/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.filters; import android.graphics.RectF; import android.util.JsonReader; import android.util.JsonWriter; import com.android.gallery3d.R; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.editors.EditorCrop; import java.io.IOException; public class FilterCropRepresentation extends FilterRepresentation { public static final String SERIALIZATION_NAME = "CROP"; public static final String[] BOUNDS = { "C0", "C1", "C2", "C3", "I0", "I1", "I2", "I3" }; private static final String TAG = FilterCropRepresentation.class.getSimpleName(); RectF mCrop = new RectF(); RectF mImage = new RectF(); public FilterCropRepresentation(RectF crop, RectF image) { super(FilterCropRepresentation.class.getSimpleName()); setSerializationName(SERIALIZATION_NAME); setShowParameterValue(true); setFilterClass(FilterCropRepresentation.class); setFilterType(FilterRepresentation.TYPE_GEOMETRY); setTextId(R.string.crop); setEditorId(EditorCrop.ID); setCrop(crop); setImage(image); } public FilterCropRepresentation(FilterCropRepresentation m) { this(m.getCrop(), m.getImage()); } public FilterCropRepresentation() { this(new RectF(), new RectF()); } public void set(FilterCropRepresentation r) { mCrop.set(r.mCrop); mImage.set(r.mImage); } @Override public boolean equals(FilterRepresentation rep) { if (!(rep instanceof FilterCropRepresentation)) { return false; } FilterCropRepresentation crop = (FilterCropRepresentation) rep; if (mCrop.bottom != crop.mCrop.bottom || mCrop.left != crop.mCrop.left || mCrop.right != crop.mCrop.right || mCrop.top != crop.mCrop.top || mImage.bottom != crop.mImage.bottom || mImage.left != crop.mImage.left || mImage.right != crop.mImage.right || mImage.top != crop.mImage.top) { return false; } return true; } public RectF getCrop() { return new RectF(mCrop); } public void getCrop(RectF r) { r.set(mCrop); } public void setCrop(RectF crop) { if (crop == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument to setCrop is null"); } mCrop.set(crop); } public RectF getImage() { return new RectF(mImage); } public void getImage(RectF r) { r.set(mImage); } public void setImage(RectF image) { if (image == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument to setImage is null"); } mImage.set(image); } @Override public boolean allowsSingleInstanceOnly() { return true; } @Override public FilterRepresentation copy(){ return new FilterCropRepresentation(this); } @Override protected void copyAllParameters(FilterRepresentation representation) { if (!(representation instanceof FilterCropRepresentation)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("calling copyAllParameters with incompatible types!"); } super.copyAllParameters(representation); representation.useParametersFrom(this); } @Override public void useParametersFrom(FilterRepresentation a) { if (!(a instanceof FilterCropRepresentation)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("calling useParametersFrom with incompatible types!"); } setCrop(((FilterCropRepresentation) a).mCrop); setImage(((FilterCropRepresentation) a).mImage); } @Override public boolean isNil() { return mCrop.equals(mImage); } @Override public void serializeRepresentation(JsonWriter writer) throws IOException { writer.beginObject(); writer.name(BOUNDS[0]).value(mCrop.left); writer.name(BOUNDS[1]).value(mCrop.top); writer.name(BOUNDS[2]).value(mCrop.right); writer.name(BOUNDS[3]).value(mCrop.bottom); writer.name(BOUNDS[4]).value(mImage.left); writer.name(BOUNDS[5]).value(mImage.top); writer.name(BOUNDS[6]).value(mImage.right); writer.name(BOUNDS[7]).value(mImage.bottom); writer.endObject(); } @Override public void deSerializeRepresentation(JsonReader reader) throws IOException { reader.beginObject(); while (reader.hasNext()) { String name = reader.nextName(); if (BOUNDS[0].equals(name)) { mCrop.left = (float) reader.nextDouble(); } else if (BOUNDS[1].equals(name)) { mCrop.top = (float) reader.nextDouble(); } else if (BOUNDS[2].equals(name)) { mCrop.right = (float) reader.nextDouble(); } else if (BOUNDS[3].equals(name)) { mCrop.bottom = (float) reader.nextDouble(); } else if (BOUNDS[4].equals(name)) { mImage.left = (float) reader.nextDouble(); } else if (BOUNDS[5].equals(name)) { mImage.top = (float) reader.nextDouble(); } else if (BOUNDS[6].equals(name)) { mImage.right = (float) reader.nextDouble(); } else if (BOUNDS[7].equals(name)) { mImage.bottom = (float) reader.nextDouble(); } else { reader.skipValue(); } } reader.endObject(); } }