. } protected void lostVisibility() { // Override this stub. } @Override protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh); setupLocalDisplayBounds(new RectF(0, 0, w, h)); } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { switch (event.getActionMasked()) { case (MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN): setActionDown(event.getX(), event.getY()); break; case (MotionEvent.ACTION_UP): setActionUp(); saveAndSetPreset(); break; case (MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE): setActionMove(event.getX(), event.getY()); break; default: setNoAction(); } invalidate(); return true; } protected int getLocalValue() { return 0; // Override this } protected void setActionDown(float x, float y) { mTouchCenterX = x; mTouchCenterY = y; mCurrentX = x; mCurrentY = y; mMode = MODES.DOWN; } protected void setActionMove(float x, float y) { mCurrentX = x; mCurrentY = y; mMode = MODES.MOVE; } protected void setActionUp() { mMode = MODES.UP; } protected void setNoAction() { mMode = MODES.NONE; } public String getName() { return "Geometry"; } public void saveAndSetPreset() { ImagePreset lastHistoryItem = MasterImage.getImage().getHistory().getLast(); if (lastHistoryItem != null && lastHistoryItem.historyName().equalsIgnoreCase(getName())) { getImagePreset().setGeometry(mLocalGeometry); resetImageCaches(this); } else { if (mLocalGeometry.hasModifications()) { ImagePreset copy = new ImagePreset(getImagePreset()); copy.setGeometry(mLocalGeometry); copy.setHistoryName(getName()); copy.setIsFx(false); MasterImage.getImage().setPreset(copy, true); } } invalidate(); } public static RectF getUntranslatedStraightenCropBounds(RectF imageRect, float straightenAngle) { float deg = straightenAngle; if (deg < 0) { deg = -deg; } double a = Math.toRadians(deg); double sina = Math.sin(a); double cosa = Math.cos(a); double rw = imageRect.width(); double rh = imageRect.height(); double h1 = rh * rh / (rw * sina + rh * cosa); double h2 = rh * rw / (rw * cosa + rh * sina); double hh = Math.min(h1, h2); double ww = hh * rw / rh; float left = (float) ((rw - ww) * 0.5f); float top = (float) ((rh - hh) * 0.5f); float right = (float) (left + ww); float bottom = (float) (top + hh); return new RectF(left, top, right, bottom); } protected RectF straightenBounds() { RectF bounds = getUntranslatedStraightenCropBounds(getLocalPhotoBounds(), getLocalStraighten()); float scale = computeScale(getWidth(), getHeight()); bounds = GeometryMath.scaleRect(bounds, scale); float dx = (getWidth() / 2) - bounds.centerX(); float dy = (getHeight() / 2) - bounds.centerY(); bounds.offset(dx, dy); return bounds; } protected static void drawRotatedShadows(Canvas canvas, Paint p, RectF innerBounds, RectF outerBounds, float rotation, float centerX, float centerY) { canvas.save(); canvas.rotate(rotation, centerX, centerY); float x = (outerBounds.left - outerBounds.right); float y = (outerBounds.top - outerBounds.bottom); float longest = (float) Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) / 2; float minX = centerX - longest; float maxX = centerX + longest; float minY = centerY - longest; float maxY = centerY + longest; canvas.drawRect(minX, minY, innerBounds.right, innerBounds.top, p); canvas.drawRect(minX, innerBounds.top, innerBounds.left, maxY, p); canvas.drawRect(innerBounds.left, innerBounds.bottom, maxX, maxY, p); canvas.drawRect(innerBounds.right, minY, maxX, innerBounds.bottom, p); canvas.rotate(-rotation, centerX, centerY); canvas.restore(); } protected void drawShadows(Canvas canvas, Paint p, RectF innerBounds) { float w = getWidth(); float h = getHeight(); canvas.drawRect(0f, 0f, w, innerBounds.top, p); canvas.drawRect(0f, innerBounds.top, innerBounds.left, innerBounds.bottom, p); canvas.drawRect(innerBounds.right, innerBounds.top, w, innerBounds.bottom, p); canvas.drawRect(0f, innerBounds.bottom, w, h, p); } @Override public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { Bitmap image = getFiltersOnlyImage(); if (image == null) { invalidate(); return; } mHasDrawn = true; drawShape(canvas, image); } protected void drawShape(Canvas canvas, Bitmap image) { // TODO: Override this stub. } /** * Sets up inputs for buildCenteredPhotoMatrix and buildWanderingCropMatrix * and returns the scale factor. */ protected float getTransformState(RectF photo, RectF crop, float[] displayCenter) { RectF photoBounds = getLocalPhotoBounds(); RectF cropBounds = getLocalCropBounds(); float scale = computeScale(getWidth(), getHeight()); // checks if local rotation is an odd multiple of 90. if (isHeightWidthSwapped()) { scale = computeScale(getHeight(), getWidth()); } // put in screen coordinates if (crop != null) { crop.set(GeometryMath.scaleRect(cropBounds, scale)); } if (photo != null) { photo.set(GeometryMath.scaleRect(photoBounds, scale)); } if (displayCenter != null && displayCenter.length >= 2) { displayCenter[0] = getWidth() / 2f; displayCenter[1] = getHeight() / 2f; } return scale; } protected RectF drawTransformed(Canvas canvas, Bitmap photo, Paint p, float[] offset) { p.setARGB(255, 0, 0, 0); float[] displayCenter = new float[2]; RectF scaledCrop = new RectF(); RectF scaledPhoto = new RectF(); float scale = getTransformState(scaledPhoto, scaledCrop, displayCenter); Matrix m = GeometryMetadata.buildCenteredPhotoMatrix(scaledPhoto, scaledCrop, getLocalRotation(), getLocalStraighten(), getLocalFlip(), displayCenter); Matrix m1 = GeometryMetadata.buildWanderingCropMatrix(scaledPhoto, scaledCrop, getLocalRotation(), getLocalStraighten(), getLocalFlip(), displayCenter); m1.mapRect(scaledCrop); Path path = new Path(); scaledCrop.offset(-offset[0], -offset[1]); path.addRect(scaledCrop, Path.Direction.CCW); m.preScale(scale, scale); m.postTranslate(-offset[0], -offset[1]); canvas.save(); canvas.drawBitmap(photo, m, p); canvas.restore(); p.setColor(Color.WHITE); p.setStyle(Style.STROKE); p.setStrokeWidth(2); canvas.drawPath(path, p); p.setColor(mBackgroundColor); p.setAlpha(128); p.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); drawShadows(canvas, p, scaledCrop); return scaledCrop; } protected void drawTransformedCropped(Canvas canvas, Bitmap photo, Paint p) { RectF photoBounds = getLocalPhotoBounds(); RectF cropBounds = getLocalCropBounds(); float imageWidth = cropBounds.width(); float imageHeight = cropBounds.height(); float scale = GeometryMath.scale(imageWidth, imageHeight, getWidth(), getHeight()); // checks if local rotation is an odd multiple of 90. if (isHeightWidthSwapped()) { scale = GeometryMath.scale(imageWidth, imageHeight, getHeight(), getWidth()); } // put in screen coordinates RectF scaledCrop = GeometryMath.scaleRect(cropBounds, scale); RectF scaledPhoto = GeometryMath.scaleRect(photoBounds, scale); float[] displayCenter = { getWidth() / 2f, getHeight() / 2f }; Matrix m1 = GeometryMetadata.buildWanderingCropMatrix(scaledPhoto, scaledCrop, getLocalRotation(), getLocalStraighten(), getLocalFlip(), displayCenter); float[] cropCenter = { scaledCrop.centerX(), scaledCrop.centerY() }; m1.mapPoints(cropCenter); GeometryMetadata.concatRecenterMatrix(m1, cropCenter, displayCenter); m1.preRotate(getLocalStraighten(), scaledPhoto.centerX(), scaledPhoto.centerY()); m1.preScale(scale, scale); p.setARGB(255, 0, 0, 0); canvas.save(); canvas.drawBitmap(photo, m1, p); canvas.restore(); p.setColor(mBackgroundColor); p.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); scaledCrop.offset(displayCenter[0] - scaledCrop.centerX(), displayCenter[1] - scaledCrop.centerY()); RectF display = new RectF(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); drawRotatedShadows(canvas, p, scaledCrop, display, getLocalRotation(), getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2); } }