/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.gallery3d.filtershow; import android.content.Context; import android.text.Html; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.ViewPropertyAnimator; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import android.util.Log; import com.android.gallery3d.R; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.editors.Editor; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.editors.EditorTinyPlanet; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.filters.FilterRepresentation; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.filters.ImageFilter; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.filters.ImageFilterTinyPlanet; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.imageshow.ImageShow; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.imageshow.MasterImage; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.presets.ImagePreset; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.ui.FilterIconButton; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; public class PanelController implements OnClickListener { private static int PANEL = 0; private static int COMPONENT = 1; private static int VERTICAL_MOVE = 0; private static int HORIZONTAL_MOVE = 1; private static final int ANIM_DURATION = 200; private static final String LOGTAG = "PanelController"; private boolean mFixedAspect = false; public static boolean useAnimations() { int currentapiVersion = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; if (currentapiVersion >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { return true; } return false; } public void setFixedAspect(boolean t) { mFixedAspect = t; } class Panel { private final View mView; private final View mContainer; private int mPosition = 0; private final Vector mSubviews = new Vector(); public Panel(View view, View container, int position) { mView = view; mContainer = container; mPosition = position; } public void addView(View view) { mSubviews.add(view); } public int getPosition() { return mPosition; } public ViewPropertyAnimator unselect(int newPos, int move) { ViewPropertyAnimator anim = mContainer.animate(); mView.setSelected(false); mContainer.setX(0); mContainer.setY(0); int delta = 0; int w = mRowPanel.getWidth(); int h = mRowPanel.getHeight(); if (move == HORIZONTAL_MOVE) { if (newPos > mPosition) { delta = -w; } else { delta = w; } if (PanelController.useAnimations()) { anim.x(delta); } else { mContainer.setX(delta); } } else if (move == VERTICAL_MOVE) { if (PanelController.useAnimations()) { anim.y(h); } else { mContainer.setY(h); } } if (PanelController.useAnimations()) { anim.setDuration(ANIM_DURATION).withLayer().withEndAction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE); } }); } else { mContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE); } return anim; } public ViewPropertyAnimator select(int oldPos, int move) { mView.setSelected(true); mContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mContainer.setX(0); mContainer.setY(0); ViewPropertyAnimator anim = mContainer.animate(); int w = mRowPanel.getWidth(); int h = mRowPanel.getHeight(); if (useAnimations()) { if (move == HORIZONTAL_MOVE) { if (oldPos < mPosition) { mContainer.setX(w); } else { mContainer.setX(-w); } anim.x(0); } else if (move == VERTICAL_MOVE) { mContainer.setY(h); anim.y(0); } anim.setDuration(ANIM_DURATION).withLayer(); } return anim; } } class UtilityPanel { private final Context mContext; private final View mView; private final LinearLayout mAccessoryViewList; private Vector mAccessoryViews = new Vector(); private final TextView mTextView; private boolean mSelected = false; private String mEffectName = null; private int mParameterValue = 0; private boolean mShowParameterValue = false; public UtilityPanel(Context context, View utilityPanel) { mView = utilityPanel; View accessoryViewList = mView.findViewById(R.id.panelAccessoryViewList); Button textView = (Button) mView.findViewById(R.id.applyEffect); mContext = context; mAccessoryViewList = (LinearLayout) accessoryViewList; mTextView = (TextView) textView; } public boolean selected() { return mSelected; } public void hideAccessoryViews() { int childCount = mAccessoryViewList.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { View child = mAccessoryViewList.getChildAt(i); child.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } public void onNewValue(int value) { mParameterValue = value; updateText(); } public void setEffectName(String effectName) { mEffectName = effectName; setShowParameter(true); } public void setShowParameter(boolean s) { mShowParameterValue = s; updateText(); } public void showMenu(boolean show) { mTextView.setOnClickListener(null); if (show){ mAccessoryViewList.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mTextView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { mAccessoryViewList.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mTextView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } } public View getActionControl() { return mView.findViewById(R.id.panelAccessoryViewList); } public View getEditControl() { return mView.findViewById(R.id.controlArea); } public void updateText() { String s; if (mCurrentEditor == null) { String apply = mContext.getString(R.string.apply_effect); s = apply + " " + mEffectName + " " + mParameterValue; } else { s = mCurrentEditor.calculateUserMessage(mContext, mEffectName, mParameterValue); } mTextView.setText(Html.fromHtml(s)); } public ViewPropertyAnimator unselect() { ViewPropertyAnimator anim = mView.animate(); mView.setX(0); mView.setY(0); int h = mRowPanel.getHeight(); anim.y(-h); if (PanelController.useAnimations()) { anim.setDuration(ANIM_DURATION).withLayer().withEndAction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } }); } else { mView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } mSelected = false; return anim; } public ViewPropertyAnimator select() { mView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); int h = mRowPanel.getHeight(); mView.setX(0); mView.setY(-h); updateText(); mSelected = true; ViewPropertyAnimator anim = mView.animate(); anim.y(0); anim.setDuration(ANIM_DURATION); if (PanelController.useAnimations()) { anim.withLayer(); } return anim; } } class ViewType { private final int mType; private final View mView; public ViewType(View view, int type) { mView = view; mType = type; } public int type() { return mType; } } private final HashMap mPanels = new HashMap(); private final HashMap mViews = new HashMap(); private final HashMap mFilters = new HashMap(); private final Vector mImageViews = new Vector(); private View mCurrentPanel = null; private View mRowPanel = null; private UtilityPanel mUtilityPanel = null; private ImageShow mCurrentImage = null; private Editor mCurrentEditor = null; private FilterShowActivity mActivity = null; private EditorPlaceHolder mEditorPlaceHolder = null; public void clear() { mPanels.clear(); mViews.clear(); mFilters.clear(); mImageViews.clear(); } public void setActivity(FilterShowActivity activity) { mActivity = activity; } public void addView(View view) { view.setOnClickListener(this); mViews.put(view, new ViewType(view, COMPONENT)); } public View getViewFromId(int viewId) { for (View view : mPanels.keySet()) { if (view.getId() == viewId) { return view; } } return null; } public void addPanel(int viewId, int containerId, int position) { View view = mActivity.findViewById(viewId); View container = mActivity.findViewById(containerId); mPanels.put(view, new Panel(view, container, position)); view.setOnClickListener(this); mViews.put(view, new ViewType(view, PANEL)); } public void addComponent(View aPanel, View component) { Panel panel = mPanels.get(aPanel); if (panel == null) { return; } panel.addView(component); component.setOnClickListener(this); mViews.put(component, new ViewType(component, COMPONENT)); } public void addFilter(ImageFilter filter) { mFilters.put(filter.getName(), filter); } public void addImageView(View view) { mImageViews.add(view); ImageShow imageShow = (ImageShow) view; imageShow.setPanelController(this); } public void resetParameters() { showPanel(mCurrentPanel); if (mCurrentImage != null) { mCurrentImage.resetParameter(); mCurrentImage.select(); if (mCurrentEditor != null) { mCurrentEditor.reflectCurrentFilter(); } } } public boolean onBackPressed() { if (mUtilityPanel == null || !mUtilityPanel.selected()) { return true; } HistoryAdapter adapter = MasterImage.getImage().getHistory(); int position = adapter.undo(); MasterImage.getImage().onHistoryItemClick(position); showPanel(mCurrentPanel); mCurrentImage.select(); if (mCurrentEditor != null) { mCurrentEditor.reflectCurrentFilter(); } return false; } public void onNewValue(int value) { mUtilityPanel.onNewValue(value); } public void showParameter(boolean s) { mUtilityPanel.setShowParameter(s); } public void setCurrentPanel(int panelId) { showPanel(getViewFromId(panelId)); } public void setRowPanel(View rowPanel) { mRowPanel = rowPanel; } public void setUtilityPanel(Context context, View utilityPanel) { addView(utilityPanel.findViewById(R.id.applyEffect)); addView(utilityPanel.findViewById(R.id.applyFilter)); // TODO rename applyFilter to panelFilterDescription addView(utilityPanel.findViewById(R.id.cancelFilter)); mUtilityPanel = new UtilityPanel(context, utilityPanel); } @Override public void onClick(View view) { ViewType type = mViews.get(view); if (type.type() == PANEL) { showPanel(view); } else if (type.type() == COMPONENT) { showComponent(view); } } public ImageShow showImageView(int id) { ImageShow image = null; mActivity.hideImageViews(); for (View view : mImageViews) { image = (ImageShow) view; if (view.getId() == id) { view.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); image.select(); } else { view.setVisibility(View.GONE); image.unselect(); } } return image; } public void showDefaultImageView() { showImageView(R.id.imageShow); MasterImage.getImage().setCurrentFilter(null); MasterImage.getImage().setCurrentFilterRepresentation(null); } public void showPanel(View view) { view.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); boolean removedUtilityPanel = false; Panel current = mPanels.get(mCurrentPanel); if (mUtilityPanel != null && mUtilityPanel.selected()) { ViewPropertyAnimator anim1 = mUtilityPanel.unselect(); removedUtilityPanel = true; if (anim1 != null) { anim1.start(); } if (mCurrentPanel == view) { ViewPropertyAnimator anim2 = current.select(-1, VERTICAL_MOVE); if (anim2 != null) { anim2.start(); } showDefaultImageView(); } } if (mCurrentPanel == view) { return; } Panel panel = mPanels.get(view); if (!removedUtilityPanel) { int currentPos = -1; if (current != null) { currentPos = current.getPosition(); } ViewPropertyAnimator anim1 = panel.select(currentPos, HORIZONTAL_MOVE); if (anim1 != null) { anim1.start(); } if (current != null) { ViewPropertyAnimator anim2 = current.unselect(panel.getPosition(), HORIZONTAL_MOVE); if (anim2 != null) { anim2.start(); } } } else { ViewPropertyAnimator anim = panel.select(-1, VERTICAL_MOVE); if (anim != null) { anim.start(); } } showDefaultImageView(); mCurrentPanel = view; } public ImagePreset getImagePreset() { return MasterImage.getImage().getPreset(); } public void setEffectName(String ename) { mUtilityPanel.setEffectName(ename); } public void removeFilterRepresentation(FilterRepresentation filterRepresentation) { if (filterRepresentation == null) { Log.v(LOGTAG, "RemoveFilterRepresentation: " + filterRepresentation); return; } ImagePreset oldPreset = MasterImage.getImage().getPreset(); ImagePreset copy = new ImagePreset(oldPreset); copy.removeFilter(filterRepresentation); MasterImage.getImage().setPreset(copy, true); if (MasterImage.getImage().getCurrentFilterRepresentation() == filterRepresentation) { FilterRepresentation lastRepresentation = copy.getLastRepresentation(); MasterImage.getImage().setCurrentFilterRepresentation(lastRepresentation); } // Now let's reset the panel if (mUtilityPanel == null || !mUtilityPanel.selected()) { return; } showPanel(mCurrentPanel); mCurrentImage.select(); if (mCurrentEditor != null) { mCurrentEditor.reflectCurrentFilter(); } } public void useFilterRepresentation(FilterRepresentation filterRepresentation) { if (filterRepresentation == null) { return; } if (MasterImage.getImage().getCurrentFilterRepresentation() == filterRepresentation) { return; } ImagePreset oldPreset = MasterImage.getImage().getPreset(); ImagePreset copy = new ImagePreset(oldPreset); FilterRepresentation representation = copy.getRepresentation(filterRepresentation); if (representation == null) { copy.addFilter(filterRepresentation); } else { if (filterRepresentation.allowsMultipleInstances()) { representation.updateTempParametersFrom(filterRepresentation); copy.setHistoryName(filterRepresentation.getName()); } filterRepresentation = representation; } MasterImage.getImage().setPreset(copy, true); MasterImage.getImage().setCurrentFilterRepresentation(filterRepresentation); } public void showComponentWithRepresentation(FilterRepresentation filterRepresentation) { if (filterRepresentation == null) { return; } Set views = mViews.keySet(); for (View view : views) { if (view instanceof FilterIconButton) { FilterIconButton button = (FilterIconButton) view; if (button.getFilterRepresentation().getFilterClass() == filterRepresentation.getFilterClass()) { MasterImage.getImage().setCurrentFilterRepresentation(filterRepresentation); showComponent(view); return; } } } } public void showComponent(View view) { boolean doPanelTransition = true; if (view instanceof FilterIconButton) { FilterRepresentation f = ((FilterIconButton) view).getFilterRepresentation(); if (f != null) { // FIXME: this check shouldn't be necessary (f shouldn't be null) doPanelTransition = f.showUtilityPanel(); } } if (mUtilityPanel != null && !mUtilityPanel.selected() && doPanelTransition) { Panel current = mPanels.get(mCurrentPanel); ViewPropertyAnimator anim1 = current.unselect(-1, VERTICAL_MOVE); if (anim1 != null) { anim1.start(); } if (mUtilityPanel != null) { ViewPropertyAnimator anim2 = mUtilityPanel.select(); if (anim2 != null) { anim2.start(); } } } if (mCurrentImage != null) { mCurrentImage.unselect(); } mUtilityPanel.hideAccessoryViews(); mUtilityPanel.showMenu(false); if (view instanceof FilterIconButton) { mCurrentEditor = null; FilterIconButton component = (FilterIconButton) view; FilterRepresentation representation = component.getFilterRepresentation(); if (representation != null) { mUtilityPanel.setEffectName(representation.getName()); mUtilityPanel.setShowParameter(representation.showParameterValue()); if (representation.getEditorId() != 0) { if (mEditorPlaceHolder.contains(representation.getEditorId())) { mCurrentEditor = mEditorPlaceHolder.showEditor( representation.getEditorId()); mCurrentEditor.setUtilityPanelUI( mUtilityPanel.getActionControl(), mUtilityPanel.getEditControl()); mCurrentImage = mCurrentEditor.getImageShow(); mCurrentEditor.setPanelController(this); } else { mCurrentImage = showImageView(representation.getEditorId()); } } mUtilityPanel.setShowParameter(representation.showParameterValue()); mCurrentImage.select(); if (mCurrentEditor != null) { mCurrentEditor.reflectCurrentFilter(); if (mCurrentEditor.useUtilityPanel()) { mUtilityPanel.showMenu(true); mCurrentEditor.openUtilityPanel(mUtilityPanel.mAccessoryViewList); } } else if (mCurrentImage.useUtilityPanel()) { mCurrentImage.openUtilityPanel(mUtilityPanel.mAccessoryViewList); } } return; } int id = view.getId(); if (id == EditorTinyPlanet.ID) { mCurrentImage = showImageView(R.id.imageTinyPlanet); String ename = mCurrentImage.getContext().getString(R.string.tinyplanet); mUtilityPanel.setEffectName(ename); } else { if (id == R.id.cancelFilter) { cancelCurrentFilter(); } else if (id == R.id.applyEffect || id == R.id.applyFilter) { if (MasterImage.getImage().getCurrentFilter() instanceof ImageFilterTinyPlanet) { mActivity.saveImage(); } else { showPanel(mCurrentPanel); } MasterImage.getImage().invalidateFiltersOnly(); } } mCurrentImage.select(); if (mCurrentEditor != null) { mCurrentEditor.reflectCurrentFilter(); if (mCurrentEditor.useUtilityPanel()) { mCurrentEditor.openUtilityPanel(mUtilityPanel.mAccessoryViewList); } } else if (mCurrentImage.useUtilityPanel()) { mCurrentImage.openUtilityPanel(mUtilityPanel.mAccessoryViewList); } } public void cancelCurrentFilter() { resetParameters(); MasterImage masterImage = MasterImage.getImage(); HistoryAdapter adapter = masterImage.getHistory(); int position = adapter.undo(); masterImage.onHistoryItemClick(position); mActivity.invalidateViews(); } public void setEditorPlaceHolder(EditorPlaceHolder editorPlaceHolder) { mEditorPlaceHolder = editorPlaceHolder; } }