/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.filters; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Matrix; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.RectF; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.imageshow.GeometryMetadata; public class ImageFilterGeometry extends ImageFilter { private final Bitmap.Config mConfig = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888; private GeometryMetadata mGeometry = null; private static final String LOGTAG = "ImageFilterGeometry"; private static final boolean LOGV = false; private static final int BOTH = 3; private static final int VERTICAL = 2; private static final int HORIZONTAL = 1; private static final int NINETY = 1; private static final int ONE_EIGHTY = 2; private static final int TWO_SEVENTY = 3; public ImageFilterGeometry() { mName = "Geometry"; } @Override public ImageFilter clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { ImageFilterGeometry filter = (ImageFilterGeometry) super.clone(); return filter; } public void setGeometryMetadata(GeometryMetadata m) { mGeometry = m; } native protected void nativeApplyFilterFlip(Bitmap src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, Bitmap dst, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, int flip); native protected void nativeApplyFilterRotate(Bitmap src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, Bitmap dst, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, int rotate); native protected void nativeApplyFilterCrop(Bitmap src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, Bitmap dst, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, int offsetWidth, int offsetHeight); native protected void nativeApplyFilterStraighten(Bitmap src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, Bitmap dst, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, float straightenAngle); @Override public Bitmap apply(Bitmap bitmap, float scaleFactor, boolean highQuality) { // TODO: implement bilinear or bicubic here... for now, just use // canvas to do a simple implementation... // TODO: and be more memory efficient! (do it in native?) Rect cropBounds = new Rect(0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight()); RectF crop = mGeometry.getCropBounds(bitmap); if (crop.width() > 0 && crop.height() > 0) crop.roundOut(cropBounds); Bitmap temp = null; if (mGeometry.hasSwitchedWidthHeight()) { temp = Bitmap.createBitmap(cropBounds.height(), cropBounds.width(), mConfig); } else { temp = Bitmap.createBitmap(cropBounds.width(), cropBounds.height(), mConfig); } RectF rp = mGeometry.getPhotoBounds(); RectF rc = mGeometry.getPreviewCropBounds(); Matrix drawMatrix = mGeometry.buildTotalXform(rp.width(), rp.height(), rc.width(), rc.height(), rc.left, rc.top, mGeometry.getRotation(), mGeometry.getStraightenRotation(), bitmap.getWidth() / rp.width(), null); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(temp); Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setFilterBitmap(true); paint.setDither(true); canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, drawMatrix, paint); return temp; } }