/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.imageshow; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.Matrix; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.RectF; import android.util.Log; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.cache.ImageLoader; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.crop.CropExtras; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.editors.EditorCrop; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.editors.EditorFlip; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.editors.EditorRotate; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.editors.EditorStraighten; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.filters.FilterRepresentation; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.filters.ImageFilterGeometry; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; public class GeometryMetadata extends FilterRepresentation { public static final String SERIALIZATION_NAME = "GEOM"; private static final String LOGTAG = "GeometryMetadata"; private float mScaleFactor = 1.0f; private float mRotation = 0; private float mStraightenRotation = 0; private final RectF mCropBounds = new RectF(); private final RectF mPhotoBounds = new RectF(); private FLIP mFlip = FLIP.NONE; public enum FLIP { NONE("N"), VERTICAL("V"), HORIZONTAL("H"), BOTH("B"); String mValue; FLIP(String name) { mValue = name; } public static FLIP parse(String name){ switch (name.charAt(0)) { case 'N': return NONE; case 'V': return VERTICAL; case 'H': return HORIZONTAL; case 'B': return BOTH; }; return NONE; } } // Output format data from intent extras private boolean mUseCropExtras = false; private CropExtras mCropExtras = null; public void setUseCropExtrasFlag(boolean f){ mUseCropExtras = f; } public boolean getUseCropExtrasFlag(){ return mUseCropExtras; } public void setCropExtras(CropExtras e){ mCropExtras = e; } public CropExtras getCropExtras(){ return mCropExtras; } public GeometryMetadata() { super("GeometryMetadata"); setSerializationName(SERIALIZATION_NAME); setFilterClass(ImageFilterGeometry.class); setEditorId(EditorCrop.ID); setTextId(0); setShowParameterValue(true); } @Override public int[] getEditorIds() { return new int[] { EditorCrop.ID, EditorStraighten.ID, EditorRotate.ID, EditorFlip.ID }; } public GeometryMetadata(GeometryMetadata g) { super("GeometryMetadata"); set(g); } public boolean hasModifications() { if (mScaleFactor != 1.0f) { return true; } if (mRotation != 0) { return true; } if (mStraightenRotation != 0) { return true; } Rect cropBounds = GeometryMath.roundNearest(mCropBounds); Rect photoBounds = GeometryMath.roundNearest(mPhotoBounds); if (!cropBounds.equals(photoBounds)) { return true; } if (!mFlip.equals(FLIP.NONE)) { return true; } return false; } public void set(GeometryMetadata g) { mScaleFactor = g.mScaleFactor; mRotation = g.mRotation; mStraightenRotation = g.mStraightenRotation; mCropBounds.set(g.mCropBounds); mPhotoBounds.set(g.mPhotoBounds); mFlip = g.mFlip; mUseCropExtras = g.mUseCropExtras; if (g.mCropExtras != null){ mCropExtras = new CropExtras(g.mCropExtras); } } public float getScaleFactor() { return mScaleFactor; } public float getRotation() { return mRotation; } public float getStraightenRotation() { return mStraightenRotation; } public RectF getPreviewCropBounds() { return new RectF(mCropBounds); } public RectF getCropBounds(Bitmap bitmap) { float scale = 1.0f; scale = GeometryMath.scale(mPhotoBounds.width(), mPhotoBounds.height(), bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight()); RectF croppedRegion = new RectF(mCropBounds.left * scale, mCropBounds.top * scale, mCropBounds.right * scale, mCropBounds.bottom * scale); // If no crop has been applied, make sure to use the exact size values. // Multiplying using scale will introduce rounding errors that modify // even un-cropped images. if (mCropBounds.left == 0 && mCropBounds.right == mPhotoBounds.right) { croppedRegion.left = 0; croppedRegion.right = bitmap.getWidth(); } if (mCropBounds.top == 0 && mCropBounds.bottom == mPhotoBounds.bottom) { croppedRegion.top = 0; croppedRegion.bottom = bitmap.getHeight(); } return croppedRegion; } public FLIP getFlipType() { return mFlip; } public RectF getPhotoBounds() { return new RectF(mPhotoBounds); } public void setScaleFactor(float scale) { mScaleFactor = scale; } public void setFlipType(FLIP flip) { mFlip = flip; } public void setRotation(float rotation) { mRotation = rotation; } public void setStraightenRotation(float straighten) { mStraightenRotation = straighten; } public void setCropBounds(RectF newCropBounds) { mCropBounds.set(newCropBounds); } public void setPhotoBounds(RectF newPhotoBounds) { mPhotoBounds.set(newPhotoBounds); } public boolean cropFitsInPhoto(RectF cropBounds) { return mPhotoBounds.contains(cropBounds); } private boolean compareRectF(RectF a, RectF b) { return ((int) a.left == (int) b.left) && ((int) a.right == (int) b.right) && ((int) a.top == (int) b.top) && ((int) a.bottom == (int) b.bottom); } @Override public boolean equals(FilterRepresentation o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || !(o instanceof GeometryMetadata)) return false; GeometryMetadata d = (GeometryMetadata) o; return (mScaleFactor == d.mScaleFactor && mRotation == d.mRotation && mStraightenRotation == d.mStraightenRotation && mFlip == d.mFlip && compareRectF(mCropBounds, d.mCropBounds) && compareRectF(mPhotoBounds, d.mPhotoBounds)); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = 23; result = 31 * result + Float.floatToIntBits(mRotation); result = 31 * result + Float.floatToIntBits(mStraightenRotation); result = 31 * result + Float.floatToIntBits(mScaleFactor); result = 31 * result + mFlip.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + mCropBounds.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + mPhotoBounds.hashCode(); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + "[" + "scale=" + mScaleFactor + ",rotation=" + mRotation + ",flip=" + mFlip + ",straighten=" + mStraightenRotation + ",cropRect=" + mCropBounds.toShortString() + ",photoRect=" + mPhotoBounds.toShortString() + "]"; } protected static void concatHorizontalMatrix(Matrix m, float width) { m.postScale(-1, 1); m.postTranslate(width, 0); } protected static void concatVerticalMatrix(Matrix m, float height) { m.postScale(1, -1); m.postTranslate(0, height); } public static void concatMirrorMatrix(Matrix m, float width, float height, FLIP type) { if (type == FLIP.HORIZONTAL) { concatHorizontalMatrix(m, width); } else if (type == FLIP.VERTICAL) { concatVerticalMatrix(m, height); } else if (type == FLIP.BOTH) { concatVerticalMatrix(m, height); concatHorizontalMatrix(m, width); } } public Matrix getMatrixOriginalOrientation(int orientation, float originalWidth, float originalHeight) { Matrix imageRotation = new Matrix(); switch (orientation) { case ImageLoader.ORI_ROTATE_90: { imageRotation.setRotate(90, originalWidth / 2f, originalHeight / 2f); imageRotation.postTranslate(-(originalWidth - originalHeight) / 2f, -(originalHeight - originalWidth) / 2f); break; } case ImageLoader.ORI_ROTATE_180: { imageRotation.setRotate(180, originalWidth / 2f, originalHeight / 2f); break; } case ImageLoader.ORI_ROTATE_270: { imageRotation.setRotate(270, originalWidth / 2f, originalHeight / 2f); imageRotation.postTranslate(-(originalWidth - originalHeight) / 2f, -(originalHeight - originalWidth) / 2f); break; } case ImageLoader.ORI_FLIP_HOR: { imageRotation.preScale(-1, 1); break; } case ImageLoader.ORI_FLIP_VERT: { imageRotation.preScale(1, -1); break; } case ImageLoader.ORI_TRANSPOSE: { imageRotation.setRotate(90, originalWidth / 2f, originalHeight / 2f); imageRotation.postTranslate(-(originalWidth - originalHeight) / 2f, -(originalHeight - originalWidth) / 2f); imageRotation.preScale(1, -1); break; } case ImageLoader.ORI_TRANSVERSE: { imageRotation.setRotate(270, originalWidth / 2f, originalHeight / 2f); imageRotation.postTranslate(-(originalWidth - originalHeight) / 2f, -(originalHeight - originalWidth) / 2f); imageRotation.preScale(1, -1); break; } } return imageRotation; } public Matrix getOriginalToScreen(boolean rotate, float originalWidth, float originalHeight, float viewWidth, float viewHeight) { RectF photoBounds = getPhotoBounds(); RectF cropBounds = getPreviewCropBounds(); float imageWidth = cropBounds.width(); float imageHeight = cropBounds.height(); int orientation = MasterImage.getImage().getZoomOrientation(); Matrix imageRotation = getMatrixOriginalOrientation(orientation, originalWidth, originalHeight); if (orientation == ImageLoader.ORI_ROTATE_90 || orientation == ImageLoader.ORI_ROTATE_270 || orientation == ImageLoader.ORI_TRANSPOSE || orientation == ImageLoader.ORI_TRANSVERSE) { float tmp = originalWidth; originalWidth = originalHeight; originalHeight = tmp; } float preScale = GeometryMath.scale(originalWidth, originalHeight, photoBounds.width(), photoBounds.height()); float scale = GeometryMath.scale(imageWidth, imageHeight, viewWidth, viewHeight); // checks if local rotation is an odd multiple of 90. if (((int) (getRotation() / 90)) % 2 != 0) { scale = GeometryMath.scale(imageWidth, imageHeight, viewHeight, viewWidth); } // put in screen coordinates RectF scaledCrop = GeometryMath.scaleRect(cropBounds, scale); RectF scaledPhoto = GeometryMath.scaleRect(photoBounds, scale); float[] displayCenter = { viewWidth / 2f, viewHeight / 2f }; Matrix m1 = GeometryMetadata.buildWanderingCropMatrix(scaledPhoto, scaledCrop, getRotation(), getStraightenRotation(), getFlipType(), displayCenter); float[] cropCenter = { scaledCrop.centerX(), scaledCrop.centerY() }; m1.mapPoints(cropCenter); GeometryMetadata.concatRecenterMatrix(m1, cropCenter, displayCenter); m1.preRotate(getStraightenRotation(), scaledPhoto.centerX(), scaledPhoto.centerY()); m1.preScale(scale, scale); m1.preScale(preScale, preScale); m1.preConcat(imageRotation); return m1; } public boolean hasSwitchedWidthHeight() { return (((int) (mRotation / 90)) % 2) != 0; } public static Matrix buildPhotoMatrix(RectF photo, RectF crop, float rotation, float straighten, FLIP type) { Matrix m = new Matrix(); m.setRotate(straighten, photo.centerX(), photo.centerY()); concatMirrorMatrix(m, photo.right, photo.bottom, type); m.postRotate(rotation, crop.centerX(), crop.centerY()); return m; } public static Matrix buildCropMatrix(RectF crop, float rotation) { Matrix m = new Matrix(); m.setRotate(rotation, crop.centerX(), crop.centerY()); return m; } public static void concatRecenterMatrix(Matrix m, float[] currentCenter, float[] newCenter) { m.postTranslate(newCenter[0] - currentCenter[0], newCenter[1] - currentCenter[1]); } /** * Builds a matrix to transform a bitmap of width bmWidth and height * bmHeight so that the region of the bitmap being cropped to is oriented * and centered at displayCenter. * * @param bmWidth * @param bmHeight * @param displayCenter * @return */ public Matrix buildTotalXform(float bmWidth, float bmHeight, float[] displayCenter) { RectF rp = getPhotoBounds(); RectF rc = getPreviewCropBounds(); float scale = GeometryMath.scale(rp.width(), rp.height(), bmWidth, bmHeight); RectF scaledCrop = GeometryMath.scaleRect(rc, scale); RectF scaledPhoto = GeometryMath.scaleRect(rp, scale); // If no crop has been applied, make sure to use the exact size values. // Multiplying using scale will introduce rounding errors that modify // even un-cropped images. if (rc.left == 0 && rc.right == rp.right) { scaledCrop.left = scaledPhoto.left = 0; scaledCrop.right = scaledPhoto.right = bmWidth; } if (rc.top == 0 && rc.bottom == rp.bottom) { scaledCrop.top = scaledPhoto.top = 0; scaledCrop.bottom = scaledPhoto.bottom = bmHeight; } Matrix m1 = GeometryMetadata.buildWanderingCropMatrix(scaledPhoto, scaledCrop, getRotation(), getStraightenRotation(), getFlipType(), displayCenter); float[] cropCenter = { scaledCrop.centerX(), scaledCrop.centerY() }; m1.mapPoints(cropCenter); GeometryMetadata.concatRecenterMatrix(m1, cropCenter, displayCenter); m1.preRotate(getStraightenRotation(), scaledPhoto.centerX(), scaledPhoto.centerY()); return m1; } /** * Builds a matrix that rotates photo rect about it's center by the * straighten angle, mirrors it about the crop center, and rotates it about * the crop center by the rotation angle, and re-centers the photo rect. * * @param photo * @param crop * @param rotation * @param straighten * @param type * @param newCenter * @return */ public static Matrix buildCenteredPhotoMatrix(RectF photo, RectF crop, float rotation, float straighten, FLIP type, float[] newCenter) { Matrix m = buildPhotoMatrix(photo, crop, rotation, straighten, type); float[] center = { photo.centerX(), photo.centerY() }; m.mapPoints(center); concatRecenterMatrix(m, center, newCenter); return m; } /** * Builds a matrix that rotates a crop rect about it's center by rotation * angle, then re-centers the crop rect. * * @param crop * @param rotation * @param newCenter * @return */ public static Matrix buildCenteredCropMatrix(RectF crop, float rotation, float[] newCenter) { Matrix m = buildCropMatrix(crop, rotation); float[] center = { crop.centerX(), crop.centerY() }; m.mapPoints(center); concatRecenterMatrix(m, center, newCenter); return m; } /** * Builds a matrix that transforms the crop rect to its view coordinates * inside the photo rect. * * @param photo * @param crop * @param rotation * @param straighten * @param type * @param newCenter * @return */ public static Matrix buildWanderingCropMatrix(RectF photo, RectF crop, float rotation, float straighten, FLIP type, float[] newCenter) { Matrix m = buildCenteredPhotoMatrix(photo, crop, rotation, straighten, type, newCenter); m.preRotate(-straighten, photo.centerX(), photo.centerY()); return m; } @Override public void useParametersFrom(FilterRepresentation a) { GeometryMetadata data = (GeometryMetadata) a; set(data); } @Override public FilterRepresentation clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { GeometryMetadata representation = (GeometryMetadata) super.clone(); representation.useParametersFrom(this); return representation; } private static final String[] sParams = { "Name", "ScaleFactor", "Rotation", "StraightenRotation", "CropBoundsLeft", "CropBoundsTop", "CropBoundsRight", "CropBoundsBottom", "PhotoBoundsLeft", "PhotoBoundsTop", "PhotoBoundsRight", "PhotoBoundsBottom", "Flip" }; @Override public String[][] serializeRepresentation() { String[][] ret = { { "Name", getName() }, { "ScaleFactor", Float.toString(mScaleFactor) }, { "Rotation", Float.toString(mRotation) }, { "StraightenRotation", Float.toString(mStraightenRotation) }, { "CropBoundsLeft", Float.toString(mCropBounds.left) }, { "CropBoundsTop", Float.toString(mCropBounds.top) }, { "CropBoundsRight", Float.toString(mCropBounds.right) }, { "CropBoundsBottom", Float.toString(mCropBounds.bottom) }, { "PhotoBoundsLeft", Float.toString(mPhotoBounds.left) }, { "PhotoBoundsTop", Float.toString(mPhotoBounds.top) }, { "PhotoBoundsRight", Float.toString(mPhotoBounds.right) }, { "PhotoBoundsBottom", Float.toString(mPhotoBounds.bottom) }, { "Flip", mFlip.mValue } }; return ret; } @Override public void deSerializeRepresentation(String[][] rep) { HashMap map = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < sParams.length; i++) { map.put(sParams[i], i); } for (int i = 0; i < rep.length; i++) { String key = rep[i][0]; String value = rep[i][1]; switch (map.get(key)) { case -1: // Unknown break; case 0: if (!getName().equals(value)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a "+getName()); } break; case 1: // "ScaleFactor", Float mScaleFactor = Float.parseFloat(value); break; case 2: // "Rotation", Float mRotation = Float.parseFloat(value); break; case 3: // "StraightenRotation", Float mStraightenRotation = Float.parseFloat(value); break; case 4: // "mCropBoundsLeft", Float mCropBounds.left = Float.parseFloat(value); break; case 5: // "mCropBoundsTop", Float mCropBounds.top = Float.parseFloat(value); break; case 6: // "mCropBoundsRight", Float mCropBounds.right = Float.parseFloat(value); break; case 7: // "mCropBoundsBottom", Float mCropBounds.bottom = Float.parseFloat(value); break; case 8: // "mPhotoBoundsLeft", Float mPhotoBounds.left = Float.parseFloat(value); break; case 9: // "mPhotoBoundsTop", Float mPhotoBounds.top = Float.parseFloat(value); break; case 10: // "mPhotoBoundsRight", Float mPhotoBounds.right = Float.parseFloat(value); break; case 11: // "mPhotoBoundsBottom", Float mPhotoBounds.bottom = Float.parseFloat(value); break; case 12: // "Flip", enum mFlip = FLIP.parse(value); break; } } } }