/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.imageshow; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.Matrix; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.RectF; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.PopupMenu; import com.android.gallery3d.R; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.crop.BoundedRect; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.crop.CropExtras; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.crop.CropMath; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.editors.EditorCrop; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.ui.FramedTextButton; public class ImageCrop extends ImageGeometry { private static final boolean LOGV = false; // Sides private static final int MOVE_LEFT = 1; private static final int MOVE_TOP = 2; private static final int MOVE_RIGHT = 4; private static final int MOVE_BOTTOM = 8; private static final int MOVE_BLOCK = 16; // Corners private static final int TOP_LEFT = MOVE_TOP | MOVE_LEFT; private static final int TOP_RIGHT = MOVE_TOP | MOVE_RIGHT; private static final int BOTTOM_RIGHT = MOVE_BOTTOM | MOVE_RIGHT; private static final int BOTTOM_LEFT = MOVE_BOTTOM | MOVE_LEFT; private static int mMinSideSize = 100; private static int mTouchTolerance = 45; private boolean mFirstDraw = true; private float mAspectWidth = 1; private float mAspectHeight = 1; private boolean mFixAspectRatio = false; private float mLastRot = 0; private BoundedRect mBounded = null; private int movingEdges; private final Drawable cropIndicator; private final int indicatorSize; private final int mBorderColor = Color.argb(128, 255, 255, 255); // Offset between crop center and photo center private float[] mOffset = { 0, 0 }; private CropExtras mCropExtras = null; private boolean mDoingCropIntentAction = false; private static final String LOGTAG = "ImageCrop"; private String mAspect = ""; private static int mAspectTextSize = 24; private boolean mFixedAspect = false; private EditorCrop mEditorCrop; public static void setAspectTextSize(int textSize) { mAspectTextSize = textSize; } public void setAspectString(String a) { mAspect = a; } private static final Paint gPaint = new Paint(); public ImageCrop(Context context) { super(context); Resources resources = context.getResources(); cropIndicator = resources.getDrawable(R.drawable.camera_crop); indicatorSize = (int) resources.getDimension(R.dimen.crop_indicator_size); } public ImageCrop(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); Resources resources = context.getResources(); cropIndicator = resources.getDrawable(R.drawable.camera_crop); indicatorSize = (int) resources.getDimension(R.dimen.crop_indicator_size); } @Override public String getName() { return getContext().getString(R.string.crop); } private void swapAspect() { if (mDoingCropIntentAction) { return; } float temp = mAspectWidth; mAspectWidth = mAspectHeight; mAspectHeight = temp; } /** * Set tolerance for crop marker selection (in pixels) */ public static void setTouchTolerance(int tolerance) { mTouchTolerance = tolerance; } /** * Set minimum side length for crop box (in pixels) */ public static void setMinCropSize(int minHeightWidth) { mMinSideSize = minHeightWidth; } public void setExtras(CropExtras e) { mCropExtras = e; } public void setCropActionFlag(boolean f) { mDoingCropIntentAction = f; } public void apply(float w, float h) { mFixAspectRatio = true; mAspectWidth = w; mAspectHeight = h; setLocalCropBounds(getUntranslatedStraightenCropBounds(getLocalPhotoBounds(), getLocalStraighten())); cropSetup(); saveAndSetPreset(); invalidate(); } public void applyOriginal() { mFixAspectRatio = true; RectF photobounds = getLocalPhotoBounds(); float w = photobounds.width(); float h = photobounds.height(); float scale = Math.min(w, h); mAspectWidth = w / scale; mAspectHeight = h / scale; setLocalCropBounds(getUntranslatedStraightenCropBounds(photobounds, getLocalStraighten())); cropSetup(); saveAndSetPreset(); invalidate(); } public void applyClear() { mFixAspectRatio = false; mAspectWidth = 1; mAspectHeight = 1; setLocalCropBounds(getUntranslatedStraightenCropBounds(getLocalPhotoBounds(), getLocalStraighten())); cropSetup(); saveAndSetPreset(); invalidate(); } public void clear() { if (mCropExtras != null) { int x = mCropExtras.getAspectX(); int y = mCropExtras.getAspectY(); if (mDoingCropIntentAction && x > 0 && y > 0) { apply(x, y); } } else { applyClear(); } } private Matrix getPhotoBoundDisplayedMatrix() { float[] displayCenter = new float[2]; RectF scaledCrop = new RectF(); RectF scaledPhoto = new RectF(); float scale = getTransformState(scaledPhoto, scaledCrop, displayCenter); Matrix m = GeometryMetadata.buildCenteredPhotoMatrix(scaledPhoto, scaledCrop, getLocalRotation(), getLocalStraighten(), getLocalFlip(), displayCenter); m.preScale(scale, scale); return m; } private Matrix getCropBoundDisplayedMatrix() { float[] displayCenter = new float[2]; RectF scaledCrop = new RectF(); RectF scaledPhoto = new RectF(); float scale = getTransformState(scaledPhoto, scaledCrop, displayCenter); Matrix m1 = GeometryMetadata.buildWanderingCropMatrix(scaledPhoto, scaledCrop, getLocalRotation(), getLocalStraighten(), getLocalFlip(), displayCenter); m1.preScale(scale, scale); return m1; } /** * Takes the rotated corners of a rectangle and returns the angle; sets * unrotated to be the unrotated version of the rectangle. */ private static float getUnrotated(float[] rotatedRect, float[] center, RectF unrotated) { float dy = rotatedRect[1] - rotatedRect[3]; float dx = rotatedRect[0] - rotatedRect[2]; float angle = (float) (Math.atan(dy / dx) * 180 / Math.PI); Matrix m = new Matrix(); m.setRotate(-angle, center[0], center[1]); float[] unrotatedRect = new float[rotatedRect.length]; m.mapPoints(unrotatedRect, rotatedRect); unrotated.set(CropMath.trapToRect(unrotatedRect)); return angle; } /** * Sets cropped bounds; modifies the bounds if it's smaller than the allowed * dimensions. */ public boolean setCropBounds(RectF bounds) { RectF cbounds = new RectF(bounds); Matrix mc = getCropBoundDisplayedMatrix(); Matrix mcInv = new Matrix(); mc.invert(mcInv); mcInv.mapRect(cbounds); // Avoid cropping smaller than minimum float newWidth = cbounds.width(); float newHeight = cbounds.height(); float scale = getTransformState(null, null, null); float minWidthHeight = mMinSideSize / scale; RectF pbounds = getLocalPhotoBounds(); // if photo is smaller than minimum, refuse to set crop bounds if (pbounds.width() < minWidthHeight || pbounds.height() < minWidthHeight) { return false; } // if incoming crop is smaller than minimum, refuse to set crop bounds if (newWidth < minWidthHeight || newHeight < minWidthHeight) { return false; } float newX = bounds.centerX() - (getWidth() / 2f); float newY = bounds.centerY() - (getHeight() / 2f); mOffset[0] = newX; mOffset[1] = newY; setLocalCropBounds(cbounds); invalidate(); return true; } private BoundedRect getBoundedCrop(RectF crop) { RectF photo = getLocalPhotoBounds(); Matrix mp = getPhotoBoundDisplayedMatrix(); float[] photoCorners = CropMath.getCornersFromRect(photo); float[] photoCenter = { photo.centerX(), photo.centerY() }; mp.mapPoints(photoCorners); mp.mapPoints(photoCenter); RectF scaledPhoto = new RectF(); float angle = getUnrotated(photoCorners, photoCenter, scaledPhoto); return new BoundedRect(angle, scaledPhoto, crop); } private void detectMovingEdges(float x, float y) { Matrix m = getCropBoundDisplayedMatrix(); RectF cropped = getLocalCropBounds(); m.mapRect(cropped); mBounded = getBoundedCrop(cropped); movingEdges = 0; float left = Math.abs(x - cropped.left); float right = Math.abs(x - cropped.right); float top = Math.abs(y - cropped.top); float bottom = Math.abs(y - cropped.bottom); // Check left or right. if ((left <= mTouchTolerance) && ((y + mTouchTolerance) >= cropped.top) && ((y - mTouchTolerance) <= cropped.bottom) && (left < right)) { movingEdges |= MOVE_LEFT; } else if ((right <= mTouchTolerance) && ((y + mTouchTolerance) >= cropped.top) && ((y - mTouchTolerance) <= cropped.bottom)) { movingEdges |= MOVE_RIGHT; } // Check top or bottom. if ((top <= mTouchTolerance) && ((x + mTouchTolerance) >= cropped.left) && ((x - mTouchTolerance) <= cropped.right) && (top < bottom)) { movingEdges |= MOVE_TOP; } else if ((bottom <= mTouchTolerance) && ((x + mTouchTolerance) >= cropped.left) && ((x - mTouchTolerance) <= cropped.right)) { movingEdges |= MOVE_BOTTOM; } if (movingEdges == 0) { movingEdges = MOVE_BLOCK; } if (mFixAspectRatio && (movingEdges != MOVE_BLOCK)) { movingEdges = fixEdgeToCorner(movingEdges); } invalidate(); } private int fixEdgeToCorner(int moving_edges) { if (moving_edges == MOVE_LEFT) { moving_edges |= MOVE_TOP; } if (moving_edges == MOVE_TOP) { moving_edges |= MOVE_LEFT; } if (moving_edges == MOVE_RIGHT) { moving_edges |= MOVE_BOTTOM; } if (moving_edges == MOVE_BOTTOM) { moving_edges |= MOVE_RIGHT; } return moving_edges; } private RectF fixedCornerResize(RectF r, int moving_corner, float dx, float dy) { RectF newCrop = null; // Fix opposite corner in place and move sides if (moving_corner == BOTTOM_RIGHT) { newCrop = new RectF(r.left, r.top, r.left + r.width() + dx, r.top + r.height() + dy); } else if (moving_corner == BOTTOM_LEFT) { newCrop = new RectF(r.right - r.width() + dx, r.top, r.right, r.top + r.height() + dy); } else if (moving_corner == TOP_LEFT) { newCrop = new RectF(r.right - r.width() + dx, r.bottom - r.height() + dy, r.right, r.bottom); } else if (moving_corner == TOP_RIGHT) { newCrop = new RectF(r.left, r.bottom - r.height() + dy, r.left + r.width() + dx, r.bottom); } return newCrop; } private void moveEdges(float dX, float dY) { RectF crop = mBounded.getInner(); Matrix mc = getCropBoundDisplayedMatrix(); RectF photo = getLocalPhotoBounds(); Matrix mp = getPhotoBoundDisplayedMatrix(); float[] photoCorners = CropMath.getCornersFromRect(photo); float[] photoCenter = { photo.centerX(), photo.centerY() }; mp.mapPoints(photoCorners); mp.mapPoints(photoCenter); float minWidthHeight = mMinSideSize; if (movingEdges == MOVE_BLOCK) { mBounded.moveInner(-dX, -dY); RectF r = mBounded.getInner(); setCropBounds(r); return; } else { float dx = 0; float dy = 0; if ((movingEdges & MOVE_LEFT) != 0) { dx = Math.min(crop.left + dX, crop.right - minWidthHeight) - crop.left; } if ((movingEdges & MOVE_TOP) != 0) { dy = Math.min(crop.top + dY, crop.bottom - minWidthHeight) - crop.top; } if ((movingEdges & MOVE_RIGHT) != 0) { dx = Math.max(crop.right + dX, crop.left + minWidthHeight) - crop.right; } if ((movingEdges & MOVE_BOTTOM) != 0) { dy = Math.max(crop.bottom + dY, crop.top + minWidthHeight) - crop.bottom; } if (mFixAspectRatio) { float[] l1 = { crop.left, crop.bottom }; float[] l2 = { crop.right, crop.top }; if (movingEdges == TOP_LEFT || movingEdges == BOTTOM_RIGHT) { l1[1] = crop.top; l2[1] = crop.bottom; } float[] b = { l1[0] - l2[0], l1[1] - l2[1] }; float[] disp = { dx, dy }; float[] bUnit = GeometryMath.normalize(b); float sp = GeometryMath.scalarProjection(disp, bUnit); dx = sp * bUnit[0]; dy = sp * bUnit[1]; RectF newCrop = fixedCornerResize(crop, movingEdges, dx, dy); mBounded.fixedAspectResizeInner(newCrop); newCrop = mBounded.getInner(); setCropBounds(newCrop); return; } else { if ((movingEdges & MOVE_LEFT) != 0) { crop.left += dx; } if ((movingEdges & MOVE_TOP) != 0) { crop.top += dy; } if ((movingEdges & MOVE_RIGHT) != 0) { crop.right += dx; } if ((movingEdges & MOVE_BOTTOM) != 0) { crop.bottom += dy; } } } mBounded.resizeInner(crop); crop = mBounded.getInner(); setCropBounds(crop); } private void drawIndicator(Canvas canvas, Drawable indicator, float centerX, float centerY) { int left = (int) centerX - indicatorSize / 2; int top = (int) centerY - indicatorSize / 2; indicator.setBounds(left, top, left + indicatorSize, top + indicatorSize); indicator.draw(canvas); } @Override protected void setActionDown(float x, float y) { super.setActionDown(x, y); detectMovingEdges(x + mOffset[0], y + mOffset[1]); } @Override protected void setActionUp() { super.setActionUp(); movingEdges = 0; } @Override protected void setActionMove(float x, float y) { if (movingEdges != 0) { moveEdges(x - mCurrentX, y - mCurrentY); } super.setActionMove(x, y); } @Override protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { setActionUp(); cropSetup(); invalidate(); } private void cropSetup() { RectF crop = getLocalCropBounds(); Matrix m = getCropBoundDisplayedMatrix(); m.mapRect(crop); if (mFixAspectRatio) { CropMath.fixAspectRatio(crop, mAspectWidth, mAspectHeight); } float dCentX = getWidth() / 2; float dCentY = getHeight() / 2; BoundedRect r = getBoundedCrop(crop); crop = r.getInner(); if (!setCropBounds(crop)) { float h = mMinSideSize / 2; float wScale = 1; float hScale = mAspectHeight / mAspectWidth; if (hScale < 1) { wScale = mAspectWidth / mAspectHeight; hScale = 1; } crop.set(dCentX - h * wScale, dCentY - h * hScale, dCentX + h * wScale, dCentY + h * hScale); if (mFixAspectRatio) { CropMath.fixAspectRatio(crop, mAspectWidth, mAspectHeight); } r.setInner(crop); crop = r.getInner(); if (!setCropBounds(crop)) { crop.set(dCentX - h, dCentY - h, dCentX + h, dCentY + h); r.setInner(crop); crop = r.getInner(); setCropBounds(crop); } } } @Override public void imageLoaded() { super.imageLoaded(); syncLocalToMasterGeometry(); clear(); invalidate(); } @Override protected void gainedVisibility() { float rot = getLocalRotation(); // if has changed orientation via rotate if (((int) ((rot - mLastRot) / 90)) % 2 != 0) { swapAspect(); } cropSetup(); mFirstDraw = true; } @Override public void resetParameter() { super.resetParameter(); } @Override protected void lostVisibility() { mLastRot = getLocalRotation(); } private void drawRuleOfThird(Canvas canvas, RectF bounds, Paint p) { float stepX = bounds.width() / 3.0f; float stepY = bounds.height() / 3.0f; float x = bounds.left + stepX; float y = bounds.top + stepY; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { canvas.drawLine(x, bounds.top, x, bounds.bottom, p); x += stepX; } for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { canvas.drawLine(bounds.left, y, bounds.right, y, p); y += stepY; } } @Override protected void drawShape(Canvas canvas, Bitmap image) { gPaint.setAntiAlias(true); gPaint.setARGB(255, 255, 255, 255); if (mFirstDraw) { cropSetup(); mFirstDraw = false; } RectF crop = drawTransformed(canvas, image, gPaint, mOffset); gPaint.setColor(mBorderColor); gPaint.setStrokeWidth(3); gPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); boolean doThirds = true; if (mFixAspectRatio) { float spotlightX = 0; float spotlightY = 0; if (mCropExtras != null) { spotlightX = mCropExtras.getSpotlightX(); spotlightY = mCropExtras.getSpotlightY(); } if (mDoingCropIntentAction && spotlightX > 0 && spotlightY > 0) { float sx = crop.width() * spotlightX; float sy = crop.height() * spotlightY; float cx = crop.centerX(); float cy = crop.centerY(); RectF r1 = new RectF(cx - sx / 2, cy - sy / 2, cx + sx / 2, cy + sy / 2); float temp = sx; sx = sy; sy = temp; RectF r2 = new RectF(cx - sx / 2, cy - sy / 2, cx + sx / 2, cy + sy / 2); canvas.drawRect(r1, gPaint); canvas.drawRect(r2, gPaint); doThirds = false; } else { float w = crop.width(); float h = crop.height(); float diag = (float) Math.sqrt(w * w + h * h); float dash_len = 20; int num_intervals = (int) (diag / dash_len); float[] tl = { crop.left, crop.top }; float centX = tl[0] + w / 2; float centY = tl[1] + h / 2 + 5; float[] br = { crop.right, crop.bottom }; float[] vec = GeometryMath.getUnitVectorFromPoints(tl, br); float[] counter = tl; for (int x = 0; x < num_intervals; x++) { float tempX = counter[0] + vec[0] * dash_len; float tempY = counter[1] + vec[1] * dash_len; if ((x % 2) == 0 && Math.abs(x - num_intervals / 2) > 2) { canvas.drawLine(counter[0], counter[1], tempX, tempY, gPaint); } counter[0] = tempX; counter[1] = tempY; } gPaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); gPaint.setTextSize(mAspectTextSize); canvas.drawText(mAspect, centX, centY, gPaint); } } if (doThirds) { drawRuleOfThird(canvas, crop, gPaint); } RectF scaledCrop = crop; boolean notMoving = (movingEdges == 0); if (mFixAspectRatio) { if ((movingEdges == TOP_LEFT) || notMoving) { drawIndicator(canvas, cropIndicator, scaledCrop.left, scaledCrop.top); } if ((movingEdges == TOP_RIGHT) || notMoving) { drawIndicator(canvas, cropIndicator, scaledCrop.right, scaledCrop.top); } if ((movingEdges == BOTTOM_LEFT) || notMoving) { drawIndicator(canvas, cropIndicator, scaledCrop.left, scaledCrop.bottom); } if ((movingEdges == BOTTOM_RIGHT) || notMoving) { drawIndicator(canvas, cropIndicator, scaledCrop.right, scaledCrop.bottom); } } else { if (((movingEdges & MOVE_TOP) != 0) || notMoving) { drawIndicator(canvas, cropIndicator, scaledCrop.centerX(), scaledCrop.top); } if (((movingEdges & MOVE_BOTTOM) != 0) || notMoving) { drawIndicator(canvas, cropIndicator, scaledCrop.centerX(), scaledCrop.bottom); } if (((movingEdges & MOVE_LEFT) != 0) || notMoving) { drawIndicator(canvas, cropIndicator, scaledCrop.left, scaledCrop.centerY()); } if (((movingEdges & MOVE_RIGHT) != 0) || notMoving) { drawIndicator(canvas, cropIndicator, scaledCrop.right, scaledCrop.centerY()); } } } private void setAspectButton(FramedTextButton button, int itemId) { switch (itemId) { case R.id.crop_menu_1to1: { String t = getActivity().getString(R.string.aspect1to1_effect); button.setText(t); apply(1, 1); setAspectString(t); break; } case R.id.crop_menu_4to3: { String t = getActivity().getString(R.string.aspect4to3_effect); button.setText(t); apply(4, 3); setAspectString(t); break; } case R.id.crop_menu_3to4: { String t = getActivity().getString(R.string.aspect3to4_effect); button.setText(t); apply(3, 4); setAspectString(t); break; } case R.id.crop_menu_5to7: { String t = getActivity().getString(R.string.aspect5to7_effect); button.setText(t); apply(5, 7); setAspectString(t); break; } case R.id.crop_menu_7to5: { String t = getActivity().getString(R.string.aspect7to5_effect); button.setText(t); apply(7, 5); setAspectString(t); break; } case R.id.crop_menu_none: { String t = getActivity().getString(R.string.aspectNone_effect); button.setText(t); applyClear(); setAspectString(t); break; } case R.id.crop_menu_original: { String t = getActivity().getString(R.string.aspectOriginal_effect); button.setText(t); applyOriginal(); setAspectString(t); break; } } invalidate(); } public void setFixedAspect(boolean fixedAspect) { mFixedAspect = fixedAspect; } @Override public boolean useUtilityPanel() { // Only shows the aspect ratio popup if we are not fixed return !mFixedAspect; } private void showPopupMenu(LinearLayout accessoryViewList) { final FramedTextButton button = (FramedTextButton) accessoryViewList.findViewById( R.id.cropUtilityButton); if (button == null) { return; } PopupMenu popupMenu = new PopupMenu(getActivity(), button); popupMenu.getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.filtershow_menu_crop, popupMenu.getMenu()); popupMenu.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new PopupMenu.OnMenuItemClickListener() { @Override public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) { setAspectButton(button, item.getItemId()); return true; } }); popupMenu.show(); } @Override public void openUtilityPanel(final LinearLayout accessoryViewList) { View view = accessoryViewList.findViewById(R.id.cropUtilityButton); if (view == null) { LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) getActivity().getSystemService (Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.filtershow_crop_button, accessoryViewList, false); accessoryViewList.addView(view, view.getLayoutParams()); view.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View arg0) { showPopupMenu(accessoryViewList); } }); } if (view != null) { view.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } } public void setEditor(EditorCrop editorCrop) { mEditorCrop = editorCrop; } }